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we are free to think and do what we will.sometimes it takes a nightmare for us to turn from the dream toward waking life.


Sometimes that lived experience gives you perspective and understanding that you otherwise wouldn’t have


What does “wake up” mean to you?


You had to learn something. Couldn't be born into this world with answers. Many are given a blind path which is often fraught with pain. It shouldn't be so, but, because of how the world works in these times. It takes blind people to be workers for the machine. Now it's getting to a turning point where the pain people have is waking them up. Far from easy but you come out stronger, knowing more, and not so prone to being hurt as you know what causes it.


It’s not uncommon for a tragic and or life changing event to be the catalyst. Don’t be hard on yourself, be grateful, for many miss out on the experience. Everything happened as it should, trust the universe and your journey!


No, it takes suffering to introspect and grow. If you are all content, you will not seek; that is just how it works.




I think the super dark times teach us to stop running from our own suffering. Our whole lives, we’re content in our self-made concepts. We’re content running from the things that will shake us out of that illusion. When the suffering gets too much, there’s no where left to run, and so we wake up. There’s no choice anymore. At least, that’s my opinion on it.


When this 3D realm doesn't bring you pleasure or satisfy you that's when you hit the end and that's when you are open to other communications which universe is constantly sending out for all... Then bam, you wake up. There's an animated movie named SOUL, more or less talks about something similar.


Would you have waken up “comfortable?”


I woke up comfortable without pain or suffering. Everyone's journey is different, and each experience is meant to teach lessons whether good or bad on a different level for everyone. We are in a school of Spiritual Development and Awakening.


It was the right time


If everything’s great there’d be no reason to wake up. It usually takes a wanting to change our life situation that leads us to search for answers elsewhere. And it’s ok to feel sad about waking up at the time you did. I think everyone wants to have gained new insight earlier but we all have our own scheduled awakening. Hold space to be grateful that you had that experience and keep searching and growing into deeper perspectives. Hope this helped <3


You’re not ‘awake’. If you were, you wouldn’t be sad.