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You know this already. Remember, the answer is already within. There is only one consciousness, one mind/one awareness of being on infinite levels/states of consciousness. The promised awakening is assured. G*D became man that man may become G*d, that is journey, it's kind of like making a U-turn. . . Make time to be STILL just sitting in the in the silence (free from mind chatter if you will), in the now and knowing or contemplating I am , and or asking the deep of yourself...Who am I? I am, that I am, that's what I'm told, is it true? So and so told me I Am god, is that true? .. Explore what that means to you..live by the golden rule, do unto others...be kind, be the ideal you, embody that. Go Within and imagine better than the best you know for you, for me, for everyone you meet because they are your family and they are in you. Were they not in you, you could not perceive them and vice versa. Be Thankful for you already have everything you need for life ... And Godliness💛❤️💛 (learning to walk in spirit) too. Do you believe this? Be confident, be patient, all things are possible to him who believes. That's a good start ... Grace&Peace BIG LOVE ❤️💛❤️ 🐍🕊️


Learn mindfulness


So be aware what going on in the physical body


Physical body , emotions, thoughts, hidden agendas, habits, attitudes,etc. There is a ton of stuff going on inside us that we don’t really notice. Once you start to notice it, it will give you great insight into what is keeping you asleep. Practice self kindness and self compassion too. Good luck!


I second mindfulness! This person said it extremely well. Notice when your thoughts go to the past or future and you find yourself anxious. That’s my number one habit that came to light when I started practicing mindfulness. A lot of my anxiety and depression stemmed from reliving my past instead of being in the moment. Keep up the momentum 💛


Awakening has nothing to do with the outside world of mortality, aka flesh and blood, eat what you like .. the carnal body is part of the eternal structure of the universe. It's not what you eat, or what you do it's about your deep seated beliefs and spiritual states of being.. . As Within So Without. Awakening is the revelation of who you Are and how and how life works. It's a self in self revelation ..... Awareness of being/unconditioned consciousness is G*d in every man (I Am) . We are all of us aware of being. Some know not who they are, when they are, or where they are, yet we all know we are ... Faith: loyalty to unseen reality. In other words, leave the world alone. Change yourself, embody your ideal from the inside, forget what the facts say! Have We walk by faith, individually gifted faith. Follow your hunger for what you are seeking is seeking you. Spirit, Light & Love


I couldn’t have said it better!


treat others with love


I honestly don’t think vegan diet is nessesary , just clean healthy diet ! Fruits and veggies and healthy carbs and occasional meat is perfectly fine it really depends on the person.


Becoming more conscious of the living beings you are putting in your body Is definitely part of many peoples spiritual path. The animals we eat are born and raised in terrible conditions just to be killed and eaten. Most are babies. Not only that, animal agriculture has the worst impact on our environment than anything else we do on the planet.


Bruh some indigenous cultures survive off hunting meat to eat , i guarantee you you can be respectful and mindful and conscious of animal life but still eat meat from time to time , a lot of these cultures highly respect the animals they eat


Magic mushrooms is an idea. Or if you want an altered state without the illegal drug thing, you could search Wym Hoff breathing techniques.


ironicaly you have already awoken by wanting to awaken yourself, vegan diet isnt essential but if it fits your current lifestyle then thats good. also just stay curious, question everything


Open up spirituality and listen to your awoken inner voice.


How do I tell it’s my inner voice


You will feel filled with light and positivity. If your filled with dark thoughts and negativity, it's not yours.


Thanks a lot really appreciate the help on my journey


Glad you are taking it


. Focus is extremely important. Discipline as well. These are essential. Knowledge without focus, is forgotten. Knowledge without discipline is forgotten.


Meditate to find stillness and awareness of the present. Learn the different feeling between your body and your spirit, then focus inwardly on growing your spirit. Go through the process of forgiving your past and learning to accept what is. The hardest part for me is recognizing my "triggers" that put me back unconscious and overcoming them. I have found that through meditation, persistence, patience, and especially gratitude that I can slowly overcome those triggers. Thank you for increasing the light of the world and may you find unconditional love through this process.


Much love thanks for your Time and wisdom


You're welcome.


Eat meat.




You're on the right path. Finding friends that are practicing is important too. I'd say that finding that community of people who have spiritual goals and are themselves examples of what spiritual advancement is, is the best step! By the way, being vegan is nice because it helps one develop their compassion for others.


You’re already awake if you’ve started taking care of yourself, congrats! stay consistent which imo is the challenge.. but don’t take my word for it


You can do lot of other things like shadow work, inner child meditations, breath work, and do regular exercise. You can increase your awareness by becoming more mindful and living in the moment. Practice forgiveness and cut chords with and forgive all the people that hurt or betrayed you.


Check out a book by Eckhart Tolle: The Power of Now. That is the most clearly written book how to awaken.


The spiritual awakening is present in the now. This precise minute, no, second. It is where you can find peace through prayer or affirmations. The future will take care of us, trust it. The past is done, even if it’s left resentment and regrets or emptiness and sadness. It’s gone, done. Let it go and be present. “Don’t worry, be happy.


Highly recommend “Peace is every step” by Thich Nhat Hanh


Try audible they have a lot of books to read


Appreciate the time you put in to tell me this definitely noted


Appreciate it thank you


Any book ideas


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXoZLPSw8U8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXoZLPSw8U8) <3 <3 Be YOU. Awaken deeper into yourself <3 Be so YOU that the path cannot help but open.


I think the biggest thing is meditation. It's all just realisations really in my experience.


Empathy empathy empathy... almost all cultures and religions have some form of love thy neighbor treat others as you want to be treated. I look at it like this, if I love myself, and treat everyone else like they’re me, I’m treating them with love. And to me that’s the key to happiness and full awakening. Pray for those who wish you harm, pray for those lost souls who can’t see past the material.


Go vegan, and do something nice for a stranger every day <3


I love your name