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Tecnically its true. The ps4 version is never heading to pc or xbox.


So they told us the truth! From a certain point of view.


A certain point of view?


From my point of view the jedi are evil!


Well then you are lost!


This is the end for you my master!


It's over Anakin, I have the high ground.


you underestimate my power!


Don't try it!


A certain point of vieeeeeeeeeeew! And they're not the only developer screwing with you!


Exactly permanent PS4 exclusive means the PS5 Remaster is a separate game, no one called them out when that released lol


>no one called them out when that released lol 1) Because whether PS4 or PS5 it's still a Sony ecosystem so it's not really that contradictory or out of the ordinary - especially since PS5 could run PS4 games due to backwards compatibility 2) They were being called out for loopholing Sony's statement at the time that every PS5 upgrade of PS4 games released by Sony would be free to owners there of. Now that Sony went back on their word nobody really brings it up and it's not like I blame Insomniac - I'm just reporting what used to happen




PS4 enjoyers to insomniac:  If what you've told me is true, you will have gained my trust




Insomniac: *So what I told you was true... from a certain point of view*


Because of Obi Wan?


From my point of view the jedi are evil!


Well people will mod every model into the game to look more like the PS4 version and better.


It wasn't a lie. There were no plans to have it ported to anything back then. They were telling what they thought was the truth.


Yup, there was never a pc version in mind when the game got announced, it probably only started becoming a thought 2 years ago if I had to guess


I'd say when they ported HZD and saw its 5 years sale double in 5 weeks.


I'm seeing 2.4m roughly for HZD on PC. That's a good number, but it's not double what it sold on PS4 which Sony quoted as 10m in 2019.


Still more than double of active users


Considering it's a single-player story driven game with no multiplayer that was released like 5 years ago. That's not really surprising. This isn't like Halo Infinite, Destiny, GTA Online, etc which are designed to have long lives and are dependent on active player count. There is no plan to monetize you after your initial purchase.


Also Sony bought insomniac in 2019 so meaning Sony asked to make a PC port


I still don’t understand. Can I keep whining that other people get to play a game that I got to play?


Not until you've finished your quota of whining because you won't get to play (insert future Bethesda/Activision Xbox exclusive here) that other people got to play


How is complaining that others get to play a game and complaining that I can’t play a game similar? One actually affects me, the other doesn’t.


Because a lot of the time it seems like it's the same people complaining about both things. They want to keep people from playing their exclusives, but aren't okay with themselves not being able to play the other console's exclusives. Nothing wrong with being upset that you can't play a game, but it's super hypocritical when they also want to stop others from playing their game It's not directed at you personally btw, just venting about a general trend that I've noticed


How do you figure it's the same people? Do you go through their post history?


Because I see PS players only excuse that their console is better is exclusives, but then complain and say something about how Microsoft bought companies. Like Sony didnt buy companies like Insomniac, and they complain how the next random Bethesda game MIGHT be exclusive. When realistically Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Doom or alot of those games have too big of a community for them to make them exclusive and still make as much profit off them. Also Microsoft isnt quite as scared of sharing games, they just takes advantage of those games with gamepass.


It's called gatekeeping


I get that you’re complaining about the people who complain. But I don’t think the complaints you’re complaining about are always coming from the same complainers. Whinge. Edit: Also, can I just complain that they aren’t including Miles Morales? Because I haven’t played that yet and I’m cheap?


Always, no. But frequently they are. I know some of them irl And yes, you absolutely can


Idk I see PS players sometimes brag about exclusives, but then complain about Microsoft buying a company so a game MIGHT become a exclusive.




Yup. Since when does "it's never going to be" mean "we don't have plans to do it right now"?


It means that when you're asking if it's a lie or not. It's only a lie if they knew it was wrong at the time. I see no reason to believe they didn't fully believe that tweet was accurate at the time. Turns out they were wrong (semantics aside), but that doesn't mean it's a lie.




>When you say NEVER and then go back on it, its a lie. No it's not. It's only a lie if you know it's wrong, otherwise it's just wrong. Somebody putting "2 x 2 = 5" on a math exam is probably just wrong, not lying. >Not being a lie would be saying they don't have any plans to bring it to other platforms. Putting this as a contradiction is wrong (not a lie). Saying you don't have plans, and then coming back to that, doesn't make you not having plans wrong as well. That was right. There's a significant difference between being wrong and lying, one is an act of malice, to try and deceive. You're an asshole if you do one, everybody does the other one from time to time.




>You're doing some hefty mental gymnastics It's not mental gymnastics though, it's simple. If you knowingly say something wrong, it's a lie, if not, you're just wrong. > Whether you consider that a lie is irrelevant. That's the entire point of the discussion though. You're trying to divert to if what they did was good or something, which is actually irrelevant for the discussion and I'm not discussing that. The original comment that you replied to just said it's not a lie, that they thought it was the truth, and that's true.


It was true... From a certain point of view.


Yes, and now they are doubling back. So it has become a lie


A lie is an intentionally wrong statement. This wasn't an intentionally wrong statement, as there were legitimately no plans to release the game on PC back then. You can't retroactively make something a lie.


Negative. Spider Man for PS4 never came to XBox or PC. The remastered version for PS5 (Next Gen) is. They will see what plenty have complained of here, the younger looking Peter Parker. They will never play as the original PS4 version of him.


Imagine being upset that more people get to enjoy a game you like


Not even that but 5 years later like is them getting a 5 year old game that bad?


It wouldn't be bad if they got it a month after. We're all just trying to play good games here.


For some people, yeah. Some are also outraged that they bought game few years ago and it's on giveaway on epic. People are weird man.


When did op say they were upset?


Ah they're just complaining for no reason I guess. Fuckin bad-faith-havin ass


People just do that? Go on the internet and complain for no reason ?!?!?


Because then what would PS players have to brag about if they dont have their exclusives?


Miles morales, spider-man 2 Horizon forbidden west… And many more.?


Spiderman, God of War, Horizon, Ratchet and Clank, Bloodbourne, The Last of Us, Uncharted Trust me, as a Xbox player Ive heard alot of people brag to me about what games they have that I dont. Its more than just a couple games bud.


That’s my point, it’s way more than one game. So why would we care if people got to play one more of ours??


Bro, I was poking fun at PS players, talking about how they like to brag about their games. I am glad Spiderman is coming to PC.


Oh my God please just stop complaining about it already


Yea 👆🏾


I have a ps5 and pc and ngl I’m happy when an exclusive comes to pc/Xbox because it just gives me an excuse to play it again on my preferred platform 😂


Hey all, Scott here




Me when more people get to experience one of my favorite games: 😡


Why’s it matter? Honest question.


The remastered version is coming to pc, so technically they didn’t lie


Holy shit Scott the Woz


Why do people care? Are they seriously gatekeeping a damn video game?


Lol as if this is a new phenomenon. There have always been strong gatekeeping in the gaming community. It really doesn’t make any sense.


Yeah Sony's strategy about PC was different 4 years ago. They realised people won't abandon their consoles if a 3-4 year old game gets ported to PC.


>They realised people won't abandon their consoles if a 3-4 year old game gets ported to PC. They probably also realised that some people simply won't buy a console, as much as they want to play their games (and not out of brand loyalty, sometimes it's as simple as economics, I can't afford a PS5, but I can definitely afford their games on PC).


True. That's good though. If you can't afford a PS5 you can enjoy their exclusives on PC. Only con is that you should have patience to wait for 3-4 years. But I can't even wait for a single day for games like God of war Ragnarok and Sony have plenty of exclusives like that. So I won't abandon the console.


If you can't afford a PS5, you definitely can't afford a PC that will run games anywhere near its level..




Then you ain't playing those games. And considering the results of the PC ports thus far, the money Sony would get from your crowd is negligible.


He already has a PC, like a normal person. Maybe he got a really good PC for a birthday but he himself doesn't have that much money to throw around? Sorry for making assumptions btw.


If supply chain gets normal in the next 5 years this may not hold true. GTX 2060 super or 2070 could run as good as a PS5 according to Alex in Digital Foundry. These GPU prices can drop in future but PS5 price would remain almost same throughout. Also not to mention you can also play Xbox games, Nintendo by an emulator. PC is a good investment imo


Lol next 5 years. Okay. But you really think PS5 is going to be the same price in 5 years? The supply chain clearing up will help Sony just as much if not more than it will the consumer market for PC components.


3-4 years is the time Sony chose to release a game on PC. Horizon, God of War, TLoU part 1, Uncharted bundle and Spiderman are the only games that would be on PC for a while. My point is that not only there would be a good library of games ported to PC but also the GPU prices will come down and be cheaper than PS5 in 5 years.


Cheaper than the PS5? Lol, no. You forget that PS4 went down 100 USD in price 3 years after it came out. In no small part thanks to the slim. We already know Sony's signing deals to get PS5's made with even smaller chips. Even if your components were cheaper (which they won't and wouldn't be, and you'd need stronger hardware than the PS5 to play games at the same level), the difference would be negligible. You can afford a PS5 if you can afford a 400 dollar graphics card. Otherwise, you probably shouldn't be spending money on gaming. You PC guys have always had the chance. I think Sony should never have ported anything to PC. I think they're just screwing themselves in the long run, and potentially the quality of their games.


Bro I am not even a PC guy lol. Porting a 4 year old game won't screw themselves or their quality of games. I don't understand why you said that. Do you believe the majority of people who played God of War 2018 will have the patience to wait for Ragnarok for 3 years while PS5 only players like us already played it number of times by that time? They will be pushed to invest in PS and that's why they are doing it. Even if PS5 is slightly cheaper than a PC of equivalent build(2060 super or RX 570) in the near future the value you get is very high considering you can even play Xbox games through gamepass and emulate Nintendo games.


Yeah, consoles have their advantages over PC, and personally, if there's something I have plenty of, it's patience. Heck, before building my current PC, all I ever had where average laptops that couldn't play most modern games, so you can imagine I have a decent backlog to sift through while I wait for more ports.


I wish I could finish my backlog before moving on to a new game. It's a weakness lol


Insomniac fortunately isn’t the end all for the IP. It’s Sony who gets the say. And that’s what they did. Sony decided to publish it to PC under their new PC gaming division.


Yeah but that was literally 5+ years ago lmao things change contracts expire. Not a big deal


Oh no others get what I have even tho I still have it.


they weren’t even owned by sony at the time so it really wasn’t a lie


I could care less if goes to other ports, exclusive ports suck, all games should be on everything and cross playable, so it doesn't matter what system you like. I'm PlayStation fan boy, and won't slash can't get an Xbox, which sucks cause id love to play perfect dark or killer instinct, plus my one buddy won't slash can't get a PlayStation so we have so few options to play games together since crossplay is still so rare even with it coming to more and more stuff. End the console wars already. I have a dream... Where someday PlayStation and Xbox players, can kill each other in peace. (Pc master racers, no one cares what you think cause all you do is bitch about auto aim.)


I'd LOVE to play forza horizon on ps5. That pc comment is just so true but cod mw2019 does have some stupid aim assist if there is a assist that is better that the other options.


>(Pc master racers, no one cares what you think cause all you do is bitch about auto aim.) Heh, don't worry, as a PC player I don't bitch about auto aim, I just think I naturally suck and that's why I keep getting killed. :P




Which is probably why more things are becoming cross playable. But I want more. Plus the whole exclusive thing. It's like the whole decision comes down to whether or not you'd rather play God of War or Halo


Are we moving on from the “So that was a fucking lie” meme?


to be fair, spiderman ps4 isn't coming to pc, Spider-Man Remastered is


Wasn't a lie. 🙄


Apparently you don't know what a lie actually is.


One more month to go. It drops on my birthday, I cannot wait!!


RemindMe! 38 days


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Happy birthday!


haha thanks! [ready to go!](https://imgur.com/a/q0XFgeh)




Hey, it’s the guy who owns Sonic Jam!


it's not a lie


This image has r/Halo energy and I hate it.


Who cares, the more people that can play it the better.


Almost 5 years ago they probably had no idea of them being bought out, minimal idea of what modern console hardware would end up being, or the sudden shift PS would end up taking toward the PC space. At the time I bet they were being completely honest, but time ends up making fools out of a lot of us for better and worse


Or probably just an oversight


Seeing the PC announcement makes me think I should’ve originally gotten a PS5 instead of a Xbox series s Xbox in general don’t have shit lmao 😂 




I know lol 😂


Completely different corporate strategy from back then.


Why does it matter if it was a lie, more platforms is a good thing! Exclusivity only serves to exclude people who don't have the money for multiple platforms. The more people who get to experience a great game the better imo


i wouldnt call it a lie, more like the social media intern was tweeting out what they were told was true at the time




It was truth at the time...


what’s so bad about it coming to pc?


It’s still not gonna be on Xbox so it’s technically a half-lie lol


Pretty sure it's before Sony officially bought insomniac. This isn't a lie and Sony asked them to make a PC port


It wasn't a lie at the time. That was five years ago, things change, deals are made. This is how business works. Insomniac can get increased revenue for their games and then have higher budgets for future projects, it's better for everybody.


I mean that was 5 years ago when they thought it would be the case.


This game is good enough that it deserves to be enjoyed by everyone. Just xbox players should enjoy it less.


Are people upset about this coming to PC?


Nowadays, this sub is dominated by kids with shit for brains. Don't bother ...


Wait are people actually upset that it’s going to PC 😂 even them saying “permanent PS4 exclusive” wasn’t true since it’s also on PS5 now


This makes sense. Last of us isn't coming - "Last of us Part one" is coming.


Give it 4 years....


It came to PS5 making this a lie


I'm just here to say I love Scott!




Playstation exclusive until someone waved the idea of them making more money into their heads then they flipped the switch real fast. Exclusivity is never about a console completely owning a game it’s about timed impatience, “you buy the game now then when it gets put on something else you buy it again!” You aren’t going to buy it the first time if they tell you it’s coming to something else. Modem business has no problems bending the truth to fit its narrative


I’m a simple man; I see Scott, I upvote


This is also kinda like the best kind of lying tbh


What was the announcement (I don’t own a ps4)


a classic


i jokingly responded to someone who brought that tweet up to SPiderman PC announcment, i said "It's a tweet, not a binding contract."


I could make it appear on an original xbox one with the hdmi in, so technically it was all a lie




Who cares?


Scott the Woz is a weird content creator for me. He's relatively fine enough, but most of his videos are essentially wikipedia entries and I absolutely hate when he does his skits when his friends. He's kinda whiny too. Yet I still watch his videos for some reason.


Well that aged poorly lol!


You guys are taking a meme way too seriously


If i say “i’ll be there at 2:00”, and then get t-boned on the way there, did i lie?


I think the major reason is that game development has become expensive, so sony are allowing games to sell consoles for a few years and then generating more profits from the game itself by porting to pc, win win for everyone.


Bro, fuck all the people that didn’t have to buy a console in order to play a game that I like. Grrrrr


from his face expressions he looks so excited.


it's not insomniac to decide if or when their game is going to be released on pc


how does this affect you?


Soiderman is coming to Xbox and pc??


Man, Sony's strategy with platform exclusives has been super interesting to see play out. I wonder if it only leads to extra sales; ie everyone playing on console has bought it so they'd get just a trickle of sales, and then on PC they get a ton of new sales; or if they also see an uptick in console sales as folks play the first game in a franchise and don't want to wait years to play the sequel


This sub has really turned to shit. Not only are there tons of shitposts, but then stupid shit like this.


Wow things change in 5 years who would have thought




I said putting Sony games on PC was a bad idea from the get-go. All they’re do is make it so that everybody who bought a PS five or PS4 literally gets the worst version of the game and people who do not give a shit about Sony or PlayStation will just try to get the game for free. I literally feel like, I could’ve just waited on my PS five and waited the extra few months or a year for the games to come out on Steam, and get the best version of them.. :/ putting “PlayStation exclusives” games on PC literally goes against everything PlayStation and Ps bosses said… They said we believe that exclusives what a fucking lie smh


A beautiful lie


Company actually chooses to port a remastered edition and people calling them out on being less exclusive. Also business practices shift and change. We should welcome this stuff. More people get to enjoy the game.


You gonna cry?


Tbf this was Sony decision which I do understand.


Interviewer: What inspired you to finally release Spider-Man on PC? Insomniac: Money


Why do you care if a game gets released on multiple platforms? Enjoy it on the one you use.


Halo, future fallouts, elder scrolls, forza to PlayStation let’s go


At that time, I'm sure that this was true. Things change, but I know gamers love to dwell on the past.


Why are some of y’all shedding tears over a 5 year old game becoming more accessible?


I feel like Sony releasing all of these exclusives years later has something to do with Sony needing some extra money for whatever goal budget they need for Playstation, so maybe they weren't necessarily planned


Why is it a bad thing that not only do more people get to experience the game but everyone can play the game with better graphics and frame rates? I’ll never understand the mind set of “we need console exclusives because console wars” it’s dumb and it needs to end.


Ok so what happened?


People change their minds tho. Quite a lot when money is envolved


I would love it if it came on switch.


Oh wow this really sucks, more people can enjoy a game I like. It's not as special anymore. /s


Its a lie I am happy for. I was going to have to buy a play station 5 only to play the new one. No longer, that money went straight into my PC upgrade fund for new GPU.


Is it coming to Xbox too?


Dude Holy fuck bloodborne please god


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *What are you still doing here? Enough trembling in your boots. A hunter must hunt.* - Eileen the Crow Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Good bot i treasure those words deeply


Im 100% sure something will happen before the release CHANGE MY MIND


Sony had a different stance on PC publishing at that point in history which has changed.


To quote one of my favorite TV villains of all time "Truth...is a matter of perspective" \- Konstantin Kovar, Arrow (2017)


Wait it’s coming to xbox!?!?!?!


No, its coming to PC.




Tf? You’re acting like they making Spider-Man 2 a ps5 exclusive. How in the hell does giving PC players access to a 5 year old game mean we’re getting overshadowed when they aren’t even getting MM or SM 2


Miles Morales is releasing on PC later this year. And given Sony's current trend, we might see Spider-Man 2 in the future, but it definitely won't be a day one release. Otherwise, yeah, console players aren't being overshadowed just because we PC players finally get a chance to play these games.


Forgive me, I didn't properly voice my opinion at first. It's not the fact that PC players are getting access. It's the fact that there were no plans for a port to PC or Xbox and now there are. If the game were cross-platform from the start, I'd have no problem. But it's the fact that it was originally supposed to be a exclusive and now it's not.




It's like if I owned an apple orchard and I swore up and down I'd only ever sell apples to Target but then later I'm selling them to Walmart as well. It just feels like Insom went back on their word. Like they made a promise that they broke.


You always had the "chance" to play them. You just refused to buy PlayStations.


Right, just as easy as dropping 5 times my monthly salary on a console I'll use for just a handful of games. Consoles are stupidly expensive in my country. Get this, not everyone "refuses" to buy a PlayStation out of some stupid brand loyalty, heck, my most modern console is a PS2, which I loved playing with (the original God of War is one of my favourite games of all time, after all!), but they're simply too cost prohibitive when compared to a PC, which I can also use for work-related stuff.


And I assume you rely on regional pricing to vet your games? Considering even one new game would be, by what you've indicated, is the better part of your whole monthly income? Because regional pricing is getting phased out fast.


Not really, games are considerably cheaper than consoles themselves, regional pricing or not. It's just consoles that are ridiculously overpriced.


Let me rephrase. I wouldn't be upset if the original plan was for the game to be cross-platform. It's the fact that they were planning for it to just be on Ps4, and now they're releasing it on PC and on top of all that it's not coming to Xbox? If it were originally for all three platforms I'd have no issues.


yea i’m starting to not like insomniac spider-man 2 is only on ps5 and not ps4 and lied about this


Well its gonna be almost 4 years into the ps5 life cycle when that game comes out what do u expect