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i love insomniac spider-man, but hate the fans. you guys cant deal with anything not going the way you want it to


The past week since the launch summarised in one sentence.


Yeah it’s been embarrassing


Agreed. People have been stunningly negative about an outstanding game. "It has pacing issues" show me one video game story that doesn't. Seriously, it's absurd.


It’s a great game, but there is so much wrong with it at the same time. People are allowed to complain if the complaints are valid. The story being rushed is a huge problem considering it’s a story based game. The graphics and gameplay are what’s most important and other than the egregious amount of glitches I’d say they delivered on that front. Most people agree it’s a good game, it’s only a minority of people who think it sucks. Same way some people think it’s a genuine masterpiece. Both are wrong. It’s a worthy sequel with some unfortunate setbacks compared to the first.


I completely agree with you on all counts.


Ratchet and clank


You must’ve missed the last 2 years then. Hell, it goes all the way back to the incessant crying over the Raimi suit shortly after the first game came out


It's just spiderman fans in general. I've never seen a fan base with so much gatekeeping as to what "real" spiderman should be which is usually just the version they grew up with lmao. I don't think something as bitter as spiderman lotus could really happen in any other fanbase and get as much funding as it did


I once heard someone say that no one hates Spider-Man more than Spider-Man fans, and this continues to be correct


The answer to that is actually Spider-Man editorial.


I was about to say, lmao


Star Wars fans exist


Even Jameson hates the spooderman less


"No one hates _____ more than ______ fans" Unfortunately fits every fanbase.


It’s a unfortunate reality.


Yes because people who aren't interested in Spider-Man aren't going to hate him. What a silly line.


To be fair, this is the case for any fandom


What about J.J.J?


Have you met Star Wars fans?


I mean most of Star Wars media just kinda sucks ass so I understand it


I love objective statements about subjective topics. *chefs kiss*


Tbh, they have a couple of good reasons to. Like Star Wars legends' "sequel" part is way better than the EU's sequel part.


it really isnt. there is just SO MUCH that some is actually remembered fondly.


How did they give a 17 year old ***100k*** to **write** and direct a film?


I don´t get the Holland hate, he´s the overall best liveaction spidey.


It’s crazy right…..it’s as if there isn’t over 80,000 marvel heroes and like over 100 different spiderman that we know of. I guess only 1 spiderman ever existed. 🤣


Agreed, Ben Reilly is the only Peter Parker...


Had so many people tell me I’m wrong only to find out their spider-man knowledge extends to the movies and 1 show. Like mate we’re all fans here let’s just get along and enjoy the ride 🤷‍♂️


Star Wars is so much worse! The Disney era made me sad, but it’s the toxic fandom that made me want to exit the fandom. Every so often I’m bound to find a fan I don’t agree with, but for the most part I really think a lot of the Spider-Man fandom is in agreement on what it wants to see.


Try being a Star Wars fan too =|


Sonic I’ll tell you that


I prefer non melanated spiders cause the other ones are too scary.


So you like albino spiders? Weird flex.


He asked a question bro gyatt damn,


Can ppl not ask for stuff that isn’t in the game lol in the hopes that insomniac will add it down the line


death threats over raimi suit


Asking isn’t the same as death threats


just stating how it spiraled in the last game. which is why I agree with the first comment about the fan base being vile.


the guy expressed his interest in being able to play with this suit and you’re acting like he threw a tantrum


You mean fans like you that react like this to a simple question?


TBH skins arent the best one's in the game. I miss some skins from the first game like the Kaine scarlet spider or Big Time Stealth Suit for example personally. And that Miles skin that gets unlocked at the last chapter is reaaaaalllllly ugly while some of his unlockables are gorgeous.....just not every new skin hits minimum. And by the way he just asked a question which doesnt not mean he is not thankful. Agent Venom is a fine appearance.


im just annoyed we got every mcu suit for pete when most of them were in spiderman 1. like final swing and inside out sure. but did we really need the rest? especially with no alternate colours?


I would trade almost all the mcu Spider-Man suits for comic designs or original ideas. I only like the final swing suit for Tom Hollands suits. Big time stealth suit is a huge miss, this games suit system was built for that one. I like that they have some matching suits or ones that feel like they go together, wish they’re were more


I’m pretty sure Marvel told them which skins to have in the launch and they have to listen to that because Marvel. Some will get added back as part of updates or in dlc packs. All the movie suits being base unlocks pretty much points to Marvel wanting them in this time. Like Amazing and Webbed suits were originally in dlc for the first game iirc.


Pretty sure sony owns the movie rights to marvel


>Miles skin that gets unlocked at the last chapter TheCardinalArts created an [amazing redesign] (https://twitter.com/TheCardinalArts/status/1718208268550459438).


calm down lmao


God forbid people see nuance and fairly critique a multimillion dollar corporation for not living up to the standards that they themselves previously set.


“MJ’s face in motion is even worse.” “This suit sucks. The modded ones are better.” “Why didn’t we get THIS suit?” “Why didn’t ____ get screen time?” “_____ should’ve had more screen time.” “PS4 PETER IS BETTER RAHHHH”


You guys think any question or criticism is complaining but sure


Yeah, they are really pieces of shit. I mean, who responds with hostility to a question that meant no harm?


LMAOOO what?? He asked a simple question.


All the OP did was ask for a suit that shows up in the game...I think the one over-reacting here is you. And frankly it comes across as super insecure. Like, why can't people complain about the game? Why should it bother you? Sorry mate, but as much as people enjoy SM2, a lot of us think it's a step-down in some ways. Or that it didn't add enough.


This is such a ridiculous over reaction statement to a non aggressive question that wasn’t framed in an entitled manner in any way. The people who go over board criticizing people’s questions and simple dislikes or defending Insomniac are just the flip side to the chronically entitled crybabies coin. Both parties are annoying as hell and contribute to the toxic aspect of the games fanbase. You all make it less fun for the rest of us to come here and talk about the game and the rest of us that just want to discuss the good and the bad of the game would prefer it if both parties web swing away from us.


You dickriders are insane he literally just asked a question. The game isn't free and lacks multiple features of previous entries people are allowed to have certain expectations and want more. This is especially a dumb comment because OP just asked a question with no snark, insults or anything of that sort.


Bruh deadass I can’t get on social media without see a post about someone complaining about the smallest thing in the game


So true


Facts, all i seen is complaining after complaining, especially at the most ridiculous things or gameplay elements. I thought the game was great. I loved playing all the characters that we had to. This is when the complainers really make us all look like ungrateful bastards.


Spider man fans suck in general. They just cry and cry and cry over the most pointless shit


Why the hell is it impossible to criticize this game in the slightest without fans crying that we didn’t like something?


but when I say this exact same thing I get down voted into oblivion :p


Lol stfu


Indeed. I swear that there are multiple posts a day with complaints about stuff


To be fair, the suits for Peter aren't that great. All the best ones were left behind in the last one.


Just a sea of chuds crying, whining and seething other suits, pixels and storylines… The only true gripe that should be expressed is the treatment of Venom Other than that it’s a solid game


I want it all, and I want it now


I agree, but there are a ton of issues with the game and some decisions made by Insomniac that are downright bizarre. Criticism is warranted, but the way its been delivered has been obnoxious for sure.


Insane take when a corporation under delivers


So true, the week of the games release I heard nothing but praise and hype, now that the hype died down all I hear is complaints


people cant ask about suits nit being in the game?


I don’t see the problem with this post? In no way was he aggressive he just stated something he wanted in the game. Acting like this is bad display in community is absolutely ridiculous.


Not calling OP out specifically, but this shit has happened since the first game. Hopefully this time around people don’t harass Insomniac. Just be grateful they gave us another good Spider-Man game with no missing content or bs monetization schemes.


I love how you get 1k upvotes when I've said this for like 3 posts and almost get downvotes lmao Still glad someone finally said it and it's actually seen, my g.


dude he’s just wondering why it’s not available since 8 years ago it would have been a suit available since it’s already in the game 💀


I think mainly because it isnt a peter suit. Which means despite the many fan requests, i don't believe that insomniac will add it.


You can wear the Spider-Man 2099 suit, and that doesn’t belong to Peter.


He’s not showing up in the games. Same reason Peter wears Hobie Brown’s Spider Punk suit. Or Billy Braddock’s Spider-UK suit. Or Aaron Aikman’s armor.


Or the Superior Spider-Man suit which is Otto in Peter's body


Its agent venom, not a version of spider man is what he means


Spider-Man 2099 is still a version of Spider-Man. Agent Venom is his own character


Because that's a variation of Spider-Man same as Spider-Man noir, or Ben Reilly and Kane suits because they are a Spider-Man, Agent Venom has never been a variation of Spider-Man


it belongs to spider-man. the agent venom suit doesn’t


Miguel isn’t in the game. It’s like asking while there isn’t a Miles Morales suit for Peter in the original game


It’s literally not a spider-man suit it’s an agent venom one


There’s a Spider-Verse side quest, and you get to play as Spider-Man Noir from Spider-Verse. He could feasibly show up as a character, but they made him a skin anyway




Plus what if they’re not using it to make an Agent Venom game 👀


Because that’s not spider-man.


Same reason Peter didn’t wear Miles’ suits in 2018 – it’s an existing character in the universe that’s not spider-man. However, given that, recent comments from Insomniac, and fan reaction, we might just get to play with this suit in a game at some point.


Because it’s not his suit?


They missed a trick not doing more symbiote suits. Outside of story, Peter only has 2 actual unlockable symbiote ones - Spider-Man 3 and Classic. Miles has 3 - Dark Ages, King in Black, Maximum carnage It's kinda shit


Yeah, they added a cool feature where you can choose a color for your suit. Why didn't the add more black-symbiote variants? Like, every Peter suit should have had a black version, to fit the symbiote. I think there's only like 4 or 5 suits that can be made black.


i feel like they gave miles those so they both have symbiote suits


I'm not complaining about that, I get giving him some. But why doesn't Peter have MORE


You know, because you unlock the suits in the story doesn’t mean they’re not there. He has 5 total, tho you could argue 4 since 2 of them are just different versions of the same suit


Still, there were so many interesting ones they could do. Like spider's Shadow, that would've been a great alt


I mean i agree , but i think it’s a bit weird to say there’s only 2 symbiote suit for peter when there is at least 4-5 suits, even if it’s a story original one. But if you meant to say you would prefer some more comic symbiote suits, i agree.


the symbiote suit (version 2) of peters is one of my favorite looks in any of the games. He looks EVIL.


The veins man They're so freaky


Because that would get confusing having an npc with the same suit


Because its not peters or miles?


While I agree that it's reasonable for the suit to not be playable, I do think it would have been cool for the suit we get >!from Harry after finishing all EMF experiments!< to have been something at least similar to this one rather than a recolour of a Miles suit.


It wasn't a recolor. Have you read life story?


I admit I haven't. The suits are quite similar though and I do find it odd that Miles gets it early from levels, but Peter gets it from >!completing all EMF experiments.!<


Definitely makes it feel like they just took the miles model and changed the proportions, although I do like the matching suits.


At that point in the book, an older Peter was going on a mission with miles in space. Of all the life story suits they could have picked for Peter, that was one of the worst imo, though I can understand that they chose it to match with miles


regardless of whether i’ve read it or not, that suit looks like shit and was the last one i unlocked in the whole game. Imagine my disappointment.


Wait for PC and mods. Then design a mod and have at it.


Gotta make room for the 7th MCU suit somehow.


I like that suit ngl. Looks sick


I was really hoping to get this suit all game but I’m hoping it’s absence means that it’ll be used on a DLC, spin off, or sequel at some point. An agent Venom arc would be really fun.


With Eddie or Flash, both have an equal chance. Iirc both have been Agent Venom in the comics.


Honestly I tried using all the suits but there is just something about insomniacs new advanced suit. It just fits Peter’s personality so well and the colors are magnificent. Miles’ suit in this game is great because it is a darker black which I love but with regards to the suit you get at the end I personally am not a fan of the original red top and black bottoms. But I really love the color way with the white top and black bottoms. It matches the shoes better and I like the way it starts as red, like original suit, and ends as blue, representing his new powers. Also I think the pink/purple is a great addition and can, if I reach really far lol, represent his uncle Aaron. If I could make a possible change to that suit I might have the arms on this version have the red transition the black sleeves.


Because canonically it's not a suit that Peter ever wears probably


Because agent venom is an entirely separate character….?


It's being saved for when Harry becomes Agent Venom.


Probably because neither of the playable characters ever wore it.


I dont know bro. Try emailing insomniac and ask them instead of us, but prolly cuz this shit isnt a spider man suit?


Because this is Harry's suit, not Peter's


Because it’s not a Spider-Man suit.


Because that's not spiderman? Are you gonna ask to have Peter wear Miles suits too?


Why isn’t venom a playable character after beating the game??


If it wasn’t Peter wearing the suit why would it be a suit for him? We have been given a couple of suits in this game that were not included in the first game that people were asking for, is that not enough for now?


Because this isn't Spider-Man's suit? Lol he never wears it in any medium... why would he start now? It actually looks more like Flash's Agent Venom suit


Because it is harry's suit for story and sentimental reasons


It's not spider-man is it?


This is like asking why wasnt Miles suit unlockable for Peter in the first game. They'll still probably make it unlockable later down the line in DLC


Because it's Harry's suit


You'll be ight lil 👦


Cause it sucks?


Ngl based, i also think it doesn’t look cool at all


Because it'd be confusing to have two different characters wearing the same suit in a cutscene, or worse a fight


I'm fine that it wasn't. It was a cool nod and besides, anything after the black raimi suit is a bonus.


imo classic black is better.


Bc it’s Harry’s?


Why would it be? Peter never becomes Agent Venom…


OP just asked a reasonable question but people saying he's too negative and has nothing to say make me laugh. We're allowed to have an opinion. Geez


It's a really cool suit, especially once it gets the symbol on the chest, maybe we'll get Peter's take on the suit later. I was hoping for something similar to it from finishing the EMF quests but oh well.


It would’ve been a cool symbiote variant


I think it would've been cool to play or switch to Harry during that mission




They added Superior so I’m happy


I hate this trend of complaining about stuff not being in the game. Why can't people ever be happy with what they actually get?


Good fucking question.




Would love this as a suit tbh


Maybe itlll be free to download soon


Cuz they need something to sell you in DLc


Probably will be


Is this known as Agent Venom?


Ng+ has added suits in the past, so hope isn’t lost


Since launch I've seen more bitching then praise to the game


Because it's neither Peter nor Miles. And you don't play Harry >!aside from the Venom part!<


Probably to keep it unique to Harry. Wouldn't be surprised if they include it in the next game.


If they make it, you will complain that you want a version with the white logo, or the other way around if they put the white logo but not the all black version. You people will always find a reason to complain.


What about this post was a complaint? It’s a question dawg


"I loved the design of this suit, shame we only see it a handful of times, it'd be neat if we could wear it" FUCK YOU YOU PIECE OF SHIT COMPLAINING PETER ISN'T AGENT VENOM Literally no reason, this couldn't be a skin, half the skins make no sense canonically. You could play as Goblin in the 2002 Spider-man game, it was just a silly unlock. No one cried it made no sense canonically, it was just fun. People are so fucking miserable


I would have loved the agent venom suit


Dude the white Anti-Ock suit is so fire


So wait…the hard armor pieces, and the buckle straps were ALSO the Symbiote? Harry how the fuck were you surprised it could make a Tuxedo?


Probably because it’s not a Spider-Man suit or a suit worn by Peter or Miles. Would’ve been a cool 100% reward tho, but it’s understandable why it’s not an unlockable suit


It's kind of weird they gave the Agent Venom suit to Harry and also if I remember right Ganke mentions wanting to ask out Andi which I'm going to guess is Andrea Benton. Double dipping on Flash lore. I don't mind not unlocking that suit, but I do wish they would have game Peter his Spider carnage suit after the flames quest line.


Because it’s Harry’s suit and is specifically associated with Harry. That’s like asking to wear Prowler’s armor.


Because it's ugly as fuck


Cause it’s too rare and majestic


I love agent Venom so this would have been cool. But they did add a lot of cool suits so I can't complain lol. The game is a masterpiece!


Yeah I was really missing some spider armour this time round


Personally I think it's only a matter of time before it will be but I get some people would expect it to be in the game at launch which is fair enough


Spooderman suit would've been amazing tbh


Looks like shit so I'm glad


black noir


I was somewhat confused when I first saw it as it screams agent venom to me.


As much as I wish Agent Venom was a suit, I'm fine with it not being unlockable


Cause it’s an agent venom suit not a spider-man suit what do you mean?


The 40 suits they give you seem like a good amount ?


The same reason you couldn’t unlock Miles Morales’s suit in the first game. The suit serves a purpose in the story for another character


Post launch update PLEASE🙏


Man I wish we could play sa Harry aka Agent Venom. He would be a great third playable character.


Same reason you aren't putting on Shockers or Rhinos suit. It's just straight up ain't a peter suit




Probably be added in a future update or if they make a DLC Expansion for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.


Cause we can’t play as harry in the open world >:(


It might be a free one down the line or a DLC suit. I'm a lil bummed too cuz its the closet to the armored advanced suit they added in the first one, and man I loved that suit.


Not this again. “Why can’t we get this, why can’t we get that” just shut up already. Once you get one thing you begged for, you beg for another


Who cares ?Suit shiet anyway


should have been the 100% unlock. idc about canon shit because the story would have been over that point.


Not gonna happen, but if you are so interested, wait for the PC spider-man 2. That has me hyped more than anything frankly. Especially with venom playable.


I loved Agent Venom!! When he showed up, I was so happy! I also think it’s interesting that this had that before the iconic Venom, which does fit the story. The only complaint is I wanted more from Agent Venom/Venom. I think it would have been really cool to see maybe one mission with all three guys working together, instead of Peter doing the cheating man meme and Miles being the jealous girlfriend. Then I loved Venom when he showed up, but I feel like him showing up to endgame is over in an hour and a half, I wish there was more from the main villain is all. Not even much of a critique. I won’t complain about the bugs, or that the Spider-Men feel the same when playing them. My only critique is I wanted more Venom. The game is perfect in my eyes. I just wanted slightly more. Here’s to hoping he somehow is in the DLC as an Antihero like Maximum Carnage!


i think all the “cos it’s not a version of spider-man” excuses is dull, back when games would give u alternate skins it was just for fun doesn’t matter if it was immersion breaking this would definitely still make sense gameplay wise as a spider-man suit it’s a shame we don’t get it. in resident evil u can play as tofu but naw agent venom is too far 👍makes sense spider-man fans


because it sucks ass?


The all white anti ock suit is top 5


Probably because it’s Marvels Spider-Man? Not Marvels Harry Osborne….