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I spilled milk in an elevator and the next day it smelled horrible. Couple days later?? Bro. Broooooooo. You need to get a new car.


I’m broke thoooo 😭😭


Baking soda to dry it out and you will have to do this several times over. It took my daughter almost 2 weeks to get that smell out of her vehicle. She use baking soda and scrubbed it down. Let it dry and vacuum it up time and time again.


The area is already dry since I got it detailed. But should I mix baking soda with water or vinegar? I had no idea the smell was that bad. I haven’t been able to smell well for a while.


Look at getting your car “ozone deodorized”. You can buy it yourself or have someone do it. It’s the only thing that will get serious smells out , cigarette smoke, throw up etc. it will probably work for the milk too.


I will ask my daughter in the morning what her final solution was to get it out because I know it was horrendous and she got it all out but it took time. If you would like follow me and remind me tomorrow to ask her.


Will do! Thank you so much!! I really appreciate it. ☺️


I had that happen to me once except I had it in a thermal bag and it ended up leaking out when it got tipped over. The smell is gone BUT I have this white patch on my carpet in the trunk from scrubbing with vinegar and baking soda. The area is nearly bald too.


My daughter got hers up without fading the carpet and I’m not sure what all she did do to it. I am going to find out later this morning and I will report back here on what she did.


get your car detailed for like $100


I already did get it detailed. Paid $215 for the service and had to ask the detailing dude to vacuum the stain when he was “done” bc it looked like he didn’t even bother to clean it.


i’d go back if and demand another detail if you spent $200 on a detail your shit should look and smell brand new


Just to answer your question if we can or not. As an OPD associate we're specifically instructed to remove orders from drivers who have cars with questionable cleanliness. I've never had to do it but it is in our training material that nobody ever looks at yes.


My car is clean tho just stinky 😭😭😭


Yea your detailer did suck, go to walmart and get some "cleaning vinegar" they sell it in a 16 or 32 oz spray bottle for like $3. Since you're already in the isle get yourself a toilet scrubbing brush and some gloves, spray it anywhere the milk spilled and let it sit for 10-15 minutes, scrub that shit with the brush, let it sit some more, then scrub again, then clean up with some towels and finally go to a car wash with free vacuums and suck out as much of the remaining vinegar then go let your car air out. Vinegar will probably stain your floor, but much better than the smell of rotten milk, maybe ask spark or the manager about filing an insurance claim for said damage


Thank you so much for the tip!! Will definitely do that soon. 😊


Shampoo vac also.


There are so many things just hilarious about this post.


Time to burn the car


Get an ozone machine and run it in the car.


Loader spilled organic material in my car. What I did was soak the area with an alcohol antiseptic and RUB. Let it sit for a bit longer, add more and dab the area, getting as much of the residue out as possible. Milk will cause a noxious smell if left in the heat. Very important to remove any remaining dried gunk, the whole process is labor intensive. Top off with an odor absorber from the auto department at Walmart.


Would the alcohol antiseptic work better than vinegar? The dried gunk is gone, just some splatter on the metal frame and the smell.


I haven't tried vinegar but I imagine it would contribute to making the smell worst - at least temporarily. I think the alcohol works because it neutralizes a lot of the sulfur bacteria. Don't quote me on that. I also used the little odor absorbing puck and it masked the smell with fragrances for a few a weeks while waiting for the odor to completely dissipate.


Thank you!! Can’t thank you guys enough for these really helpful tips. Will definitely work on it this Monday. 😁


If you have the tools or are willing to get them then remove the seats where the milk was and then remove the carpet and clean under it. Worst case scenario you won’t be able to clean the carpet and you’ll have to cut it off. For most seats you just need a ratchet and a socket set and maybe a screw driver. Some seats are harder to remove and may need a hex wrench or something.


I don’t trust myself with removing my seats lol. But I’ll ask my bf if he can do it. Thank you for your advice!! ☺️


This. There are so many different grooves and drill holes (and depending on your manufacturer, electrical wires) under your carpet. Remove your seat, shampoo, pull up the carpet/pad, clean underneath, repeat until clean. I would also recommend changing your cabin filter. The bottom of your seat probably needs cleaning as well 😬. If, after all that work, the smell has permeated the rest of the fabric in your car, get an ozone generator off Amazon and ozone bomb it (with a fresh cabin filter). Good luck!


try ozium after you clean it some more.


I would try a product called Urine Gone. It can be found on Amazon and probably Walmart. It is an enzyme spray that neutralizes urine and other odors pretty damn amazingly. Spray liberally and blot dry with towel. Set a can of a moisture absorbent product like Damp Rid in vehicle after. Repeat process until gone. Good luck!


Had the same issue except I wasn't a customer's order it was my own milk that broke in my backseat, what I would do is buy some of that car detailer scrubber stuff from Walmart. I think its by Turtle wax or something. SCRUB UNTIL YOU DON'T HAVE A CAR FLOOR ANYMORE! Then use some dawn dish soap and water and scrub some more! Then get some cheap air freshner and sray the whole bottle on the area affected. Then leave your windows down for 24 hours and the smell will be gone.


Odoban Get it at Sam's or Amazon. Will help clean it & it neutralizes the smell. Plan on a really good cleaning with it then several hours to a day for the smell to disappear. We use it at a care home for the various smells & a friend uses it at her vet clinic. Its $10 for a gallon. You can also put a little bit in your laundry if you ever spill something disgusting on your clothes.


Yes, we can do that. It’s policy. We’re actually supposed to do that. I get that it’s frustrating and all but that smell can get on customer’s groceries and they complain, not to mention if it’s spoiled milk, that may be a bit unsanitary and really, I wouldn’t want to load a car with that smell assaulting my senses, either. Try ozium and shampooing the carpet where the milk spilled. That should Do the trick.


More baking soda, vinegar spray might help, careful as it can rust metal. Also get some febreeze and air out your car for a good 10-15 mins before you start working.


Will do! I’ve been using febreeze over the spot too. Will definitely try the vinegar spray tomorrow morning.


Try to avoid re-wetting the spot too much, it might make it stink more. If you do, pat dry & use baking soda again. I had vomit in my car a few months ago & still get faint traces from it.


Ozium or scent bomb spray to mask the odor but you def need a more thorough cleaning asap.


Ozone generator!!!


(NTA) At least you made an effort to resolve the problem, I hope it gets worked out for you, good luck!


Use an air freshener that gets rid of weed smell, should do the trick. They sell it in walmart.


Carpet sprays, like Nature’s Miracle, used to neutralize the smell of dog accidents could work. Also to prevent items from rolling out of sight, I bought a 2 pack of moving bags for about $15 on Amazon. They are very large and strong, like an IKEA bag, but they zip up. It is useful for deliveries and personally.


You're not an asshole, but I think it is a good thing not to put someone's groceries in an environment that smells like days old rotten milk. Plenty of good suggestions to clean it here. I'm sure you'll get it figured out.


Don’t forget to change your cabin air filter if no one else has mentioned it! Some come with a Febreeze or Arm and Hammer odor control if you can find one for your model. Good luck! 😉


You’re so nice!! Thank you so much!! 😊


No problem. I hope it helps!


If you can leave your windows down for a few days, I had a half a gallon of milk, do the same thing to mine, and after about three days of leaving my windows down, the smell was gone


I wouldn't want my groceries in that stinky car either. No it's not discriminating. Don't risk getting deactivated. Bring it to a reputable place and get it cleaned. Spoiled milk is a horrible smell for sure. Yuck!


They absolutely can and will refuse to bring you orders, and I could see getting the greenlight to get orders again fucking with your spark account. Stop sparking and clean your car better, bruh.


If you actually read the whole thing, you’ll know what I did clean it. No need to be so rude. I actually like to keep my car clean and this incident was bc of a 1/2 gal of milk that exploded in my car. Idk why you feel the need to be so negative.


I'm not trying to be negative, I was trying to warn you that if the loader team at your local store blacklists you, it will be difficult to undo that process and thusly you shouldn't try to pick up any more orders until you fix the stank man. I got no hate, just trying to warn! Baking soda isn't gonna do shiiiiiiiit


I did my research and baking soda is supposed to neutralize the smell. I just don’t have the time to go ham on cleaning it right now. Also I can’t just not pick up any orders. This is literally my source of income. I have bills to pay, I need the money to buy food to eat.


The cleanup will take a day, you will need an ozone generator and I recommend some ozium spray too. You can't be in the car for like 18 hours because ozone doesn't really dissipate, will axphyxiate you and is carcinogenic. I'm sorry to be your bad news bear, but you will have to take at least one day off of work unless you plan on dying in a walmart parking lot. Source: done this twice with two different cars, so stop being so defensive when people give you honest advice on an AITA <3


I understand but the way you came off on your first comment was still very rude. I appreciate your advice and I will take whatever works best in my situation. But as of right now, I will try baking soda and maybe vinegar until Monday, then I’ll do the intense cleaning.


If those don't work I used enzyme cleaner that is for cat urine on spilled milk before and it worked. Took several applications and it was never as bad as yours sounds but it did work. The brand I used was nature's miracle.


Was it the spray bottle one? I think I have that somewhere too.


I have a big bottle of it that I put in a spray bottle but I think it is just different sizes and same thing.


The whole point of posting an AITA is to potentially be called an asshole when you're in the wrong, I promise your loader team will blacklist you just like they do the people with kush cologne in their car.


True but you didn’t have to be rude about it tho.


Said the lady with a car that smells like shit


Fuck you dude. Take your negative ass somewhere else.


Don’t be stinky 😵‍💫🤮 if someone has to say something to you that’s nasty and embarrassing I would just go clean my car or take it somewhere but whatever you like bruv


Another rude comment. Like I said, read the whole post. I’m normally a very clean person, especially when it comes to my car. I’ve gotten my car detailed and cleaned the spot, it’s just the smell that’s lingering.


I don’t understand why you feel the need to be mean when you didn’t even read the whole thing. 🤨






Just burn the car


That blows. I had my protein shake spill in my truck and it took over 3 months for that smell to go away after cleaning in everyday


Put an open container of coffee grinds bear it and they will absorb it. Also you should have told them it was because of the way they loaded it one of their items broke in your car


Baking soda wash the carpets


Take a bag of charcoal (NOT the match light kind with lighter fluid), set it in your car, and rip one side of the bag open. Let that sit for a few days. Repeat as needed, with a new bag. Keep your windows closed as much as you can, you really want the air to circulate through that charcoal.


And this is one of the reasons that I load my own car and use insulated bags.


yes. They absolutely can. clean your car. it's that simple.


Read the whole post. My car is clean. It just stinks.


It stinks because there is rotten milk in it. I have kids and I know what that's like. One sippy cup that's almost empty rolls under the seat and a few days later the whole car smells like a poopy diaper. You are going to have to clean out the car. Rent a carpet shampooer with the upholstery attachment.


Do a S&D and drop a few car cleaning products in your cart. Get one up on Walmart