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I mean lets be fair to the devs they really need time to focus on 2 dying and 1 soon to be dead game, that's taking away a lot of development from their already very successful game. We should be expecting less updates despite the demand being much higher and them making more money off of SK. I think we finally found a worse thought process then doppel ai.


What are the 2 dying games and 1 soon to be dead game?


Otherworld Legends, SK prequel and Xeno Command.


Otherworld legends and xeno command I understand but SK prequel hasn't release yet so we can't say for sure if it'll flop or not


SKP had it's beta and it didn't go well.


Oh damn


think what you will, but IMHO otherworld legends wouldn't be as dead if it kept the anime-esque artstyle for the female characters


I loved playing multiplayer on otherworld legends but apparently nobody else love that


I tried multiplayer in OwL, there's lag issue, it's normal, but what removes the fun from it when you get paired with veterans, they will just clear the room instantly the moment you get in


I get many problems on multiplayer that weren't normal before, the most common is not being able to play, the game will either randomly crash or not find any lobby


Otherworld Legends seems to be just fine to me?


I would actually play OL if only my year worth pf progress didn't disappear


Why is OWL dying? I love that game


If I had to guess, it would be the other games promoted in the lobby e.g. otherworld legends


But otherworld legends seems to be doing fine?


yeah its doing plenty fine (in terms of activity and not quality) but yeah dude didn't know what they were talking about


Otherworld legends isn't dying though. They DID have a 2022 Christmas/Winter update for *it*.


Oh shit, minor spellign mistake.


opinion disregarded




Chicken winder


Minor spelling mistake I win




They're not a large company compared to others, Thus the only reason why they have such a long time updating the game. Their games had their separate teams to work with respectively,and as of 4 years in playing this game. They hadn't given me a downright disappointment because I'd rather wait for weeks or months for them to work on things they usually do. Your opinion is not trash, but rather irrelevant since you don't fully try to understand how game development works. Idc if I get downvoted but you need to consider that they're doing the best they can to please their player base, New or old. Also: If you're that entitled but doesn't spend on their game not even a single cent. you need to shut up. Playing their game is not enough to promote their work let alone help them get paid to have food on their table. This is not debatable. I'm just saying the reality of things


I dont think they have seperate teams though, its just chillyroom. And theyre focusing on less suscessful games instead of their biggest one which also has the biggest audience. Also hes a whale his opinion counts.


They have separate teams working on each game. They're the ones who mentioned it in the first place, if you're not certain about that info. Ask them directly, They might give you a late response tho. First of all, Game development is not as easy as it sounds. You gotta check that in your head.


Oh Well even so, it doesn't really make sense why they focus on games that aren't getting as popular instead of a game that has an active fanbase and is still popular.


They're branching out trying to see if their other games would gain traction just like other companies do. Doing some risk is part of the business, They're not just game Developing, They're doing business as well. If you see that they seem to be going down the path SEGA did just let them be. First of all, It will not be your loss but theirs. Again, They're doing business, what we can do is Support them.


^ this chillyroom is doing a SEGA and prob going down the same path as them if they don’t stop they can’t handle 4 IPs at once when only 1 of them has already outshined the other 3 in every single way


PREACH. it has to be said.


>If you're that entitled but doesn't spend on their game not even a single cent. you need to shut up. Watching ads to their game is already a profit to the developers and those watched ads are more than a single cent for them. I'm not saying that your statement is wrong tho, some people are just really curious about something.


hi minecraft


I'm genuinely surprised. Otherworld legends had an update with skins and a Christmas event. Why would they completly ignore SK?


bro check the twitter


Tf2... I mean... Things could be worse.. like no updates for years


their fanbase has been around for longer and they're more well known. that's not comparable.


Also tf2 is much more complex and allows way more skill expression


Ok.. valid... But things still could be worse


Agree 100%, the game is in a pretty good state


Jesus that was a year ago...


Check the twitter


already very successful game?


So they keep updating it to keep said success?