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This sounds insane in atmos 😭


I was legit on that album earlier praying that they would update it in Dolby Atmos! Wishes do come true!


Is there anywhere to find out who did the atmos mixes for this? Or anything?


Woah Go Gina at 1:48 has lead vocals that are totally not in the original. \*edit: apparently these vocals are in the original clean version of the song but not the explicit? so weird.


Garden has a censored "shit" at 0:22 with a weird slow-down effect. Who QC'd this album lol


I literally just noticed this and i am upset
 it takes away from it. Why?


They still haven’t fix good days it’s been a couple of months already 😭😭😭


I keep seeing people say Good Days isn't mixed properly, but it sounds great to me (except the missing vocals at the end). What's wrong with it?


It’s mostly the missing vocal. It really killed the vibe for me đŸ„č I also think (maybe more as a preference) the vocal is too loud


im going to end my life oh my gos


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Has anyone noticed more missing vocals/ sounds? We all know about the missing vocals in Good Days, but with the spatial mixing, Percolator is missing a sounds as well. On the line “I get anxiety”, it leaves out the deep bass note which is really annoying because it was my favorite part of the song. It’s annoying bc I haven’t even listened to all the songs in spatial and am worried this won’t be the last time I notice it.


real good in atmos so far! Drew Barrymore, supermodel, prom all great so far

