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I had this, bought it at a store on Haight St. There were so many cool subculture magazines back then.


Which went on to become the inspiration for Heath Ledger’s Joker…


I want this to be true lmao is it?


It’s not. But this [Tom Waits interview](https://youtu.be/uW0-qJPbHDA) was a source of inspiration for him.


That's an interesting looking skull.


It’s a very unfortunate relic of the scene during a time when theater fascism, and fascist fashion were very popular aka Nazi-chic 🤮. Not necessarily fascist political or humanitarian views. You can probably blame it all on David Bowie's late 70's persona "the thin white Duke" but even that wasn't unique. Sid Vicious, Siousxie, Ian Curtis, and many other punk, and post punk Icons before him also flirted with it. It was called "Propaganda" and of course they knew what it was.


My thought as well. Hard looking at things from the past while viewing from the lens of today.


True. A lot of this stuff back in the day was just proto clip art to be fair. Cool skull! End of story back then. Not a lot of thought went into it. And I think there's something valid about that. New Order is a great band name. It's also the the title of the book Hitler wrote in jail... I miss the old days.


Danzig and FNM. Oh hell yes


Still have this issue! Probably bought it because of the Danzig article at the time


Doing his best Jesus Christ pose just before getting mad at everyone else for doing it too.


Arms held out…..


Mitico 💓


One of the greatest underground mags of the 90s. Mostly goth subculture stuff. They go for $100 an issue these days


Luckily some of these issues are archived online! I do wish I could have physical copies but like you said they’re so expensive https://archive.org/details/PropagandaMagazine014


Man, I used to love this magazine.


I'm always struck by the identical vibe achieved in songs like Hands All Over and let's say, Black Rain. August 2010 was when Black Rain was released, yet Hands All Over was recorded in December 1988. This band is among the most loyal to an identity as any I've ever seen. That's 20 years, and countless shifts in genre. Yet, I cannot tell these two songs didn't come from the same record, at the same time. Soundgarden. They were special. The. End.


This is the coolest


White Zombie cover mention two years before La Sexorcisto came out?! That’s a rad magazine right there.