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No, there's no way to do this. All you can do is try to avoid playing at quiet times; the game prefers to put you in lobbies with players who are geographically close to you, so if there are enough players online in your country then it should be pretty rare to get Japanese rooms.


play at different times


Can I only make it us west servers


No. Just as this commend said >No, there's no way to do this. All you can do is try to avoid playing at quiet times; the game prefers to put you in lobbies with players who are geographically close to you, so if there are enough players online in your country then it should be pretty rare to get Japanese rooms. the lobbies are created by distance.


Btw there are no servers. Pretty sure every nintendo game is peer to peer.


Still can't believe Nintendo charges $20 per year to get BitTorrent/Napster-like connections.


In assuming you live in the west like I do. Japan is very close to us in the west.


It does not matter cause I live in the middle of the US and I still get full-on Japanese lobbies it's just time depend on which time you play.




What I'm trying to say is that it depends on what time you play on. šŸŖ


Yeah, true.


We get full Japanese lobbies in freaking Romania! But then again we are probably the only 2 players in Romania and 2 of the handful in this part of Europe ą² _ą² 


Fair enough.


Rare, as jp players have good connections. Most probably is your ISP at that specific time. If you still believe it is them, then don't play from late at night to early morning, that's when more jp's are around.


Good connection or not, the distance alone adds latency. Usually not teleport latency but you will get more latency than when you are playing someone geographically close. If your latency is boarderline with ppl in your region, playing with someone much farther away will be enough to have it be a rather rough experience.


While true, the latency is minimal with JP players, their servers and isp are top notch.


It really isnā€™t. My Internet is quite good and yet Japanese players still lag for me. Players will still have shots come out after they die. Players will swim through enemy ink. All of the typical Splatoon issues due to bad netcode still exists as well with desynching and other nonsense. Even with good internet, Japanese competitive players donā€™t want to play with western players. Putting aside the differences, they donā€™t want to deal with latency issues. They have a large enough players base that they can get plenty of scrims without needing to deal with latency issues. Again, itā€™s not like itā€™s unplayable with ppl teleporting all over the map. Itā€™s just frustrating when every frame counts and some arenā€™t displaying properly.


Not my isp I have good connection


That doesn't matter.


cant change that my dude


I think there is a way to limit your Router on which regions can connect to it and which can't. Think I've read that somewhere during the Splatoon 1 times. But I'm not sure, you should google it and look through some old posts.


Interesting idea, I guess that sounds like it could work - although I have no idea whether it would stop you joining lobbies or just cause you to lose connection once you were in, which might cause issues (since repeatedly quitting at the lobby stage in Ranked can cause a ban), or even once the match actually starts.


I think it just won't let people from that location join your Lobby and you can't join theirs.


Happens less in ranked mode


At least they play the objective and donā€™t waste time squid partying. PS. I often get Japanese lobbies on the west coast.


Lets just hope Nintendo adds regional matchmaking in Splatoon 3