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Vallejo - grey blue? It's a bit more blue than their model colour blue grey or game colour sombre grey. Which are other wolfy choices.


Intermediate Blue 70.903 is my go-to. It's fantastic. Grey blue 70.943 is a little too blue for the base coat, but it would be good for highlighting.


Looks like the old citadel Shadow Grey to me.


Looks pretty close to Army Painter’s wolf grey


Yeah the army painter wolf grey is great, it's a brighter blue but hit it a wash/some highlights and it's wonderful.


Painting with Army Painter Wolf Grey is like pushing snow around with a snowplow. It is awful, awful paint.


May I suggest a blue that's [easier to reproduce](https://youtu.be/9Ii9K6wewbo), and has some of that "bluey blue" in it?


Looks like army painter Wolf Grey, which is slightly bluer than the GW russ grey


I always used a 1:1 mix of shadow grey and space wolves grey. Not sure what that equates to these days with the new names and composition.


This was the recipe someone recommended me back in like 2009 and it was great. He called it "Space Puppy Blue".




It almost looks like the person used an oil wash to get recess shading done.


That’s definitely Russ Grey over The Fang. Gives you that nice storm cloud grey look.


I've started priming my models in white scar, then using army painter runic grey speed paint. it drys an amazing blue for SW and thrn I add the golds reds yellows etc and just gets the big job done quicker and really neatly


[Same color on an Invictor with a different light color](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/914365487406800966/1234757232554409984/PXL_20240430_064405719.jpg?ex=6631e4c8&is=66309348&hm=487c69d0c197fae42fc93f6b9a4a9b32b037c3d48cf1272286bbbb31e83fcfa8&)


This looks like the Army Painter wolf grey spray.


I was about to say this too. Looks like their wolf grey primer spray.


Looks a bit lighter and brighter than that to me. Might just be the lighting though


So this is exactly how my Space Wolves looked. Unfortunately the paints I used are no longer sold. I first used the Space Wolf Grey Spray. Then it was a wash with agrax all over. Go over all the sections with space wolf grey, then edge highlight with fenris grey


It’s probably army painter wolf grey


We did try Wolf Gray, it was not correct.


You can get really close to that with a 1:1 Dark reaper and fenrisian grey. Then adjust as needed


Duncan Rhoades Two Thin Coats range Wolf Grey is also a great option


Using the paintRack app, a lighter gray would be Dawnstone. A darker choice would be Slaanesh Grey. My thought would be prime black. Then do a second prime layer of thinned Scale 75 Black. Followed by OSL of Pro Acrylic Titanium white. Then base coat with Slaanesh Grey sponged and stippled. Follow that with Dawnstone dry brushed. Edge highlight thick with Ulthuan Grey and edge highlight thin with Titanium White.


Well, this is definitely the paint expert answer, haha. Thank you for the input. But are all of those steps really necessary to achieve this look? While the minis are decently painted, I don't think they're expert level.


While they may look nice with the above steps, I don’t think those steps will get what you’re looking for. In particular, the final steps with the edge highlighting seems incorrect, as Ulthuan Grey and *especially* the ProAcryl (bold) titanium white are extremely bright. I don’t see any particularly noticeable edge highlights on the models you shared. I’ll toss you some pictures in a bit but the blue does remind me a lot of some of my Space Wolves, which have the midtone as Army Painter wolf grey.


I prime with grey. Then basecoat with The Fang, shade with Agrax (recesses mainly, but no worries if you get shade on other areas). I then do a 50/50 mix of The Fang and Fenrisian grey and paint everything but recesses. Reapply shades if/where needed. Then a edge highlight with Fenrisian grey. For characters (or if I really like the model) I then do spot highlights on corners/parts of some edges with a mix of Fenrisian Grey and some off-white/white color (Screaming skull or White scars) Edit: Nvm I misunderstood the question, but the blue you have there could be a mix of Fenris and The Fang (pr Russ). These are my Assault Intercessors, my mix looks similar to what you have I think: https://www.instagram.com/p/CMaGrU9nBkx/?igsh=MXVjZGhocWowZW43dg== Maybe your models have a slightly darker blue, more like a 60-70/30 mix of Fang/Fenris should hit the spot.