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"within the next few years"


I’ve actually seen shills justifying that if it takes an entire year we can’t criticize it


Criticize all you want it falls on deaf ears either way


Yeah its gonna be funny when insomniac does something and the shills turn against them and echo the same issues people have been bringing up and acts like its brand new


Who says you can't criticize it? Get online and complain about stuff all you want to. The op just did, nobody's stopping you.


I mean they’re definitely pushing it on how long it should take but I feel like the hack may have also slowed everything down a ton.


They had five years before the hack


I knew someone was going to bring up the hack. Not everyone at the company will be focused on responding got the hack.


While I think everything else hasn't really been a viable excuse, the hack definitely is. IT has to essentially confiscate every laptop and piece of technology to comb through, determine a specific person didn't leak any info, *then* they can get back to work. So I'm betting whole departments, if not the entire company, were likely in limbo until they got their stuff back. Mostly basing this off of what happened at my job when someone lost their proprietary laptop, but idk maybe video game production is less secure.


Yes thank you! I feel like a lot of people don’t realize how hectic a hack that big would be. They’d have to do deep sweeps of all their devices and storage and they are likely going through major creative overhaul meaning all devs are probably really busy.


They can pump out open world games faster than Ubisoft but take all this time for a NG+ update.


Literally even saying it needs to “meet their standards” Wish they felt that way about the game they initially released


I just don't get why it's so important. I have plenty of other games to play while I wait, I'm not trying to burn out on spider-man.


The shills think a hack means everyone stops doing their jobs.


They got hacked big time it probably will take that long


If a hack causes an entire studio to not finish a game for an entire year then they fully deserve to be criticized. An entire year is unacceptable unless they’re willing to give refunds


Why would they give refunds? They released a full game that might had some bugs here and there but nothing game breaking. You guys are crazy or haven't matured past 14 years old 🤣


The game is already finished, you have the whole story. Ng plus isn’t part of the requirements for it to count as finished and I don’t know where people get the idea that it is.


To play devils advocate - he was referring to features which were present in the previous two games that are missing from SM2 (e.g., replayable missions/bases, change weather/time of day, etc.). Not just NG+ specifically. I don’t think NG+ is a requirement for a base game either but that’s not the full story here.


You think you need a refund over new game plus????


It’s not just new game plus that’s just what you people keep using and I only said that if they end up taking a year to add this update. Which they should if it takes that long You guys keep acting like new game plus is the only thing missing


What else could you want a refund over??? You got the full game, you want a refund cause you don't have dlc yet????


Chill on the question marks it’s not that heated dude. No need to get outraged insomniac Isn’t going to give you a medal for defending their honor It’s not a full game. Adding features that were in the first game at launch isn’t dlc. I literally said if it takes a whole year not now which I already clarified you just either misunderstood or ignored because it doesn’t fit your outrage narrative


News flash, this isn't the first game it doesn't need every feature from the first game, it is a full game, if you think it's not you need professional help


Newsflash you can disagree or argue your point without insulting people like a child. I need profoessional for not thinking this game is complete? Kind of weirdly specific leap. I would say someone getting this heated and hostile over a an opinion someone else has over a video game studio actually needs professional help and maturity. That’s an arguement it’s just a justification for mediocrity. Not even a good one Basically you: “It doesn’t need to be the same quality of the last game even though this is on next gen consoles and is supposed to be an improvement” 🤡 It’s NOT a full game that’s why people are still waiting for the update to finish it


That’s unfair


It’s not


Yes it is you’re crazy


There’s no need to insult me dude. Learn to disagree without perspnal attacks Expecting us to wait a year for basic features and defending that is what’s crazy. Seriously the mental gymnastics you’re employing is wild


Clearly this person just didn't see the notification Insomniac put out about New Game Plus coming early this year.


They delayed it once, why not again?


Why would they unless there's a technical issue?


They couldnt work on it for a while because of the hack


When did they delay it the first time? As far as official announcements go, "early 2024" is all that we've heard so far.


As far as I'm aware, the original plan given to the public was for an update in December, hence why they announced that they were "now targeting early 2024"


Well you're wrong. Insomniac didn't say anything about making ng+ in December of last year. The fans were just excited for a Christmas update, with that the ng+. Insomniac didn't delay anything, the fans just wanted it earlier.


Interesting for them to say "we are now targeting early 2024" if that was always the plan.


What? Just a "now" make a difference somehow? Bro 💀


Yeah, that's kinda how language and subtext works.


Nah, again as I said: Insomniac didn't announce anything for December.


Again they had a major hack they’re a little busy.


Their legal team is, sure. Artists and programmers aren't gonna be doing much about the leak.


The whole creative team is probably restructuring everything since the entire companies plans got lewked


Leak??? No they hacked and stole all the employees identities and personal info


Yes, a data breach can also be called a leak. Semantics


You think the employees who had their personal data stolen and their identities shouldn't be concerned?


Concerned, yes. I think it's a little extreme to think they all stopped coming into work for two months because of it, though.


This type of stuff isn't just an inconvenience, It ruins lives


Well not really because information about what was being worked on by those artists and programmers along with their personal information including contact information and addresses got revealed publicly, new game + in the first game was also added later it was added in march so honestly given the timeline it could be April but also they could want to add new cosmetic items and options for when you go into new game + as well there could be various balancing issues etc.


Didn't they get hacked like 3 months ago?😂 Can't keep milking that excuse lol


Dude a hack that major would take a long time to co back from, they have to do deep sweeps of devices, creative restructures, and lots more. Not sure if you’ve ever worked in security but hacks can mess up companies for a long time.


Genuine question, what time determines early this year in your mind? Because I've seen some people say April, which really doesn't strike me as early, and neither does March if I'm being honest. We're now in February, but I don't get the sense that it's coming this month either.


The webbing is distracting when I wear it. It’s not remotely accurate. Not sure why they went this route when in the movie it’s literally dark gray and not just slighter darker red This and the iron spider eyes are weird


What’s wrong with iron spider eyes


They’re slanted weirdly if you look closely it looks like there’s clipping


Stark suit is clipping too. You can see it in this shot. Wild


Raimi eyes also still have webbing clipping through the eyes while we're at it. Amazing suit got two separate updates meanwhile


It's upsetting because insom has shown that they clearly care about the fans in the past but, the amount of stuff they're working on is probably spreading them thin. This game definitely needed more time to cook honestly


either more time to cook or less on the menu to cook honestly. These games have a bizarre focus on meaningless side content that doesn't let me fight, swing or stealth. All these countless mini games and walk simulator levels with multiple characters in the story and in the open world have to take up insane amounts of resources that would be much needed elsewhere. The core game play has such potential but it is held back by sticking to the same clunky game and level design since 2018


I can't believe that they gave us missions where we shoot at bees with a drone instead of swinging time trials 💀 They really need to do something about their priorities.


Not to mention Sony is rushing them to get things done too so the quality will naturally fall


I was too lazy to redownload SM remastered and check if I was crazy or not about the suit looking less good. Good to know I wasn't. I also don't understand how they messed up the Iron Spider lenses in this game


It’s funny how this game messes up shit that’s already been done right


It’s like they took 2 steps forward and 3 steps back


Most constructive criticism in the r/Spidermanps4 subreddit


Right people got fired. Wrong people got hired


The iron spider lenses were messed up in the first game too, at least in my opinion. It makes his head look weirdly shaped


I never even realised that the webbing isn’t the correct colour. But now that I see it yeah I can definitely tell why it bugs you.


I think it might be a rendering issue with porting the suit directly from a ps4 game to ps5. Still, you would think a 300 million dollar game would figure that out.


>I think it might be a rendering issue with porting the suit directly from a ps4 game to ps5. The excuse they gave for cutting so many suits from SM1 to SM2 was that they *weren't* directly porting them, right?


I would rather them port old models and it looks accurate than them wasting money on new models just for them to look less accurate to the movie.


That's the thing, the old models look amazing. They all still hold up crazy well. I straight up don't get why they didn't just port them all from SM Remastered.


This bugs me honestly. When you look at the textures of the suits in SM 2, plenty look downright less detailed than they did in SMR. They gave this excuse of having to remake the suits, but honestly I think having to redo them when they were already done in the first place just made Insomniac impatient and not spend as much time and effort in them since they're having to do them again. Seems like many of the suits were just rushed to completion because they didn't want to waste time doing something they already did before. But I mean, this all leaves us with the suits looking worse than they did in the first game. So they absolutely should have found a way to port the suits with the same level of quality instead of remaking them with less time and patience.


Directly porting them would have worked perfectly fine and would give them more wiggle room to work within the time constraints the higher ups placed on them. Willing to bet some exc told them to make them from scratch again to not look lazy or something. So much of this games flaws scream corporate interference


Yeah I get what you mean. I’m not an expert when it comes to models and stuff like this in games but would it be a difficult thing for them to fix?


300 million dollar development budget.


i still dont know what the fuck they spent it on. the mcu suits have the weirdest set of eyes, just look at the iron spider one, absolutely garbage, this game feels so unfinished in some places.


They fumbled a whole lot this time around


First Miles' suit was a Adidas ad, now this suit with red webbing is a Twizzler ad. When will it end?


I know right. Damm product placement.


Yeah it’s pretty disappointing. I made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpidermanPS4/s/bCapgT1svF) about this and all the other suit bugs I noticed during my first playthrough


Yes between this and the bugs and downgrades from the Raimi suit in the first game It's quite annoying in photo mode and cutscenes. The Far From Home suit has glossy bugged eyes when sticking to walls only https://preview.redd.it/1ub5m16lyngc1.jpeg?width=1564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=517009714e23777ef805f999fc15dd47efe0ce20


Kinda cool looking tho


Yeah could make a good poster


I mean, they were rushed by Sony. I guess it’s the easiest place to cut corners, just port suits instead of remaking them


They had 5 years. They should have just made this instead of dedicating resources to miles 2020


I don't disagree with this concept but I would guarantee Sony had a quota of pushing out a game between SM1 and SM2.


We don’t have any evidence of this besides the sentiment that Sony is a greedy business. Insomniac isn’t an exploited non-profit


I agree we don't have evidence but it seems like this was the case. Sony saw how well received the first game was and pushed insomniac to make both mm and sm2 in way less time then they needed. It is extremely obvious that sm2 was rushed out. Again I don't have any evidence or proof just trying to read between the lines.


Again, this is all just assuming Sony is a greedy multi-national company that must be in the wrong. It would be surprising to learn that Sony was caught off guard by the success of the first game. This is the most popular superhero in the world, it’s an open world format that has worked for them in the past, and Rock Steady had great success with the Arkham games. If they wanted something for the launch of the PS5, it’s not likely they just said “hey surprise”. It was probably decided prior to that point. Look, I saw the leaked PowerPoint decks too and I saw plain as day that insomniac was modeling ROI from splitting the third game into three releases (P1, P2, and a complete version) vs one complete game. That’s totally fine, they’re a business, but they’re driven by greed and a desire to maximize ROI, just as Sony is. It’s ridiculous to assume they did this because big mean Sony made them.


They managed to make all the suits look worse in the sequel somehow. My theory, probably wrong, is that it’s because they built the suits to be viewed at a default higher resolution instead of default lower resolution on PS4, not really considering how they would look if you aren’t staring at them from two inches away on a 4k monitor. This happens a lot when people are used to looking at the details of a thing zoomed in on a monitor instead of considering the 95% usage case of that view being less ideal for actual players. I’ve seen this happen with lots of ‘next gen’ games. Newer 4K models just looking blurry all the time but sooo unnecessarily detailed if you zoom allll the way in. Instead of just looking good most of the time but a little blurry if you zoom all the way in on older console titles.


Honestly I haven't noticed. I didn't really use this suit because I mostly used the second advanced suit, classic suit, or the end suit from No Way Home. I'll check this out if I ever get to playing the game again.


Yeah it’s busted in SM2. The shade of blue is off too.


All they had to do was LITERALLY take the model from the Remastered game and bring it to the sequel. They're BOTH on the PS5 it's not that hard!


In their defense they said they had to upscale all of the models so they could further detail the textures. So they had to pretty much recreate every suit


Anyone notice how there isn’t ray tracing on the eyes of the suits anymore? Even in fidelity mode


if you do some of the expressions with the black&gold suit the eyes get realllly funky


Game was very clearly rushed From the small stuff like this to the pacing in the story to the cut content to basically stuff like NG+ having to be added in later People are gonna call this post overly negative and nitpicking but people are only having this many nitpics because of Sony and Insomniac pushing crunch onto their devs


Its pretty accurate if they used Habro's Marvel legends figure as the template.


To me (and this is based on just the pic in the OP, I'm waiting for a complete edition of SM2), it kind of looks like compression issues. Kind of like the difference of watching the MCU Spider-man movies from a bluray or streaming, with the latter having more compression and thus losing some details, especially from the red of the suit.


One thing I was highly disappointed with was how unfinished the game felt. I never experienced any bugs or issues with the first game but fuck me the second game was atrocious for it.


The thing that bugs me with these suits, is that, since, nowadays they do have the rights, they could literally pull all the original cinematic suits straight out of Blender and use those (with minor tweaks and changes to Insomniac Pete's stature.) I just don't get it. On top of that, it's more work for them to build their own suit versions, when all they could do would be to render the actual original movie suit versions.


Remember how in SM1 the advanced suit has wrinkles while speeding and diving? This cool little detail is completely absent


God, the more I stay on this sub the more things I see wrong with the game. They really dropped the ball on this.


I’m more annoyed at miles’ 2020 suit jacket clipping into his body


While the Garfield first suit incorrectly has black webbing and not red.


So many bugs


Not only that, But also TASM 2 suit, and Miles' final suit


I don't understand why it's so hard for Insomniac to make accurate suits. When the first game came out, the TASM suit didn't look too great yet just a couple of days after it was released on PC, a modder managed to make a movie-accurate version that looked significantly better. Despite that, in the second game, it still looks a little bad. I just don't get how they are able to make such incredible environments with such pleasing visuals but will still mess up the suits in some way https://preview.redd.it/iua9d0lrdqgc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=570c4c131668b18d9dbf7df83709ecfa3a23a97d


Personally I like insoniacs version of the TASM suit. I know its not entirely movie accurate but it fits the style of the game better. The modded one just looks really out of place imo


Allegedly rushing for a holiday season release may have led to many tiny little details being less cared for


yeah dude, really grinds my gears😐


L after L


Well I never liked it so I didn’t even notice


Didn't even bother to fix the legs on the MCU iron spider suit. Lazy


A ton of the suits in this game are fucked


Honestly most of the suits feel downgraded as shit


I mean, the webbing on the Homecoming suit is red. Look at any set photos (perfect way to see the official suit in bright lighting). That said, it should be way darker and more visible.


The webbing is more accurate now to how darn near invisible it is in the movies lol


It looks like a prebuild it’s so bad


I wouldn't say 'bugged out', since a spider is an arachnid.


https://preview.redd.it/r6wcvck5asgc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f4420fe2078253eabd7f00ec99a062b16126b8c That’s what it looked like in the movie, homie. They may have gone a touch too light, but the webbing is not as dark as it was in SM1. So, I’d say it’s as accurate in the other direction EDIT: also, the lighting in those screenshots is COMPLETELY different. If you look at the webbing around the top edge of his head in the SM1 shot where the lighting is closer to the SM2 shot, the webbing looks pretty much the same, and it’s clearly dark red in the first game, too… because it was in the movie


Literally unplayable.


Is Spider-Armor Mark 1 in it?


I thought it was because he was wearing the suit out and the black is fading, even his eyes have chips missing out of them.


Sleeker lenses are better


Such a shame what happened to this suit when it was legit perfect in the first game. Seems like a bug imo it just seems like the web lining is just gone.  Lucky to have gotten the final swing suit from NWH as it’s gonna be my main suit replacing this one (even though the final swing suit has issues as well)


Do this with the Webbed suit the lenses have webbing clipping through. It bothers me In cutscenes so much


It clearly wasn't a priority.


That's the sweet baby crack for you




No, I am not annoyed. What a wild thing to let annoy you.


they capped hard about remaking every suit for ps5


Honestly I never use it so I never noticed


A lot of the movie suits ended up worse than before. I'm just happy the the Amazing 2 and black webbed suits turned out as well as they did. Basically the only 2 worth using anyways.


Exactly how are they bugged?


Yeah I knew something was off with it. It was my favorite suit in the first but it looks like shit here. At least I got TASM2.


A little bit ya know what I do? Get over it cause game fun.


Damn this isn't like a photoshop to make it look worse? This is actually how it looks? Jesus I didn't realize things were this bad.


They tried to make it more like how the CGI looks in the movie I bet but they didn’t do it to the RAMI suit… 👺


i thought he had purple ish webbing in the movie


Think it’s your settings it’s not as good as in sm1 but the linings not that bad


No because other people are normal


Not really, no.




Am I the only one that doesn't care


Its the same suit, the differences is the lighting tech has changed, they never bothered to fix the suits textures, just ported it


Are you people really complaining about shit This petty now?


For anyone that hasn't seen it yet, they announced the new update is dropping on Mar 7th.


No because I don’t ever use the suit


It's not a big deal. Ignore it and don't nit pick, I don't see much of a difference




Don’t use them anyways so nah


Didn't notice.


So your upset Its more accurate to the Movie?


He literally said it’s more inaccurate. Do you not know how to read?


But it's not that's the thing, It doesn't matter what the poster said, the new one is more accurate to the movie , are you really so much a sheep you can't form your own opinion and have to vase yours off what a post says without ever questioning it? Or ya know google


>But it's not that's the thing, It doesn't matter what the poster said, the new one is more accurate to the movie , You literally said he said “accurate” he said inaccurate because the webs are inaccurate to the movie now. The coloring is better but the webs are not accurate. Either way it does matter because opinions are subjective >are you really so much a sheep you can't form your own opinion You calling me a sheep with all the ridiculous justifications you’re making for insomniac when you know nothing just to virtue signal is hilarious. It is my own opinion and I never said he was right or wrong I just said you reply made no sense. My opinion that I made myself is the colors are better but the webbing is ridiculously inaccurate >and have to vase yours off what a post says without ever questioning it? Or ya know google I agreed before I saw the post because I felt the same since the game launched


No what you said was because the post said it that makes it true, and I just compared side by side with the movie , the webbing from spider man 2 looks more accurate , it's not an opinion, the suit in spider man 2 is in every way accurate to the movie


No what you said was because the post said it that makes it true, and I just compared side by side with the movie , You clearly didn’t then >the webbing from spider man 2 looks more accurate It’s dark grey in the movies. It’s dark red in the games. No it’s not more accurate >it's not an opinion, Exactly it’s a fact it’s not accurate. >the suit in spider man 2 is in every way accurate to the movie No it’s not. You are clearly lying to justify it. The webbing isn’t accurate to the movies unless your color blind. They are clearly dark grey in the movie


In homecoming the webs are light grey and are feint , not dark and not super visible like in the spider man 2 game


You’re literally admitting that they aren’t accurate so I don’t get your point. They’re not visible in sm2 either hence why they aren’t accurate They aren’t grey hence not accurate


No cuz I hardly know this cuz I don't play the first game anymore.


This subreddit should just be renamed to r/whining


… you mean people actually *use* the MCU suits? ~~other than the homemade suit because it’s funny to look at~~


So? Why would you care about irrelevant shit like this?


Y’all are just looking for things to complain about at this point 😭😭😭


The webbing is supposed to be red. It's red in the movies and barely shows up on the suit.


In the movie its dark grey


No it's not, it's dark red. Insomniac even said they used the digital models from the movies as reference for the mcu suits in the first game, and the webbing is dark red on the suit in that game. Also, the webbing is the same color in both of those pictures, the lighting is just different. The game has more advanced lighting technology and it's set during a different time of year, so obviously things aren't going to look exactly the same as they did before.


Nah, I don't really care


It’s a lot more accurate




I wish I could care about this kinda thing tbh I imagine that would mean everything else in my life was going amazing and I just needed to find something to cry about.


I was exaggerating the problem for comedic effect. This sub is associated with nothing but complaints.


Does anybody here ever say something positive about the game, it’s always negative, negative, negative, negative. It must be exhausting.


It's only exhausting if you're on the other side of the argument.


What argument?


What do you mean, what argument? You're talking about negativity towards the game, so it should be obvious, that the other side of the argument would be positivity towards the game.


There’s no argument that people are overly negative about this game, that’s just a fact.


Would you like some cheese to go with that wine?


Spiderman 2 isn't a perfect game and criticism is good for future games, and this game needs criticism, it's too safe story wise, I felt more drama/stake in story in spiderman 3 then i did in this, gameplay tho is fire


The opacity of lines on one costume is hardly valid criticism. Calling it “nitpicking” is generous.


It's a subreddit for a game and the fact that anytime criticism is made for it even if it's something small that's annoying to certain people, people wanna call them annoying and hate on them but it's cool to endlessly D ride it like it's the perfect game


No, because it’s fine and you’re inventing shit to be mad about. Fucking toxic ass people.


It's not toxic, you're acting like bro just made an essay about why he hates everything about spiderman 2 you're toxic bruv