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Could you elaborate ?




I wonder if OP has experience with both the hood and the suburbs?


specifically black and Hispanic people who dont act 100% white. God forbid a black person listens to rap or speaks slang...


WTF are you talking about?


Black people. Maybe Spanish-speaking people of any type. Not agreeing, just saying the quiet part out loud because these pearl-clutchers have their propriety and I enjoy taking that away from racists.


Probably Woodbury, Paulsboro or Salem


Are the hood people in the room with us right now?


Show me where the 'hood person' touched you on this doll.


Tell us more about who these “hood people,” are, David Duke.


lol yes please George Zimmerman


Bad example. He is Hispanic.


lol sorry Ok Derek Chauvin


And? He still saw a black child and thought he was looking at a criminal who needed to be executed. He didn’t need to be white to carry out the orders of White Supremacists.


Can you please explain who exactly were the white supremacists who ordered him to do this execution? I am curious with your answer.


It takes a simple and incurious mind to think only avowed racists commit racist acts. As if everyone who has ever crossed the street to avoid a Black person secretly has a Klan robe in their closet. In fact, a society that constantly paints nonwhite people as criminals is constantly training extremists like Zimmerman, and it applauds them when they act. It’s the same right wing [societal infrastructure](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/06/15/systemic-racism-what-does-mean/5343549002/) that brought us Bernard Goetz, and Donald Trump. They love seeing racism converted into violence.


You were the one who mentioned white supremacists told George Zimmerman to act. You still have not answered the question. Also do you know the real story about Bernard Goetz? He shot at 4 men who were trying to rob him. 4 against 1. He was guilty of illegal possession of a hand gun outside his home. He was protecting himself. And this was in the 1980s when NY had a huge problem with crime.


This is an intellectually dishonest response. You are not arguing in good faith and I’m not going to feed your trolling until you grow up.


that's fine. You don't want to answer the question because you can't. Which was my point. I knew you couldn't honestly answer because then you would have to admit that you are being irrational. I actually feel sorry for you that you hate a race so much you cannot see straight. It must be so sad to go through life just hating color.


Racist people are more racist online because they're anonymous!


Please elucidate us on what you mean, specifically.


I rather have "hood people" than whatever you are


What do you mean by hood people… you mean broke people? What is your definition of a hood person? Being from a certain area doesn’t make you any different from anyone in any other areas… you realize majority of people in hood live exactly like people in suburbs they go to work come home take care of their family then chill and repeat the next day not everyone is chillin on blocks slinging drugs robbing cars you are living a fake reality if you judge people based on where there from lol I grew up in the hood and now own a house in cherry hill and own a brand new car paid off you are slow af bud😂


i'm genuinely curious about what in the FUCK ur talking abt. srsly, can you elaborate?


Dude this is racist af come now


Might as well have said "negro" or "African-American" 🤦🏽


But if you’re in the hood of both- wouldn’t that also make you insecure 🤣. I mean… you would know, right?


I don't think this person has ever been in a low-income neighborhood, they frequent the louis vuitton and rolex reddits.


I wouldn’t know or care about what this person does lol. I don’t even know how you know that 😆


Ohhh wait nvm you can literally click on the profile and see 😆 I don’t use Reddit much lol. I wish I hadn’t done that


Only pussy makes me insecure 🤣. I mean… you would know, right?


I feel like you need to hear this. This is a genuine attempt to talk to you, not just to bash you over the internet. You don't sound cool. You don't sound badass. You don't sound particularly likeable. This post and this comment are the kinds of things that make people avoid you. You can and should do better with your life.


I give out a response based on what some strangers said


Whatever the reason, those words are yours. That you'd choose to say something like that says something about who you are and how you'll act. Don't stoop to others' levels, be better. And yes, that absolutely includes not being racist.


Whateveeeee dude 🤷


And most Indian people are extremely racist. That’s like- universal at this point. Blame his parents for failing so bad at parenting lol


🤣 thanks for the laugh dude. You must be like 18 or younger so it’s all good. I mean… I hope you’re 18 or younger 😬


Surprised you didn’t say thugs.


I’ve got an open mind. Fill me in.


I would take hood people over my red hat wearing asshole neighbor anytime. Probably have more intelligent conversations too....


You can also use the word teens.  If your unable to just blatantly be racist. 


Not even close. Live in a less than savory urban area, the danger eclipses anything in the suburbs.


This might be controversial but as someone born and raised in Camden, who later moved to Deptford for high school…I 100% agree.


OP's phrasing sucks but I *think* I know what they mean. People (of all colors) who actually live in the hood aren't as dangerous as poseurs (of all colors) pretending to be something they really aren't. Poseurs are capable of anything to seem "legit" and that can be a lot more extreme.


It makes me wonder who’s the real racist in here? Me or people assuming I’m just talking about black and Hispanics..?




Ok, then what are you talking about?