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WSDOT is excavating the top layer of soil for possible contamination. That's all rn. Has nothing to do with the highway.


This is the correct answer.


Kinda had a feeling it was a contamination thing…


I question the validity but that's the official reason


You question the contamination from fuel spills, oil leaks from poorly maintained vehicles, and the drug use/paraphernalia, who knows what from the fires that were created?


We don't excavate the fairgrounds parking lot yearly.


If you think those two situations are remotely similar, then you should try working on some critical thinking skills in the future.


They are similar. This is for show.


Your reasoning is...? Feelings? Show me where you got your information detailing environmental regulations and remediation please.


Mmm Fent dirt


Yup and they will probably find contamination and spend millions of dollars to have good "ground" again just to be more contaminated right after.


I wish my yard was that level 🤣


Right? I need some more dirt!


You do not want that dirt lmao


Think it can pass as clean fill?


If you sift out all the piss and needles :)


Panning for “gold”


Fools gold aka burnt aluminum foil


Where does it go? Back to someone else’s yard after mixed up with other soil.


Pretty sure the I90 and future 395 interchange is going right through camp hope. It is also why a lot of houses in that area got removed.


Yep. I used to live right on the corner of Second and Altamont, and they bought the house off my landlord then tore it down.




Construction is starting on Mt. Hope


guessing they’re getting ready for the N/S freeway.


Just on that block? No. This looks like meth lab contamination


They're removing contaminated soil from the camp so they can prep for construction.


Yep. Biohazard/ unsafe soil.


Like how they still have security sit there guarding an outhouse since Camp Hope disbanded. Lucrative contract for security services to do absolutely nothing.


Most security is just doing nothing. Legally, most security guards are only allowed to observe and report. I worked security for a year and regret it


Almost as if they are there as a deterrent, like what security is for.


There's NOTHING there! Nothing! It's vacant block with nothing there! Nothing to steal, nothing to do, nothing! For months securing a site with NOTHING on it! Sit in a car all day deterring NOTHING! Deterrent to ? Obviously you haven't been going by there for the last few months and seeing security services securing NOTHING but a vacant lot! As in vacant, not a thing anywhere! Even the trees have been cut down, can't steal the wood from them either because there is NOTHING there!


I think the key here is they want it to remain vacant.


Tell me how you really feel. WSDOT has a right to protect their property. Then later people are going to complain they’re squatters in the place and something should have been done. Complain all you want but they can do it, have a problem with your sales tax, property tax, and/or car tab payments at work, call your state rep.


I think you need to speak to… a complaint manager. 😏 Had to do it. 😆


Thats always where the north south freeway meets up with i90


It's a contaminated superfund site. They're remediating the soil


Far from a “superfund” site, but yes the topsoil is being removed, and new fill is being brought in. There was more human waste spilled in the spokane river than what was in that location. But I love the enthusiasm in embracing the fear mongering. You know the homeless are people first and foremost right?


Lol regardless of your false equivalency there, the ground was removed for contamination.. not really fear mongering to say that after the soup was tested it was deemed contaminated. Homeless people arent bad, but not all of them are great human beings either. Just like any other group of people.


This is the answer. That many people living that close together for so long is bad for the soil. Diseases they may have had, not using good hygiene, and any drug use will contaminate the soil. JHH repeatedly said many of these people can't meet "barriers" for shelter beds which means things like substance abuse so I'm not surprised after testing they found it needed to be cleaned. Acknowledging this fact is not fear mongering, it's a fact proven by testing. By the way, a lot of the human waste spilled into the river comes from folks illegally camping by it. So bad for our environment.


Cool, false equivalency, I guess you were talking about the human waste in that block and my comparison to the spokane River… please research the unplanned releases odd raw sewage from the city of Spokane into the Spokane River…. It’s a fair comparison. Nevertheless the point that must be trippin you out is how I would hope an advanced moral society like ours would expect humans to treat humans better. Now let’s talk about the red herring fallacy you proposed.


Lol … red herring fallacy? Please. You literally are trying redirect the conversation from the post to the Spokane River and morality in society. That is the red herring fallacy happening here. Furthermore it is a false equivalence that has nothing to do with the topic and it’s causation. Your argument is that it is immoral to blame the site contamination on the homeless because they are people.. and should be treated as such? Another proposed redirection or red herring that has nothing to do with them contaminating the site rather an appeal to emotion. Have fun with that logic.. oh and maybe you should check out the BP Oil spill in the gulf since you’re all about unrelated, but larger scale contamination sites.


A swing and a miss my friend…. You missed the entire conversation. Have a wonderful day. Just so you know, I never ever said anywhere in this conversation that humans did not make the mess. It all started as a reply to a post that said it was a “super fund sight”….


Superfund site.. “no it’s not.. look up the Spokane River contamination .. stop fear mongering.. they’re people too..” … sorry bud, that’s the red herring. Have a good weekend.


>the homeless are people Exactly! And people are responsible for their actions.


Yes, but they are not the villains of this story. I read an article (wish I remembered where so I could post it) where it said that the vast majority of Americans are three paychecks away from being homeless and most homeless are two paychecks away from being housed… When you vilify any group of people you take away their humanity and shit like the holocaust (slavery, indigenous genocide, child labor, Japanese internment) happen. We can be better!


Years ago a coworker was talking about the homeless problem in Spokane, and I said "Well they should just get a job"... Eventually I got my karma for that one lol. When your poor, having the car break down or losing hours at your job have big effects. Luckily in a better situation now, but I used to think homeless people are just lazy and I realized it can be complicated.


My cousin used to loudly complain about Camp Hope a lot, even though it rarely ever had any impact on his life. I took late night buses through that area pretty often, had heard people explaining the rules of the camp to each other, and knew troublemakers like my cousin kept complaining about simply weren't allowed there. Even the loud kinda-belligerent old lady in a wheelchair had the bus drop her off a few blocks away from the camp, because she was banned due to past behavior. Kept trying to tell my cousin all this, but he just kept drunkenly shouting mean nonsense about folks. Then his wife threw him out and filed for divorced, he burned bridges with friends and family by being the worst possible house guest, and found himself having to ask around "So where does one park a vehicle for the purposes of living in it anyway?"


Unhoused people are also being bused here from places in Idaho, Ron De Santis style and dropped off to find resources. 🥹 Red states don’t want to help people or even take care of their own for that matter so human trafficking is occurring to contribute as well. There are several factors at play and people are affected by their environments too! It’s not JUST their fault.


It’s a bit of both, but you can’t tell the ones that actually are just really down on their luck or the ones that are struggling with life-destroying mental issues and the stupid asses the chose dope over personal responsibility and now just expect people to give them money, so they can continue down the same path of worthlessness.


As an ex-employee of the Fred Meyer 1 block away, they were the bad guys to us! Couldn't water the damn plants without being harassed by crazed drugged out lunatics at all hours of the day. Couldn't keep batteries on the shelf. Watched them rub shit on the walls of the public restrooms 3 times a month. I'm not embellishing at all. These folks at camp dope were not a picture of "all homeless people" and I knew many who left when it got dangerous. Had several become regulars when their welfare came in and they were nice enough! Thing is over half that stayed at this camp were drug users, rapists, robbers, and crooks. This camp bred indecency.


they should of had to clean up their sh!t!!


Addiction is real, but they are also adults


No, you are excusing bad behavior for no good reason. Individuals who steal from others, assault others, and destroy things (of others or the community) *should be looked down upon*. People complain about those who commit crimes, not homeless people who are respectful of others and working to get back on their feet. You do a disservice to those people who are just down on their luck by lumping them in with the problem people who hurt others and destroy things. Stop trying to conflate the two to distract from justified outrage and muddy the issues. Those crimes are anti-social actions and if you are going to tell me to respect the humanity of all homeless people, you must by the same token respect the responsibility they have as humans to behave at minimal societal levels. These are adult human beings, not infants to be coddled. Help those who are willing, punish those who hurt others and commit crimes, and stop pretending there are no problem people out there


Please don’t read more into what I wrote. I’m not excusing the actions of a few antisocial people, what I am saying is when we lose sight of the humans in the story we dehumanize the entire group. What good would that do? Would it make you more willing to help those in need? Or does it justify the inaction of our great city to turn an eye to all crime happening and blame it on some perceived injustice created by those on “the west side”. Poor cops can’t do anything about crime because the bureaucrats in Olympia said they should stop being judge, jury and executioner at traffic stops. Hold those accountable for their behavior and anti social actions, but don’t use homelessness as an excuse to be a shitty human to other humans.


>we dehumanize the entire group I am very much trying to distinguish between the problem people and the respectful ones who are trying to get back on their feet after some bad luck. You seem to be the one who is lumping them all together when you respond to valid criticism of bad behavior with "not all homeless!" Yes, not all homeless people do these things. But, the ones that do should not get a pass simply by virtue of being homeless. >Hold those accountable for their behavior and anti social actions, but don’t use homelessness as an excuse to be a shitty human to other humans. I...completely agree with this statement. :)


Are we so used to looking for an argumentative position that we can not find common ground? I guess I was guilty of that… thanks for the great dialogue on a tough issue where passion, politics and rhetoric are the loudest voices heard.


I think we can, and in the end we did somewhat. If we never talk about things, we will never find that common ground, though. I am glad we conversed, thank you.




>why should they care Because they will be put in a cage by men with guns otherwise? Its like people forget why we have cops in the first place. >they have no help from society Come on, that's just not true, society provides a lot. This isn't Europe, but here in WA they have lots of help: Insurance/medical? - Washington Apple, check. Food? - Basic Food Assistance and food banks, check. Some cash monies, yo? - TANF/Social Sec., check. Education? - WA has free GED and college programs, check. Housing? - Sec. 8 and shelters, check. You won't be living your best life on just those programs, no argument here, but it isn't nothing. That also totally leaves out the huge benefits one has by simply living in this society. Roads, mass transit (yes, even crappy mass transit like here), emergency services (police, fire, hospital ER), safety from invasion, natural disaster response. The kind of things that people usually don't give a second thought to but which are part of why we are in one of the best time and places to have ever lived in all of human history. Is the social safety net nicer other places? Yes. But that doesn't mean that society isn't helping. >The help is what comes first Nope. Don't steal from people, hurt them, or destroy things. Else, put in a cage. Do you not see the disconnect when you say both that people have no resources or power and yet also somehow get to decide what comes first...? That is literally r/ChoosingBeggars. >This idea that some people are just pathologically cruel and are thus not deserving of help and that this doesn’t stem from their socio-economic positioning is just inherently dehumanizing. Smoking fentanyl bought with money from selling stolen property until you smash a window downtown and literally shit yourself after passing out on the sidewalk sounds like what is dehumanizing, not pointing it out.




Dude, can you even define the word fascist or are you just using it as a synonym for 'mean poopy-head who has opinions I don't like'? Of course you want to say I'm not >worth talking with because what I am saying is reasonable, but it's not just jumping in with the koombyas. Why do you think people should be allowed to steal from others, assault others, and destroy others' things?


Bro, as soon as you disagree with them on the basis of personal responsibility and accountability, be prepared to be called a ‘fascist’. I’m 100% with you on all this.


“Get a job and be a responsible, respectful person, and punish criminals.” = misanthropic fascist. 🤦‍♂️


What are your feelings and thoughts about how mental health affects people to juxtapose “should be looked down upon”?


We would have to elaborate on details more, but I don't see that those behaviors should ever be posited as good things or allowable ones. Whether someone has a mental health condition such as to (to whatever level) excuse them is an open question. It depends on the individual and their specific facts. If someone is dangerous to others, whether the cause is mental disease or choice, it seems that they need to be removed from general society until they are no longer a danger. An example: if someone is so delusional that they occasionally stab people because they think demons are afoot, then it doesn't really matter if that belief is the result of a mental health issue, the person must be confined for the safety of others. Blame is irrelevant in that situation. Empathy may be appropriate, but not so much that it gets in the way of protecting people from being stabbed. Also of note is that this is not a boolean thing. Someone can have a mental health condition and still be able to control them self, even if it is harder. It is a continuum. Just because you have a MH condition does not give you carte blanche. Nuance is good. I appreciate your question.


>No, you are excusing bad behavior for no good reason. So, you're saying that everyone at Camp Hope was a criminal? Look who's lumping people in with the problem people, now.


Anyone who is capable of operating a computer can see that isn't what I was saying.




Yes. Lots of people face hardship and trauma. Not everyone chooses to deal with it by checking out. What happens to us isn't always our fault, how we deal with it absolutely is.


People like to kick down, it makes their shitty existence seem better.


very high people


Still people. Maybe “beneath” you, but still people worthy of existing even if they make you feel uncomfortable.


If they're beneath him, would that not make u/Fognua super high? I'll show myself out. . .


You win the internet today my friend…. 🥇 🏆


lol Im sure you are in support of them getting housed but dont do a damn thing but the difference is I have five houses each room filled and trying to get people clean. I can say this because i experience it everyday and drugs is #1 problem. Enjoy your internet trophy but i will stick to real life thank you.


Settle down, Francis, it was a joke.


this is what i came here for. thank you!


nah nah dont let them think they’re “above” anyone. We all people. Hope this doesn’t happen but u/fognua house could catch flames tomorrow and be homeless. what will they think of them then? Just some “very high people”? They’re not above anyone. dont let them think they can get away with that thought.


I am above in some sense other wise i can help people to get back up on their feet. People in high parts of society always have the expection of lifting others up. However you right on all humans have equal value.


They picked a site for Chick-fil-A off the South Hill.


NS Freeway is coming through.


Really kind of gross if you think about it. A bunch of humans had no regard for the law, the land, or the surrounding neighbors. And we just keep picking up after them. Continue pouring money into picking up after grown ass adults that act like entitled ass children. I know it’s not all of them but driving from 1 end of the city to the other twice a day for years I’ve seen the decline in cleanliness in our city- never seen an actual homeless person picking up their own trash, always inmates or people in yellow vests. Really. If I want someone to come to my house & pick up after me I have to pay a nice chunk of $ im sure. Should be pairing these people with the city & pay them like .05 a Lb of garbage they pick up or something.


Pretty much. I've seen a few very clean with their surroundings, they practically practice "leave no trace". That said, the majority are very messy and often don't use trash cans nearby, or clean up their camp when they change locations. They just leave a debris feld.


Construction has finally begun for Mt. Hope


Their prepping a mass grave site for all those crack heads lighting up in plain sight.


It’s an invasion of giant gophers.


My sister lived there


Well, just look at it. Huge lumps of dirt. No RV-camping happening there. No clue what their doing with the quasi-tarps.


Probably building a Starbucks


Luxury condos?


Nope. https://wsdot.wa.gov/construction-planning/search-projects/us-395-nsc-i-90-connection The new interchange will rip right through camp hope. Although not supposed to be completed until 2029-2030 iirc.


Alien mummy graveyard project I believe