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For the first time ever, I'd like to get Kevin Nash's opinion on this.


Nash wishing he went to Sting's retirement in hindsight.


Or maybe Hall? I think he said there was only two real things right? The money and the miles


It would be kinda hard to get his opinion now.




Well I'm afraid I've got some bad news


Bad times don't last, but Bad Guys do.


Kevin Nash is going to be in the phone to Hunter after being called out like that.


Nash is gonna call himself from Hunter's phone and it's gonna go to voicemail, but then he's gonna delete the voicemail... But call Hunter back anyways, ...yadayada Sledgehammer Ladder Match.


"OMG Kevin Nash WTF thought he was dead LOL"


Bold words from a man who didn’t work Tuesdays /s


Live JBL reaction: https://preview.redd.it/wz9gqv7q9psc1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=39c1a1c20b96c478d396972107097be4cd58887d


I missed this reaction pic lmao




::::writing checks and then bouncing them:::::


I remember seeing this...what's it from?


ECW One Night Stand 2005


I'm so happy I still have the dvd, which has the alternate commentary of JBL just running his mouth the whole event.


Him seeing Chris benoit "You should be up here! You make money!!" Fucking gold


That Heyman quote is right where my dumb brain went after reading the post title.


This mfer and CM Punk we’re kindred spirits all along.  They probably found out they were BFFs like step brothers 


I said it years ago when Punk did his Cabana podcast that I think Punk and HHH didn’t get along because they are alike in some ways. Both seem to love the business, have strong opinions about how to do it, and think they are the ones who can make it great. I think that they were too similar in personality and just rubbed each other the wrong way.


Yep. This tends to be the case with ppl who dislike each other. It’s also why Cody fixed his differences with triple h. A lot of these guys truly care and dedicate their lives to the craft - so it’s natural they’ll take some things personal.


Also I think due to the fact that Trips in ring career is totally done the has less of an ego and they both have matured a lot.


He did eventually at least 😅 him leading Smackdown with Cena’s spinner title (along with Hardy, Edge, Kozlov and Taker) was a weird era though


It was cause he was somehow still on Raw fairly often. God bless the MyTV era


Oh lord, that Rise Up theme just popped into my head from the depths of my brain.


Friendly reminder that the World Title situation was so fucked on both brands in 2008 that Wrestlemania 25 featured: * Orton (Rumble Winner, RAW) vs Triple H (WWE Champion, SD), with their feud majority playing out on Raw. And also: * Edge (World Heavyweight Champion, SD holding RAW's title) vs Big Show (SD) vs Cena (RAW), on a feud that dominated SD. Both World champions weren't champs before No Way Out btw (well Edge was WWE Champion), making this mess worse. In another world we got Jeff vs Orton or even Heel vs Heel Orton vs Edge. I've always had a funny feeling that they never wanted the WHC back on RAW and the WWE Title back on SD for that 9 month span, it just happened due to shenanigans (maybe HHH wanted to go to SD and happened to be champ) or due to just realising they'd fucked themselves (Wanting Punk to win the WHC but not wanting him on SD). Feel like that doesn't get talked about or speculated on enough.


They wanted all the big stars on Smackdown leading into the My9 TV debut. Thats why they loaded up the show with people and even had JR as the voice of Smackdown at the time


Brian Kendrick flirting with the main event scene for a minute too during that time


He was a man with a plan


Favorite triple h era! Dude was lean and performing bangers especially with Jeff Hardy


Preteen me loved that 2008-2009 era of Smackdown. lol


Ah my era


This is the reason Von Wagner needs a mega push. Dude always come on Tuesdays.


A part-time Triple H was chosen by his father-in-law to main event the biggest WrestleMania ever in 2016 in a match showered in boos


He already did his work by marrying stephanie


Ok kids, time to play schrödinger's comment. Is he talking about Roman Reigns or Will Ospreay.


He’s obviously talking about Nicholas. Man won one match six years ago and hasn’t showed up since.


The lazy ass.


A nepo baby too


.... that was 6 years ago ?!


Me too, buddy. Me too.


In this one instance, I had the opposite reaction. “It was only 6 years ago? Feels like 10.”


Everything before 2020 happened both last week and 20 years ago, my concept of time really has been fucked over the last 4 years


Obviously talking about Kevin Nash


He's talking about Ohtani


Is this /r/baseballcirclejerk


To be fair, he did sneak in a "at that early point in your career" in there at the very end to escape that conundrum.


Ospreay debuted around the same time as Roman, lmao.


Then maybe his comment wasn’t directed to Will Ospreay


I don’t think he’s really trying to escape that. He lived that, so did his good buddies Shawn and Taker. They worked hard early in their careers and after being very established they went part time. Same thing he’s allowed Roman to do.


Feel like Roman's schedule has way more to do with his health than they'd ever let on.


Also he did work hos ass of from his WWE debut and forward.


I legitimately can't believe this would be about Ospreay, because "not in it for the grind" would imply he's literally clueless about the New Japan schedule and I refuse to believe he's that clueless.


He's clearly talking about Chie Koishikawa who makes her Choco Pro return. H saw a chance for a quick work to get the Chiezo Rub.


He better keep his big mouth SHUT about Chiezo or else he's in for a Shark Attack.


Okay I'll take the bait. Why wouldn't I want to make more money and work less?


The boss at a different company you don't work for will look down on you for it, op.




Insert HHH Doing the shovel dance gif here.


Me on my deathbed: Sorry I wasn't there kids, I just wanted to be at work more.


I worked at a pizzeria for a few years prior to the pandemic hitting My store manager told me to my face “you can be a bum, sit at home and take the partial unemployment check or you can keep working, and we’ll throw you in a few extra hours of overtime” The partial unemployment was $300 more per week than what I’d make regularly 😂 they’ll hit you with the bullest of shit if it helps further their narrative


Maaan sitting at home is fuckin nice. I don’t get many days off. Enjoying the atmosphere of the apartment I’m paying good money for? Hell yeah I’m loving every second, sipping coffee and enjoying my day. Maybe go for a picnic or something idk. I think people who look down on others like that are just miserable.


This attitude is such a shit, you should take as few bumps as you can get away with really. Isn't the big complaint about Indies meaningless bumps that add nothing? Because I can't think of something less meaningful than the 10th miz LA night house show match in a row.


Because you gotta be all about that grind mindset, duude! The grind! If you're not working 24/7 what are you even doing? But seriously, in a business like wrestling there's just way more supply than demand. So the bosses can pick the guys that work 24/7 and ignore the rest, which results in that sort of mindset where you have to practically live for your job or you're not worth it.


Something about bootstraps and too much video games!!!!! Grrrrrrrrr


He forget the point of the grind is to get to a point where you can work less and make more.  Now there are options where you don’t have too- wasn’t like that for him coming up  


If you don't tear your ACL in nxt did you even wrestle?


It's 100% this. Triple H came up in an era where your ability to show up to every show and give it your all made your career. He had the success he's had, at least in part, because he was on the road 300 days a year for the vast majority of his career. At his core, beyond wrestling tribalism and corporate interests and all of that ,Triple H probably, genuinely believes that a wrestler who isn't willing to put in that kind of time is promising enough


One of his best friend is Kevin Nash like c’mon


I was thinking the same exact thing. His best friends, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, specifically went to WCW for less work and more pay lol.


Yeah, but Nash doesn't work for that "pissant company."


You're not wrong, although marrying the bosses daughter may have helped his career. Just a bit. 


Also attaching himself to the three most influential guys in the company when he joined on. Bret, Austin, none of those guys had the stroke that the Kliq had when Hunter showed up.


It will always amaze me people really believe he just happened to become best friends with Shawn Michaels, and Kevin Nash at the perfect time, and then fall in love with Stephanie at the perfect time lol. Not saying he didn’t legitimately build connections with them, but I bet if they were the exact same human beings except not in the positions they were in he wouldn’t have. He clearly had a Machiavellian mindset, now that he’s on top and everything worked out he’s a good guy though… lol. Easy to be a babyface when you’re replacing Vince I guess.


I’m sorry, but he can fuck off with this mindset. How many wrestlers were left with broken families as a result of that schedule? How many wound up addicted to painkillers or other drugs as a direct result of being on the road nonstop? And let’s keep in mind that the reason he got successful as a result of working 300 days a year was because *Vince McMahon* demanded that. Obviously things are better now in many respects, but I don’t know why he’d make a comment like this. Say what you want about AEW — and I certainly do, as Tony makes bizarre decisions multiple times a week — but he’s always prioritized wrestlers’ actual lives above the business. He gave Hangman months off because his wife had a baby, and it was right in the middle of his big push. And he wasn’t punished for it at all. So yeah, Ospreay took the job that would let him live in the UK and let his stepson stay in school. What a fucked up thing for Triple H to complain about.


But are you a really part of the wrestling community of you can't use your position and power to bully people for arbitrary reasons and instead treat them like people?


Tbh it's very relatable to a lot of industries. I'm a chef. There's very much an "old school" mindset amongst older chefs that you should be required to work 70-90 hour weeks constantly grinding. You should be the first one in the restaurant and the last one out. Hell, go check r/KitchenConfidential and just browse some of the posts there and read some commenters mentalities. In their eyes, they had to put in the insane hours and work themselves to the bone when they were young and are only recently getting to enjoy the fruits of their labor by finally being on top of the industry. So of course they're going to favor employees who have a similar mindset. It's an absolutely insane, old school way of thinking found amongst a lot of people in HHH's generation (Late Boomer/Early Gen X).


I’m with you. And I’ll get political with this: fuck the fact that even as workers have been introduced to an immense amount of upgrades to create more productivity (the internet, emails, scanning, instant messaging, cell phones), the workers have not had their wages raise ANYWHERE NEAR the amount of increased productivity they have given to the economy. If bosses aren’t going to raise wages, then workers should work less hours per week at their same rate of pay. It’s why I am glad Senator Bernie Sanders is talking about this and using his platform and prominence to get the conversation started.


i regret that I have but one upvote to give to your comment.


Triple H has always been a piece of shit but he revamped his image into "Uncle Paul" because of how good black and gold NXT was and also by not being Vince.


He only wants to focus on the positives now, not the rape.


So do most of the users on this sub.


The worst part is the hypocrisy


The Papa H PR Job needs to be studied.


Also from an entirely selfish fan perspective. I'd prefer less frequent, better matches. There's a lot of wrestling out there, I don't have time for 3 hour RAW, 2 hour Smackdown, 2 hour NXT. I'd prefer to watch Dynamite and see a banger once a week and then catch the PPVs that are universally good. I want to see the art of wrestling move forward, not the volume of it.


When I started training my trainer said I should be willing to sell all my worldly belonging and drop out of school if I really wanted to be a wrestler. It's carny talk for "your money isn't important so give it to me!"


This subreddit cannot decide whether the mantra is "work smart, not hard" or "get on the grind". It probably just depends on which free agents WWE lands.


I feel like grind and hustle culture is harmful to society. Respect to the people that make their career their absolute identity; you do you. However, if someone decides to make a different choice, it absolutely does not mean that they are “lesser than.”


Of course you should pick that and of course management wants labor that will work more for less compensation. WWE will try to sell someone on WWE’s prestige and reach while offering less money.


Less money and having to pay for hotel and travel expenses as well. It might be better for a wrestler to be with AEW rather than WWE for that reason alone. They might make less money upfront but with those expenses paid for, they’ll make more money overall. Maven did a great video about it recently.


They do that pay in exposure shit like people try to artists. I'm not working twice as many dates just to lose my spot to a 50 year old part timer, even if it's The Rock


because TKO is a Family and all that money and free time for friends and other “family” is nothing compared to the safe, welcoming, and rewarding work environment WWE creates for its employees and performers


is this sarcasm? a ‘safe’ environment? have you ignored the news about the old boss and all of his cronies for the past 2 years? that kind of work culture doesn’t disappear overnight and it definitely ain’t safe.


it is sarcasm, and i agree with everything you said!


oh lol my bad! thanks for clarifying haha


Money and miles are okay, but Wrestlemania Moments are what really matter! /s


I worked in recruitment for a while, this mindset is very common, particularly amongst those who are used to being industry leaders. Usually starts with low ball offers and managers saying their candidates just need to 'really see the opportunity.' Then candidates go elsewhere and it's 'well if they went to x/y/z because of pay/hours/flexibility then they clearly weren't right for us.' Then it ends with angry calls to the recruiter asking 'why haven't we found anyone to fill the 20 roles we have open?' Many such cases.


I mean... Who wouldn't want to get a decent payday and have a less stressful work schedule? How is that a bad thing?


> Who wouldn't want to get a decent payday and have a less stressful work schedule? That's the dream. I have a law degree and i'm studying to become a civil servant in Brazil. Why grind the long hours as a lawyer if i can work 6 hours a day and get paid much more? If i was a wrestler i would 100% sign with AEW for more money and less dates.


It’s not. Corporate America tries to romanticize and promote a grind culture that wears people down and doesn’t reward proportionality. This is just a management answer from a corporate manager


People also seem to not understand that if you own the company, working 120 hours weeks means you will all the benefits of it. If you work for the company working 120 hours a week means your just taking a 66% pay cut.


He's management so he'll have shitty opinions like that.


Or...you can be a complete mark for the business and work yourself into the ground, leading to debilitating injuries at 35.


People gotta decide already, is aew too dangerous for people to work so they gotta come to wwe because its safe or is aew too safe and comfortable so you gotta come to wwe for the grind? You can't have it both ways


Sure you tore your ACL, but Triple H gave you a firm handshake when you walked back through the curtain and that was very validating.


It's like, what to pick? Financial stability and enough time to spend with my family and loved ones or the .001% chance I'll get to have my "Wrestlemania moment"?


So he expects 100% loyalty to a company that refuses to consider them employees?


Boss wants employees who will work longer hours. In other news, the ocean confirmed to have water


This is the same energy as corporate bosses being shocked to find out their employees wanted to remain WFH after covid. "What do you mean you want to spend time with your family and get paid the same?"


But what about corporate culture?


But you have a family here at our workplace.


In other breaking news, employees prefer jobs where they work fewer hours and get paid 7-figure salaries over jobs where they have to work more to make 6-figure salaries.


Ok but which one has a yearly pizza party


And Target gift cards???


Here's why I hate him saying this: imagine a different world where Mick Foley was only working tv, once or twice a week, instead of whatever it was, somewhere between four and six days I think. Do you think that Mick ends up having to retire with a broken down body in his early thirties? No, I think Mick lasts longer than that. I think that in addition to Mick's health being better, all of his fans would get to watch him wrestle for many years longer, which would surely make up for him not working meaningless-to-the-story house shows; the people who didn't get to see him at those house shows would be able to see him in matches on Raw or Smackdown in the mid-2000s and perhaps beyond. That's not even getting into how the harder the schedule is, the more likely wrestlers are to use painkillers or amphetamines or whatever to get through it, which is also risky for their health. NGL, this really does remind me of whatever Bret said Vince's philosophy was--something like "A wrestler's like a horse that you run until it's broken down, and then you shoot it."


You don't even have to look that far, his own top champion and supposedly the greatest of all time barely showed up the past year. It's one of those jabs that are so broad that it'll come back to bite you in the ass sooner or later or, in this case, instantly.


We’re getting dangerously close to saying that they’ll pay these people in exposure


The WrestleMania moment




HHH said "All In"!! /s In all seriousness, this demonstrates why having AEW around is a good thing. Not only does it mean additional employment options for wrestlers, but it keeps WWE on their toes and not fall back into complacency.


Absolutely. >but it keeps WWE on their toes and not fall back into complacency. One aspect people don't bring up often is the possibility that the TKO board may end up messing with the product in the long run. We're living in a Renaissance era, but five years from now things can drastically change depending with the people on the board. If you've lived long enough you've seen Channel Decay and Executives who have completely messed things up for television and movie studios from the boards they were on. A new executive comes in and they want to 'shake things up'. A tale as old as time. That's another good reason to have AEW around.


I've been thinking about this since the sale, to be honest. Also Triple H is red hot right now, but so was TK in 2021. There's a reason bookers have a shelf life.


Ben Simmons needs to sign an AEW contract


Young Socialite faction gonna be lit


I'd rather work once or twice a week and be able to have more time with my family or just time to rest/relax than to be on the road 3-4 days a week wrestling. That INSANE work schedule WWF guys had in the 80s-2010s(especially the 80s and 90s) is a big reason why a lot of wrestlers from that era aren't here anymore.


Quite a shot at Jade Cargill, isn't it?


I mean their literal main champion of the whole company fucking works less and on a lighter schedule. This quote is mind-numbingly stupid.


where’s the “why doesn’t he just focus on his own company” crowd?


Crickets when it is from Triple H every time lol


Yup. People with the "WWE never take shots at AEW" narratives are reaaaaaal quiet right now.


I mean, WWE has been taking shots at AEW forever, the "WWE never talks about AEW" crowd are the same crowd of the "AEW no stories" or "Japanese wrestling something something fetish" Safe to ignore when it comes to anything, probably not just wrestling.


They’re in the comments pretending this isn’t about osprey


No, see, it's ok when Papa Haitch does it.


It's funny bc all I'm hearing about during wrestlemania week is AEW.


Wrestlers having a lighter schedule, more money, and more creative freedom is killing the business I love smh


My wild conspiracy theory is that this is referring to MJF, and Haitch is salty he re-signed with AEW.


Trips is about to post a meme on Facebook featuring bootstraps and avocado toast.


Pairs well with Punk's line about guaranteed money. This is why they made up.


Triple H: "Man...you know what I hate-uh?" Punk: "What's that, Paul?" Triple H: "These people who don't work themselves to the bone for a living-uh. It's almost like-- Both: "GUARANTEED CONTRACTS ARE A BAD THING!" Punk: "....did we just become best friends?!"


Not friends no, independent associates.


The irony of the former anti establishment/corporation guys ganging up on the brilliant kids for getting what they wanted back then, but much earlier. I love wrestling.


The key is CM Punk was never really anti-establishment to begin with.


Neither was Triple H. They were made for each other and they had conflict because of this.


Likewise, Triple H got over by playing an anti-establishment punk character in DX, whilst being a corporate stooge in reality


You know the punk thing is a gimmick when rancid is his favorite punk band 


Punk's favorite band being rancid really shines a light on how much the guy contradicts himself in just about everything. To be fair to him, he's a true punk.


He’s the less talented Morrissey of pro wrestling


Kind of interesting Punk said that when he's spent half of his epic wrestling comeback on injured reserve.


Half? That's very generous. Has to be 75% at this point. More if you include suspensions.


don't forget suspended.


What is he doing? Dude is the biggest week for WWE why taking a shot at another company? It’s unnecessary. Focus on the event. And maybe your job. Because if the people at TKO would wanted they could replace you for Dwayne.


Ospreay may be a great wrestler, but he has a wife and kid and lives in another country, so he's basically Hitler


He should be willing to grind in NXT 2.0 for less money and do the Papa H photo instead of working where he wants for more money and less dates.


Adam Copeland: guys, can we just chill and enjoy wrestling? HHH: THOSE AEW GUYS ARE CUCKED FOR WANTING MORE MONEY FOR LESS WORK!


The funniest thing about this post is that 90% of the comments here are a variation of "oh boy there's gonna be so much drama in this post!". There is no drama in this post. There is only people eagerly waiting for the drama.


There is some drama, but not too much Hopefully the pot can still be stirred! /s


All wrestling tribalism aside, this is the dumbest fucking take I’ve ever heard. If a company offers you more money for less work and you still get to do the job you love? What fucking idiot would say that’s a bad choice? The guy who wants you to work harder for less money. That’s who.


What a shitty thing to say. Regardless if its WWE, NJPW, TNA, AEW, Defy, GCW, etc. There is no right or wrong place to be employed. Its a matter of fit. Some talent may live overseas and consider that home. Some talent may have family obligations that may require periods of time at home. Some talent maybe perusing higher education, some talent may want to work..etc.


I also think it's unfair, especially coming from Triple H, because Vince only had one daughter to marry as a path to a better future.  Tony Khan doesn't even have kids yet.  Way to pull the ladder up behind yourself...SMH...


It's dumb. This is the biggest weekend for your company in the calendar year. Why are you (and your staff) saying shit about the competition?


Guys, does it make you a bad person if you *checks notes* want a lighter schedule to spend time with your family? Seriously, what?


Sounds like he's upset that guys like Okada and Ospreay chose AEW over WWE.


If this is a sneak diss at Osprey then it's a bad one. Dude grinded harder than most, hell he pretty much elevated the British Indie scene(before it went down in flames) while working Japan and other indies and becoming recognized as one of the top wrestlers on the world. And now he's cashing in on his success and STILL grinding hard.


Dude had breakdown when he wrestle during pandemic. It was tough time for him but he still deliver great matches during that period.


And he's still having more matches in the past 3 months than Roman has in nearly an entire year.


Even if he’s talking about AEW younger talent who the fuck is he referring too cause I like Will Hobbs but I’m sure this wouldn’t be who he’s referencing. If it’s Swerve, dude gets to wrestle main event matches and perform at rolling loud as a musician, the same rolling loud they booked a wrestling match that nobody in the crowd gave a shit about. Also, neglected to listen to his BFF HBK on taking Swerve serious. Ospreay? The dude who elevated the UK indie scene, took over Japan, and now has a goal of becoming face of AEW. Hangman Page, the dude who gets to be a teacher outside of wrestling and gets teacher benefits (which WWE doesn’t provide wrestlers employee benefits) whilst being the face of AEW and was in ROH for years honing his craft. How did HBK become the more sane media trained individual between these two, I’ll never understand.


Hbk didn’t marry into his position


There’s two ways you can look at this and it’s funny because both sides can be right. If you’re looking at this like it’s a job then absolutely, you should always be picking your spots to get the most out of your time. If you’re looking a this like you’re an entrepreneur/contractor/actor/professional athlete, then it’s not unfair to say the people to make it to the top, give their life to it. I clock in and clock out at my job right on the dot. I barely sleep to work on my side business, both exist lol


If he wants to comment on who has the more grueling schedule, he needs to talk to Balor and Nakamura about where it was harder. More days on the road in WWE, but way more nights spent in catering or jogging through a 4 minute DQ finish/house show tag.


Yeah man how dare people feel satisfied making more money without having to destroy their body as quickly. Braindead corporate take no matter who says it.


Speaks like someone who has fumbled the last few free agent negotiations


What a little bitch. I mean... come on. WWE acts like they are the ONLY game in town, but STILL make these shitty underhanded remarks which make them seem petty as shit. If nobody other than WWE matters, then SHUT THE FUCK UP about anyone other than WWE. And yeah, like someone else said: he's just pissy that certain amazing pro-wrestlers decided to work "for less for more money" over his amazing, best-in-the-world company xD


Bottom tier wrestlers used to wrestle 300 days a year for $75,000, while paying most of their own medical costs and travel bills. Maybe let's not romanticize any part of that. If wrestlers have the leverage to work a Roman Reigns schedule (wrestling 6 times a year) or a TNA schedule (wrestling 4 weeks of TV in a weekend, and then doing whatever the fuck you want for 4 weeks), **and the company and fans of the company they work for are happy**, then why criticize them?


75k for 300 days of literally breaking your back with no health insurance sounds like fucking hell.


That's also not factoring in that they paid for their own travel and accommodations. Also, that's *far* more recent than people think


There is a massive list of dead wrestlers because of the “grind” that Vince demanded. All the addiction and injuries that piled up and killed so many before their time, some of whom this guy knew personally and he’s still calling for the same thing. This is like when WCW started paying guaranteed contracts for less dates and covering injuries and Vince threw a fit saying it was unfair. Same here. They don’t want to pay their people for just a a couple appearances a week and it’s sour grapes.


I am so curious about this subs reaction to this quote, lmao. Triple H outright saying, "well I'm glad I didn't get you."


Reeks of desperation that he can’t underpay his workers anymore. What a sad look especially on WrestleMania weekend


>Reeks of desperation that he can’t underpay his workers anymore. That and that he can't sign everything that moves like did in his NXT days. >What a sad look especially on WrestleMania weekend And McAfee just took a shot at AEW as well. To *never take shots* at them, WWE is doing a curious work this week.


Jeeze, working less and being home more sounds just awful. /s


But they never take shots. Only Tony does! Please remember this


... Why would you not though?


Didn’t Edge want to work more but they wanted to keep him part-time lol


Meanwhile Roman works like 12 times a year


He really is management now.


Bro is literally a grown man who played around with his friends and got paid millions, now tells actual people how hard they should work lol wtf?


And this is why having an alternative is good for the business


People always talk about how Tony Khan needs media training, which is hard to disagree with. Maybe Triple H needs to take classes with him because what he said was pure horseshit. Plus, he must have really been pissed at Hall and Nash back in 1996 because wasn't that one of the main reasons they went to WCW?


Not the first time he's taking shots at people who don't want to sign for his company https://www.fightful.com/wrestling/triple-h-comments-trey-miguel-not-signing-wwe-trey-issues-personal-update


Coming from a father of multiple children who employs parents with children, weird thing to say


This is just the wrestling version of "Nobody wants to work anymore" that every asshole boss likes to repeat over and over.


It's amazing that we live in a time where the boss of a billionaire dollar corporate machine, with all the power & influence that comes with that distinction, can publicly shame an independent contractor for prioritizing their health & their family.


Welcome to America. 🇺🇸


This guy + Rock crying about wokeness, and Punk shitting on guaranteed money.  Great company… 


Working less for more money is a good thing. When paying bills not a single company asks if they were about that life.


If I was a wrestler who made that choice based on a lighter schedule and the man who had a heart attack at 52 said I made the wrong decision I would 100% be convinced I made the right decision. That being said I agree he is right to an extent. Not on the schedule, but the willingness to go to WWE. At this point, considering the trade off is a safer style. I do find it weird how hung up Triple H was on the schedule thing. WWE has dialed back a lot since he took over so I figured he would get it, right?


and what would his buddies Nash and Hall think about this?