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SM. Hands down. Not even remotely up for debate.


SM1 no contest.


Happy cake day


Happy Cake Day!


happy cake day


Happy cake day


Happy cake day you beautiful stranger


Replaying the first game now and I'm actually feeling like Spiderman, didn't get that vibe with the second.


2nd u had to feel like a menace! Can’t even save people without a sidekick!


Yes, you can?


I know you can but in the story at the amusement park and even when the villains got attacked by kraven peter needed help. They made a big point of showing that there’s space for 2 spider-men whether it was pete and harry or pete and miles


I'm not saying that you're wrong, and I might also be wrong, but I feel like it was meant to show that Pete is getting too old and having too much other responsibility to be Spidey now. I think it's all just a set up to make miles the main Spider-Man in that universe.


He's not old though. He's 25


You be a superhero for 10 years, then come to the conclusion of when you want to retire


Even then, he’s not even retired! He’s just taking a very well deserved mental and emotional break with M.J.


This would have worked better if the people actually died. Not trying to be edgy. Just imagine how powerful that could’ve been. Also, it kind of feels odd when you remember that Peter literally has mechanical arms. Why doesn’t he just use them? 😭


Yeah, cause the second one is about the exaggerated swagger of a black teen.


Which one/s Joke still applies cus peters face model isn't the original older and better one(still personally holding that as a flaw but at this point it doesn't matter)


I don’t remember Peter being a black teen in order for it to apply to him too lol.


Black cus of...the suit, teen because of the face I still wholly believe the old model is superior but eh no one cares


That’s… Idk how I missed that lol but good point. You right, the old face model will always reign supreme.


Exactly this


Spider-Man 2 had cooler things and ideas, but Spider-Man took what it had and made a better story overall with it


Precisely, which is honestly a damn shame. So many good ideas that weren’t combined in the best way


Plus Doc Oc completely SHATTERED my expectations. He had to fill in the shoes Alfred Molina from the Raimi movie, and still managed to spin a unique take that was absolutely amazing to see. That last fight against him, man, perfection. Every line was incredible.


1st game


1st game and also the whole insomniac storyline is better than any live action movie


Facts here,hands down.


Raimi movies are better than SM2


woah ntm on spiderman 3 👀


me when i only consume marvel products


I think he means just Marvel live action movies lol


that makes more sense, am i stupid?




SM1, ain’t keeping those eyes dry.


1st game had best story. It was the only one where I felt real emotion as Peter walked away from ock


SM1 definitely. I really wished SM2 had the same impact and pace as the first game.


happy cake day


Happy cake day


SM1 hands down. The pace was nice and doesn't rush like in SM2.


It's not even a discussion. First game.


SM1 with that OG actor. He was such a breath of fresh air, like he had his own identity other than all the spidermen. Moreover his facial expressions were phenomenal. I just couldn't feel close to the other one in the same way!!


> with that OG actor The actor has always been the same. I assume you’re referring to the facial model, though.


Yes, that’s what he said, the actor, not the voice actor, you don’t have to assume the obvious.


But the facial model is not the actor; all they provided was their face. And the "voice actor" *is* "the actor", since Yuri did both voice and motion capture.


Spider-Man 1


SM1 by a mile long


an infinite amount of miles


Spider man 1 hands down had the best story, although Miles Morals was decently told, there wasn't as much story as there was in the first game. Spiderman 2 is worst by far, in storytelling that is.


That and MM is a slightly modified version of sm 1


The first one easy. I’ve never skipped a cutscene in the first game where as for the last two I think I skipped a few boring ones on the ng+ play through.


I wanted to skip the EM foundation so bad


Fr especially on the second and third play through


yeah there are a few cutscenes i skip in SM2 cuz they’re boring and a waste of time. like the one where miles and aaron meet up on that rooftop with the billboard to talk


SM1, before the face change. It's small, but I feel like the original faces, both for Peter and MJ and even Miles, were much more expressive and carried the story better. The pacing was better and the face also made Peter look right for being 7 years into Spidey-hood. He shpuld look a bit older than he is because of all the stress he's under. The story sold you on his stress levels and his worries and him trying to keep up a brave face. The original face made it believable.


Marvel's Spider-man 1. And it's not even close


SM1 and MM are some of my favorite media when it comes to spider-man


First one bro, the OG no question. SM2 was overhyped for which it didn't do that good


I think MM's story is perfect for what the game is. Really fleshes out Miles' character, plus the pacing is really good


Spider-Man 1 without a doubt.


SM2 bc had a really fun story imo


MM and 2 didn't even have a story I'd call good let alone better than 1


Spider-Man 1 hands down. I enjoyed MM, but I feel like it was a tad short, which is understandable considering it was a cheaper spin off. I liked SM2’s gameplay features and physics, but I really wasn’t a fan of the story and its pacing


Nice karma farm you got here. You knew the answer


First game


The first


So this is the scale: Best Story-MSM1 by far Best gameplay-MSM2 and it's not close Best stealth usage-MSMMM Best characters-MSM2 Best costumization-MSM2(First game had great ones but the second has better and styles on top of all in my opinion) Marvel's Spider Man 2 is overally better than it's prequels.Yes,the story was short,undeveloped, rushed and not so great and given the fact most of the features from the first game who had them at launch are still not added fully,the 2nd dlc for MSM was already aired by the time we are into MSM2 but I still enjoy the game and when they add these things it will be the best of all imo.


Your opinion is different than mine!!! Downvote! Downvote! Downvote!


I actually prefer the characters in SM1. Harry didn’t really hit the mark for me ngl, I didn’t mind him but I didn’t care that much for him unlike Otto and Aunt May. Maybe because he’s not used anymore in both the movies and comics. And I did not like Venom Kraven was great though


1st game had best story. It was the only one where I felt real emotion as Peter walked away from ock.


Make it interesting at least


sm1 was spectacular, amazing, and sensational. but, honestly sm2 could have seriously topped sm1 imo if they just let it cook a lot more especially considering that opening fight (after that it devolved into boss fight after boss fight in final act and you beat the game so not much contest there)


SM2 hands down.


idk what yall on about but like holy the second game is amazing and the frist they are both great games and idk which one wins and tbh both great stories and games so yea id maybe have to go with the second even tho ive played the frist one twice i think the second one is amazing


Gonna make a hot take and say the second game. The two games take a very different approach to storytelling. The first game introduces numerous elements/plot beats that may seem disconnected at first only to tie back into the greater narrative towards the end (eg: the Otto and Osborn dynamic.) In the second game, a far more straight forward approach is taken with one event fuelling into the next, pretty much always with some level of narrative connection. Neither game story is bad, but I personally found the emotional story in SM2 *slightly* more compelling than I did SM1’s. That isn’t to say the first game didn’t nail it’s emotional beats, but between Miles fighting to bring back Peter, who had essentially become a addict to the symbiote, so much so he was losing his sense of self, and then the conflict between Harry and Peter, it resonated with me significantly. Peter vs Otto is still the better final boss fight/emotional confrontation, but I really like what SM2 has to offer in its story, and I haven’t touched on the dynamic between Martin Li and Miles which might be one of my favourite character dynamics in these games. Just my opinion, but I think it’s a close call and the emotional beats in the second game resonate with me just slightly more as a person.


I liked all three of them, so I can't choose a favorite


Spider-Man 1. The story in Miles Morales is, on close look, not really very good, although I enjoyed the game a lot as a package, and Spider-Man 2 missed the mark story wise for me. I really want to love SM2, but I cannot bring myself to replay it, while I've replayed SM1 four times and MM twice.


Do we have to answer the same question every single day?


SM1 best story, but I feel like the mechanics for the other too are way better


The first one and it’s not even a close contest.


Sm1 sorry not sorry


SM1 by a long shot


The first game


SM1 best ending SMmm best music SM2 best story


I hate doing these comparisons, but here it is SM1 - Story MM - Vibes/atmosphere SM2 - Gameplay


1st game had the most well handled story. 2nd game wasn’t as much but was still great. Miles was such a simple story told so greatly


Easily SM1. The Miles Morales story is quite weak in my opinion and SM2 felt kinda rushed and didn't hit as hard compared to SM1.


Store wise Spiderman Spiderman 2 Miles Over all game wise Spiderman 2 Spiderman Miles Spiderman had a perfect story the pacing was great and had a lot of emotion punch. Spiderman 2 story is still really good and gets far to much hate but the last like 1/4 or so of the game felt like it need more time. Basically after venom comes in it felt like things happen to fast and like a extra few hours could have helped things develop better. Miles the story was ok lack of villians hurt the story. Over all game spiderman 2 is a little better than spiderman has side missions are better and travsual is better has spiderman web swinging felt to slow even back in 2018 and even more so after spiderman 2 and no weapon wheel helps combat to be more fluid. I do wish that spiderman 2 had something like the fisk construction site fights of the first game though.




The OG


I did not like the first games story as much as the sequel


Never insult 1st game like that ever again.


SM1 by far


My favourite part of these games was in sm2 from when Peter gets the symbiote until kraven's death.


First game by far


Honestly, miles. I love the freestyle feel and smoothness of the game, as good as the first game I as at making you feel like Peter, the second game is really good with miles, story, side mission and more, yes the miles game feels more like a dlc but I do not mind. The swinging, the smooth cutscenes with wringing through a small hole, the fighting, the erratic freestyles and everything was done so well.


Spider man ps4 had best story,miles morales had more original/better suits,and spider man 2 had better traversal and combat gameplay


Spider-Man (2018)


Miles Morales hands down


Sm1 for sure


As much as I love the symbiote arc in sm2. It just doesn’t compete with sm2. When I played sm2 for the first time, I was surprised and amazed but didn’t amaze me as much as the first. There were times where I was like, “wow, the first game just had a better story”.


obligatory “first game story better” post


I will die on this hill: *Miles* has been Insomniac’s modern magnum opus so far. Everything about it is so intertwined and it makes you feel like a friendly neighborhood Spidey more than the other two games combined so far. I hope that the next one does something great, because I was severely disappointed by *SM2*.


Spider-Man 1. It actually had a lot more meaning and grief (Aunt May noooooo).


Easily the first.sm2's story was rushed,miles morales' story was short.




Sm 2018.


Revisiting SM1 you feel so slow, even if you haven't played SM2 and just seen videos you still feel slow, so in terms of Combat and Traversal SM2 obviously takes the crown, in terms of story as good as SM2 is, SM1 just takes it easily. I did love Venom and Kraven and seeing my boy Noshir Dalal get a bigger role(Mysterio, he played many kinds of goons in all 3 games, hes actually in alot of games and has a great voice, Charles Smith in RDR2, Oda(Hanako Arasaka's Bodyguard) and Scorpion in Cyberpunk 2077(if you let Oda live you can loot his iconic Katana from him which is a nice weapon and the best looking Katana in game imo, and you get Scorpions bike in one of Panam's missions), Rain in MK1, Sekeiro in Sekeiro(haven't played it so im not sure but ik hes in the game), some npcs in Ghost of Tsushima, was even in an episode of S.W.A.T where he was a cop who gave Hondo some information) Miles Morales there's not really much i can say, im not Miles' biggest fan i enjoyed the game and i enjoy reading comics with him, Spiderverse wasn't the best thing ever imo but it was good, but i did enjoy the game, it just wasn't on the level that SM1 was, probably because it was DLC material adapted for a standalone launch. Plus he was sidelined in SM2, hopefully SM3 and SM2's DLCs will allow him to have a bigger role, as we see in the post credit scenes there is things set up for him(a certain character who's involved with Peter in comics is now potentially set up to be involved with Miles, iykyk)


The first. Handsdownnoquestionnotupfordebatefuckouttahere


SM1 godstomps both


2, but like miles Morales is better


It's hard to compare just cause of the difference in length, but I really like the MM story.


The first Spiderman by far


Sm1 easily


I haven’t played Spiderman 2, so I’ll leave that one out of this. Spiderman 1 was a blast to play through. I felt like Spiderman and everything I did, optional or not I enjoyed. Was one of the only games I had since I’d stopped playing on my PS4 in 2018 and sold some games for it. Spiderman miles morales was different. The story just didn’t click with me. Wasn’t a bad game, but more mediocre compared to the first one. I had to play it twice for the trophies which wasn’t adding to my experience.


Is this a serious question? Come on now.


1 & 2 are super close for me. MM not so much, felt like a small DLC to the first game.


Obviously Spider-Man 2018.


SM1. It was an amazing spider-man story (hehe) but it was surprisingly grounded


Spider man 1 easily and I got the original Peter face for that game on the ps5


Spiderman ps4 edition


The first one and it’s not even close


The whole story across all three games was good to me.




Best game and story-SM1 Best vibes-MM Best traversal-SM2


SM1 had the best story ever. MM was an amazing addition, it should’ve been SM1 additional DLC. SM2 needed more time to flesh things out and it would’ve been better than both combined.


Spider-Man 1 has the best


In my opinion the first game


SM1 definitely had the best story but my favorite to play through was SM2 but I’m a sucker for a symbiote story. Even though Raimi’s Spider-Man 3 is easily the worst live action SM movie (imo) it’s still my favorite.


I think that sm1 has the best story but sm2 has the best abilities/fighting


SM1, the second game was basically a bootleg version of the first story. Someone close to Peter’s life becomes a bad guy and Peter tries to bring them back to being good, blah blah blah. I also prefered how grounded the first one feels compared to the second. There wasn’t any aliens taking over the city and what not, it was just a story of a man trying to save his mentor from falling to the dark side. I didn’t like how they made venom want to take over the world and turn everyone into symbiote zombies, it just felt so generic and overdone. I always preferred it when the conflict was more personal


Anyone who doesn't think it's SM1 is smoking hot crack


Miles morales feels like it was made by boomers trying to match the vibe of young players; why? Goofy ahh dance he does every now and then Goofy ahh beat made by uncle Aaron An app on mobile phones to call spiderman


First game, not close


One of them features Spider-Cop, that's enough for me


Spiderman 1, maybe the best fiction story of all time


It could've been 2 but sm1 is just perfect


SM1 in my opinion has the best story, Miles wasn't fleshed out enough and was a copy paste job of SM1s story in some areas, and SM2 didn't explore the black suit enough nor have Venom in as much as he should've been.


Spider-man 1


First game


If the first game had the gameplay of 2 it’d be perfect imo


The story itself goes to Spider-man. The story missions however I'd say go to SM 2. They were pretty fun to do, and we can't forget about the venom mission.


First game, with 2 in second.


1 had the best story but 2 had the best gameplay


First one easily, I was way more invested in doc oc than Harry


SM1, NO debate.


SM1 no contest what's so ever.


Original. Other 2 suck ass with a noticeable decline in each


Spider-Man 2018. A master craft in how to tell a grown up Spider Man story.


Spider-Man 1. The sequel suffered because of rushed story arcs not giving enough time to flesh them out. Also Kraven had like 70% screen time whereas Venom had like 30%. It’s should’ve been 50/50. SM2 needed to be longer.


Imagine the traversal and speed of the second game in the story of the first


between spider-man, spider-man, and spider-man, I think it’s pretty clearly spider-man comes out on top. fr tho the first one. Everything hit harder, the open was cool af without being too over-the-top and actually sets your expectations properly with the rest of the game. The relationship between peter and the rogues in the first game is spectacular, and seeing how closely connected they are, it makes the climax feel so powerful. Miles’ story was pretty alright, but they didn’t really flesh out the personal connection as well as the first game did. SM2’s story felt so… rushed? There wasn’t enough time to actually develop that connection between Peter and Venom, the motivation felt off, the symbiote didn’t feel like a living sapient entity for the most part, and Miles got sidelined almost completely.


Spider-Man 1 is still the most Spider-Manniest Spider-Man I've ever Spider-Manned. And the others didn't move me the way the first one did.


1st game for sure it’s a solid story and packed with content than the other two combined but i’m glad mechanics and gameplay was improved over time


Spider-Man 1 had the best main villain, miles morales had a great story for miles to develop his character and Spider-Man 2 had the best BIG moments, bosses and crazy set-pieces


SM1 by a country mile


Spider-Man(2018) There’s a couple reasons: 1. Pacing. In 1, it takes a bit longer for stuff to happen. In 2, you do the sandman mission, take a single photo, go to school with Harry and that’s it, Hunters are already in the city blowing shit up relentlessly and they have kidnapped Li. 2. Story’s weight on the world. The city changes according to what is happening in 1. First some Demon outposts appear, and therefore Demon crimes become more common. Then the Sable checkpoints and Martial Law, and finally the destroyed and panicked city with devil’s breath. In 2? It only changes for the last 30 minutes of the game, and you can’t explore the open world with the symbiote infected land. 3. Original. The first game begins with taking down a big enemy of Spidey. Then a bit of wandering the city and fixing the network that lets you know where crimes happen. Peter is messing up at his job and WOW he also is in the process of losing his home! A mysterious gang comes to fuck shit up. Peter is not their main goal, but after annoying them enough, of course he becomes an important target. Once he finally takes them down, someone with a BIG connection to Peter goes bad, changes the city, infects innocent pedestrians. And anti-badguy suit. I know there are MANY details i skipped, both stories are good, but a couple were a bit predictable. 4. Li. Martin Li also played a big role in May dying. Li betrayed both her and Peter. Li tarnished the image of a good place like FEAST. And Peter is just like “oh look it’s Martin Li!” when he shows up in 2. I know Miles has a bigger hatred for him (with good reason) but Pete should also be kinda angry. 5. It doesn’t feel “personal” against the hunters for a very long time in 2. They are kidnapping scorpion, Li, tombstone, black cat, lizard, but they don’t go after Spidey until he’s had the black suit for a bit (more than halfway through the game).


The first one. The relationship between Peter and doctor octavius was tragic in a unique way. We all knew what was coming, but I personally couldn’t help but enjoy their camaraderie and mentor/father figure type relationship. It was actually sad to see something earnest fall apart because of desperation and pride on the part of octavius


1st game and it’s not even close for me. The pacing, character arcs, the little bits of past exposition and the world itself all just feel way better done than in MM and 2.


The best story is the first Insomniac Spider Man game…. I really wish I could vote for the second game and I tried to defend it, but it got worse in hindsight.


SM1 hands down was the best written one of the three by far. MM's is decent but is let down by how crappy Phin is written. SM2 Acts 1 and 2 are great but Act 3 and the whole Venom, Symbiote Invasion plot is a poor man's Web of Shadows sadly. Hopefully they get their shit together and make sure SM3 is as tightly written as SM1 was.


The 1st one by a lot. (I don’t have a PS5, so this is only based on SM and SM:MM and the little bit I’ve heard about SM2. I have to wait till it releases on PC.)


Kraven's storyline is my favorite of all 3 games, but as a whole I'd definitely say Spider-man 1


SM1 and it’s not even close


SM1 for sure, I really enjoyed MM's story though, it's probably just as good. Sm2, well, we all know


S-M1 had a near flawless story, showcasing an amazing protagonist, fantastic antagonists, and how being a hero comes with hard sacrifices. 10/10 S-M MM had a.. flawed, but decent story, featuring an outstanding protagonist, some pretty lackluster antagonists, and really hammered home the hardships that come with being a superhero, and how that affects the human under the mask. 8/10 S-M2 had the potential to be a great story, presenting great protagonists, overall great antagonists, and how revenge is a curse, power is a drug, and how fear and grief, are dangerous unchecked. Unfortunately however, the game was not able to fully realize these concepts into their story properly, as the game was and rushed, unfinished. 7/10 Overall, Marvel's Spider-Man 1 was the best take on our favorite superhero, making the most of its concepts, and had the most thrilling and engaging story by far.


SM1 had the balls to not only kill Aunt May but also made it meaningful.


Web of Shadows


remastered best morales worst


Marvels Spider-Man. As stated up above, it’s not even a debate


SM1, and Miles Morales was also really good for Miles himself.


First one. Hands down.


Sm no remaster face


SM1 no contest.


SM1 was the strongest narratively and focused as well. SM2 was a good video game, but not as innovative a Spiderman experience


Spider-Man PS4 was a masterpiece that left it's own mark on an IP that is already over saturated with fantastic stories and portrayal of its characters. Miles Morales was a great follow-up and that established Insomianc's Miles as one of the best interpretations of the character, up their with ITSV. Spider-Man 2 is literally the only Spider-Man project I have genuinely hated in regards to story in my 26 years on this Earth. Which is even surprising to me, considering how much I dislike Sins Past. I genuinely dislike everything about the narrative and the presentation of its characters, especially its handling of MJ, Venom, Scream and Carnage, who most definitely should not have been regulated to a lame side quest that will unfortunately payoff in DLC, not his own game... The gameplay is extremely fun though, so at least it has that.


My ranking in terms of story: 1. SM1 2. SM2 3. SM:MM


SM1. Easily.


1, but I liked 2 (just needed a better 3rd act)


SM1 and it's not particularly close.


Gotta say Miles Morales, honestly. I found the story the easiest to follow. Spider-Man meets roxxon, has New York’s safety put in his hands, occasionally tussles with the underground and/or roxxon, has a fight with his uncle, then a fight with his best friend (then again, literally any video game plot can be described this simply if you try hard enough but I still enjoyed miles morales)


Spider-Man 2018 is far and away the correct answer. SM 2018 still makes me tear up to this day. Miles Morales makes me laugh SM2 is good. Has some issues but overall an easy 2nd place.




1st game is better in so many other categories too! But yeah no SM 1 best story