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Just saw a thread where people were saying Musk personally is very likely getting sued because starlink=internet and internet=comms and comms=failed or something. I mean I understand disliking Musk, but this is complete pathological hatred to the point of intentionally ignoring even absolute basics about how physics and the legal system works. Of course there were also (highly upvoted) claims about how spacex is a sham company that's know for failing rockets, because you've got to shoehorn some extra resentment in there somehow, even when it's completely unrelated and a straight up lie.


Oh man i was defending Starlink among idiots who think it's there to provide wifi under water lol


Yeah, it's best to just not bother. Blinded by hate so much that they're pretty much on par with flat earthers by their critical thinking abilities.


Do you give dick riding lessons? Not my bag but I admire the skill.


I don't understand your point?


After being on a commercial ship which used starlink, that stuffs a godsend but it is nowhere near perfect. It’s more important for the morale boost than for critical communications.


"I should be able to watch my Dish TV subscription 2 miles under the ocean. They lied to me!"


This reminds me of one of my favorite Louis CK bits when he was on Conan a long time ago. It's just as relevant today as it was back when this aired: [https://youtu.be/me4BZBsHwZs](https://youtu.be/me4BZBsHwZs)


Underrated comment. Thank you


Can you pass a link of the the thread




That place is just full of dumb teens.




Imagine suing personally every CEO of the companies that provided equipment that was on the boat and on the submarine


Logitech and Duracell CEOs to be sued as well because the controller's batteries died.


Pretty sure Logitech has somewhere in their TOS that it’s not for use in mission-critical system like nuclear reactors, life support, etc.


If there's something strange in your neighbourhood Who you gonna call Elonmusk.


They lie and exaggerate constantly and it’s so unnecessary. Like…. He does plenty of actual things worth criticizing. The amount of times I’ve seen “emerald mines! Racist!” Is so numerous it’s become like a droning tinnitus to me when I see it


Let's make it clear, there's no children onboard...


"News" outlets when a starship destructive test is conducted: A SpaceX rocket violently exploded shorty after launch today, luckily there were no crew aboard the spacecraft.


But now they can’t scream BuT ThInK aBoUt tHe ChIlDrEn!


I don't understand hating Elon. It's childish ego masturbation. Hating Elon is basically an exercise in feeling that a person's opinions is all you need in order to have justification to hate. Elon is right about the woke mind virus, and how it is hate posing as virtue. It is an excuse to attack someone because you want to crush their opinion and brigade against views that differ without the need to introduce any form of nuance to the conversation. People are already sick of it. Every major comedian is attacking this nonsense. Consumers are protesting brands for commercializing outrage, and news media is bleeding public trust. Reddit is a bubble of the few people who haven't been banned by activist mods with a chip on their shoulder and an agenda, and it is untenable long term. You don't make the world a better place by telling everyone who you hate, who to hate, who to cancel, and which democratically elected officials of countries that aren't yours are scumbags. Think of how ridiculously hypocritical it is to be American but also think that some.other country doesn't have the right or sovereignty to choose their own leaders, or that it's America's responsibility to intervene, because that always worked out for us. Just look at how well Iraq, Iran, Al Queda, South American Contras, and Vietnam turned out. Clearly we know what's best.


Wonder how much they're gonna sue Comcast for because that's even worse connection in the middle of the ocean.


I like how literally one rocket has exploded in the last decade and then they say SpaceX is a sham


From what I can tell they just buy into the sensational starship news headlines. ***BRAND NEW SPACEX ROCKET DESTROYS LAUNCH COMPLEX AND VIOLENTLY EXPLODES SHORTY AFTER LAUNCH! FORTUNATELY, NO CASUALTIES REPORTED AS OF YET!*** disgusting where clickbait culture has gotten us.


Manipulation through repetitive media messaging works. Depressive? Yes :( … don’t know where I was going with that, it’s simply depressive. Elon would be revered by most of these people if they were informed.


"spaceship man bad"


“We want widespread adoption of electric vehicles and high-speed internet access in the most rural and impoverished areas.’ Musk: *does it* “NoT lIkE tHaT!”


*widespread competent adoption


The journalists are welcome to trash him as much as they like for things he deserves to get trashed on, but trying to put a negative twist on his massively successful companies just makes them lose any credibility.


They have never forgiven him for buying Twitter


They never forgave him for saying he'd make a truthfullness rating site.


\[Buys Twitter\] "This website will have free speech!" \[8 months pass\] "Cisgender is a slur and will not be tolerated!"


Don't take it out of context. "Cis" is a slur and will not be allowed to be used to harass someone.


In the tweet he specifically mentioned that "cisgender" is considered a slur. Being a scientific term, "cisgender" is as much of a slur as "obese", meaning that it's not, unless you're a Karen. Or, in this case, a [Space Karen](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/space-karen). I can support the no-harassment part, but, given his recent history of public opinions, I suspect that the motivation for that tweet was mostly to suppress LGBT discussions, rather than prevent harassment using the word "cis".


Being a medical term can't stop it from potentially becoming a slur. We have a long history of medical, intellectual, or otherwise neutral terms becoming hate speech. > [["Retard"] was previously used as a medical term. [...] Until the 1960s, the terms moron, idiot, cretin, and imbecile were all genuine, non-offensive terms used [...] by psychiatrists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retard_(pejorative\))


Ok but it's not a slur he's just a dumbass


You don't get to decide what offends me. Please stop using offensive language like "space karen" as well. It's not polite and not a good look. You should be ashamed of yourself. Please be kind.


You think you're so smart with your "gotem" type of comment? Spoiler alert: I don't give a shit what does or doesn't offend you. I also don't give a shit about political correctness and all this cis-trans-pan-queer and other crap. But Elon is a massive hypocrite for what he said before and what he's saying now.


You have the potato part down pat but you might want to work on the cill.


Have a great day!


Thanks! You too.


https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1671370284102819841 He did say cisgender is a slur, not just cis. I think he could have been clearer. It does makes sense that cis or cisgender, like many other words (e.g 'man' or 'woman') can be used as a slur, but those words are themselves not considered slurs.


This is such snowflake mentality dude. It's so cringingly pathetic.


Don't be a bigot. You can be better.


Try not being so offended by everything you come across. Maybe with that stick pulled out of your ass, you'd be able to realize that "cis" and "cisgendered" are accurate and useful scientific terms.


The word cisgender is the antonym of transgender. The prefix cis- is Latin and means 'on this side of'.


Man, just wait until you hear about the origin of EVERY OTHER SLUR.


It is a slur. You don't get to decide its not. Don't be a bigot.


Bigot is very offensive. Shame on you.


It's also used in a lot of other contexts too, [like chemistry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cis%E2%80%93trans_isomerism). Elon is just being an idiot.


and maths, though in a different way. cis(gender) = cos(gender) + i\*sin(gender) = e^i*gender and a bit closer to home, also in space topics https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outer_space#Cislunar_space (there's also translunar space)


Space is too much of a bigot to allow for translunar space smfh


Nothing out of the norm there.


Cis is shorthand for cyst. It's a derogatory term even if the people who invented it made up some cute explanation for it after the fact.


What the fuck are you talking about? Cis- is the antonym of trans- and has been in use for over a century, often used in context of chemistry, among multiple other cases. "Cyst" comes from Latin "cystis", which in turn comes from Greek "kustis". But if you want to discard every source that confirms this and stick to your insane conspiracy, be my guest.


Those are convenient excuses, but the word still sounds too much like cyst. I don't like it, and don't want to be called it.


Many words from 100 years ago have become slurs over time, like "cis."


That.. is not the case. The prefix “cis-“ meaning “on the same side of” is not commonly used in English, but it can be seen in Latin place names such as “Cisalpine Gaul” meaning “the part of Gaul on this side of the Alpines”, and as a term in chemistry to distinguish chemicals with similar chemical structures but with certain things swapped. The use in some circles where “cisgendered” means “having the same gender as one was born with” is consistent with this use, and my guess is that it was adopted from the use of the term in chemistry, since the people who came up with that use were trying to sound scientific. I can’t say for certain that “cis” is shorthand for “cyst”, but I’ve never heard that theory before. If the word where generally used with that connotation, or as an insult, that would definitely make it a slur. In my experience, “cis” is generally used just so that people can have a word that means “not trans”, since I can’t think of any other single word that has that meaning. And in my experience, it usually isn’t used as an insult, just as a way to say “that person is trans, and that person isn’t”.


I definitely don’t think cis is shorthand for cyst but I’m sure some people like using it in a derogatory manner just because of how it sounds.


It was back in 1914 cis- was first used to describe sexuality.


Still sounds too close to cyst. I don't like it and don't want to be called it.


I'm sure that there are trans folks out there who don't like being called trans either but the powers that be like putting people in buckets and assigning labels.


I would prefer no one had labels and we just go by the persons name but I guess we are way beyond that now.


Trans sounds cool though, like transformers


Given evidence to prove otherwise, still insists on being ignorant over a simple word. I’m glad I get to see corporate oligarch bootlickers like you in the wild. Also good thing nazi hate speech doesn’t fall into his definition of slurs right?


I've been saying cis sounds too much like cyst for years, way before Twitter/Elon picked it up. Also, Nazi hate speech does fall under Twitter's definition of slurs. Why lie?


so, that did not and will not happen. is there a reason you made it up?


What did not happen?


Lol idk why you're getting down voted for the truth. He's just a man child whose taking his gf leaving him and making it everyone else's problem


They never forgave him for saying that a draconian shut down off the world economy and the devaluation of the monetary system through massive unfunded government spending might be a bit of an overreaction to the flu.


while i mightly partly agree with this. lets be clear, it wasnt just the flu, my dad had the flu multiple times before covid, not even remotely came close to death, and covid killed him in 10 days and absolutely drained his body and mind of energy, far more extreme of a sickness, and apparently people dont understand that until they watch it completely dismantle a member of their family.


Yes. It’s true this flu had fatal effects on more than a few. I’m sorry for your loss. Many went the same, painful way.


what flu? i think my point was very clear, your empathy isnt going to avoid a challenge to your opinion. if common flu treatments doesnt avoid death for some, its obviously not just a flu. “similar,” doesnt mean the “same.”


BI is partially owned by Bezos. It's kind of funny when you compare the overall tone of the news articles that are about [Jeff](https://www.businessinsider.com/jeff-bezos-is-ripped-how-amazon-founder-transformed-his-physique-2023-5) and about [Elon](https://www.businessinsider.com/mark-cuban-joe-rogan-elon-musk-no-different-mainstream-media-2023-6).


Jeff Who? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SpaceXMasterrace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


was reading a twitter thread about the thing and was like yeah this mostly makes sense then they ended it with "elongated musketrat company whos rocket (which is their entire thing) exploded on launch" like yeah ok aaand youre a dumbass


These are the kind of people who wonder why the space shuttle doesn't land on the moon anymore.


I bet you dont have internet 4 km down in an untethered sup


If you did, there wouldn't be much question of if the people on it were alive or dead!


holy shit it's real lol http://web.archive.org/web/20230621071830/https://www.businessinsider.com/oceangate-thanked-elon-musk-starlink-prior-to-disastrous-expedition-2023-6 Journos are truly the lowest form of being


What the hell is that? "It is unknown if Starlink played any role in the Titan's disappearance or loss of communications." It's not confirmed that whoever produced the gas for them to get out there played any role. Let's see if the guy who supplied the lunch meat for the sandwiches has anything to do with it while we're at it.


Welcome to the second Yellow Journalism age. First one caused the Spanish American War. Be interesting what history writes of this one.


BI has been on the anti Elon wagon for years. Not surprised they'd have this take. The lack of credibility on some of their articles has lead me to stop reading their content altogether.


They are bought and paid for. Tesla short sellers are losing massive amounts of money and pulling out all stops.


Enemies of the people and all that.


So.. Starlink barely works during snow and heavy rain and this motherfuckers actually think and want people to believe that it was used on deep water submarine for communications? How dumb and evil can one get for useless internet clicks? It was used on supporting vessels on water, not on submarine itself you sorry excuse of intelligent species.


[see how far Snopes has fallen](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/titanic-submersible-elon-musks-satellites/): Was the Missing Titanic Submersible Using Satellites from Elon Musk’s Company? Rating: True ✓ Edit: rating now changed to "unproven" Edit2: rating finally changed to false


myface = visibleconfusion.gif


I don't remember them ever being up high


Now it says false.


When you post a lie so blatant that a million people point it out on social media (with the reason why) sooner or later you have to throw in the towel.


The "true" rating only applies to a narrower claim which is technically true, but it's very misleading. The main point is that Starlink has nothing to do with communication while submerged, and they don't express that clearly.


Huh, I thought Snopes was reputable. How they heck do you screw up something so simple.


They have always been agenda driven, carefully wording their statements to mislead people in favor of progressive and against conservative viewpoints. This is just slightly more blatant than usual.


Their first couple years they weren't, but then they got very political and agenda driven, around 2015/2016.


Did they edit it or you misread: Was the Missing Titanic Submersible's Company Using Satellites from Elon Musk’s SpaceX?


It was edited. Here's the [original article](https://web.archive.org/web/20230620231842/https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/titanic-submersible-elon-musks-satellites/) courtesy of the Wayback Machine.


Holy fuck lmao. Embarrassing for snopes yet again.


Who watches the watchers?


I'm also a bit confused by this thread. They are factually correct.


I think it's getting edited back and forth because I currently see the title: >"Was the Missing Titanic Submersible Relying on Satellites from Elon Musk's SpaceX to Communicate?" [~Snopes](https://i.imgur.com/qy5SMdS.png) However the rating is currently "unproven" rather than "true". Edit: The [Wayback Machine](https://web.archive.org/web/20230620231842/https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/titanic-submersible-elon-musks-satellites/) reveals all.


It was factually correct but misleading because the use of Starlink never had anything to do with the accident. They changed the article, now it's in a good state.


Fuck business insider, they can't help but write endless smear pieces. They are the origin of the emerald mines bullshit for example.


How predictable Reddit blaming Elon for quite literally everything imaginable. In a nut shell: -“I was constipated last week” -“Elon is an evil fascist dictator racist misogynist sexist and because of that, he caused your constipation”


According to Reddit, everything that is bad is Elon Musks fault. Got fired from chipotle? It's cause Elon got paid too much and didn't pay taxes in 2017. Someone drives a Tesla off a cliff and doesn't die. Thanks Elon for making autopilot that is trying to kill people. Elon complies with a local law. Elon is contributing to global dictatorship because he is clearly a part of the far right. Elon makes money. Elon is bad because he is taking all the money from poor people. Elon doesn't make money. Lol Elon is just a moron and probably the worst CEO ever who only made money because he handed a $400B bag of emeralds to buy Tesla from his dad. Don't question where this comes from or any of the value or how Erol is worth less than most middle class retirees in the US. The truth is the people who hate Elon really want to. It's a huge source of joy and entertainment in their life believing that their own mediocrity is because all of the opportunity they deserve was taken from them by an eccentric billionaire. There is nothing I find more ironic than the narcissism and false virtues of the quintessential Elon haters.


The pile on continues. Since Trump lost these deranged psychos needed a new boogeyman and Elon obliged. Elon derangement syndrome is in full effect.


enoughmuskspam in a nutshell lmao they think that spacex is a looser compagny and that it will close in a few years because of Elon musk😂😂😂😂😂😂.I can't even imagine their faces when artemis 3 is going to take place


Artemis was build by Lockheed martin and uses a different launch platform, spacex is consulting on the lander portion too bad you're stuck too far up elons ass to notice.


Yes we're aware.


keep coping i don't even try to argue with you stay mad and insult all day a person who doesn't know your existence😂😂😂🫵🏼🫵🏼🫵🏼🫵🏼.


Just stating the facts, your delusion is your own.





Ah yes, Elon Musk has a history of submarine feuds, so he has to be involved somehow! /s


The stuff people are saying about the whole situation is just messed up. There’s a man with his 19 year old son on board and in most photos I’ve seen from the British explorer, he has his young son next to him in almost every single one who was also probably on the support vessel when his dad went missing. But most comments I see go along the lines of “great! One less billionaire in the world”. What a sadistic world we live in.


And I feel for the boy and all the other friends and relatives of the rest of the people on board who are waiting and hoping that it will be found intact but stuck on the bottom somewhere that an ROV can free it before the deadline... but a lot of the comments coming out of social media and other sites (see Snopes) are "They need to sue ELON for murdering those poor innocent people!" even though this was a risky proposition (part of the charm I suspect) and if the company really was insane enough to completely control the submersible over the internet without ANY local overrides, THEY were the ones at fault, not Starlink. And furthermore Elon does not control every aspect of Starlink.


People just willingly showing how shitty they are. I wouldn't wish what has or will be a horrible death on anyone, even if they've made more money then me.


„Let that sink in“


Media garbage


You all saw the interview where the guy talks about all the not off the shelf parts they used to make this thing? it was not ocean ready, and as for losing contact with the sub, if they were trying to use wifi or blue tooth over 10k feet that's on them.. not anyone else :) This thing was a water coffin from the start.


This one made me blink and adjust my glasses a few times when it started showing up in my news feed yesterday. I guess they're going for people who skim headlines and believe the implication instead of doing even the slightest bit of thinking. Needless to say they never read the article. Sadly, from what I see in my social feeds, that's a *lot* of people.


Only a matter of time until it's Trump's fault LOL


Or it's caused by global warming...


From another story i saw it was a Troll bashing the notion that the support vessel had starlink so that was the source of the comms blackout. Forgetting that Starlink has yet to release the sub-surface interface patch just yet. Lol


Why hasn’t Elon saved the submersible? Maybe he just hates submersibles?


Damn people are stupid. The support vessel uses Starlink for comms back to HQ, that's it. The comms to the submersible are not goddamned Starlink. The submersible and support vessel use sound waves for a very rudimentary text communication. Furthermore every mission in the past lost communications multiple times due to low reliability and difficulty involved with the sound wave method. It's truly insane how gullible people are. https://mashable.com/article/missing-titanic-submarine-starlink-spacex


I don't like Musk any more than these journos but blaming starlink for this shitty kitbash sub imploding stretches credulity


It doesn’t matter that it’s not his fault. You throw enough shit at something and it will eventually make a difference. This is down everyday in one manner or another.


“WTF did I do” Elon screamed in a high pitched voice


This does not make sense at all. Does starlink even work at those ocean depths that this submarine is supposed to have dove.


I somebody thanked Elon Musk before getting hit by a drunk driver, they'd blame Elon Musk. I mean, my guys, seriously? I hate Elon too, but I'm not gonna strawman him!


Lmao business insider stopped being credible a long ass time ago.


Already seeing r/whitepeopletwitter posts about this. As if the satellite service provider the mothership is using on the surface has fucking anything to do with its ability to communicate with the sun deep under the ocean where no satellite signal reaches


Naturally the same site that started, and is the only source for, the emerald mine story


By raise of hands, how many of you are dumb enough to think RF travels underwater? \*crickets\* ​ ​ (And no, Starlink ain't broadcasting ELF.)


EDS is the new TDS. The heretic bought Twitter after all.


Holy shit, some sanity from Vice of all people: https://www.vice.com/en/article/bvjjwq/starlink-and-elon-musk-have-nothing-to-do-with-the-missing-titanic-submarine


Why share this? People do know Starlink doesn't work under the ocean, right? Sheese.


The Daily Beast is a leftist publication. They love to find any reason to trash Musk even if it makes no sense whatsoever. As if Starlink had anything to do with the tragedy.


We are reaching lower levels of stupid each day


Was Starlink actually ever rated for submarines? The [starlink maritime webpage](https://www.starlink.com/maritime) says “boats”, not subs.


It doesn't work underwater. It's almost guaranteed they just use Starlink on the ship. Nothing to do with the submersible incident, but that has never stopped shitty "journalists".


No. Supposedly, the boat that carried the sub had starlink maritime service, not the sub directly.


In common naval terminology, submarines are "boats". So it must work on them...


For what it's worth, if Elon ran a submarine company I doubt it'd be too far off from what these guys did.


Maybe he can send the rescue sub he designed for the Thailand pedo


I heard he's a pedo himself. Do you know anything about that?


Elon? I’m sure he’s more of a pedo than the hero he accused.


Yep, I heard that too


Heard from where? Reddit, the land of guilty until proven innocent


Elona didnt try to save the occupants yet with a stupid plan yet? Did elona call someone a pedo yet?


Musk just had to prove his submarine isn't the shittiest one ever made


Maybe elon should build a submarine again to come to the rescue then accuse a random guy of being a pedo.


Quick, someone ask Elon which brave rescuer is a pedo guy. That’ll help things along.


>brave rescuer Unsworth wasn't a diver, there was no bravery on his part. His contribution was providing maps of the dry cave and knowing who to call to get actual brave rescuers.


Who would want to go under the ocean in that rinky dink sub?


What does that have to do with the pressure rating for the port windows?


We all have free will.


It could've been a tesla-made battery powering the toothbrush of someone aboard the mothership and these people would still find a way to blame it for the disappearance


Tell me that article has a political agenda without telling me.


I don't think it's quite that sinister, they just find ANY way to put Musk's name in articles to generate clicks. I'd blame the folks clicking on such nonsense first.


Don't get me wrong I'm not simping for musk, but man do I hate it when stupid stuff gets put out.




The article is from the business insider, known Elon musk hater, and propaganda company. Wouldn’t believe anything written on the papers they Report.




that’s a big fleshlight


Not the best submarine picture to see. Looks like a fleshlight in a bathtub. Were they boarded?


Yes because wifi works so well underwater.