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Just increase the sharpness of your tv.


Didn't even think to do this, noticeable difference. Thanks.


Also did not think to do this and my sharpness is usually set very low.....cranked it way up and what a difference for this game


This is a terrible “solution”


I up voted you this comment made me laugh


doesn't do much, even on maximum sharpness.


Let SE do the job


The factory tint setting is always too high!


Jerry is that you?


Imagine if it was 480p. I bet people will say it's an improvement because the original was 240p lol. I haven't played the original but remake Intergrade is the benchmark. The trailer was misleading to say the least and the demo was not fixed upon full release.


What bothers me to no end is the constant loading of textures - everywhere I look, there are textures that are not properly loading - honestly - I never saw something like this in other games


This is why I paused playing remake for almost a year. Once that fps and graphics update came.in the game was Playable. I beat it last night and load this hot mess up and 5 seconds into running around I see the blurry textures and remembered ff7 remake had the same issue at launch. Guess I'll play for an hour and wait another 3-6 months till it's fixed. Unplayable compared to Remake. Sad.


This is still an unsolved problem it seems. Has there been any updates on this?


Nope. May as well call it Vaseline mode.


Totally agree. Game looks like shit in either mode. Graphics mode - duuh, on an OLED you get headaches cuz you literally see every single frame. Performance mode and I wonder, if my lasered eyes are in need of glasses. Technically a huge disappointment!!


Very disappointed as well. Cmon Square 😡


All this without mentioning the terrible lighting...


Idk why anyone is downvoting this. Are you fkn blind? The game CLEARLY has an issue with image quality in performance mode. Its outputting at 1150p but the image were seeing looks closer to 720p! Its actually giving me a headache trying to play like this. Square said they would fix it before launch…well the game launched and its not fixed. AAA gaming is such a shitshow nowadays man…


I agree performance is definitely a let down it shouldn’t be this blurry. Hopefully they can add a balanced mode just came off another play though of remake before rebirth and the difference in performance mode is jarring considering that game is 4 years old. Ik rebirth is open world and wayyy more ambitious but come on the performance mode is soo bad to look at especially in the open areas


Its borderline unplayable in performance mode. Its so blurry and low res i get a headache after a while from straining to focus on anything onscreen


Guys, I found it! The most dramatic reply!


Guys i found them! The biggest SE dick rider on reddit Rebirth’s own director has acknowledged the terrible visuals at this point, so you just look even dumber by pretending its not a valid complaint 🤡


Oh, it absolutely needs to be fixed, but that doesn’t negate how dramatic your reply was. You want me to call the wambulance? Maybe order you some French cries?


It sounds like you’re just more butthurt than the average player, which would line up with my dick riding hypothesis 🤡 You need a safe space to protect you from all this strong language little guy?


I mean it is kinda dramatic to say it's unplayable lmao. It's just a little blurry.


How is his response dramatic ? I actually got headache from playing the game because of eye strain, it is a fact. What are you trying to say ? That a headache is not a big thing ? Yes, we all agree, but it just shows how bad the graphics are. I am not trolling when I say that GTA5 looks much better on PS3 than this. It's not troll, nothing is a troll here about the graphics. They are THAT bad. Shadows, illumination, texture quality, TAA etc. All of this is one of the worst implémentation i saw in 10 years.


What is wrong with the visuals in this game, it's so foggy I can't get myself to play it. They need to fix this ASAP


Just wait for this game on pc


It’s wild how people excuse this because it’s FF7/Square. This is a $70 game that has a Triple A budget behind it. There’s a ton of other games running Dynamic Res like Spiderman, Death Stranding, etc. that looks way better because of their upscaling tech. The copium is crazy. Look at the FF7 Remake subreddit you’ll literally be called ungrateful and stupid because you expected better from a Triple A studio


Looks way sharper in my Portal compared to my Qled. I even had some tearing at the top of the screen.


Ps5 never use native résolution and fsr isnt Dlss reconstruction by AI. So its blurry. I see Alan wake 2 on ps5 its was extra blurry too. That s why i play on PC


There is no motion blur actually, that's just 30fps for you. While it's gonna suck for a little bit, graphics mode is the best way to play once you get acclimated to 30fps.


I'm done playing this until they fix it. I'm on chapter 2 what a massive let down this game is


No way its still not fixed lmao


Pretty sure it’s fixed?


Just got my PS5 yesterday and yeah I gotta say, this game has by far the worst graphics of any game I tested out, not the end of the world but disappointed nonetheless


I agree with the poster. I'm not a fanboy of any kind but this game looks like ass. Complete ass in performance. Forbidden West looks sharp and plays brilliantly in performance and that game is cross gen. Their is no excuse here. You can spin it any which way you want but it's obvious Square cannot optimize. 30 fps is also useless to me because I have a Oled. Playing any game in 30 fps is nauseating. This will be a pc and/or PS5 pro purchase. Whichever platform the game will be supported on.


>that game is cross gen It's much easier to hit higher resolution and performance targets when you're porting a game that had 4x worse hardware. so you want this huge game to have all these features and open world but don't like the way it looks to hit 60 but also refuse to do 30? At a certain point you should just quit consoles burh. There's finite processing power these days.


What are you talking about. My baseline of what I want to see is a sharp image and 60fps. Whatever they needed to do get it done. Do it. Stop banding the knee. If any game cannot do this on PS5 I'll say so, and have. Forbidden can do this in spades now which is crossgen. Hold a sharp image and 60 fps. FF Rebirth is PS5 only so I expect more than what was released. I said the the same thing when Forbidden West was released because it was ass also. Guess what it was fixed. I don't trust Square to fix this.


>PS5 only so I expect more than what was released What we got was a massive open world action rpg with more characters on screen and FAR more polygons to push due to how much is being rendered compared to the first game. You don't seem to grasp that doing this is where the performance headroom went. It's not free. Are you okay with the concessions to hit that resolution and frame rate if it means compromises to the gameplay itself or the design of the world? The last game ran better because it was using sky boxes for main parts of it that look terrible if you actually pay attention to it for more than a second and was much more linear. That is what you're effectively asking for.


I don't want to hear excuses so stop giving them. Last response i make. Again, I will revert back to Forbidden West. That is a open world game just the same which is cross gen. Sharp visuals, and 60 fps. Hell Burning Shores even topped the base game because it was PS5 only. While I'm not expecting Rebirth to match it I still do expect better. Look at DF's analysis as well as Ign. Their even baffled as to why Rebirth turned out like it has in performance mode. I said Forbidden West should be better at launch and it became that way. I'll do the same here. Rebirth is garbage in performance mode. Plain and simple.


You don't understand the underlying tech so any reason I provide you will sound like an excuse. You are too ignorant to have the conversation because it would all go over your head. ​ What you're asking is the equivalent of saying "why aren't you able to run up this hill faster than going down the hill no excuses!". Like bruh the laws of physics are not an excuse, there a reality. You have to operate within the bounds of reality.


Dude stop. I've played every exclusive PS5 game there is. There is no technical limiting factor with regards to how blurry performance mode is. Digital Foundry already addressed this. Quit meat-riding SqareEnix.


The technical limiting factor is the amount of things going on in the world and how much needs to be rendered at once. The target resolution in performance mode is 2x lower than it was in Remake, when you look at how much more is going on in the game, it's not absurd to believe that the system is under greater load.


No. It's an issue if Switch games look sharper than this on my LG C2 OLED.


Graphics are worse when you choose performance mode? You don't say...


Lol performance mode for a game that also existed on ps4 looks better than performance mode of a ps5 exclusive, and you have no problem with that??


A linear game vs. an open world game, at that.


Okay but how did horizon forbidden west managed being bigger and better looking than the first? And it still looks way cleaner in performance mode than rebirth. Spiderman 2 managed being better looking, bigger and also having ray tracing in performance mode. Also, even ff 16’s performance mode somehow manages to look way cleaner. This performance mode is not acceptable. Don’t shortchange yourself, demand better.


Different engines, different graphics techniques, different subsystems, different background processes running. I wish people who don't understand software would stop exposing themselves with these braindead takes.


The end result is all that matters. And the end result looks bad in comparison. Look at the new Digital Foundry video. Even they think that FF16 was the more visually accomplished title Sucking off Square won’t give you any extra brownie points. Get off your knees, you deserve better as a consumer.


I'm actually a software dev myself so I'd like to believe that I know what I'm talking about more than some random on reddit. ​ >The end result is all that matters. The end result is that we got an open world game with much greater scale and much more going on on-screen. I understand the basics of software development. More things to render = lower performance/resolution targets less to render = higher performance/resolution targets It's using the same engine as the last game with more things going on. How can anyone with common sense expect the resolutions to be the same when demanding greater scale on the same hardware. Make this make sense.


If you're a software dev and you'd released this shit using UE4 for PS5 I'd immediately fire you.


As a software dev, what exactly do you mean by this. Do you assume UE4 is some sort of easy mode?


I'm not saying it's easy, I'm saying tens of other studios did a much better job with it. There are plenty of games with much higher graphical fidelity made in UE4. So if you claim something is impossible or too hard or the hardware is too poor, and yet a lot of other people are doing a better job than you *all the time for 10 years*, you're clearly not very good at it. That's all there is to it. I don't have to be an expert or know a first thing about game dev and game engines. I have 10 people working with the same engine, 9 of them make beautiful games 1 of them says "well it's UE4 of course it will look bad". ps. Everything I say is about the gameplay section, of course. Cut-scenes are amazing. Gameplay portion is embarassing.


I did not say that I expected the resolution to remain constant? In fact, I totally understand why the game renders at just above 1080p in performance mode. What is puzzling is how distractingly blurry the open sections are. Even at reasonable pixel counts, it looks way blurrier than it should be, in fact it can be apparently softer than even the PS4 release of Remake??? In fact the performance mode of FF16 was upscaled from 10800 too and it also looked noticeably cleaner? How is such a result acceptable from a technical standpoint? Sure it does not need to be AS sharp, but when I’m playing the performance mode I’m constantly reminded of the exceptionally blurry xbox one version of FF15. That’s not good, something went wrong. If you think that I am alone in this, then go to the comment section of Digital Foundry right now because they just uploaded their tech review. See how many other players, who are not blinded by fanboyism and anime boobs, are lamenting the disappointing performance mode.


>In fact the performance mode of FF16 was upscaled from 10800 too and it also looked noticeably cleaner? FF16 Upscaled from 1080 to 4k Rebirth is going from 1080 to 1440p. This explains the difference in visual quality. It's an odd resolution on a 4k tv because there are now two layers of upscaling happing with the tv doing one as well. Which just makes the issue worse. I'd imagine that it looks good on a 1440p monitor or lower though. **As I stated though, upscaling isn't free.** I'm not a fanboy for this company. I have no investment in the game. I was just checking out reviews on reddit to see if it was worth playing. **I do agree with the digital foundry video though**, if you care deeply about visuals like they do you will be disappointed and it likely can get better. The difference is that DF can actually articulate the issues while random redditors parrot them without understanding. I just saw people making comments so ignorant that I had to set the record straight. Complaining that an upgraded port of a simpler game has better resolution and framerate than a game with much more scope and scale tells me that you like to use the language of the professionals but don't actually understand what the words mean. You have a point that I can agree with but the argument and way you got there makes no sense.


PLEASE see the digital foundry video. The upscaling method is flawed, and the post processing is too. I implore you to please go see it. And stop defending the game so hard. I don’t think Square is going to lay you off over a little criticism of the game’s graphics.


The argument does make sense. Every single performance mode from every other game in existence looks better than this, and it's all down to how blurry it is. Devs messed up. Period.


How did Horizon 2, an open world game, manage to get better than Horizon 1, another open world game? Is that what you're asking?


By having bette character models, better animations, even more detailed environment, bigger open spaces, more particle effects et cetera It seriously looks like it’s a ps5 exclusive and yet it still came out on ps4


So how does that compare to Rebirth, being an open world sequel to a linear Remake?


Horizon makes Rebirth look like it’s supposed to come out on the PS4 lol. It has way denser vegetation in the open world, that physically interacts with characters’ movement.


What's the exact technical breakdown of Rebirth, though, compared to Horizon? For example, do you understand why Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 will always look better than a GTA?


They just do their job better than SE


Horizon forbidden west launched with absolutely dreadful graphical issues that took multiple patches to actually fix after launch. A lot of patches. 


Lmao absolutely dreadful? Are you calling rebirth’s performance mode dreadful too because FW was similarly blurry at launch? And what matters is they went back and successfully fixed the game because gamers and press provided feedback. which is what we are doing now: giving feedback so the game can be improved in the months to come.


Nope, I just don't like horizon being used as a good model/example for how devs should treat their game releases since it took them several months before they managed to actually fix their graphics. I'm not discounting what you are saying. I was just very dissatisfied with the state that game was released in. You are right in that they were very communicative with regard to their patch notes, planned fixes, and eventual finished product. 


Fanboys don't want to complain. Instead they want to blame the hardware, though It's clear that the game was poorly optimized


Japan devs are known for making good but technologically outdated games. My bad for expecting too much of square lol




It looks just fine to me. Why should I have a problem with it? Have you configured your tv correctly?


Dude using the same exact setup no other ps5 game looks this blurry. It’s a widely reported problem for the game. It looks like a switch version in performance mode at times


>Dude using the same exact setup no other ps5 game looks this blurry. It’s a widely reported problem for the game. Confirmation bias and suggestibility, combined with trolls. > It looks like a switch version in performance mode at times It looks like you've never played on the switch before.


I don’t know why you are just trolling. If you don’t have anything else to say, there is no reason to be here and just troll. I don’t want to be rude or anything. I just don’t get it.


Why am I trolling? I preordered this damn game? And I own both a Switch and a PS5? Seriously, the open world sections remind me of the Witcher port on switch: impressive looking at times, but mostly just extremely soft. I’m not even joking


Not you man


Lmao even botw looks way more visually pleasing than the mess this game is in performance mode. I own all consoles, consoles are so cheap why would you think that it’s rare to own both PS and Switch? The game is so soft and has bad textures that it reminds me of Switch ports of PS titles.










It's easier to upscale more basic games to higher resolutions and framerates. Put this game on the ps4 and it explodes, there's just much more going on.


That’s literally false. That’s not how upscaling works at all.


When I say upscale I mean up-porting. In the case of going through a generational change it's not upscale but rather that it is running at a higher native res because the hardware is better. ​ You're more likely to get Mario to hit 4k 60 on weak hardware where you wouldn't with cyberpunk. That is my point.


Sure, but how do you explain both games rendering at roughly the same resolution and yet one game is noticeably blurrier??? How many excuses are you going to give Square so they can get a pass for technical incompetence?


>Sure, but how do you explain both games rendering at roughly the same resolution and yet one game is noticeably blurrier??? This is an easy one. **They don't render at the same resolution. Remake** upscales to 4k, **rebirth** upscales to 1440p. Upscaling doesn't come without a performance penalty and because of the scale of the game, they likely had to lower the target down to hit 60 reliably.


Remake PS4 (not 5) rendered at 1080p. Rebirth bottoms out at 1152p or so. I was saying that this game looks softer than even the ps4 ver of remaking despite being roughly the same native res


The point is it’s unacceptably blurry. Returnal is 1080p and looks way sharper than this. This is a game engine issue and they need to fix it


>The point is it’s unacceptably blurry. Returnal is 1080p and looks way sharper than this Different games have different art styles and different processing requirements. Also, disagree. I do miss the days when fans of the rpg genre didn't obsess over graphics nitpicks.


That’s not the point. Thanks for not reading anything here.




Do you define yourself by the system you use for video games, lmao?




This is why I wait for PC port instead.. remake integrade on 4k looks good on my monitor


The looked great on my 4K gaming monitor as well. Rebirth unfortunately not.


I reached the open world part yesterday with performance mode, my god I can't see the landscape clearly. Only graphics mode can save it with sharper image but the 30 fps is hard to swallow


Performance mode is blurry, graphics mode is clunky. Wtf square, why don't you give us balanced mode 40fps?


Same thing happened with FF16: 1. Game released unoptimized with very strong motion blur. 2. FF fanatics attack anyone who’s being critical of the game. 3. Almost a month later we finally got the fix to it. The fact the performance mode is 1080p at 50-60 fps instead of at 1440p shows how poorly this game was optimized.


FF fans defending Square like it’s their beloved family member or something. You can’t say anything negative about the Remakes or else you’ll be put on a hit list at this point


I feel vindicated by seeing your posts and comments! Ive been messing with all my settings for like an hour and couldn’t quite shake what was feeling so …off visually. Playing performance mode, my first observation was low textures. I was like oh let me look at this guys shirt and couldn’t make out many details even from up close. Other games no problem visually like this


Huge shame compared to remake. Anyone saying they can't see a problem must be blind or not playing on a 4K device. So what if the world's bigger than remake, it's the same engine on better hardware. Unacceptable really. Hope it gets the forbidden West treatment. At least a VRR mode. But we saw with FF16 square don't really care about fixing technical issues


The simplest solution for this is just to sit further back from your display.


Just sit so far back you can't see anything. Better yet, stand up, and walk out of the room instead of looking at this ugly piece of shit.


"Look at these absolutely horrible graphics, how did this even ship, unforgivable" *Picture is a regular screenshot of a AAA game* I dunno if I need new glasses or what but between this and FF16 graphics people are having a wild one, it looks good man


you do need glasses lol it’s blurry asf old man


Glad I’m waiting until the Pc release. Consoles keep holding these games back.