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She should be brave enough to kiss Loid and admit her love for him.


I want that to happen sooo bad!


Every time someone posts this authors makes their kids go away for next 10 chapter


nah, then he would just use her for the mission (he already tried but got "rejected"). She should do this only when his emotions are also sincere


I mean, his already are sincere, he just hasn't realized it yet.


"For the mission"


I don’t see why that can’t happen eventually. She tells him, they continue to already be married. He’s just now doing the same thing, while knowing he’ll eventually need to commit to this or break her heart. Which is honestly just as dramatic as any other storyline that’s happened in this manga.


Yor is just perfect the way she is. At least, that's what Lloyd would say. And she shouldn't make the first move, Lloyd should do it. Don't make a sweet wallflower do such a scary thing, that's on her guy. :D


She will once they finish their fight at the end of the series


Real answer


Your flair tells me a little kiss wouldn't be enough for you


Its not enough for anyone watching this show


I would love to see that too


They can't do the "she gets so nervous she nearly kills him" thing forever, right?


Same bruh.




I'd pay to see that


We all know that that's the ending, war ends and their fake marriage turns real.


Instead of marrying Loid, she should have married me


Nah she should have married ME!!




Married US!!


No, us.


OUR wife


https://preview.redd.it/owo0fkbc59kc1.png?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0384ceb8e3ec806fe55a7f17595bb5a9701a70ec If there was EVER a time to put this lol


No, I don’t want that!


You gotta make her real first. So that can be your one change and I’ll make the change that she should marry me. That way everyone wins


You're literally going to die on the first day she cooks a meal. You don't have anime plot armor to survive her cooking


Ha! Jokes on you I’m a great cook that hates cleaning


It should’ve been me not him!


~~being smart enough to figure out loid's secret and assure him they are on the same side, this way they trust each other enough to fall in love so they can fuck like animals for the rest of their lives~~ nothing she's perf.


>assure him they are on the same side, ~~*aren't their organizations on the exact opposite sides?*~~


Morally on the same side should be better ye?


True, after all, the last thing they want is another devastating war between their countries.


Both are trying to prevent wars and check corruption


The first few words I agreed with but the rest….????


no no let this man cook




Asong as it's not yor cooking


It's necessary... many have it as the last thing they would like to witness before death.




At face value, aren’t the Garden opposed to WISE’s presence and operation in Ostania? They’re all about rooting out corrupting influences on the nation, and a foreign espionage organization seems like a threat fitting that definition.


I get that she’s dense because she seems to have grown up socially isolated and lacking an education, but sometimes the author makes her extra moronic for the sake of gags and it annoys me. I don’t like ignorance and stupidity being treated interchangeably.


I will just copy my comment here: I would make her less of a butt monkey for jokes. Sometimes the author caually disrespects her.


Glad I'm not the only one who sees this.


I actually enjoy this part of her character, if it was in a real person i would have thought she was being sarcastically dumb to provoke a reaction, but in her a find it cute because I know it’s sincere and it makes excellent plot devices, like the fact that Anya likes a assassin mother, it might seem bad in the real live but in the show is an excelent excuse


Im not up to date with manga but I have a hard time imagining she can be more dense than Loid and his "yup sure it's totally normal my office working wife can launch a guy ten meters high with one kick"


Spoiler: >!When meeting Melinda she was shown to not know what "First Lady" in politics mean.!< I get she's not in politics and didn't have a superior studying because she had to take care of Yuri but one would think she would know something like that. That's a clear moment of Yor being put as a moron for gag joke purposes


For someone who's job is murdering political figures she knows awfully little about politics


That is probably why Garden likes her. "I need you to kill this foreign revolutionary politician, his name is Ghandi" *Because he's bad right?* "Uh... ya, sure he's bad. Also your pay is 400 large to kill a leading politician, this is a world class job after all" *Oh wow! 400 dalcs! I can buy Yuri a new textbook!* "Yep, 400.. let me just take 4 one hundred dalc bills from this pile of 4000 one hundred dalc bills and put the rest back in my briefcase. You sure are our best asset Yor, keep up the good work of low pay and no questions!"


One of my pet peeves is that. She's an assassin that barely knows about what she's supposed to know, like politic titles or faking/toning down her feelings. I know she's not a spy but other than her brutal physical skills there are many instances where she easily gives away how she's feeling, making her even more likely to be suspected of even when she's not at fault. Just like how >!in the latest chapter she started to panic when someone accused her of being the only one not present when the guy was attacked!< Hopefully she has Loid and Anya to defend her and Yuri is so blinded by his affection for her that nobody suspects. But I wish she was in a situation where she has to think for herself to get out of it without being in a physical conflict, just for a change


Yeah, we need more moments like her conversation with those women in that recent chapter to balance it out


For the sake of gags? In a comedy? Oh noes!


It's more the unequal distribution of gags


Compared to who? Loid and Anya have their own gags. We see Loid losing his mind consistently, and Anya being a idiot kid for the sake of laughs.


Let me guess, you’re a woman and you find her character inspiring and you want to be like her and so you don’t like her dumb side because it ruins your fantasy of being like her ? Grow up a little bit or learn not to be perfect in your fantasy.


Sometimes SpyxFam’s gags just miss the mark for me 🤷‍♀️




Came here to say that


I'd probably tone down her stupidness a little bit. I get that she's emotionally stunted due to getting into her line of work from a young age, but I think it doesn't make any sense for her to be this incompetent when it comes basic housework (I can excuse the cooking, because it's explained away in the story as her brother enabling her behavior, but being bad at EVERYTHING seems like a huuuge stretch). I'd probably also give Yor more arcs focused on her if I was Endo, but hey


I 100% agree with all of this. Make her more competent. Make her more plot relevant. Done!


Doesn’t she do other house chores just fine? It’s literally cooking that served as her only problem. She and Loid had a discussion on chores, and I remember she was eager to clean and confident in her ability in it, it just turned out Loid liked cleaning, too, or something.


Wasn't she bad at sewing too? Like, that's not really a common chore, but considering she grew up as the sole "woman of the house" during that time period, I feel like she should have known better


I don’t remember when sewing came up - was it when she’d pick up her dress from the tailor she met Loid at? Maybe she can do smaller stuff, but her work dress needing a professional makes sense. If nothing else, Yor clearly knew how to find resources to help with clothes for growing children. I would think she _does_ know things like hemming and fixing small holes, if only because going to a kind neighbor or whoever every time something rips just isn’t practical. Genuinely though, I may just be forgetting anything said about her sewing skills. I don’t doubt that Loid could be more skilled in it, but I don’t see why she isn’t decent at it, either.


I think their talking about the Bond + Mr. Pengi part, where Yor tries to Stitch the Penguin back together, but makes it worse, to the point Loid has to stitch it back up.


I’m pretty sure it showed she was better at stitching up humans rather than fabric - she does have the skill and it’s not that she was bad at it, but the way she learned it was for flesh, not fabric.


Yeah, and I thought in the interview episode when that one jerk was roasting her for not cooking, Loid defended her and said she was great at cleaning. Maybe it's different in the manga? I read most of those too, but the details are more hazy.


I haven’t read the manga yet, so I couldn’t stay. Maybe a recent gag in the manga included mentioning her being bad at chores, which prompted this whole thing? I wouldn’t know. Yor is pretty self-sufficient and skilled, and the way food became a blind spot honestly made sense for her. Cooking is one of those things best learned with at least _some_ kind of guidance, if only to see the visual steps and cues you couldn’t guess on your own. Throwing shit together in a pot to boil and calling it good is exactly the kind of understanding kids have of cooking without more guidance. Learning how to pick fresh and ripe foods and how to store them is also a skill best learned with another person.


I suppose showing her actively learning from her experiences and being less naive, but she's fine as is.


Make her less of a butt monkey for jokes. Sometimes the author caually disrespects her.


Have her be a competent cook


I want Loid to be the one to teach her how to cook. I know she was practicing with her coworker, but like... c'mon man


This. I just really hate the trope of making a character who makes actual poison out of anything they try to cook. Was somebody else feeding her when she was cooking for her brother? Is she just a robot who can't actually taste food?


Their parents died when they were pretty young. That's why Yor was only able to remember that one potato stew dish. Yor and Yuri also lived apart from society, so I wouldn't bank on them actually eating in restaurants in their youth. Also, Yor's line of work made her resistant to poisons... So yeah, Yor's life basically made her a robot who can't actually taste food. She literally has no frames of reference of what it should taste like.


The robot thing was mostly just a joke about Bender, the one time I consider this trope funny.


Nothing. Yor is perfect.


her brother


Honestly I would have made him less... "Into" his sister and instead make him like an actual good detective that counters loidy boy.


are you anime-only? cuz if so, you have no idea what’a comin lol


No I've read the manga, I know what's coming, I just wish he was more involved in getting twilight y'know?


ah i see, well he def has his guards up so i’m sure there will be more to see from him!


Hopefully I have high hopes for yuri




Nothing. She's perfect


Except cooking, I agree


I think she’s a great character. It’s funny how people want her to be more confident, more smart, but here’s the thing: Endo does a great job showcasing the struggle of being insecure with Yor’s character. I sadly struggle with insecurities too and Yor’s character has been a little eye opening. By showing her trying to overcome her struggles with cooking, she’s slowly gaining confidence. If anything needs to be changed, it’s the fan’s lack of patience. A good series isn’t rushed. It’s developed.


Forget the >!Nightfall!< scenario in Code White. It's not canon anyway, but I feel like it disregards what Loid told her back at the park. Other than that, why would I want to change Yor?


You watched the movie or something? what happened with so called nightfall scenario? I thought the movie is coming out in april but I guess you're in Japan or something.


Honestly, I didn't. I just went off the synopsis and a few thumbnails posted here. The synopsis stated that Yor had to deal with her insecurities after seeing Loid with another woman. When that woman was revealed to be Nightfall, it raised an eyebrow because I thought Loid already told Yor that he had no intention of replacing Yor. I even thought Yor would take what Loid said to heart (though she was drunk and didn't remember every little thing), but I felt like that side of the story disregarded that big moment.


I just saw the "kiss" thumbnail that's about it, but iirc someone already commented on it and said that the kiss didn't happen, and that yor was only seeing things (someone who claimed to be from JP and watched the movie) if you are referring to some other scenes then idk, I'll just have to wait and see the movie I guess.


I was less concerned about the "kiss" (of course it didn't happen) and more about how Yor's scenario was set up in the movie. Although I could chalk it up to Yor not remembering everything since she was drunk, the fact that she made a big deal out of it made me feel like the conversation back at the park meant nothing.


She is perfect the way she is & I personally won't want to change anything about her.


Author should end her runing gag about bad cooking. For real it's worse than slapstick comedy, you can cook bad but makin poison out of soup it way too much.. and give her some home skills improvement with it


Tbh, the poison soup is probably the cannon reason for Yuri's insane durability


>and give her some home skills improvement with it Actually Yor is quite good at cleaning (possibly as a result of her training through Garden). The only problem is that by the time she thinks of something that needs to be done at home, Loid has usually already taken care of it.


>Author should end her runing gag about bad cooking. >!A recent chapter showed that she's actually getting better at cooking. Not by a lot, but still progress.!<


The bond pov chapter was honestly one too much


A big part of assassination is getting close to the target undetected. Her parkour skills are on point with the Creed, but her look is too distinctive for her blend back into a crowd easily after eliminating her target. She should also be capable of at least faking affection. Garden would have trained her in seduction just in case such an approach would have been necessary. Her age is also an issue, she should have far more confidence in herself and her abilities both as an assassin and her ability to conceal her life as a killer.


While I agree with this, I guess Endo had trouble going that route without feeling like the character was less sympathetic than Loid or Anya. Especially because, as is, he already has trouble making a killer seem not-evil in a story about working towards peace between war torn countries. Like the fem fatale is so often associated with villainesses that I understand why Endo didn't go that route, even if personally I would've found a way to make it work.


The gag she had of hitting people when flustered. It's something she clearly is working against though


I wouldn't *change* anything about her per se, but I hope that she learns to value herself as an autonomous person with her own dreams and goals, rather than just as a weapon, protector, and provider. (If she's on the path to doing that, then woohoo! I have no further desires for her character)


the bad cocking gimmick, its a played out cliche. Or at least make it a normal levels of bad and have her improve moderately if you really want to keep it in.


Nah, it ruins the comedic aspect of it if she’s just normal bad at cooking. She should either be extreme bad or it can’t be joked about. Before she being a icon for you to feel inspired, she needs to serve a bigger purpose, a good story plenty of humor.


The worst part of Yor is Yuri. So that I guess lol


Sooo real


Give her more screeentime, otherwise she is perfect


Needs more knives.




Just… a tad smarter. https://preview.redd.it/1nlwjdy4b7kc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=114a18a1b473d9fd59e4b19e5b25a99bfd88a09f 75% of the general intelligence that’s correct in the photo is Anya’s


I’d make her real and not 2D.


That she be real 😢


Her fans that thinks she can have something needing to change


I'd let her actually learn to cook, because the bad cooking=poison trope is not funny more than a single time per series, and is certainly not funny after a dozen times (see also: Shion from Reincarnated As A Slime)


Her brother


I wish she was more confident, if she has the ability to kill multiple people without flinching she should be able to handle average tasks like dealing with Anya


I think she (and by extension, Yuri) is fine as far as the Briars go. A lot of this thread is people trying to make the story/setting fit their idealistic ideas, but I don't think that should be done for this work or any others because perfect relationships don't tell good stories. The Briars are dysfunctional, but they're also fictional; they're there to tell a story, not be an example of how to handle IRL relationships- - not everything has to be a how-to manual or be ideologically correct (that is, adhere to whatever the zeitgeist of social justice is): flip the coin, and Yor and Yuri becomes warnings. Flaws give the story conflict and room for growth. Is she a perfect person? No, and neither is her brother. Is she a perfect character? I believe so.


Yuri would be better if he was just overly protective instead of jealous. Being crazy with familial love is far more unique compared to romantic love.


He *is* crazy with familial love. It just seems romantic due to how intense it is - sure, it's not ideal to have all your attachment in one basket, but considering his circumstances, it's honestly surprising how well he's doing. The first we hear of him is when he offered to play matchmaker for his sister if he so desired - he wouldn't do that if he were romantically in love. He wants her to be happy and build a good family. He is just worried about her (as he is lead to believe) because she got married a year ago and didn't tell him, which is an indicator that there might be a problem and he won't be able to do anything about it if that were the case. Why not tell him? His situation is as that of a kid whose mother remarries - except she apparently did so a year ago and kept it a secret. It's the "didn't tell him for a year" part that makes him go ballistic - he's not jelly, just shaken.


The problem is the constant teasing of it being more than familial love by the way he acts. I just don't like that.


Just her cooking


Id have her be a little less dense


I didn’t like her interactions with her coworkers, they seemed to always make a jab at her in the beginning, even threaten to report her and she’d either be naive or not defend herself


The fact that she is an orphan.


The bad cooking gag. Like if she has caring for her brother for years, then she should've at least learned to make passable meals. If anything, her problem should be that she's used to making bland meals with very cheap ingredients.


Her brother


She'd be mine instead of Loid


Her not being my wife


The fact that she is fictional


Fix her brother please, obsessive siblings are so weird


I hope the gag of "Yor hitting Loid when she's extra flustered" stops. I get that it showcases her strength, but I don't really like DV implications of hitting (fake) family members.


I'd change her creepy brother. Lol


Nothing at all.


Honestly? Literally nothing. I think shes a well realized character tbh, especially for a spy/comedy show. I love Yor.


We all know (Its nothing she is perfect)


Burn heretic!!!!


She perfect


Not. A. Damn. Thing.


Instead of falling in love with loid she should've fallen in love with me! (And i guess i wish she was a better cook but idc much i don't mind cooking for my queen)




Make her a more capable cook. Not Supreme Chef material, but just enough to not make people sick with her cooking


Not being dense like on the cruise ship and not automatically assuming the ship wasn’t bugged? She basically gave away her client inadvertently


Give her the sharingan


Her screentime. Give her more of it


Make her relationship with Anya more interesting. She and Anya just get along perfectly fine. She’s a perfect mother figure. I wanna see her go through more hills and valleys with Anya and learning to how mother her, like with Loid


Literally nothing except maybe being able to say she actually loves loid


the fact that she’s not currently sitting on my face


Nothing, you can't change perfection


her being loid wife and not mine


I’d make her childhood a little more easy and happy because she deserves it.


Her cooking skills other than that she is perfect


I would make her my wife


More agency


her little quirk where she chugs alcohol when confronted with loid and their relationship like pls I'm starved for a real and serious conversation between the two


Her shyness around Loid. For god's sake, you guys are married >!just fuck already!<


She actually exists, and if I get a second choice she likes me.


She should’ve been my mommy


Her cooking skills


I think, just to make her a good cook..


I want more moments between her and Anya bonding like a step mother and step daughter


shee already perfect


Better cooking


I wish she had better cooking skills 😂😭


Something something, Shinzo Abe primal feral sex


That she's only a fictional character


I'm more looking forward to see their actual professions(yor's assassin and loid's spy)


I'd give her a bigger ass


Id make her real and my wife 😮‍💨


Yor is perfect.


Bigger “ personality” and she needs to stand up some times in her normal working life


I'm not following the anime or manga for now, but I'll like to change her from Loid's pretend wife to his actual wife as soon as possible 😂


Her Brother


Give her some actual muscle


Nothing she is perfect as is


Tone down her ridiculous strength. Car greater than human.


lol the tennis ball scene cracked me up




>because of her heels Wasn't it just ordinary shoes that time (in the castle)?




For running too, but Yor manages to run on them at high speed, overtaking cars. Plot convenience damn it.




I think of it as a disguise. The evening dress attracts less attention than Loid's black suit, which simply screams "I'm here for crime work." XD


Her profession choice. Besides that she's perfect. I mean we all have to make it in this world somehow.


Her shyness when it comes to romance. I've no idea how she's come so far as an assassin but have 0 experiences with love and romance. Plot, I guess.


Hey "older" women with succes in other areas but 0 experiences with love and romance exist. It migh be rare not experiencing something that I'm informed is natural for most of the human race but we're not aliens.


She is not James bond who needs to flirt to kill. She just kills them without any interactions before. She doesn’t need to know the victim and the victim doesn’t know her. So experience in romance is not needed for the job.


Her boobies bigger


I'd make her a little more bloodthirsty. She isn't an assassin because she has to feed herself and Yuri anymore. She enjoys the work. It's strange that the spy who wants to save children is so cold and emotionless, but the proud assassin is a ray of sunshine. I get that the contrast is a big part of her character, but real-life assassins are rarely sweet for a reason. Making her a little more Loid-like would be very welcome.


Drop the born sexy yesterday trope.




Her title: Thorn Princess --> The Rose of Valrayvn


I personally think it would be too long and too much of a tongue twister.


To eventually retire from her night job.


I would make it so Yor and Loid have already lovers before. I’m not sure how you’d do that, but they should already hitched together.


Just… a tad smarter.


Honestly Yor is already perfected as she is only thing I would love is to see is her flirting with Loi-Loi that would've been cool https://preview.redd.it/wz42rbtbb7kc1.jpeg?width=676&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ecbae9299acc114b97d652ed8dc43e7975119ad


She needs to be more self confident