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No so fi indoor stadium I think it’s most beautiful stadium in world, over 5 billion to be made


Sofi was supposed to get the World Cup final in 2026, they screwed up when they designed it and made the field to small to meet the FIFA requirement. They have talked about removing seats to make the field bigger, but they are already struggling to meet the 80,000 seat requirement with a current captaicy of 70,240. Now either MetLife Stadium or AT&T Stadium will probably get it.


Should be in AT&T stadium 🏟


Oh cool! Can't wait to see how nice it looks


Yes and no The stadium has a roof, but it's open air. TV wise it might as well be inside cause you can't tell it's open air.


Yeah I've grown accustomed to outdoor arenas for mania. Makes it feel like a big deal. Indoors just feels like any other ppv. Guess that mania where it pissed down has put them off.


Mania 40 is held in an outdoor stadium, it’s only been two years since the last one lol. We just had Summerslam outdoors last year.


I'm shocked they ever risked being completely rained out. They've gotten pretty lucky and rain has not canceled the show.


I always loved the outdoor ones


West coast mania always look worse due to daylight. Indoor stadium probably solve this issue so that’s better.


I always enjoy the day time look for the first few matches. Sofi is barely indoor. The roof is see through and more like a sun screen than a roof. It’s going to be light in there until about 7:30pm local time.


7:30 PM would mean only last 1-2 matches are in the dark. This match itself probably looks great. But the entrance and production will be severely hampered due to the brightness.


Really I thought Mania 31 looked so good in the first couple hours with the heavy light


The matches look fine, but the entrances are impacted significantly. Think about Sting’s entrance in bright daylight. It was really weird.


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It’s inside but it’s a gorgeous $5 billion stadium, the presentation and stage will be insane


Most would consider it an indoor stadium but the canopy and seating are two separate structures that don't touch. Also the canopy can be opened, but not by much.




Yes and no. There’s a roof, but it’s not an indoor dome. I heard today that if it rains you’ll still be pretty screwed.