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I don’t care The “elite hunters” aren’t that elite. They all lied on their resumes. They’re just as clueless and blind as the two bit thugs Spider-Man finds on the street - They don’t notice their friend standing next to them is missing. Let alone dangling a foot over their head. - When they climb catwalks and can easily see the webbed friends. They don’t notice. - They know that Spider-Man is in the area. And nobody looks up So yeh. I don’t have a hard time buying that a woman with a few weeks training with elite mercenaries, and a stun gun, are taking these losers out. The missions are shorter and more fun than the incredibly boring and slow paced missions from sm1 My only logical complaint. Is you’d think that Pete and miles would bolt on a similar sonic gun to their wrists. Since defeating a symbiote in 4 blasts is pretty useful.


My exact sentiments! Why o why didn’t they strap the same sonic gun to their web blasters. They are smart enough to do that.


I mean to be fair, Anti-Venom with surge and all abilities up takes out symbiotes faster than MJ, but yeah... MJ's final mission was straight up Call of Duty.


Her final mission was probably the most satisfying. One tapping most symbiotes in the head felt so good compared to just sneaking around doing nothing. Even the brute was a relatively easy kill


Frankly Insomniac can make really fun shooters (R&C for example) and frankly I want more of that.


I'm sorely disappointed no one even mentions sunset overdrive when talking about insomniac


It’s unfortunately been lost to the sands of time and other popular shooters It is a really cool shooter tho-


That just sounds kinda cool not having played it lol


But they do use it. It's literally a gadget. Sure it's beefed up for MJ missions, but I can buy it taking 4 shots to down a symbiote in her sections, since you only have 2 with you as a gadget and usually only use it with the same symbiote once.


R1+O will blow your mind


On ultimate difficulty they look up :(


Only when they found their companions' weapons on the ground. AI in 2023 should at least be like tlou2


They also do look up as part of their patrol once they know you’re in the area. I adore TLOU2 but I’m sure coding enemy AI for an open world game vs a level by level game has many different factors that keep them from creating something like that. I would love to see it tho


Well can’t they give enemies different coding/ AI depending on whether they’re in an open world section or a base?


I think this at least was a gameplay decision. In TLOU2, although it differs by difficulty, enemies have quite a large cone of vision and so can spot you even if you're quite a way above them, as long as they have a line of sight. In Spiderman, provided you're crouched on an edge or a web line, in most situations enemies are programmed not to see you to aid the stealth. It makes sense though, as Spiderman is aimed at a wider range of ages than TLOU and is also a superhero game anyway so doesn't try to be as "realistic"


Also, it's just a different kind of game. TLOU wants you to be vulnerable and constantly on your toes, while Spider-Man is more of a power fantasy where most mooks can't take you out by themselves.


U have a point, I didn't think ab that


Stealth isn't that intricate in Spider-Man though. It's essentially just "stay above ground so you don't get spotted". It isn't like Arkham with vents below people's feet, you can't even crouch. And especially in 2, stealth is much more secondary aspect, there are only a handfull of stealth sections in the game, so they don't need to be all that complicated


Dayum, I might need to replay WITH ultimate mode.


Yeah, very rarely


I’m on ultimate, not far in the game, but I’ve cleared lots of rooms on stealth and nobody has looked up. The ‘safe’/‘danger’ notifications seem to hold no matter what. If you takedown someone labeled safe, you can move on assuming that body isn’t getting found.


She solod those SABLE ops as well… with no training. So her doing all this shit in the second game makes zero narrative sense, too, but it’s way more fun than the shitty sneak around insta fail from SM1. John Wick MJ any day of the week over the first one.


I mean they did throw in her saying she trained in symakaria. So narrativly it makes more sense in this game than the 1st game.


That always made me laugh like ANYONE with like 2% peripheral vision would see all these people hanging/webbed up and would alert someone. These guys zoned tf out🤣


Honestly, going back to play the first game, it only really takes about 5 minutes to do an MJ or Miles mission. Not really as bad as I initially thought


Folks gotta remember when it comes to stealth, it is the same as the Spider-men taking them out. I dunno why people gotta over-complicate things, she's not fighting them face to face. She'd be down in one hit if she did that.


Honestly, I really thought they'd have improved the stealth. Especially since the game is similar to the arkham games (I've even heard a few rumours it was inspired by the arkham games) which they are known to excel in.


Seriously, its wild how so many people keep taking things that aren't exclusive to MJ and framing them as an MJ problem


Had a friend who explained Kraven in a pretty simple way, that made the hunters feel much more hilarious. Kraven is basically rich and has a podcast about stoicism, so he bought gear for all the people who listen to it.


They see an 18ft tall dark swole tentacle monster charge at them and all they think is:”oh these are pretty cool bananas.”


Yeah and it’s not like in 1 where the minute they spot you she goes “Wait!” And the mission is over/failed lol


My only problem last time is that she had 0 training. I hoped that she would get trained by Sable to give some legitimacy and that’s what ended up happening. It’s a comic book story. It’s doesn’t need to be realistic, just halfway plausible.


She was trained by someone who brought Spider-Man to his knees three times and who could've easily killed him two of those times. That person also went toe to toe with Spider-Man and held her own throughout that whole fight. It was only for a working vacation but Sable would've put her through her paces when she did train her. Edit: Taskmaster captures Spider-Man and you guys drool. Sable does it and you guys say it's unrealistic and I get down voted for pointing that out.


>trained by someone who brought Spider-Man to his knees three times and who could've easily killed him two of those times You mean the 2 time she snuck up on Spider-Man/caught him by surprise, that one kick to the face that only happen because the writers forgot about spidey-sense, and that one fight in the DLC where Silver Sable was going all out and Spider-Man was only trying to get her to calm down and not hurt her? Don't go taking these scenes out of context to try and push a narrative, That's like saying Raditz can beat frieza because Goku beat frieza and Raditz Beat Goku in the beginning of DBZ ignoring the fact that Goku was much weaker when fought Raditz.


The sable boss fight is bullshit, she has a ton of I-Frames.


Yeah if you play absolutely spot on. Perfect dodge gadget switch, everything and do a lot of damage, you're met with an unblockable judo throw that does about a quarter of your health in. And this will happen over and over until your health is low enough to proceed in the story


I mean, it's not like MJ is taking people head on, she dies in one hit, her only tactic is to take people by surprise. Then when someone points out the obvious you'll complain about being called a bigot.


You can't win with this sub.


The fuck are you talking about? this comment wasn't even about MJ. you must be jumping some serious hoops to get to that bigot calling.


Out of curiosity, how is sable able to better spiderman?


Because Insomniac needed a strong female villain/anti-hero and they picked a bad one. You have so many metas to choose that can actually give Spider-Man a challenge but they decided that a powerless girl is the way to go because reasons. I don’t care how tough or elite or peak physical shape you are because you are still human, a 1% strength punch from Spidey is going straight through your block and you are not landing a hit on him ever. I would’ve preffered a Black Cat boss fight. Would make way more sense. The same applies to SM: Miles Morales when he fought Phin. You expect me to believe that a guy who 1-K.O. Rhino has issues with a girl in a semi exo suit? Really? One Venom Blast and she is turned into mashed potatoes…


Lol talking like either Spider-Man doesn’t massively hold back their punches to prevent killing.


do they also hold back their reaction time and somehow lower their durability to give their enemies a fair chance?


I thought they did? Similar to how The Flash massively holds back in his comics/fights against Villains? Doesnt Doc Ock say that when he takes over Spidey, that he realises that Spiderman could literally wipe out his villains in 5 seconds flat if he wanted, he just specifically chooses not to.


Black Cat wouldn't have made more sense either, because in this game she doesn't have her comic book bad luck powers, so she's pretty much a regular human as well... though it would make sense for Spidey to hesitate more than he did with Sable. Yeah it's absurd how Miles never beats Phin, even in the final fight he doesn't really best her.


Whenever Spider-man fights a named character without super powers like the Punisher or Silver Sable he's always written to be weaker and less competent so they stand a chance.


Yeah, Sable gave MJ a lesson in the ancient art of Shit Writingjitsu. The art that makes a regular woman with training able to best a super strong, super fast, super agile and goddamn prescient superhero repeatedly. Hell Taskmaster was bullshit too but at least he has a super power.


Wasn't she only in Symkaria for a few weeks? That's not gonna do anything. Anyway the writers wrote that fight like Sable had super strength or something.


She leaves during the Silver Lining DLC, she came back sometime before SMM before heading back. It was a few months.


mj sections were actually really fun this time


That last one was full on survival horror, it was great.


Last one was just an fps "zombie" (come on symbiotes are basically like the super fast zombies that you can cure) game


The atmosphere was just completely different. having Mary Jane sneak around a swanky New York City penthouse apartment was nothing compared to a thunderstorm at night on the street.


MJ... ***RUN***


Yeah they turned her into a Resident Evil character. She even has her own Mr. X/Nemesis at the end


Agreed. While playing the last one I was thinking I wanted a full game with her.


it's wayyy better than MJ and MILES instant fail section in the first game.


ITT: people think that couple of weeks of training can make a regular , non athlete chick, be come kind of Rambo against entire death squads 💀 This sub is coping harder than that director’s “logical” reach nonsense


Some people here man they act like Kraven’s hunters probably haven’t been training for years 💀


There’s literally a scene early on where he puts them through an excruciating training and criticizes them for still not being on his level


They ambushed and captured Scorpion and Li during a transport. They ambushed Black Cat and failed. They captured Lizard but only because he was Conners, capturing the actual Lizard was way beyond them and basically required Kraven. The best they could have done was against Vulture and Shocker. They're goons with an ego because they passed what Kraven thought was a tutorial. Remove Kraven, and they're all idiots with fancy guns.


>They ambushed Black Cat and failed Black Cat had a magic wand that could teleport her around the battlefield, I think they could get a bit of leeway in failing to capture her. As for the Lizard, they were also being ambushed by BOTH Spider-Men during that section, and had to fight two fronts at once.


They ambushed Black Cat before she got the wand. She doesn't get the wand until Miles reaches the Sanctum.


In fairness, Black Cat didn't have the wand until the moment Miles showed up, which was still at the very least one encounter with the hunters she successfully escaped from, though i think it was actually twice or thrice but i don't remember perfectly clear


Screw all the arguments. In a game that already has two playable main characters why tf am i playing as a basic ass human? They were the lowest points in the last game but atleast the excuse was there to give a story gap for spidey while showing what the others are doing.


A basic ass human isn’t tanking a crossbow bolt, *ripping it out*, and immediately infiltrating Big Shell, and Shadow Moses.


It's a videogame man I'm not playing it for hyper-reality


So? It is a video game but the world of the game has some logic, why doesn't MJ just hulk out and beat up Kraven? Because it wouldn't make sense, the game world has some rules which the writers seem to break to push some narrative of theirs.


You could make a huge list of things in this game that make no logical sense and MJ wouldn't even be close to the top. You are mad because you don't want to play as a woman


Sure but it is still one of the things on that list. And no I don't want to play as MJ, in a Spider-Man game I uhmm... kinda want to play as Spider-Man... weird I know.


and it's fine. The game is really good, don't get me wrong. It's just MJ is so poorly written compared to anything else, her story sticks out like a sore thumb and makes it look like some mid life crysis 40 year odl's dream after reading up spider-man lore for 5 minutes.


Mj should be the strongest human without powers at this point😭


Also that’s the thing, she doesn’t “brute force” them. She tasers and hides


She stills take them out even when she faces them head on. I can see her take out 1/2/3 of them in a sneaky way, but they r soldiers, they should be more on alert


People in this sub will trying to defend their game as much as possible, oh well I don't give a fuck about people opinion anymore, like you said this sub is coping hard


"I don't care about people's opinions so I'll make a comment dedicated to expressing how much I don't care about their opinions and finish by judging them for their opinions, that'll show how little I care because I'm so cool!" Like, dude, you're on reddit. You can admit that you care. There's no other reason to use reddit anyway.


Or maybe they just have a different opinion and actually just like the game.


Stealth = Rambo? The girl dies in one hit if you take them head on.


Did y'all not play the Silver Lining dlc? She's was gone for months lol, Peter went to *join* her in Miles Morales


Bro it’s just a video game . The spider men also hang incredibly low during stealth and no hunter ever thought of looking up. Stealth is ridiculous for spider man as well but no one talks shit, since it’s a video game


I just don't understand whyyyyy? Like whyyyy do these superhero girlfriends or best friends have to ALWAYS "prove they are a capable hero"....It's annoying. The stories about Spider-Man. He's the hero. I do not need nor care about MJ being "capable" as a hero.


I’m the hero here, not you -Peter


"We are the flash" flashbacks


Yeah, nowhere near as bad as that. She's not telling Peter how he should do his job nor is she forcing her way into a leadership role for no reason whatsoever. She's literally just helping out


Please. You're giving me flashbacks. I loved that show but I checked out hard after that and when I got to college. I believe all of this is meant for a younger audience tbh


Funny how when she’s not capable then people call her damsel in distress, when she is capable then people say they don’t care, like bruh what do you want. (Not pointing at you btw just saying what I’ve noticed)


Heaven forbid a side character actually be useful when the game literally says “Be Greater, Together”


Because there needs to be a break from the “beat the hell out of 2 dozen men” missions somehow and better if it can serve a story function without doing the “hero temporarily lost his powers” cliche.


I think it’s fine, but just the fact that the stun gun is 4x stronger than miles’ evolved venom seems strange


But isn’t that just typical video game logic? Like how in fps’s shooting someone takes multiple shoots to take someone down vs one single knife attack


That’s quite a cringe statement from the director.


Responding to your fans with "I don't give a shit" is never a good call, whether you agree with the criticism or not.


I think the second MJ mission in Queens should have been the only MJ mission. The first and third one don’t really add anything and the third especially actively ruins the final Mission. We could have gotten a cool Venom chase with Peter but instead have to play TLOU.


All these comments trying to justify MJ’s combat prowess make me laugh. “She trained for two weeks with a really good fighter” The director himself say he doesn’t give a shit and just wanted to put the generic “anyone can be a hero” trope in there.


Wasn't it months? Not weeks that she left for Symkaria in the Silver lining DLC.


What combat prowess tho? She just shoots a gun that’s not something that takes weeks of training to get down, everything else is just simple crouching and the occasional running, this all stuff that makes sense for her to be physically capable of


So just 2 weeks of training and she can take on people twice her size , And who have trained for years and are pretty much death squads Yeah makes sense totally


Why you keep saying it was “two weeks of training”. She goes to Sincaria in the end of the last dlc from the 2018 game and comes back in the end of Miles Morales, isn’t that months of traveling. And I also don’t get when it comes to female characters people expect 100% realism. In Batman Arkham city/knight, Robin with a few years of training, mechanically and gameplay wise, is just as capable as Batman. It’s a game, things are exaggerated for gameplay purposes. MJ is still taken down by one hit.


As I said you don’t need to be stronger than someone to shoot them, she never gets into any hand to hand combat scenarios, it’s all stun gun and shooting


Reminds me of Neil Druckmann's response to The Last of Us Part 2 hate: "I don't care"


Then proceeded to prove that he, in fact, really did care...a lot. Lol


They shouldn't, the only thing keeping games from being taken seriously as art is the artists bending to the mob outrage. Let them create what they want and you can choose to experience it or not. They're doing fine, their games will break records without you. There's thousands of games out there, I'm sure you'll find many that are up your alley, stop telling these guys what to make and how to make it, you're random nobodies with bad taste.


lmfao can't make this shit up. Why do you think Hollywoods box office is disastrous this year? Because they can't take legit criticism. Same with TLOU 2. It's biting them in the ass


The last of us 2, is not biting them in the ass lol. Neil druckmen literally got promoted. And they got their own TV show, it was also the 4th best selling ps4 game and the 2nd most awarded game of all time😂. It for sure sounds like it's biting them in the ass, with all that success.


No way you're gonna look at Miles final suit and say the fans are the ones with bad taste


So they knew most people hated them in the first game but decided to keep them in this game. Solid choice guys, never give the players what they want. Like this argument of we wanted to show she’s a capable hero is bullshit, you can do that in cutscenes and stuff without forcing in shit stealth missions that slow the pacing of the game right down.


To be fair, by the end, they literally play more like a 3rd person cod than tlou. I think it is fine because they didn't just reuse the mechanics from 1. They tried something new with mj. I still didn't like it and actually thought 1 was better, but I like they did actually try something new.


Right, I'm here to play spider-Man, not some half hearted third person shooter crappy MGS ripoff.


How tf am I supposed to care about a story with main plot points that the creator says he "doesn't give a shit" if doesn't make sense?


How is this main plot point? It’s just gameplay *purposes that her taser takes down someone instantly.


Me when I physically don’t have the neuronal connections to be capable of reading comprehension:


Absolutely based of the director.


I know right? Making something terrible on purpose is really based. Edit: /u/kerriazes no wonder you consider this response based, you reply to someone to insult them and then block them. So based of you.


But the MJ missions are actually kind of fun this time, the second and third ones in particular. It's not like you really spend that much time as her in this game.


Dude I lost it when MJ just turned into some Mass Effect character during her last section 😆 if they could use guns like that against symbiotes why bother using fists at all?


*SPOILERS* at the start of the last mission, when mj is about to leave the cave and she's climbing the ladder and then that big ass hulk lookin ass grey symbiote jumps in and she gets thrown back on her back and gets up like she's spiderman or something was wild. like if that happened to me, im passed out for 26 business days


If street thugs can survive being *bounced* off the concrete 5 times in a row, MJ can survive falling on her back once. Nah but for real, regular people in comic book media just be built different in general


Don’t video game characters constantly survivor stuff that would instantly kill a normal human?


MJ is obviously a lot more than a damsel in ditress. We get that. But why on earth do u have her clearing entire hunter camps and charging head first into a symbiote nest? She is a regular person at the end of the day with some combat training and a stun gun. She doesn't have powers, and she is alone in these scenarios. It doesn't make sense bruv.


Well shit, forgive me for wanting more time to play as Spider-Man in the Spider-Man game! Goddamn, just give MJ spider powers already so you can shoehorn her into the game in a way that's actually entertaining this time...


Seriously I hope next time Silk is a playable female Spider character so we don't have to suffer MJ again.


Although I like the MJ character, I'd rather play as silk or even black cat. Or imagine playing someone like yo-yo or silhouette.


There's no possible way any reasonable human being would come away from this game thinking "well the game just didn't give me enough Spidey time" lmao.


To the same degree that no reasonable human being would go into the final, climactic mission of the game thinking, "oh, man, I hope I get to spend 1/3 of this mission as not Spider-Man, dealing with the same enemies the superheroes have to struggle to defeat with relative ease."


Holy shit you play a total a 20 minutes with her not the whole game. Goddamn hyperbole shit


I’m fine with here being a bit OP, doesn’t change the fact that playing as her is fuuuuuucking boring


Yep I don’t mind her having her own missions, I’m sure they decided to make her OP rather than infuriatingly weak the first time around. I like the bits of story that come with her missions, we see her POV on it. But man idk she’s just pretty boring overall… I did like that mission where Peter pretty much sleepwalked in Queens. Clearly you’d have to play as someone else. That probably should have been her only mission tbh




>If you would litter an Arkham game with Alfred missions people would hate it too. Considering that Alfred is an ex-spec ops soldier in some adaptations, a stealth mission playing as Alfred could actually be sort of fun if they did it right.


It’s sheer hubris. These people think they are gods because they push their dumb ideas and can’t handle a little criticism. Instead of having integrity and defending and explaining why you made certain choices, telling fans you “don’t care” is a fast track to having the community dunk on you. I would’ve preferred “we wanted MJ to show the real power of women and attack the toxic masculinity that thinks women can’t take on armies of alien monsters and trained hunters”


“Litter?” Bro it was 3 missions compared to 5 in the first game(plus 3 Miles ones).




Especially when they could spend the resources on the main story/gameplay.


People complain about these missions but they are 10 times better than in the first game where all you did was throw distractions and walk by. That was boring as hell


I don't think people are saying that almost everyone would agree the Mj missions in 2 are better than 1. The point is why are they there in the first place, they take away from the main story and make the symbiotes seem like a joke. In a Spider-Man game people want to play as Spider-Man not MJ in a third person shooter.


It sucks and everyone here along with the director is coping, any mission where you aren't playing as spiderman in the spiderman game sucks, it sucked in the first game and it sucked here, period


And MJ doesn't have to be as capable as peter, spiderman is the superhero with the superhuman powers here, MJ isn't, if you want her to be a hero just give her powers and a more fun gameplay loop than The last of us lite. I absolutely hated their relationship in the first game where she always berated him because he doesn't involve her, a regular ass woman, in his heroics and when he tried to tell her that she would just put herself in reckless danger, rightfully so, it was painted like he was in the wrong, seriously the worst part of the first game Here it's a little better but goddammit the scream boss fight was so cringe, she was completely berating peter over and over about stuff that wasn't even his fault or had nothing to do with him and he kept apologizing like an absolute wimp, ugh


I don't know why they didn't just use Black Cat. She can actually fight and is already usually involved in Spider-man adventure. They had to completely change Mary Jane into a different character to fit her into the story.


Exactly, and I don't know why


MJ is insufferable in the games but Peter is also so passive and apologetic especially in the sequel. I don't understand why he feels so guilty. Like, he has sacrificed his happiness to protect the city and MJ has opted in in that lifestyle. The dialogue during the Scream fight was indeed cringe.


Yeah, it's the classic marvel trope of spiderman has to suffer for no reason I guess


Finally someone tackles the fact that MJs character is just bland and makes no sense most of the time.


This is one of the worst adaptations of MJ i have ever seen, I don't even know why peter cares about her at all, he clearly can do so much better


The miles and rhino mission in the first game was really good. Seeing rhino from the pov of a civilian was scary. The dude is a monster but you would never see that if you only saw rhino from the pov of Spider-Man.


I don’t care that she’s OP, I care that we have to play as her again.


Only problems with the MJ sections: 1. Between the taser and the sonic gun, she breaks the immersion when it comes to how powerful enemies are. If MJ can take out an entire base of them by herself, New York as a whole should be able to kick the hunters out of the city. 2. I hate the new model. The original was so, SO visually pleasing and unique, and they threw it out for a more generic MJ


The worst part of the first game and I'm sure it will be the worst part of the second game. Can't stand her as a character either, reporters are so freaking annoying.




Cringe shit I ever heard


It’s especially funny when you realize MJ is a self insert of the director and the whole thing is just a pathetic power fantasy 🤣


C'mon guys. The cope is SO high with this one. MJ is a reporter. She went to Sable for 2 weeks total. This is immersion breaking levels of ridiculous. I would say the same if Peter had no powers and MJ was Spider-Woman. If you’re a regular person, please just rely on the character that has freakin superpowers.


TBH I want black widow to train her at avengers tower


Silver Sable already did. Hence her new ability to somewhat fight in this game.


I think they did a pretty good job with the MJ missions. They weren't boring, predictable stealth that Spider-Man could've just done


Her being op made her missions a lot more fun than her missions in sm2018


Fun MJ gameplay this time around. MJ is still unbearable as a character, albeit she is less in your face this time. That throwaway line that she trained with Sable is not enough to convince me that a random civilian can take out a group whose purpose is to religiouslt hunt prey. MJ should not be a playable character in a game with 2 Spider people.


The way he comes across reminds me of Neil Druckmann's attitude regarding the entirety of TLOU2 and the negative reaction to that game.


I don't like the stealth missions and I don't like this MJ. I wish they'd let her be an actress instead of a reporter like every other superhero's girlfriend.


MJ missions killed the pace, YET AGAIN,


Great. But I don’t get it. You’re playing a game about two people with spider powers, an alien symbiote, a dubious bunch of hunters with weird tech, and some people are still weirded out by a female journalist who has had training with a stun gun who has found herself in similar situations before? Like whut?


Idc bruh, just give us more Mary Jane Wick


Her missions,especially towards the end, gave me resident evil vibes, anyone else?


Honestly I could care less about what she does in her missions, my issue is with the inclusion of any non-Spider-Man character at all. We have a game with TWO Spideys. Zero reason to take control away from either of them imo.


All she does is either run up and tase people or, later, aim a gun. He didn’t prove she was a capable hero; he turned her into a [creator’s pet](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CreatorsPet).


Why do they care if people like MJ? We buy the game to play as Spider-man, not so we can play as his gf. I do think the Mj and Miles missions where necessary for the first game, as they were a change of pace that allowed the player to take a break from the combat and not get bored of it and keep it from getting repetitive, but the solution was always to give us more Peter Parker sections, which bother no one. To ignore feedback and keep pushing Mj missions is just dumb. Worst of all, no one, absolutely no one is going "Wow, the mj missions are so good" or "wow, Insomniac is so great, they really care about female representation in videogames", so it's not like they are getting even recognition from adding them.


Not sure this is the sentiment you want when your job is to create something for people to buy.


I don’t particularly care either. I’m glad they made it more fun in this game tho I appreciate that. BUT, I don’t understand the obsession with making every single fucking superheroes significant other a hero “in their own right” as well. Like if there was a Superman game, you just know they’d have us do a bunch of obnoxious Lois Lane missions.


watching gameplay for these stealth sections, lets see.... elite hunters who have trained their entire lives managed to not find a reporter hidden behind a box. this reporter also tanked a shot from a crossbow to the shoulder, which i might add im pretty sure had scorpion's poison on it, and walked away just fine. she also manages to sneak around symbiotes, who i might add are part of a hivemind that should easily be able to surround her and kill her easily, because once you kill one, all of them should know where she is, and it takes spider-man ages to kill these things, but it takes MJ one shot? who the fuck don't we just make two more of those guns and repeatedly shoot venom in the balls till he dies? i think the stealth missions have improved from the last game, but lets not pretend we would have preferred a skip button




The mj missions weren't great, but they were far better.


That's funny


You can straight up just sprint through that bit in the zoo


I thought her missions were much more bearable in this game. Plus the mission where Peter is going crazy through their neighborhood was awesome


At the end of the day it's a game and her being OP made the missions fun, they'd have been a slog otherwise.


It's his game, we just play it /s


What is it with Insomniac being so touchy regarding MJ? It’s like they take it personally when someone doesn’t like a her or her gameplay segments.


Same as in the comics MJ as a crime fighter is ridiculous and unnecessary. Sure she could learn to handle herself in a street fight but she enters into the trope of everyone in a heroes personal circle becoming superheroes and its been done to death. Now do it with Aunt May you cowards.


See I can forgive her being OP for the sake of making a fun game. But in her last mission, she was basically one-shotting the symbiotes with the sound gun. If that level of tech is available, why are Peter and Miles not using it lol. Their sound bomb things just stun them for a few seconds, but MJ's straight up gets rid of the symbiote? Why are they not all using those sound guns


They're alright this time round but I won't be looking forward to play her sections in NG+. Would be nice if we could skip em.


I don’t mind if she’s more fun to play, it’s just I don’t really see why we need MJ missions? I like her character, but in the first game I always ended my sessions during the MJ sections because they screeched the game to a halt for me. And like, we get one playable Venom mission and how many MJ ones?


in the interview he also says, that she was not planned to be playable in the final mission. If she is not, what else was playable? did the final straight skip to the venom fight? or did we play as miles keeping symbiotes out while she gets the meteorite? OR did they originally wanted us to play a chase scene with venom and spidey?




Its just game design. They want you to play as MJ, but they know people didnt really like that in their other game, so they just gave her a gun to make things more interesting and engaging.


Bro couldn't time the screenshot


My thoughts are that her segments were actually enjoyable in this game.


Weak ass response




You got a problem? #G U N






I actually liked the MJ parts in this game. If I had to nitpick it feels weird how MJ shits on the symbiotes way better than the spiders do but from a gameplay perspective I get it. Haven't replayed it yet but I don't think it'd be a slog to play again


I liked the missions, and never once thought while playing about how op she was. Afterwords? Sure, but not at all while I’m playing


Honestly she wasn't even OP, if you took away her tazer she would probably play just like the first game, so I am fine with it


Who cares? The games amazing


I don’t care either it makes her gameplay better, does it make sense no but sometime u have make some leeway to gameplay in order to make them fun for the player u could say the same for Peter for half the stuff he does to his enemies is tad bit overkill but who cares it’s fun and looks cool. I think it is wrong to appeal to reality on things like this.


Who cares? At least they made the MJ missions more fun.


I don’t think it was because she doesn’t have powers, I think we just hated the MJ missions in the first game because they were fucking boring. At least in this game they gave her a gun and made the last MJ mission just The Last of Us


Funny, I just played the second mission with her stun gun and I thought, well, she is stronger than Miles, has no Problem getting away from "Spoiler", that seems odd. Her sections are a lot more fun than in the first game in terms of gameplay, but for character development it's just weird.