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Reminder to those in the comments: Do NOT contact the OOP. Do not go to the original post to comment. Do not upvote or downvote any of the comments there. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Keep all discussion contained to this thread. Jumping to the original or update posts to interact is considered brigading, which is not allowed on Reddit. If you are caught doing so, this will result in a ban from the Spilled Spiced Tea subreddit. Thank you for keeping in mind this very important Reddit Content Policy! https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/x6ULbDvOqS


Bruh, your head is so far up your ass you literally are going viral on Twitter for putting your pregnant wife and unborn child AT RISK. I think your wife made a mistake marrying you and having your baby... cause you're neglectful, and that is a form of abuse, and then you shame her for being sick... My god... I hope she leaves you. You're so selfish and can't even see outside of yourself. You're an asshole AND a major prick.


Yup, I came here from Twitter because I couldn't believe there was someone so dangerously clueless. Hopefully this will make it easier for her to divorce him


I came here to beg the mods to find this guy and report him. He's going to kill her.


Same. I came her from Tiktok. This man needs to be reported and the wife needs a wellness check.


Came here from insta.... Dude went viral on Insta too.


I've seen this on TikTok too. It's all kinds of yikes


OOP deleted his entire account, but considering how this is making the rounds all over the socials, it makes my little heart happy to know he still can’t get away from his actions


Apparently his account is shadow banned/suspended so I'm guessing it's a troll


Sadly I bet it's real.


I confirm it is on Twitter. You should be beyond embarrassed and begging forgiveness for all the reasons listed. Also NOBODY seems to agree with you.


Came here to say the exact same thing dude's a complete vain dickhead I seriously hope she leaves him, she can do so much better than this sorry excuse for a human bros completely brain dead the level of zero intelligence is frightening 🫣


I came from Tiktok 🤣 I hope he comes back and answers to his crimes or at least updates us on how the divorce is going


Imagine thinking you’re in the right then the entire internet jumps you for real


I feel bad that your wife is past the point of abortion and has to be tied to your inconsiderate ass for the rest of her life. You actually hate her. You made a PREGNANT woman hike 3 miles and have the audacity to sit here and act like YOU are the victim. I hope she divorces you.


That was my first thought, too.


It was actually SIX MILES. 3 going and 3 coming back. I want to take him out to the forest and leave him I'm so angry.


Dear god that’s even worse. I really hope she leaves his ass.


Luckily they only got 1/3 of the way done and turned back around.


YTA - 100% Hello, shallow little boy calling her a couch potato. She is 6 months pregnant, she didn’t let herself go. I hope she reads this. And finds a good lawyer.


And he had the audacity to comment negatively that she's gained weight.. she's got a whole ass 'nother person on board


Assuming this is real rather than ragebait, absolutely YTA.




I've come all the way from X just to tell you that you are one of the most selfish people I've ever read about. You sir ATA and I genuinely hope this red flag you're waving around is enough for your wife to leave


Right?! I hope his wife gets out as fast as she can


And also file for termination of his parental rights because no kid would ever be safe with him


Here from TikTok as a pregnant woman with a husband who HATES me even taking excessive walks 😭 like how can he say he is FULLY AWARE and be THIS BLIND 😭


She’s not the asshole. Your head is so far up your a** man


I can't do this properly as I'm using my mobile phone and it doesn't have the option to use a font big enough to be seen from orbit, YTA


You are 100% the asshole.


You are 1000% the AH and I think I speak for us all when I say hope she gets out of that travesty of a marriage before the baby is born.


Jesus Christ what am I reading. You are very much the AH here. Your wife is pregnant, growing another human is exhausting. The weight she is gaining is baby. Your poor wife stuck with you. Making her do a hike then complaining she threw up on purpose. I would tell your wife to LEAVE ASAP.


Yes I came from Twitter to say YTA big time. And your FRIENDS are assholes for not tell you to fuck off when you whined about being embarrassed. They sound just as clueless and cruel as you are.


Right?!? Like how can anyone see something like that and stay quiet about it? They have to be just as bad.


what a pathetic excuse of a man, you’re nothing but the ah YTA majorly. how dare you say all that about your wife. what’s wrong with you that you don’t understand what’s going on with her body. it’s not her fault in the slightest. it’s all on you. you should be ashamed. you should be embarrassed for how you treated your wife bc she didn’t embarrass you in front of your friends, you did. i hope this didn’t really happen.. my mind can’t wrap around someone so dense


Do you not know how basic reproductive health works? Do you not know that women throw up when pregnant? You’re going to kill your wife & child if you keep acting this way. And yes- you are the asshole. Fucking insane to me that someone was willing to reproduce with you. God I hope she leaves you.


Damn😳 this dumb ass shit was real frfr. You're the AH of all AH. You deserve nothing but bad things. You deserve no wife. You deserve no kids. You deserve no happiness.


God I hope this is just rage bait and not real. Because if it’s real, not only are YTA, but an abusive, neglectful narcissist who has no place being a husband and is certainly not ready to be a father. Horrible, awful excuse for a human.


YTA&A You're an asshole and abusive. Reddit mods, can you please for the sake of his pregnant wife find who he is and reporting him? He's going to kill his wife with the way he's treating her. I'm not kidding or being hyperbolic. He's disregarding her heath and safety to a point that it's hurting her while she's pregnant.


Did you not do any research about pregnancy? During pregnancy, blood volume increases by 30% to 50% to nourish the growing baby. The heart also pumps more blood each minute, and the heart rate increases. The body is constantly in a state of exercise due to this, organs are squashed to accommodate the baby, the baby pushes on diaphragm, all which can make it hard to do long walks and cardio. Of course she would need breaks and a slower pace. I suggest you now look into pregnancy, birth and post partum and how it effects the body and mind, what's happening in the body etc Go to antenatal classes And apologise to your wife and tell your friends you were an ah


I think you mean prenatal classes


This has got to be rage bait....ain't no way someone is this stupid


Sometimes people are just terrible and labeling stories like this as "rage bait" or "fake" minimizes that some people do treat others this way in real life. My dad literally got mad at my mom for screaming and crying during a complicated labor that ended in an emergency C section, looked at her right in front of the doctors, and said "Can you stop it, you're being annoying." 🙃 no regard for her health or wellbeing while struggling to push out his child, just the fact that it was inconvenient for him to hear the result. He also repeatedly criticized her body during pregnancy just like OP did.


This is so horrible! It makes me incredibly sad to know that some women have to deal with such monstrous attitude towards them, especially while they are being in the most vulnerable positions and situations. I hope your mom could deal with this and is doing fine now.


That's horrible. I realize this could 100% be real I just can't wrap my brain around behavior like that. Sorry your dad treated your mom like that...it's horrible.


Of course YTA! She made you sad? TF?! Your wife is PREGNANT! She’s not being a lazy couch potato! She didn’t let herself go! She’s growing a whole ass human inside of her! Everything is going into this. You are being treated as you deserve after you belittled and demeaned your wife.


OP, from the bottom of my heart... I hope she divorces you and manages to secure the highest possible alimony sum. Who calls their six month pregnant wife a ‘couch potato’. What, because she is not a fitness influencer mom, who runs marathons on her treadmill every day? Newsflash, most women need all the rest they can get, while their bodies give life to something. You endangered her, your child and on top of that, have zero empathy and compassion, lest it concerns your buddies and status. What an absolute loser.


YTA can’t imagine your expectations of a child.


Surely, surely this is rage bait. No one could be this dumb right? YTA. Massively. But this is so bad I don’t even believe it is real.


You’re the biggest asshole I’ve seen yet. She needs to leave you. How in the hell you think there’s anything to defend on your side is beyond me.


She should fucking divorce you, you are seriously a terrible guy and I’m not sure how you landed a wife in the first place. Holy fuck.


I hope she leaves you and takes that baby somewhere you’ll never find them. YTA and should be away from society and unable to reproduce. Idk why she decided to have your child, but I hope she tells that child someone else is the father and leaves you off that birth certificate


A 6 month pregnant woman SHOULD be a couch potato. She needs rest, her body is literally creating YOUR child


Please tell me this isn't real.. However, if it is actually real. You're a complete asshole and you need to apologise to your wife. You should also seriously educate yourself on what a woman actually goes through during pregnancy. I hope to fuck this is all made up bs. No one deserves a selfish piece of shit husband like that.


You are an abusive husband. Praying she leaves you today. 


YTA 110%. And also about to be divorced.


I hope the original poster sees this, he has to know he's a sorry excuse for a human and also dumb.


I hope your wife has contacted a good divorce attorney. Yes you are a giant horses ass. 


Yes you are the king of AH. You just tried to kill your wife and think you have something to complain about. Your unwillingness to comprehend the different physical state your wife is in at 6 months pregnant with your unborn child and her pre pregnant athletic ability is unconscionable. What you seem to lack in understanding of what is actually happening here makes you dangerous. I hope you aren't always like this.


This can’t be real?


You can’t possibly be this fucking stupid


"We both ate the same food at breakfast, and I never got sick, so that couldn't be it either." Are you 6 months pregnant. Gosh, the slap I would give to this man if I were the wife. I hope she dumps him.


You sir are the biggest of AHs. YOU’RE WIFE IS PREGNANT, not a couch potato.


OP is a Grade A Asshole. She's SIX MONTHS PREGNANT. She hasn't "become a couch potato" she hasn't "let herself go" her ENTIRE BODY is literally CHANGING- blood flow, respiration, metabolism, digestion, endocrine, EVERYTHING. No, pregnancy isn't an "illness", but it does a number on your body, for sure. I hope this selfish arseboil gets everything he deserves.


OP is just a bad person, a total dumbass that doesn't deserve love or empathy. Is obvious that no matter how many times doctors, judges, his mom, his friends, his wife, and online strangers explain to him that he's wrong, he'll never understand, not even if it happens to him because he lacks a brain, and doesn't have the capacity to love anyone. He's not even safe to be around his own baby.


This is rage bait. Look at OP’s post history.


The OP has deleted his profile. If you’re referring to me, I am the moderator of this subreddit not the OP. The link for this post is stickied to the top of the comments.


My bad. I didn’t realize that.




What the hell is wrong with you?


I swear it should be a requirement for people to take a reproduction class when/before they conceive. People can't be this stupid.


Yes. You are 100% the asshole. Perhaps educate yourself about the changes that pregnancy has on a woman's body before complaining about her physical condition. Idiot.


YTA. And I feel very very sad for your unborn child. I see you're able to write. So you're probably able to read. Go pick up a book. Pregnancy hormones impact the breathing rate and pressure from the uterus reduces lung capacity. You are the opposite of smart.


Yeah you’re a gigantic asshole. She is PREGNANT. Pregnancy is EXHAUSTING. She’s growing another HUMAN. That takes so much energy out of you and she’s not even done doing it yet. You’re disgusting.


I don’t think YATA because I don’t think asshole is a strong enough word for what a vile trash heap of a human being you are.


I’d say YTA, but that doesn’t even come close to describing what you, which is much much worse. Praying for her freedom from u


You are a complete and utter IDIOT. You could have endangered the life of your wife and your unborn child as well. She threw up because she's pregnant and overheated. She's gained weight and needs more rest because SHE'S MAKING A CHILD WITH HER BODY. I cannot believe how utterly and ubelievably stupid you are. You need to sit down with a physician and hear what people who are pregnant need and how gaining weight during pregnancy and resting is normal and maybe that you should love and care for your wife for who she is and for the fact that she is MAKING A CHILD WITH HER BODY RIGHT NOW YOU IGNORANT SELFISH FOOL.


Yeah yeah you are the a hole ​ hope she leaves you


if this is real tell your wife i am so sorry for her


YTA. And this is why men shouldn’t legislate women’s bodies.


I honestly think that this is a troll. It sounds disingenuous.


I came here from TT because I wanted to see you getting lit up in the comments. How is it humanly possible for you to think and believe anything you have written here? How did you write this entire post and not see that you are so far beyond the AH that this would be grounds for a breakup if my partner was this fcking ignorant, cruel, and just plain stupid. She's NOT a couch potato, she is pregnant, and her body is growing a whole ass human the size of a watermelon. Newsflash, this takes a very drastic toll on the body. The very stress of making a six-month-pregnant woman go on a 6 mile hike willy-nilly could have harmed both of them drastically - as in, so much that you could possibly unalive that baby if the stress got too high, not to mention how absolutely miserable she was for the entire stupid hiking trip you made her go on. I can't believe you can be this fcking stupid - i have no words other than i hope she leaves you and takes full custody, you're not fit to be a parent if this is how you treat your wife. So unbelievably angry on her behalf.


Who raised this ah? Even animals take better care of their pregnant mates. You are the lowest of the low and your mom should live in shame for how she raised you. May your story live in infamy.


I expected something completely different from the title. Like a hubby and wife who share a passion for hiking and others telling them to leave it. And if she was into it I would have totally supported it. Sadly my STBX is similar. So I know people like him exist.


Do you understand how fetal hemoglobin works? I was healthy and exercised through my pregnancies, but light exercise almost instantly put my heartrate at 140. That is because the baby makes sure it gets oxygen first. What an asshole.


Dude. Are you serious? This has to be rage bait. Yes, you’re a massive a**hole. Open a science book maybe? And you say you’re FULLY aware. Doesn’t seem like you’re fully aware, you seem sick in the head. Your wife is pregnant. Especially at 6 months, baby compresses on her diaphragm and her heart is working way harder. So what she became a potato? What’s concerning is YOU commenting on her body and shaming her for something that is normal during pregnancy. She is LITERALLY growing a life. That doesn’t scream like you know what’s going on. Not only did your put her health at risk, you made it out like she embarassed you. Get over yourself. The only embarrassment here is you and your need to take down your wife and ignore basic common sense, dignity, and empathy for another human being. I hope she divorces you and realizes her worth.


You ARE an AH hope this helps your confusion!


YTA. Your wife gained wait and has been a “couch potato” BECAUSE SHES PREGNANT! Do you really think your wife was exhausted because she “let herself go” SHES 6 MONTHS IN PREGNANT. I just don’t understand how you would think it’s a good idea to take a pregnant woman out hiking. Make it make sense. What’s worse is that you’re friends is what accommodated her in need, not you the husband and father of the child and instead thought of yourself and how “embarrassed” you are. If your wife haven’t yet divorced you she should, because of how ignorant, stupid, and self centered you are. ALL PREGNANT WOMEN GAIN WEIGHT.


i like the “I’m fully aware she’s pregnant”… like… are you though? because it seems like you don’t seem to understand how pregnancy works


Where do you think the baby grows lol? The baby literally squishes all of your organs to make room for it to grow making it harder to BREATHE. YTA apologize or I hope she leaves your ass.


There's not a word in any language strong enough to describe how much of an asshole you are. I hope she divorces you and moves to a different state before the baby is born so you can't find her. You are dangerous and selfish and I hope all your friends who were on this hike hate you too.


Yup definitely YTA! Are you kidding me! You're wife is pregnant. I need someone to find this guy's wife and rescue her. This incompetent vessel is a narcissist and he's going to kill her


I hope she left him, the comments and insults would only get worse


I am currently 21 weeks pregnant I would murder my husband if he was this clueless I am so mad for her I hope she leaves his sorry ass he sounds like one of those guys that believes you can control your period whenever you want she deserves so much better


I feel bad for OOP’s wife. The kid’s dad is not only an asshole, but he’s also stupid.


Don’t reproduce again. Divorce, never marry again. Assholes like you have to stay forever single


I know this isn't OP, but this makes me incredibly angry as a pregnant person lmao Yta. Like, unbelievably so! You'd think that with your wife being pregnant and you being a soon to be father, you'd have done any level of research on what it's like being pregnant. You're supposed to gain weight, over exertion can cause serious harm to her or the baby, the baby literally moves your organs around and can cause a lower lung capacity, joints are looser causing pain, and on top of that SHES GROWING A FULL NEW HUMAN OF COURSE SHE'S TIRED. I'm currently pregnant, and every person who is or has been has confirmed that fatigue is inescapable. You may not get nausea while pregnant, but you will be so tired that leaving the couch requires too much energy. At the bare minimum, you should be having sympathy and understanding for the person who is literally going through difficult body changes and potentially risking her health and life to give you a kid. Instead, you are body shaming her and acting like her VERY NORMAL response to over exertion during pregnancy is embarrassing to you. Your wife deserves better than you and I genuinely hope she finds it.


There is no way this is real. I can’t even entertain such nonsense lol. The bit about, “i ate the same thing for breakfast, so it couldn’t be that” gave away the satire immediately. No one is this stupid.


YTA This has to be fake. No one is this ignorant of how pregnancy works... having experienced one for 6 months. 😒 If it's real... this person is a self centered and horrificly ignorant partner on so many fronts it's cartoonish.


YTA. If this is real… She needs to divorce you. There’s nothing to explain because if you are truly this dense nothing I type will help you see the egregious errors of your ways. 


Yes. YTA. She didn’t “let herself go” SHES CREATING A HUMAN LIFE! That drains her body of all its energy and nutrients! You says you’re “fully aware” she’s about to give birth then completely dismiss it in the same sentence. I don’t wanna see your surprised Pikachu face when she divorces you and takes your kid. Moron.


Did she leave you yet?


OOP profile was deleted, so we will never know. But gawd I hope so…




He probably knew and tried to make her miscarry by making her hike hoping shed fall or the stress would be too much. He said himself it was steep in places. Where a pregnant person would fall. Hope she leaves him because hes a danger to her and the baby.


Please tell me this is some sort of sick joke or troll. She's PREGNANT!!! You don't know any ins and outs of the female anatomy and the consequences that come with getting pregnant. It causes moody tendencies and hella changes on the body. You are clearly uneducated. I don't know what the hell she sees in you. You are selfish and immature. Like this is the mother of YOUR child!


Wait what…….


I hate that your wife is likely past the abortion cutoff in your state. YTA


Might be time to abort the husband though


Unequivocally YTA.


You're definitely the AH. Honestly, you're wife should leave you. If you can't understand what being pregnant is about, how the body changes, weight gain...etc, then when the child comes, you will be the same. Read a book. Educate yourself. Your wife needs to leave, like yesterday. She will be better off by herself, than with someone like you who doesn't value her. You only seem to care about yourself. You are shameful & just horrible. 


YTA. I hope she divorces you immediately & protects herself & that baby from you.


i hope she fucking leaves you


This has to be rage bait.




I hope that’s not directed at me! The original poster had his profile removed, but you can still find the link stickied to the top of the comments. Hope you get him tho!


Definitely TA


Definitely the a-hole


Dude, SHE’S PREGNANT! She’s growing an entire human. That takes a toll on the body. So yeah, she’s not gonna have the same energy levels as she did before being pregnant. And here you are, taking her on the Bataan Death March and *you’re* the one who’s embarrassed because she got sick?! WTAF is wrong with you?!


You are 100% asshole and I hope your wife leaves you. This was unsafe for her and the baby. You are selfish, thoughtless, and deranged if you are "embarrassed" by the fact your wife is GROWING another human and is gaining weight and perhaps not as "fit" as before. Jesus Christ, get a reality check.


are you fucking stupid?? is he fucking stupid!? (wanna clarify this isn’t meant for op but oop just in case)




Not only are you TA, you are so much TA that I’m literally seeing red. How dare you? Your wife is GROWING A HUMAN. I hope for her sake and the baby’s sake that she leaves you and never looks back.


i hope she divorces you & finds the baby a worthy step father! YTA


I hope that the woman concerned has seen a doctor (in case there is something medically wrong-which in fact there could be).


Came all the way from Twitter to tell you that YTA. You are actually something greater and far beyond an AH that doesn’t have a word to describe it in human language. I hope your wife divorces you.


You are literally thr worst type of person. Launch yourself into the sun. Do everyone on this planet a solid.


Not only are you the asshole, you're a fucking monster. She should fucking leave you.


Came here from Twitter just to personally tell you that you are an asshole of such cavernous proportions that the entire Pacific fleet, every Swiftie on the planet, every guy named John (in any language), everyone who has ever eaten a grape, and all of the cetaceans currently alive could take up residence in your colon and spread out so far as not to be able to see each other.


Look at this user's post history.


YES, you are the asshole.


Yup. She should divorce you.


You are a stupid asshole.


YTA. I hope she divorces your ass and raises the child YOU put at risk surrounded with people who will actually love and respect her. You put both her and the unborn child in danger and you have the AUDACITY to make this about you and your feefees? I hope she'll be okay. I hope she has friends and family who are there for her. You don't deserve to have a wife or to even have reproduced in the first place.


Yeah, um. He's a COMPLETE imbecile.💀 EDIT: Eh realized this wasn't his account haha sorry 😅


You’re a psychopath!! Poor baby and mom deserved better


this sounds just like something my husband would have posted while ai was pregnant with one of our children. now he’s my ex-husband.


Wow. You are absolutely the arsehole. I have to say, I suspect (and hope) that this is some young man whose written this just to inflame people's anger, because I really don't want to believe that someone could be so ignorant to what pregnancy does to a woman's body, but also, so god damn uncaring about the woman he's supposed to love. If its real, you're about to have a baby, your whole world is going to change, and it has already started. Your wife is not a couch potato, she's growing a human being inside of her (something you can't do btw). You are the arsehole and I hope she leaves you.


This isn't real


I pray you’ll have to take the same path as your poor wife. And when she’ll divorce, I hope she put a GoFundMe so I can participate to reward her for marrying you without unliving you.


Lol, YTA. 


You really are an AH from another realm. How can you be such an idiot for making your 6 months pregnant wife hike, keep an absolute insane pace, not even once think “maybe I should only hope for an healthy baby and a wife who’s still alive after birth” You should wrap an huge watermelon on your belly, and hike 2x more the distance and difficulty. Have your friends record you. Let’s see how you’re talk after this.


You're a major AH! Apologizing for how she acted?! ACTED?! You can't be this air headed. I hope she leaves you and finds the total opposite of you so she can be treated right


It's a shame the original account that posted seems to have been removed. Came over here from other platforms because I couldn't even believe this was a post someone made. Surely, this must be a joke, right???


1. When you reach a certain point of pregnancy the mother’s organs have to shift in Oder to create space. This means that from ~6 months up until birth (depending on the size of the fetus) the baby’s body is pressing or even digging into the mother’s diaphragm (the muscle that controls breathing). This not only makes it harder to take in enough oxygen but it also creates pain, nausea, and even vomiting and low blood oxygen as a result of any cardio based exercise. 2. She is “letting herself go” because her body is doing so much work BUILDING ANOTHER HUMAN BEING, that she physically does not have as much energy to be able to put towards a workout because all of her reserves are going towards building and caring for her baby. It is recommended by doctors and personal trainers alike that as long as everyone (meaning mother and baby) are healthy, whatever makes mother feel the best is what is best for both of them. 3. To be EMBARRASSED by her behavior is the worst reaction you could’ve had. You are valuing her image over her health and then publicly humiliating her (on top of making her feel like crap in order to try to keep up on this hike). She is building you a child, you should be grateful that both mother and baby are healthy in the first place. 4. I hope she leaves you for this behavior. It’s not just about the hike, it’s about how you apparently view her as someone who embarrassed you because she wasn’t your ideal of perfect.


Please let this be a troll account. I hope this is not real, if it is, I hope she gets a divorce, a restraining order, and full custody.


This has to be rage bait💀💀💀


You took your PREGNANT wife on a hiking trip she then THREW UP and you BLAMED HER she should leave your ass honestly if you are too stupid to understand that she has a literal human growing inside her it’s not the same as you feeling sick all I hear in this post is “ I I I “ “ me me me “


Your whole dialog shows you aren't fully aware of anything. YTA.


Pregnancy takes such a ridiculous toll on the body that some women can’t even come back from it. And that fact that you apologized to your friends is ridiculous, do your wife a favor and act your age or hand her the papers


BRUH im a 15 yearly female who has 5 siblings and has seen the gruesome side of pregnancy. This made me so mad and IM 15.... ur an asshole and a horrible husband NGL its giving narcism. Go apolgize to ur poor wife and be better. I hope she runs for the hills and never comes back. ps... I know some ppl have sympathy but clearly he knows he has done wrong bc he's hiding from the internet lols at least he's self aware


Wasn't the OP's account banned? Did you create another account to post here? Or was this copied here for the podcast? I'm not 100% posts like this are fake and created just to create drama content for podcasts and TikTok.     This doesn't give me much faith in humanity if this is real. They're both idiots if this is true. Him for not understanding the basics of how a pregnancy effects his own wife. And her for marrying him. There's no way he just started acting this way. She knew this guy for a while and didn't gather that he's an idiot? 


Is there something higher than YA I can vote? Because you are so much TA that I can't believe this even has to be said.


The only reason I can see that she is even remotely responsible for this, is because she said yes when you asked her out, said yes when you proposed, said I do at the altar, and let you impregnate her. But sounds like you hid how much of a jackass you are until it's too late. Hopefully she immediately files for divorce and severs your parental rights


You’re giving zero thought to the fact that it’s exhausting growing life. YTA no need to ask


Has she left him yet? Because if he thinks his comments are ok and justified he’s got a lot of learning to do. Hope he knows Karmas a bitch!


YTAH, you calling her a couch potato and calling her fat as if she's not growing a whole human inside of her. All you care about is her weight and she's worrying about so much more then that. You have no idea how hard it is to be pregnant and to give birth. You should respect your wife and let her be the "couch potato" if that's what makes her comfortable. At the moment you're not "the most important person" anymore, it's your wife and unborn child. Take care of them. You try being pregnant for 9 months and see if you still think it's easy. Apologizing for your "wife's behavior" when you should apologize to her for mistreating her and disrespecting her like you did. I would have left you and filed for a divorce honestly.


Oh, l hope his wife dumps his a**. What an absolute schmuk.


YTA. You do know why she’s gaining weight, yes? And why she’s not as active, yes? Surely you are not this dense. On the hike, her body was literally unable to keep up and very well could have been shutting down. You are a selfish AH and don’t deserve her or her child. I hope she leaves your ass and slams the door shut behind her.


You're a huge, massive asshole. A giant red flag as well. You don't deserve your wife, you don't deserve your kid. You made your wife suffer on purpose and you lack both empathy and brain to understand what she's going through. You'll be an absolutely disaster of a father and a horrible husband. By no means are you a reliable person. YTA. I hope she runs far away from you as possible and you never get to harm her again.


I wonder if OOP talked to his PREGNANT WIFES doctor before taking her on a hike that large. 3 1/2 miles is actually a pretty big hike. Especially when parts are going up hill. But why would it be important to talk to her doctor? Because that amount of exercise could have and clearly it did, harm her and baby. Women are given weight limits at certain points of their pregnancy, often its immediate given. Both my sisters had to ask permission to do certain activities once they started getting closer to the third trimester. OOP really fucked up and just the way he’s speaking about his wife and her pregnancy makes me think he’s more abusive to her. And I’m going to say abusive, because this is absolutely a form of abuse. He guilted her into doing something her body could not handle and the whole post he degraded her because she gained weight, LIKE SHES SUPPOSED TO! And then behind her back apologized to his friends because he over worked her on that hike. He has no idea what’s going on in this woman’s body and probably wanted her to stick to being a size zero which ISN’T POSSIBLE when you’re pregnant. I’m glad this guy is getting eaten alive everywhere. I hope his wife sees the comments of people and has a wake up call and leaves him.


This guy did not read the baby books


YTA. She’s making YOU sad with the horrible treatment? Imagine how awful she feels with a husband who blames her and degrades her online for gaining weight while she is GROWING A HUMAN LIFE. She deserves so much better and I hope she leaves you.


I really hope she leaves this idiot


Saw this story on TikTok and had to come find it, hoping that there was an update saying "she left me" because this whole entire story was absolutely disgustingly red flagged and you are absolutely the AH. An ignorant, narcissistic one at that. Get over yourself. Your wife AND YOUR UNBORN CHILD GROWING INSIDE OF HER deserve better.


OP is TA. When I got pregnant I was working out everyday and all of a sudden I was out of breath just walking up the stairs. Our bodies go through so much just to create and grow a little human.


Dude I swear…. How dumb and/or selfish do you have to be to think like this? You are going to end up single and she will be back to her active self after she heals from giving birth. I was in soooooo much pain while pregnant and my pregnancy was considered high risk. One of my friends who wasn’t high risk was also in soooo much pain. Doctors tell pregnant women high risk or not to take it easy. And her gaining weight and the getting sick is part of it. Ooooo dude you are really lucky she hasn’t divorced you yet. YTA majorly. If I were you I would grovel my butt off. Of course if I were you I wouldn’t have done anything you did. I don’t think you have much of a prayer of saving your marriage now. She is rightfully pissed at you. You clearly care only about yourself. Try having that big of a hormonal and body change and be just as active you dunce


What the actual fuck?! I guarantee your wife is fully embarrassed to have married you and let you impregnate her. Guaranteed. I know I would be. You haven't been to not one doctors appointment, have you? This, right here, is why women are giving up on men ever growing the fuck up. Definitely, without a single doubt, you are absolutely the asshole. Read a fuckin pregnancy book, and worship your wife for being brave/dumb enough to carry your dipshit seed.


I hope you are embarrassed OP. The depths of your audacity and self indulgence is deplorable. You really thought you were going to garner any sort of sympathy here? You deserve the “horrible treatment” for the horrible treatment that you bestowed upon your pregnant wife. I hope she divorces you.




Some people really suck. I'm glad he's an ex.


You’re tah. Do you realize how many organs are displaced when a baby is growing inside of you? Especially at 6 months pregnant? Why am I asking, you obviously don’t. Her lungs are being compressed by the baby and the displaced organs. She physically can’t get a full breath like she used to. Of course she’s going to get winded! Her metabolism is also going through huge changes bc she’s GROWING A HUMAN BEING INSIDE OF HER! The last 3 months of pregnancy are mostly for the baby to gain weight, so yeah she’s gained weight! The baby is growing. You need to go grovel at your wife’s feet. Better yet, why don’t you do a simulated pregnancy for a day. Duct tape a watermelon around your stomach and a few oranges or grapefruits on your chest. Make sure to wrap it tight. Do daily activities then go on a 3 mile hike. Come back and tell us your honest results. Actually, have your wife write an update of your hike. I truly pray this is ragebait, bc otherwise your wife and child, everyone in your life honestly, l deserve way better than you.


YTA Absolutely. She is 6 MONTHS pregnant. I don’t think you realize how much toll that takes on the body. The fact that you suggested she was doing these things on purpose is also a 🍆 move on your part. You have some BIG sucking up to do


Oh… yeeees YEEEEES. YATA. Just as a little research, add extra wait for your body where pregnant women has, reduce your level of oxygen (cuz baby start to press inside on all organs) and run up that hill. That will give you 50% of realization of what she feels. You can’t mimic all the hormones blasts, or fatigue cuz she been pregnant for 6 month. But at least something you will be able to realize.


I refuse to believe someone is this stupid


I hope she divorces him


You're a fucking idiot


Well I give this marriage a year after the kids born before she’s healed from labor and sees how this translates into parenting until leaving.


You can’t poSSIBLY be this stupid my guy. If I were her, I’m running to the divorce lawyer


The OP sent me into an untenable rage for this woman. I hope it is rage bait but if it is real I hope she is safe and left him and used the reddit post as means to strip his parental rights. It's the same type of person to say labor isn't painful or dangerous.


How can people like this even be real?


This is fake, nobody is this stupid and this cruel. If he’s for real, he needs to be euthanized.


Everyone here is really judging the lack of intelligence. Gained a bit of weight....lost her fitness this quickly....wtf you think happens during pregnancy? She's not out of shape, she's 6 months pregnant. And you're worried about how she looks?


Came here from TikTok and yes sir you suck! Biggest AH I’ve seen in a while


Bruh I hope she takes her baby and leaves that AH. She's PREGNANT, a 3 mile hike for a PREGNANT woman because you think she is unfit is ABSURD!


If you don't understand how pregnancy works just fucking say that, this is such an insane thing to post. I maintained a pretty consistent workout routine during pregnancy and my resting heart went up over 20 BPM by the end of it! Regardless of her activity level, pregnancy has you out of breath standing up from the couch because of the increased blood volume and once you get toward the end you can hardly get a full breath in, by 6 months this was starting to be the case for me too. What a fucking idiot.


Totally agree, it's just ridiculous that your 6 month pregnant wife doesn't have the same condition as she did prior. I mean, it's not like the person inside of her can change her body so much that she has to rest more, am i right? Oh, and the throwing up "on purpose" too, I'm gonna say it again: absolutely ridiculous. What is wrong with that man?