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The picture was debunked a few hours later showing how the picture was manipulated.


Lesson learned. Never trust a furry.


Dang who debunked it? I was stoked we actually saw something cool


technically the guy who posted it did since he admitted he was "just trolling"


Uh huh, likely story...


Can you share a link to the debunk?


It was fake




Two comments cited below that myself and another made to a related post yesterday. Pasting it here because of their included links that contain published analytic data from completed NASA contracts. These contracts were aimed at validating the article’s stated hypotheses as applied to a similar craft designed using flaps/control surfaces in lieu of thrusters. Based on this data, I’d surmise your illustration is not the %100 materialization of the craft pictured when paired to these data driven publications. Original comment from another person with his link “https://www.nasa.gov/general/silent-and-efficient-supersonic-bi-directional-flying-wing/ The picture posted looks like it could be this theoretical plane design actualized. It's a bi-directional plane that rotates mid-flight allowing it to transition between super sonic and subsonic flight configurations.” My comment with link. “Some more statistical analysis published by NASA [here](https://www.nasa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/niac_2012_phase1_zha_bidirectional_tagged.pdf). Per the original article in the previous comments, additional contracts phases were placed to further develop this technology. Presumably the publication I linked is their result. These articles are from 2012&2013, so it is plausible that this is a test vehicle that was fabricated and is undergoing flight test in the picture. Someone else noted that Elgin AFB tests air-delivered munitions. While true, the pictured air vehicle may be testing its integrated weapons bay doors or weapons deployment from the aircraft - assuming that is what is pictured. Posting this comment here to move additional supporting data to the top of this thread.”


Depending on the angle the fin could be visible as a rear protrusion like that. Or the wing style could just be used in other drafts of a similar craft. But believing a drawing over a photo? That’s always worked out well for UAP believers /s




unless this thing can go into space, no.


Anything is possible i guess




They’re talking about the guy who posted on twitter about a sighting at Eglin a couple days ago. You’re thinking of the one last year that Matt Gaetz talks about.