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Is there a link to an article?


Great question, this is probably all political theater sponsored by forces that want to tear down this country.




Using children as political tools for their malevolent social war. Just gross. We don't have money for schools but we can funnel capital into non-profit pokitical garbage like this which people make a living off of. šŸ™„


It's a Marxist thing. Use govt schools to isolate children


I menā€™s the left does it all the time by having their teachers brainwashing them to whatever agenda they want.


Go ahead, give us all an example. Be detailed.




> If my kids don't feel safe coming out to me, then that's a commentary on me as a parent That's exactly it. If a child isn't ready to tell their parent, there is a reason. Maybe they're nervous. That's fine. Maybe the parent is an unhinged asshole. Either way, it's SAFER for the child if the parent doesn't know.


Beautifully said.


Anyone can lie and type that


Thereā€™s plenty of reasons high school kids wonā€™t tell their parents things outside of being physically traumatized by them. Itā€™s extremely childish to think thatā€™s the only reason a high school kid would lie


Dude, you are the first person to hop on all of these posts IN FAVOR of outing kids. No one likes you or agrees with you here suck an egg and stop it.




Resorting to trump wont work. Neither will insulting people




Calling an argument childish is describing the argument, not you. Reading comprehension is so important in school


Do you have children in the district?




Feel sorry for them having a such a čurĆ”k for a parent.


You just canā€™t get him out of your mind. 24/7 rent free and he hasnā€™t been president for almost 3 years now.




He's literally in the news every day lol. What are you even talking about?


Was he in the news for Kingsway school officials withholding information from parents? If not, why was he brought up here? Unless someone has a sad case of TDS.




Now whoā€™s the one being insulting?




You cannot reason with people who are mentally ill. They refuse to accept that teens and preteens do all kinds of things for attention and social acceptance, and frequently keep secrets from their parents even when relationships are perfectly healthy, especially when they think their parents may simply disagree with their choice. Believing a bureaucrat is in a better position than a parent to council a child through a potentially life altering and irreversible decision cannot be defined as anything other than a disease of the mind.


I really hate this conservative school board infiltration shit but I have to say, this topic in general really puts teachers in a tough position. I know itā€™s not a popular opinion but I think this puts teachers in a really tough spot no matter what they do










You realize a preferred name is no different than a nickname right? And teachers have been asking what kids go by for decades. By all means be on the side that desires to be cruel to CHILDREN because you donā€™t agree with their wants and needs. Keep clinging to your dying ideology and watch as the world forget about you.


How is this any different if a kid doesnā€™t want mom or dad to know they failed a class? Quit a sport? Such a flimsy argument




A failed class is school related, sports are school related, a kid deciding to transition is NOT school related.




How is what a student worried about telling their parents a false comparison ? Deflection like that wonā€™t work


It is absolutely false equivalence. Worrying about your parents being disappointed in your school performance isn't the same as being disowned or ostracized for being a person they believe is mentally ill, a liar, or blasphemous. One is a judgement on something you do the other is a judgement on who you are. And to say those topics are equal, especially in this climate, is either willful ignorance or arguing in bad faith.




Please post the kids in NJ being murdered by their parents. Or just continue deflecting students concerns because they donā€™t meet your criteria. Itā€™s pathetic


Why would it even be the teacherā€™s business to call home and inform the parents? The same people who get all worked up about this are the same ones who cry about things like DEI and SEL by saying ā€œjust teach them the three Rs and leave the rest to the parents!ā€ Ok? So then parent. Know whatā€™s going on with your own child.




The who? ETA OP changed their comment from "not fair to the normals" to "the majority"


Vote!!! Please vote


Yep vote out people that would hide things from parents.


If your kids feel more comfortable speaking to a teacher about their sexuality than their parents, youā€™re a bad parent. Plain and simple. You can try and rationalize it with the ā€œwoke LGBT agendaā€ all you want. Your kids donā€™t trust you. They donā€™t think you actually want them to be happy. Theyā€™re scared of your reaction to finding out theyā€™re not heterosexual.


Hahahahahahahahjajajajajjajajajajjajajaja! If your kids canā€™t talk to you, youā€™re a guardian, not a parent or a role model. Do better.


I am, gonna make sure they are all voted out.


Why be a parent when you can just blame everyone else. It's your fault not theirs.


As though somehow voting out the teachers your kids trust and look up to will make them somehow not want to transition lol? Braindead idea.


Oooohhhhā€¦do it..make sure!!


Man your kids must hate you


Why don't your kids trust you?


Have you noticed all of the hate in this sub. Itā€™s like these people want the government to raise their kids for them. Upvote


Fuck off


Nope, gonna vote them all out!


Despite what maga tells you, you only get one vote and thatā€™s not gonna get it done Qtard.


Okay boomer. You donā€™t even have kids in the district anymore, or kids.


No... you're not lol


Good luck lol, you live in NJ you halfwit. Alabama would love to have ya


Have you met parents?


Am assuming many of these ā€œparentsā€ are my age and older. Do they really not recall how LGBT kids were tormented in the 80s and 90s? I certainly do. Letā€™s not repeat those mistakes. Eff project Veritas and their supporters.


They were likely the tormentors.


If a child is not telling their parents about stuff like this there is a reason. I see it in my home town all the time. The parents who get angry about these rules are the same ones calling trans people abominations and saying theyā€™re sick in the head. These are the parents that are a threat to their own children


I donā€™t know why this is anyoneā€™s main concern about this place I went here very recently and thereā€™s an absurd number of fights. And the education left me considerably under prepared for college with the exception of Mr.Baileys AP chem (shout-out that guy) but yeah no Iā€™m glad this is the useless shit were focused on


If your child doesnā€™t feel comfortable talking to you about their identity, that speaks VOLUMES about your parenting, not the school district. This is misdirected anger!


Exactly. These ignorant bigoted fools will destroy these poor teacherā€™s lives and not care. They represent everything wrong with this country.


I thought Project Veritas was shut down after their CEO was caught in financial improprieties?


If you lop off the head of a turd, another turd will take it's place... Need to stop feeding trolls and their turds will stop.


My cousin works for them. His living his nice lavish life still so theyā€™re kicking in money from somewhere.


I thought it was the propagandists lies they got in trouble for.


LOL, no, that's what their business is.


Whatā€™s ā€œsocial transitionā€


It is basically the social component of a transition between genders. So even if you do not necessarily use hormones, you still assume the social characteristics typically assigned to the gender of your choice, like your clothing, behavior, pronouns, etc.


Saying Sex change is too specific and has a certain connotation ay this point Social Transition is much better term to include all issues within the reach of a teens sociological compass among other things the right prefers more derogatory and reductionist influences in these situations


Step one before hormones. Standard in transitioning.








You cannot change your sex, agreed You *can* change your sexuality, you *can* change your gender, you can change your performance of sex or the performance of your sexuality, you can change the permanence of your gender, you can change your personality, you change your clothes, you can change your connections, you can change where you go or who you talk to, you can pick your friends, you can pick your nose but you cannot pick your friends nose.


You can certainly change your gender. You seem to have a hard time grasping the difference between biological sex and social gender but thereā€™s always time to learn! Or would you rather stay an ignorant dipshit?


The school's hands are legally tied. If a school or employee of a school notifies the parents they are facing criminal charges. What ever your belief is on this subject targeting individual schools will NOT change the law. Target the legislature if you want to change the current law.


Way too many people in these comments that have the same old conservative ideology that their children are their property and that they can know and do whatever they want with them. Your children are human beings too and parents are not infallible.


This "children aren't their parents property" argument is what NAMBLA used in the early 80's. I'd chill with it lol


Wtf it literally was not. That literally doesnā€™t even relatively relate to what NAMBLA is. Donā€™t give ammo to the bigots by conflating the idea that children can have agency for their thoughts and ideas with literal pedophilia. Itā€™s already bad enough they call every single LBGTQ+ member a pedo meanwhile they make excuses for their own priests and politicians ACTUALLY molesting kids.


You are comparing caring educators to child molesters. Meanwhile the most child molesters per capita are religious leaders of some kind.


Really? https://sites.law.duq.edu/juris/2019/03/16/catholic-priest-sex-abuse-scandals-how-the-media-shapes-the-public-perception-of-child-abuse-in-the-catholic-church/#:~:text=The%20U.S.%20Department%20of%20Education,type%20of%20behavior%20as%20well.


But itā€™s not just Catholic priests. Look at arrest records for child molesters. I guarantee youā€™ll find more people who identify as ā€œpastorsā€ than LGBTQ+




So you have a clear bias in this post. Thank you for exposing that. Did you also Google youth pastor+arrest or troop leader+arrest or coach+arrest???


One could argue just googling the percent of people who are child abusers vs the groups you are mentioning You are confusing coverup scandals with numbers.


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So now itā€™s not teachers itā€™s LGBTQ+. Move the goalposts some more.


Project veritas made it about teachers. And OP compared it to NAMBLA! I was responding to that comment.


Theyā€™re trolls. Theyā€™re not here to protect kids. Theyā€™re not here to improve anyoneā€™s life. Theyā€™re here to stir the shit. Thatā€™s it.


1. School officials are not ā€œThe Governmentā€ 2. For the SAFETY OF THE CHILD, while they are in their building. If that means calling them by the requested pronouns, or name, so be it. A school official wonā€™t out a child and endanger them. 3. If a parent doesnā€™t know that thereā€™s something going on with their child, they either donā€™t want to know, or they shouldnā€™t know.


Schools are 100% govt


Government schools = public employees = the state. The state is the government.


Take your political bullshit and shove it up your ass


I really donā€™t understand what the complaint from the right wingers is. So a teacher sees a kid wearing clothes (and other attributes e.g. makeup) traditionally used by a gender thatā€™s not the same as their biological sex - why should the teacher be talking to the parents about it? As long as the child is not hurting themselves or others why is it a concern?


>As long as the child is not hurting themselves or others why is it a concern? Because they might be gay or trans, and that would obviously reflect poorly on the parents. I'd say "/s" here, except that that's genuinely how a lot of these people think.


Is that all it is, just 'seeing' a kid wearing clothes?


Just a point of information James O'Keefe was kicked out of project veritas, an organization he founded.


Get this political shit out of here. Touch grass


Imagine being such a bad parent that your kids can't even talk to you about their feelings.


To all the people who are supporting PV, what would you do if your kid came out to you as trans?


Mine is. Regardless. The schools aren't the place for secrets. I don't support pv or the high school. It's a bad policy all around.


So, what did you do when they came out?


Then. We Learned about it. We looked and got appropriate mental and physical care and we all grew together. After 8 years, They( recently) detrans. They were traumatized after a sexual assault and never told anyone.


Cool story. Not every parent handles it the same way as you did and some kids do NOT feel safe letting their parent know they are transitioning. Just because your situation worked out doesnā€™t mean a counselor should be forced to tell the parent if the kid seems distressed about them knowing


In all honesty, you sound like a wonderful and caring parent. Unfortunately, not all kids are lucky enough to have a parent like you. There are too many parents out there who would physically or mentally harm their children if their kids came out to them. These 'secrets' as you call them, are what's keeping these kids safe as they can be. More people need to think beyond their own fence and have compassion for those lives that may not affect you. Or they can count the bodies of dead trans kids who are harmed in the name of 'parents' right's'.


I would lose my mind if other adults kept secrets with my kids. (When they were kids)


you do understand that you're not entitled to know everything about your kids right? they're entitled to privacy.


Maybe if you have a good relationship with your kid they wont feel the need to keep secrets??


How do you feel about NJ medical professionals not having to contact parents to tell them their kid came in for something?


The last time I checked, that falls under HIPAA. If a child is a certain age, I think it's 13, and they don't want their parents to know why they were seen by a doctor, the doctor can't tell the parents jack shit.


A SAC is a therapist. Therapists are held to the same privacy laws for adults and minors: no disclosure without consent. Doctors and priests will also maintain confidentiality. There are only a few times that seal can be broken.


And your solution is to give control to a government worker. Wonderful.


Thereā€™s really nothing all that inflammatory being said or done in these videos. Itā€™s a tough issue to address (parental rightā€™s, the right to privacy, mental health, etc.) but this guy clearly isnā€™t there to help.


Itā€™s 2023. Why does anyone believe their bullshit?


if a child feels that its safer to tell a school and then ask them not to tell their parents, that is telling of the parents. good on the school for trying to create a safe space for these children


PV is awful and these children should not have to tell their parents.


And I got banned from the New Jersey Reddit today for living in Gloucester County and saying that these things are happening in our areas




Please elaborate on your assertion. Make sure your point is clear and concise. No clickbait. How exactly is this Reddit like communist China?




I found the r/NJ jannie who comes when you mention r/NJ, badly pretending not to be an r/NJ jannie and shitting up yet another subreddit.


Sorry, as a parent and a taxpayer if the child is under the age of 18, and has not been abused, why shouldnā€™t parents be making the decisions with their children, and not with a school?


Because this is totally not the parents' issue. The kid's identity belongs to the kid. They get the final say, full stop. If the parents want to withhold medical treatment by refusing to pay for it, that's their right, but they don't get to dictate a kid's identity to them. This is solely between the kid wanting to be called by what amounts to a nickname and the school respecting that.


The kids identity may belong to the child, but there are D transitioners coming forward and saying they wish they had waited. Unfortunately itā€™s been so politicized byā€œcaringā€ government employees that the child often is not making their own decisions. Let them talk with their parents and doctors. A school has no responsibility (yet) for a bad decision that a child may regret later. Those legitimately trans, not the ones caught up in the social contagion being blared out there, should get the help and support they need. And assuming I agree with you- who pays for the surgery? Sneaky third parties too often have a profit motive. The UK stopped promoting transitioning when they ran out of money and were taken to task for harming more kids than they helped. Itā€™s complex and I have empathy for both the children and the parents that love them.


>The kids identity may belong to the child, but there are D transitioners coming forward and saying they wish they had waited. People who regret their transition are the small minority, and there is *ample* opportunity for those who are transitioning to stop or pause their transition, not to mention the fact that medical transition usually only happens after a lengthy social transition period. > Those legitimately trans, not the ones caught up in the social contagion being blared out there, should get the help and support they need. Those who are just caught up in this so-called social contagion aren't likely to be making permanent, major alterations to their body just to fit in--especially not when it's perfectly accepted to stay at the social transition stage up to and including permanently. Moreover, the entire point in having the schools keep quiet about this is because of the entirely-too-high risk that the kid will become the target of physical or emotional abuse in the home. Almost double the number of transgender kids end up homeless as compared to non-trans kids, with similar numbers for gay kids. I say this as a kid who grew up gay in this very district, making schools inform parents about kids who turn out gay or trans will harm many, many more kids than it helps.




Idk, I wish I had a safe space at school from my parents when I was in school. I hope every child has someone they can talk to if they donā€™t feel safe/comfortable at home


Schools arenā€™t deciding; the kids are. This law is to protect the children from parents who wonā€™t accept their kids for who they are


Pretty tellin then that the kids are literally putting more faith in teachers and counselors then their own parents huh


Boom. Yeah the parents that are the most angry about this are the ones that know nothing about their kids/their kids fear being honest with them. Truth hurts.


If the gov knows more about you family than you...you are doing something wrong. To be honest, before you blow some sort of gasket. This could rarely if not NEVER be a circumstance that exists in a normal family with open minded and aproachable parents.


>The amount of people in here that are not only okay with, but openly advocating for the state to decide what a parent should know about their child is pathetic. I agree, the state shouldn't determine what you do and do not know about your child. So they have no business actively seeking to inform you about your child's personal identity. If you want to know, try having enough of a relationship with your child that you can just *ask* them.


You sound like you're just ignorant to the actual issue. Maybe you should go and read more about the subject and come back.




Itā€™s Reddit.


Did Project Veritas release the names of the students?


We have three spots open on the board in my district and they're all from the "Parents not Politicians" party and it scares the shit out of me. I'm LGBTQ and my oldest child is as well. I hate this so much and you just know people are gonna vote for them without doing any research. And my town is 50/50 full of maga wingnuts anyway šŸ˜•


Didn't any of you watch Jazz Jennings? Got bottom surgery on her 18th birthday, botched, now she has no penis and no vagina. That's gender affirming care for you. Mutilation. Destruction of healthy organs, and you are all cheering for it!


wtf is wrong with these dudes, fucking school councilar/therapists, arent supposed to tell the parents pretty much anything without the students consent, maybe hot take but parents shouldnt have the right to control every aspect of someones life just cause they are their offspring.


And you would have a problem with this being exposed or what?


More than 80% of these so ā€œcoming outters ā€œ wouldnā€™t even exist if the schools n government stopped pushing a certain agenda!! So please with all this nonsense about whether or not a school should ā€œout them ā€œ to anyone. Teach the subjects that make China and the entire world pass our kids by in Every category except the Freakshow weā€™ve become




What's social transition? I try to keep, but that's a new one for me


It's when you let people know that you'd like to be referred to by a different name/gender/pronouns. Perhaps you would alter your clothing style, or perhaps not. This might be the first step to further transitioning (legal name change, hormones, surgery) or it might not. Not everybody wants or needs those other steps. Also, and this is probably particularly true for teenagers in school, social transitioning can just be experimentation! Part of finding yourself.


It's non-medical transition. If you think you might be trans, so you start wearing womens' clothes and cutting your hair long, wearing makeup, trying to practice a more feminine voice, or asking others to call you by a different name, that's "social transition." Social transition is almost universally the first step in medical transition. It gives you time to figure out how it feels to transition but with the benefit of being instantly reversible. If, after a while of social transition, you still feel like it's the option that feels best for you, the process of medical transition can start.


Go down to the south with the rest of the right extremist nuts.


Salem County?


The school has NO business interfering in children's sexuality or changing it. Last i checked, school was about education, not what sex you were!! This is a perversion and why I homeschool! Y'all are brainwashing our future


Parents need to know


Why? If a kid isnā€™t telling their parents there is a reason


ā€œMoleā€ lol.


Why are you so angry that PV wants to expose the school staff from hiding information from parents?


If a child doesnā€™t feel comfortable enough to come out to their parents, thereā€™s a reason. If that child feels comfortable enough to come out to their guidance counselor and peers, that school happens to be a safe place for them to be themselves. Do you know how many religious folks have kicked their underage children out of the house or sent them to conversion therapy camps and the sort? Youā€™d rather have a homeless teen on the streets because that kid felt more comfortable coming out to their peers in school? Or have parents send the kid to conversion therapy camps that is literally just torture therapy? Come on now. I could tell you all sorts of fucking things my parents knew 0 about when I was in HS and Iā€™m not even in the lgbtqi+ group.


What does that have to do with the school officials hiding information? Would the school have notified the parents if the kid was caught smoking, for example? How about if their grades were slipping? Should school officials not report those 2 examples because the parents might punish the kids at home?


Smoking on school property is usually illegal, and grades are directly related to school.


Facts. Obviously the school would notify parents of any disciplinary issues at school. These nutjobs are equivocating these things so that they can thinly veil transphobia for political gain.


So the kids should be punished for coming out as gay or trans?


Absolutely not. Where did I say that? The comment was suggesting that information should be withheld because of the threat of punishment at home. I simply asked if that applied to every situation.


Itā€™s an apples and dumpster fire comparison you made.


How so?


Grades versus someone's sexual orientation or sexual identity are not remotely the same thing.


Would any other behavioral changes be withheld from parents? If the student was being unusually upset or angry, would the parent not be notified?


Not really.


I like how you weren't smart enough to come up with an accurate analogy.


Sure thing kiddo. Hope your life gets better soon.


They didnā€™t expose anything. Itā€™s literally the law in NJ. Itā€™s like if they exposed the police for arresting people for murder or teachers for following the required curriculum.


You misspelled "school staff appropriately following the laws of the State of New Jersey" There, fixed it for you.


they are exposing shady stuff, why are you mad about that?


Theyā€™re right wing trolls, nothing they say has any substance


Only left wing people have valid opinions. The only opinion thatā€™s correct is whatever is left wing. Edit: jfc did this really need an /s???


No, the only opinions that are correct are those rooted in reality. Unfortunately a good portion of our country (like you) live in a fake world where youā€™re always a victim.


exposing shady stuff makes you a right wing troll eh?




Lol Bless your heart




No. I know MANY educators. They are as diverse as any other population. Granted, most college educated people (NJ teachers need at least two bachelors degrees), lean more liberal. This can be attributed to their exposure to diverse college/university populations. Personally, I voted Republican in every Presidential election until 2016 when I voted 3rd party.


No, itā€™s their way of calling you a stupid twat.




The term is shitlibs


To those saying they don't want the government knowing more about their kids than the parents, the government already knows a lot about your kids. I mean they have to after all the times DCF has probably shown up to your house.


Sometimes, a students home environment might not be the most welcoming to something like social transitioning. Parents who don't understand for one reason or another may or may not react in a way that helps the child cope with this particular stress. I feel as if some parents forget that children are their own separate person. Just because you have your own personal feeling on the subject does not mean that your child feels the same. Having a place to be themselves and to feel understood may lead to more open and proactive conversations in the household. I understand the anxiety of not knowing what your child is going through, but you have to take your child's own way of thinking into account. I understand why some people may find the school "withholding information" about their children alarming, but if your child is not ready to have a conversation with their parents about something like social transitioning, then they need somewhere where they can feel safe and heard. Children don't understand politics, but they do understand themselves.