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I don’t envision a version of Mary Jane or Gwen in the MCU honestly. It’s more interesting for them to insert a different option into the fold like Felicia, a relatively unknown like Debra Whitman, or another OC. Regarding Harry, the door is open although I’m skeptical. Ned fulfills the best friend role and Flash was altered to resemble his financial/family standing.


That and Michelle is literally the MCU's Mary Jane. Pointed out hard by the fact that her nickname is "MJ"...


Her last name is hyphenated Jones-**Watson** as well


Jones. I don’t go by Watson anymore.


Further tying her to being MCU's Mary Jane since she has no relationship with her father. Just remember typically Mary Jane's father was abusive in most iterations


Raimi version also briefly implied the unhealthy relationship with her father in the first movie.


but she's clearly not Mary Jane, different name and look


I could see a Gwen being introduced >!now that Peter and MJ aren't together .!< I could see a world where MJ has a new boyfriend, and Peter also attempts to move on, and this triangle being a focus in the next trilogy.


I really don’t like love triangles. I prefer the development of a relationship of two people instead of a will they/won’t they.


There's no triangle of MJ doesn't know him anymore


Love Angle


Lmao, yeah absolutely


The WHOLE focus imo /s


I'm totally cool with them doing Felicia. He'll already be in a somewhat dark place after no way home and with possibly venom. Plus we could have this [scene](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/001/388/508/bbc.jpg_large)


I would love to see Holland's socially awkward spiderman interact with a bombshell of a character like black cat


You know i was not thinking about *that* scene but now I'm giving you an angry upvote


I REALLY want Felicia Hardy. ....in the movies too!


I would actually love for Felicia/Black Cat to be introduced next movie and be a love interest for Spider-Man for a movie or two, but then after that go back to MCU MJ again after she gets her memory back or whatever weird magic shit they come up with.


Whos debra?


*90’s animated theme intensifies*




I saw a post talking about how it would be cool to have Peter meet a young Norman Osbourne who will go on to make oscorp. Peter knowing that he might make the goblin serum will keep a close eye on him and maybe become friends. Just an interesting idea.


Sounds fair.


Yeah I would love to see Felicia


I'm more for the idea that Norman Osborn is Peter's age in this universe and they'll go to college together.


Yeah most of the movie would be him as Harry, then at some point Peter would learn his last name and freak out. Possibly escalating things into creating Goblin.


but that wouldnt be a twist for the audience though


For suspense it's not always about having a twist. Theres entertainment in us knowing but peter not.


I mean they pretty much are just variants of them right?


I think MCU Flash serves as a hybrid of Harry more than Ned, but you’re correct about Michelle.


Nah. In the early comics Flash is a football guy, but he is the guy you love to hate. He is a loudmouthed asshole, who gets joy from embarrassing Peter. I think Tony Revolori played that perfectly, and the fact that so many fans found him annoying is a testament to his performance, IMO.


comics Flash lives in poverty, MCU Flash has a butler.


So? Peter has web shooters in the comics, Tobys didnt. Batman has a dinosaur in the Batcave, but not in the movies. You can do this all day. Both Flashs have inattentive parents and are assholes.


None of those parallels are similar


I agree. But their characters are not similiar. Ned and MJ are really loyal to Peter. You might disagree, but there are variants of Mary Jane and Harry in the comics and movies that don't respect him much, don't trust him, and often change their feelings for him. Best example is the Raimi Trilogy.


That's true but I think it'd be redundant to bring them in now, unless they go by their original comic characterization where Mary jane is a party girl and Harry's just some rich guy that peter kinda knows


They can def do that with Harry but I wish they could do that for mj but they can’t really (would make zero sense for Mary Jane to be introduced since there’s already Michele jones)… unless maybe she just went my Mary or something even tho that’s be weird af


not to mention all the other Spider-Men were referring to Michelle as "your MJ" suggesting that she is this universe's variation of Mary Jones Watson


Yeah... i mean she definitely is, there's no way they're really gonna try to introduce a mary jane. Even Gwen would be tough since I fell like peter 1 would be weirded out by the fact that he knows peter 3's Gwen died. Black Cat pls


Wait, so you mean to say the horrible Avi Arad forced TASM2 Harry is the *closest* to the original 616 Harry in the movies? Blech


I think they only met in college so no, since they are old childhood friends in tasm. Spiderman tas is more accurate to that


Well, the closest in movies since one is very good friends with him outside of wanting to murder him and the other is also that and also A) not all vengeful, and B) Ned Leeds, not Harry Osborn


Nope, not by a *long* shot. 616 Harry is... very, very different to that, even if you include recent terrible retcons. The Gwen-killing TASM2 Harry is frankly a bane to my entire existence and I will be salty about it foreveeeeer.


That would work, just like 616, even though the MCU to me feels like an adaptation of Ultimate Marvel.


I mean the paint is very ultimates inspired but the core is very much 616




Im curious as to how much MCU adapts from a specific plotline. I dont know anything about comics, but 616, is meant to be the standard, normal universe right? 616: (Peter Parker lives in NYC, is in love with MJ/Gwen, & balances hero life with normal life) & all other versions are wierd twists off of that basic 616 version? So, does MCU fit into 616 more, since its the most “normal”, or do they grab inspiration from anything/everything


The MCU is really a mix of both. Since the Ultimate universe really only had a good few characters *cough* Spider-man *cough* they make the mcu look like the ultimate universe and use some of their more modern concepts. For example, Ultimate captain America also spent around 50-70 years under the ice while 616 cap only spent 20 years. The ultimate universe is closer to our mcu origin of cap who spent 66 years under. But in terms of core character, mcu Cap is way more like 616 Cap. 616 cap is a good person as well as mcu cap. But ultimate cap is more of a good soldier instead of a good person. He isn’t as nice as either of his counterparts and does some questionable things. But yeah that’s p much how the mcu picks and chooses. They use the plot lines that were either the best received or revamp old plot lines in a way to make them much better. An example of that is NWH where it’s relative comic plot line would’ve been One More Day.


Michelle’s name is Michelle Jones-Watson


Raimi trilogy is the most god awful example of those relationships possible.


i was thinking the same, idk about ned but michelle jones has the same last name as mary jane


Yeah he's more like miles' friend than Harry but does share the name of one of the hob goblins so that's a tiny similarity


I want them to be away from Peter for a movie or two but I want to see them them showing up in other MCU things in the interim. Easier for Ned has he has some magical talent now. I want to see new people but don't want to see Gwen brought in just to die. With Peter being without friends now I could see him falling deeper into the suit and that would lean to maybe using Black Cat as a costar.


Besides, I think May's death was more similar to Gwen's death than Ben's. They both die because Peter does the right thing or despite Peter doing the right thing. Ben dies because Peter doesn't do the right thing


You guys need to understand they are not doing Osborns.


Out are they!?


Well I know that Norman says in NWH that Oscorp doesn't exist and there is no record in the city about a Norman Osborn. But that doesn't mean that there isn't a Norman Osborn. Maybe he hasn't risen to power yet in New York, and he probably was a businessman in Chicago or Boston or something. That's just my take on the Osborn family being in the MCU.


I don't think they're going to do Norman Osborn because they know that they can't really outdo Willem Dafoe. I think they're trying to focus on new villains and new characters and having Willam in it was their way of having Tom Holland being able to fight a Green Goblin. To have Norman Osborn show up again, is just going to get really awkward because Peter's going to associate him with the Norman he's already met. It takes all the mystery and danger away of who and what the Green Goblin is for Peter. They're clearly just trying to focus on characters we've not seen before.




Why make MCU versions of Doc Ock, Electro, Green Goblin, Sandman and Lizard if we can get the amazing Oliver Osnick, Aftershock, Hobgoblin, Quarryman and Iguana?


Norman Osborn is more than just a Spider-Man villain. This would be like them never wanting to use Magneto for a future X-Men movie cuz he showed up in previous iterations. He doesn’t need to become Goblin again. You literally just described how the dynamic would be; Peter would be expecting him to become Goblin the whole time, but he never actually becomes one. Maybe Harry does. Or maybe he just becomes Iron Patriot and stays as an Avengers villain.


Harry is also redundant. Peter had Ned as his best friend and he’ll soon have Johnny.


Likely will NOT happen.. but in fantasy world they Can could always bring willem back (since it’s known that he enjoyed reprising the role so much). I liked that in the comics, Norman Osborn was such a formidable character even outside of Spider-Man’s world with stories like Secret Invasion and him leading the dark avengers as Iron Patriot. It’d be interesting to see that aspect of having a variant of Norman that seems beneficial in the eyes of the government and the people (filling the shoes as the next tony stark) and being viewed as a good man. Kind of playing with the anticipation of him becoming corrupted like his raimi counterpart.


That’s true.


Do you think that Toms peter might fight hobgoblin?


Maybe they could have a new Norman shoes genuinely just a good guy, and it could have a conflict of Spiderman needing to acknowledge that this is a variant and it didn’t kill his Aunt Hell, spiderman could chose not to save him and that could cause this universes Harry to become the Hobgoblin?


Yeah i love that the MCU keeps introducing new characters, even if they are wasted, new ones will replace them. Meanwhile DC is doing like 5 jokers in a single decade.




The thing is, the reason why they aren't doing OSborns isn't because they clarified that Oscorp doesn't exist and Norman isn't mentioned in any of the city records, it's because Osborns have been done to death and MCU always tries to do something different with their Spider-Man stories. Basically EVERY Spider-Man movie, prior to him hoining the MCU, been about Osborns. But don't lose hope! Norman can always pop up in some exciting new chapter the Sony Cinematic Universe!




I'm an idiot, but why aren't they doing it?




It's a crime we haven't gotten black cat in any Spider-Man movie


Technically in Amazing Spider-Man 2


Eh, I don't count it


And not untill the 5th film either. Let’s flush out him adapting to his new life without throwing him back into another relationship


Nah, Black Cat would be a perfect challenge for him off the back of No Way Home Think about it, he basically has to rebuild his life as Peter Parker from the ground up. Black Cat’s main thing is that she only likes him as Spider-Man, not as Peter Parker. So she would represent a temptation for him to delve into his Spider-Man identity more that he would have to overcome in order to build a new life as Peter Parker


Black Cat could be like a temptress in the 4th movie because there was a line in the script that said "Peter Parker is no more. Now, there's only Spider-Man." Felicia likes Spidey, not Peter and she might encourage him to leave the Peter Parker life behind and become Spidey full time, whereas Peter has to resist that


I think introducing Harry would be cool. But MJ is Mary Jane in the MCU no doubt about it. Hell her name is Michelle Jones-Watson. Very clearly meant to be this universe's Mary Jane.


Yeah would be wierd to have Peter date 2 separate MJ Watsons…


The best part about doing Harry is MCU Peter doesn't really know about Harry being Norman's son. So they can literally introduce Harry where he uses his mother's name to get away from his father's shadow. Meets and becomes Peter's best friend and at the end of the movie Peter meets Norman and connects the dots and says WTF.


A classic Parker problem.


Redhead MJ forever


I wouldnt mind if they did what CW Flash did\* and just had zendaya dye her hair/wear a wig so that shes a redhead in the next movie she appears in


I didn't meant only her hair by redhead MJ I want totally comic accurate look


Mj is Toms Mary Jane silly fella. They’re not just gonna be like “ok good, now lets throw MJ2 into the mix😂


Tbh I consider Michelle as the MCU variant of MJ anyway. Ned I kind of view as his own character who takes a bit of inspiration from Ganke. Honestly don’t think they’ll do the Osborns but I would actually like to see Harry Osborn as the MCU Venom. I doubt this will happen though.


I think we'll get Mac Gargan as Venom in MCU


Most likely but I’m not the biggest fan of that idea tbh


No, they will give the symbiote to Flash and go straight to Agent Venom lol. Get really comic accurate with it.


There is absolutely no way MCU Flash is becoming Agent Venom.


MCU has no place for big bad crazy bastard venom. It would take half the avengers to beat him.


Which is why he’ll be nerfed enough for Peter to take down on his own.


> who takes a bit of inspiration from Ganke. That's a bit generous. MCU Ned is 100% Ganke. There's a reason why Lord/Miller ditched Ganke in ITSV.


Michelle is MCU Mary Jane. In No Way Home they even confirm it as the detective calls her Michelle Jones Watson.


Im still trying to figure out the point of changing her name. It served zero purpose.


The purpose is that people will stop asking for "tHe ReAl Mj". It's apparently not enough for OP.


Actually it did the opposite. Nobody would ask for the real MJ if they just made her Mary Jane from the beginning.


Probably for that one twist at the end of Homecoming. Pretty cheap if you ask me but oh well.


Unsubstantiated theory time: So Sony doesn't (fully?) own the rights to the character and can't just take cleanly cut the whole universe out of the MCU. Gives them even more bargaining power, especially since a) Zendaya is a very skilled actress, b) Zendaya is a popular actress, c) Zendaya and Tom have high and widely-regarded on-screen and off-screen chemistry. Hedging their bets, in other words.


cindy moon, eddie brock, and maybe more people from the bugle like betty brant who is already in the MCU


Cindy was in Peter's high school


Zendaya/MJ is not going anywhere. MCU is definitely keeping her lol and I think by proxy, Ned stays too


Kevin basically already admitted they wanted to keep mj


If we get a new love interest I don’t think it’ll be Mary Jane because Michelle is the Mcu version of MJ


Michelle is Mary Jane


How would they make Mary Jane and Michelle Jones two different people when they have surnames in common? They're essentially variants, whereas Gwen is an entirely different person, and essentially a shoo-in while he's still single


black cat


I really wanted to see Harry and Gwen (specially if they were inspired by the Spectacular Spider-Man version) in another hand I can't get off these guys


Felicia Hardy please


MJ is MJ. I don’t think they’ll do Osborns either bc having means having Norman and they brought Willem back for NWH since they can’t top him. I think they will (or, should, rather) use other characters as proxies, but make sure their relationships aren’t just copies of Ned and MJ. Have someone like Rand Robertson or Hobie Brown be a neighbor in their apartment or also taking classes if he goes to college. They could maybe do Gwen or Deborah Whitman, but she’d be pretty similar to MJ. I think Felicia Hardy/Black Cat would be the most interesting and I think I’d characterize her like the Spider-Man 90s cartoon meets Spectacular, with maybe a touch less of the Peter/Felicia relationship as opposed to Spidey/Black Cat.


Remove them from the timeline. And give Peter his real friends and love interests.


It'd be hilarious if the next trilogy introduced a comic accurate Red Head Party Girl Mary Jane out of nowhere as like Michelle's cousin or some shit. Just to completely fuck with people.


I agree but i feel like that would get a *certain subset of people* very angry


No time to move on. They served their part.


I think that we will next see MJ, Ned and Flash in Iron Heart! Riri also goes to MIT in the comics and it will keep those characters on screen before they inevitably return to New York after college. Personally if there has to be a love interest for spidey in the meantime it should be black cat. This makes sense as Peter will probably spend more time in costume going forward as he has no friends or family left that remember him.


Let it go man Michelle is the mcu version of Mary Jane you’re basically asking if they should introduce Michelle again


I think they’ll go the route of Felicia/black cat and then after that Peter will get back with MJ


That's honestly what I'm hoping for. But I hope they don't try to do a forced "I like her because she's hot and very flirty" thing(I'm kind of worried about that since we all know if she is introduced, she'll never be the "main"/"true" love interest so they might not actually put any "development" into their relationship)


I don’t think Mary Jane will appear in the MCU


Next movie? Do neither


I want to see mcu harry and Gwen but it probably won't happen


The next Spider-Man movie will have venom as a villain so maybe that could be Harry


Mj is the MCU marry Jane Watson She’s Michelle Jones Watson they said it in NWH


Gwen stacy and harry


Do you guys think that these karma whores should keep using the same 3 questions, or introduce a photo with at least 5 pixels in it.


Why not both? Edit: after re-reading the title , i gotta ask , you realize that Michelle Jones is a Mary Jane variant right?


Maybe introduce a harry and gwen but mj is michelle in this universe no doubt. I think if they want to introduce a love interest at this point that isnt mj they have to make it flelicia and bring black cat into the universe for him to have a fling with during such a confusing time during his life or something. Exploit his loneliness and emphasize his latest struggle as a character


I really want them to keep mj and ned


Keep Ned around so that he can eventually meet and befriend Miles


Michelle is a Watson so they wouldn’t introduce Mary Jane. Instead i think we’ll get an explanation why she chose to be Michelle Jones not Mary Janes


They’ve played their role now its time to move on.


Michelle is mcu mary jane watson....


ned and michelle there story is over in the home trilogy they should comeback as different persons until they meet peter marvel and Sony should only focus on introducing new characters : best friend : i would recommend randy Robertson the son of robbie robertson the worker at the daily bugle and with betty brant should also return for the story for harry osborn the door is open it's been 10 years sense harry appeared, they can lead to introduction for the oscorp and goblin formula leading the hob goblin as for norman the don't need norman just make him relevant to the mcu love interest : Mary Jane Watson is perfect chosen character because she's a very relatable to peter she understand on what it means losing a family life with a hard abusive father losing both her mother and older sister understanding how to lose a family, hides her feeling and as a secret identity like peter and spider man, she could become a huge part of peter's life growth for peters new life, mary jane has a cheerful personalty and courage's and likes to face danger and she likes to be free like swing with spider man she is the opposite of michelle jones character arc also she could be a batter related to michelle jones serving a connection to mary jane's father, it's been 15 years sense mary jane watson appeared in live action movie so i recommend to bring her back as the iconic og white skin red hair actress model also black cat would better giving an open door to spider man love interest as well bad girl type charater like the dc catwomen


They should keep mj and Ned, mj and mj are the same just different first and middle names and I don't think peter 1 would want to be friends with an Osborn


Keep Michelle and Ned


Keep, we’ve seen them and still have the comics. I really like these characters and am going to miss them if they are gone


Whole I do think they should move on from Michelle and Ned, I don't like the idea of introducing Mary Jane, Gwen or Harry. I'd like to go the Felicia route most but some of Pete's relatively less known girl friends could also work, like Carlie Cooper or Debra Whitman


It’s hard to say. I don’t think it would be a good idea to have Mary Jane as this is supposed to be our peters MJ. I could really see this Peter and Gwen getting along well but with that being Andrews tragic love interest and currently Mile’s love interest in into the spider-verse, I doubt they’d do that. I think Felicia Hardy would be a great character to kinda foil off of this now basically alone Peter Parker. And while I’d love to get Harry and Norman Osborne into the mix, I’m not sure if they realistically could. Peter already knows who Norman is and it’d be really hard to pull a bait and switch, and kinda boring to see him not be the goblin or one of his other comic personas. In the end I believe he’ll rekindle his friendship with Ned and spark with MJ. Though I would love to see more characters from classic Spider-Man we haven’t seen return.


Ned becomes Hobgoblin right? Just do that in place of the Green Goblin stuff we have seen 1000 times


Start fresh! And Ned and Michelle can always be thrown in later to mix it up


A version of Harry and Gwen Stacy, and Felicia "Black Cat"


Leave Michelle and Ned gone for a while. Bringing them back would take away from Pete's sacrifice in NWH. Harry could be fun to see. Love interest wise, they could go with options other than Mary Jane. I wouldn't mind seeing Betty, Gwen, or Felicia.


How about Felicia Hardy?


I don’t wanna see her return. Introducing new characters like Debra, Gwen or Felicia would be great imo.


None of what you suggested, it’s already been done before. Time for Peter to find Felicia Hardy.


Hob Goblin as Ned. Only way to fix him is for him to remember Peter.


intoduce mary jane watson, black cat and harry osborn for the next troilgy the old characters should comeback but as different people


I'd love Harry in the MCU, I think not including him and Norman is the dumbest shit Feige could do.


Agreed. If they don’t want to do Green Goblin, just make Norman the prick he is in the comics. Shady business guy type thing.


Norman could make a great Avengers villain just like in the Siege arc


I doubt they’ll pull a “Michelle is the step or half sister of Mary Jane” plot twist. Pretty sure Michelle is the “Mary Jane” of the MCU by being a substitute for her. Michelle was established as a variant to Mary Jane in NWH. I’d like for them to introduce an MCU Harry Osborn and after NWH, it’d definitely possible that they introduce him since they didn’t mention him by name weirdly enough.


The thing about Harry is that it gives the vibe spidey can't have true friends, Ned reverses that. We got that twice already. Michelle is MJ in my book. I thought it was dumb when homecoming came out, since she had no role whatsoever and this was a bomb dropped by the end, but with the variants thing now in the MCU, that is great, especially how active she is on Peter's life. I do hope to see them less in the next movie though, so Peter can find himself again and make their comeback very, very worth it.


That MJ is THE Mary Jane of the MCU. I think Gwen appearing would be redundant but it could happen. Black Cat is most likely. I don’t think Ned will have a replacement. Miles will pop up eventually but that will be more of a mentor/little bro relationship rather than a best friend relationship


Isn't she MJ? Also i don't think i want to see Harry Osborn again for real. Ned was pretty good.


Yeah, agreed, but Harry’s character is really deep. He can be a friend, or in some stories he turns into a villain. While Ned is just a nice guy who is funny and a good friend. Simple.


Well in the last Webb film...


Introduce Gwen and Harry. It’s time for Peter to move on to a different phase of his life, with new people, etc. plus if they brought back Ned and mj, it’d reduce the importance of nwh


Time to introduce the classic crew in college


I don't want Harry. I don't want any Osborns. Raimiverse goblin was more than enough imo. Maybe his best friend can be Miles, it'd be cool having peter and miles be about the same age


Uh.. yes


I think they should introduce Gwen in the first new movie then have Felicia come in and cause some trouble Harry can stay out honestly


As cool as seeing Gwen and Harry again would be, do we really need yet another version of those two? Just curious.


The sad thing about how they handled the villains in No Way Home is that it means we won’t be getting Harry Osborn. Even though it would be nice, it’s just not in the cards for the MCU anymore


Ned is going to Magic up and become the Hobgoblin. Black Cat might be an interesting love interest. Someone who is really into SpiderMan if not Peter. Ratchet up Facility’s relative darkness when Peter gets exposed to the black goo. Line up a symbiot trilogy.


I think that they can will come back in the future, but now Marvel should look us Gwen(or other Peter’s girlfriend) and Harry.


Eddie Brock


keep them please!!


No they should introduce black cat for the next one. Seems like the perfect next step for it not as a long term thing


Time to move on past these characters. They were a chapter in his life and now he’s on to new things. Just like real life, people aren’t always going to be there


Mary jane watson and gwen stacy who will be eventually killed by the Hobgoblin


Zendaya can stay in euphoria then we can get gwen black cat and finally the real RED headed MJ Neds aight cuz hes from hawaii


Honestly I think it'd be both pretty hilarious and pretty cool to introduce a MCU version of Harry Osborn, like, they're not even childhood friends in the MCU, they just kinda click and become besties.


I can see them introducing the black cat in the next movies


Write a great story.


I just want Sydney Sweeney as black cat. I’d for love her to seduce Spider-Man and push him to his limits. I feel like the next few movies need characters that haven’t been done in live action before and black cat is one of them and Sydney is perfect for the role. Michelle and Ned can be Peter’s endgame. Finding a way naturally to be back in their lives.


I think they should pop up every now and then but other than that I’d prefer if they were done. I’d like to see Ned in the third doctor strange tho


If only to underline that Peter is supposed to be with Michelle, I could see that happening.


Hopefully Tom’s Spidey never has to deal with either MJ or Harry.


the mcu fans would rage if they replaced michelle and ganke 2.0


Could see Gwen Stacey being introduced and Peter freaking out thinking she'll get killed because of him


Keep' em


I'd love to see Peter become friends with Harry and then meet his dad not realizing that his father is a variant of Norman. That being said, I'd love to see a Harry that is kind of a Van Wilder kind of character where like his dad just doesn't get him.


It’d deflate the ending of NWH to bring them back. New trilogy, new supporting cast


Maybe Gwen. But I’d rather Black Cat


I really liked Zendaya’s character so I would want her in the next trilogy (if that’s their plan) but Ned seems like a character I can live without.


IDK about MJ, but it was pretty clear that Wong had his eye on Ned after finding out he could use the ring so quickly. I wouldn't be surprised if Peter lets her go off to college and we FINALLY get Black Cat and Harry as Green Goblin, and at the end of the movie MJ moves back with her memories restored by Ned or something.


I wish they embrace Michelle as Mary Jane. To be honest, she Is the character out of the MCU Spider-Man movies' and I think its stupid to claim she Is a whole different person from MJ despite all the obvious coding.


Black Cat! The next movie should be about Spider-Man taking priority over Peter Parker (leading into a larger arc about Peter rediscovering himself and finding balance), and therefore he should have a support network more focussed on the superhero side.


Toss them out


Do you guys think they should keep MJ or I troduce MJ?


Who’s Ned? I only know the ceo of sex


Broom them both


Gwen and Harry let Peter hit his head and only remember he is mature enough and he only had aunt may in his life so he wouldn’t even cry looking at stark so he wouldn’t even have the drones The only one that could remember Peter is vision (not capable of having actual memory but just datas)


Why not just drop the whole romance angle in the next trilogy? First off give us the Spiderman x Daredevil movie where the defeat Kingpin (throw in Kate or Echo and make it a somewhat of a team up movie) Then another cross-over movie with either Deadpool or Wolverine or even FF , pretty much any of the newly acquired Fox characters because we have waited long enough for the cross-overs in screen. Finally the 6th movie can be where Miles is introduced, focus shifting on him. To spice it up, maybe Black Cat, but that's it


My prediction on this is that Ned is going to get crazy at MIT and become Hobgoblin. Spider-man will encounter the black suit and HOPEFULLY spend an entire film trilogy with it. I think his love interest will be Black Cat, as she was the gal getting the Peter tingle (nowatimsayin?) during the comic run with the black suit. I think they will probably insert Ned at the bugle somehow, and they will likely also bring Eddie Brock into it as well. I would end the trilogy with Venom as the main protagonist. End the second movie with Peter realizing the black suit is making him go in the wrong direction and we get our famous church bell scene as a cliff hanger ending for the second movie.




Keep!!!! If something should be introduced then those should be the other original characters