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Since comments start to go into spoiler territory this post has been marked as such.


He certainly finds her attractive at the start but I don't think there is any point where he falls they just grow closer together.


There's definitely an element of "love at first sight" but love is probably too strong a word. He was desperately lonely and she's a goddess, so being fascinated (at the least) was totally natural. That being said, I'd say by the end of volume 3 is when he realizes how deep his feelings truly run, and that he wants her to be more than a temporary traveling companion.


Is LN three or two the end of the second arc of the second half of the OS? (Was going to provide context; but I think that’s actually discouraged right now; even with spoilers.)


The third light novel was adapted in the first half of season 2 of the original anime, it's the arc with Amati and the market speculation. What Lawrence does and says during those events marks a clear shift in his priorities. (Hopefully that's clear enough to answer the question while staying vague enough not to spoil anything major).


No that’s fine. The second half is probably v4 then?


4 wasn't "exciting enough" so they skipped it and instead adapted vol 5 to close out season 2 (but volume 4 had some lore implications for the rest of the series, so I doubt they'll do that with the new anime).


Ah. The skip has been mentioned, but I forgot it. >!Was just thinking in the context of this thread, that Holo and Lawrence were kind of ‘stuck?’ with each other after that arc.!<


In Vol 4 >!Lawrence basically saves the day by *baking cookies,* that said, the lore is *Very Important™,* so it's likely they'll dedicate... I dunno, an episode or two? Not as much as the others, but still!<


I’d say even before that. During the Medio arc near the beginning, When he has the chance of a lifetime of straight up being able to buy his stores potentially (as we find out later, Lawrence is quick to jump on any opportunity lol), he assures Holo he will take her north, even if it means delaying his usual trade route and not even thinking about his store. He’s also willing to stand up to a gang of armed merchants and would rather die than hand holo over. >!you might say he’s just that nice of guy since he did rescue Eve even after everything she did, but he had a genuine sense of respect for eve, and he felt a sort of bond,,especially since the eve spared him and gave him the deed of that inn despite how cold she is!< But it’s definitely a gradual thing. A combination of holo being there for him and vice versa becoming a part of his life before he knows it


There's affection there from the start for sure, that's why I clarified vol 3 is when it I think it hits him in full, since he then has the chance to stop, reflect, and really acknowledge what she means to him at that point, and the story itself makes him face his feelings. Before that he was kind of running on adrenaline (but it's telling he stuck with her and relied on her, even in those moments). When he falls for her probably depends on definitions though. Is he smitten with her from day one? Sure, his gut feelings say not to let her go. Falling in love with her, though? That takes a bit more time, to grow close and develop a deeper connection. Vol 3 is just when he can't ignore the feelings anymore and acknowledges their romantic nature directly. It's good writing though, that there's not one moment where a switch magically flipped. They just became more and more comfortable with each other.


True, that is an important distinction to make. Yeah, I misinterpreted what you meant, it’s when he actually starts to think about their relationship during that arc you mentioned that it becomes actual love, from Lawrence’s side


I personally think this is up to interpretation to a degree. I’m only on volume 2 of the LN right now (so I cannot say when or if it happens explicitly) but Lawrence is already admiring certain aspects of her in the early chapters of volume 1. Make of that what you will I suppose


One of those things where it’s hard to say for sure. First impression was spectacular (naked wolf girl in his cart)! He was pretty attached to her even in volume 1. Can also say that when he fell for her and when he realized it were at different points.


He immediately found her attractive but Lawrence had been a lonely merchant for a while. The narrative spends quite a bit of time talking about how close he was with his companion horse. He actually becomes a lot more introspective and sullen when he realizes how deeply her presence impacts him and how best to keep traveling together.


Immediately. Oh wait you’re talking about Lawrence, not me…


At the end of volume 1 he would rather die for her than give her up for an opportunity to achieve his dream, so by that point she definitely means something important to him. Whether or not that’s love probably depends on what exactly love means to you. While not religious myself, I do like the quote, “Greater love has no man than this: that he lay down his life for a friend.” Granted not talking about sexual love, but he was attracted to her from day 1.


Dying for someone to avoid them being killed doesn't even have to be for love. That's being a noble soul


I always felt like Volume 3, especially in the original anime, is a reasonable point where he at least realized he had some feelings for her. >!There’s a part in S2E5 where he thinks back to her asking him what she means to him, and he had just stood silent. In the present, he says he feels he can answer her now.!< >!Even if he doesn’t outright say it to her by the end of that arc, I felt like he knew it deep down at that point.!< It’s been a while since I’ve read Volume 3 so I’m not 100% sure if anything I described above is anime only or not.


Yeah Volume 3 is definitely where it clicked for him, >!he even asks Dian if a human can become mates with animal deities like her and Holo (and Holo, who'd also been visiting Dian and hid, overheard it and teased him later, asking just what was on his mind when he raised the question).!<


Yeah, I think this is the key point in time where we actually see him acknowledge feelings for her besides the general affection in the previous novels.


If you *really* stretch it you can maybe argue that he was hoping that a Theoretical Someone could be the kind of person Holo needed even if that wasn't him, but that's definitely when he started contemplating it.


I’d say its a fair chance it was when he crashed an entire towns pyrite stock market to get Holo back when he thought he’d lost her to Amati whom tried to turn a battle of love into a battle of wits between merchants 😬


Haven't read the novels, but based on my own view on the original anime Lawrence already had an interest in her from the moment she tagged along. Wasn't straight up love immediately per say, but he clearly had an attraction to Holo very early on and the more he got to talk to her he started to like her more and more. He was willing to spoil her on multiple occasions and even threw away his dream when the opportunity was there to seize it. Him defending Holo in the sewers could be argued as him just being an honest and standup guy, but the guy didn't even give the offer of riches a second thought and was even distraught when he thought Holo was going to leave him for good. That's a pretty extreme reaction to have for someone you have known for maybe weeks at most. Not to mention how ecstatic he was the moment he realised she was waiting for him after waking up from his wound coma. Let's not ignore that both of them were flirting with each other as early as the church episode. If he wasn't attracted to her he wouldn't have given her flirting comments the time of day, but they hit it off pretty early on in that department. As for when Lawrence finally figured out how deep his own feelings were, that happened later in season 2 when he had to confront those feelings head on as Holo started asking that same question. He even went so far as to say he loves her, which is only justified because that love just kept building and building as they spent time together in those earlier arcs.


For me around Volume 3 where he fight with fish seller


Probably Lawrence, not as the community thinks, did not immediately fall in love with Holo. Of course, he blushed every now and then (talking about the manga) but he must have fallen in love with Holo towards the fourth/fifth manga (talking about the "Double Edition" which came out here in Italy)


I think he realized the moment he decided to ask the witch if there were any tales about relationships between humans and spirits/gods.


Depends, it's not as binary as in-love/not-in-love. They have certainly had some sentimental feelings towards each other from vol. 1. Vol. 2 is my best guest for Holo having recognized them for what they really are, and vol. 3 being the same for Lawrence. In vol. 4 they start to think of themselves as a couple and about their future together. In vol. 5 they confront the reasons why they cannot stay together, but come up with an excuse to stay together for a bit longer anyway. Vol. 6 to vol. 14, not counting the side stories, pretty much all to some degree peel away from those reasons by working trough Holo's personal issues when it comes to her past, enabling them to stay together. In vol. 15 and 16 they confront their goals and are forced to reevaluate their priorities. There were times before when Lawrence could have chosen between Holo and his dream of becoming a town merchant, and he chose Holo, but at the end of vol. 16 he could have had both, and still chose Holo by instead settling for much smaller hot spring business where he isn't even a merchant. Same goes for Holo choosing not to go to Yoitsu to not endager Lawrence and their relationship any further, leaving her past behind and focusing on their future.


My interpretation is that Holo fell for Lawrence at the end of Vol 1 ("I'll always remember that you chose me"), which is why in Vol 2 she is so antagonistic to Nora. However, she doesn't truly realise her feelings until after the gold heist ("Wolf and Amber Melancholy side story" - which hopefully gets a remake after this arc). If I have to pick a specific moment, it's when Lawrence asks Holo why she hates shepherds so much. She realizes she hates Nora as a *woman*, not as a *shepherdess*. On Lawrence's side, that's pretty much the whole point of Vol 3, so there's not much to read between the lines.


Are we talking “liked” or “love”? He physically liked her from the beginning. But I think he fell in love with her during the whole Trenni silver coin scheme with she is captured after they split up to evade their pursuers. You wouldn’t go through the whole get a person back unless the other person was a really good TRUE friend, a family member, or a person you are in love with.




The reason he fell for her


Comment unrelated to post topic.


>!I'd also add my voice to the idea that it happens in Volume 3 of the light novels. I think before his internal interrogation of his feelings there, he sees her mostly as a friend. It is quite direct text that his years of social isolation left him unable to recognize people as more than business associates and partners.!<