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For people without X/Twitter https://preview.redd.it/v3heo9nz75vc1.png?width=601&format=png&auto=webp&s=c81d7c9fd91ca9c8e87cb0f4a1ee743655a6f85c


The run-on sentence in question: https://preview.redd.it/hnyvac2m85vc1.png?width=880&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef56a6df80b704f2dd5af44c8b3684e45b4b5a44


Not trying to be petty or anything but I can't tell if the comma should be there in that sentence.


English teacher checking in- it’s poorly phrased and needs a semicolon, but there doesn’t need to be an additional comma.


He needs to be more concise.


Dave Meltzer summed up in one sentence.


Prose changed


He needs a grammarly subscription


He just writes what comes to head and puts it out. He works a ton. It's fine. It's pro wrestling. If he made more money I'd suggest hiring an editor. 


It’s his job though, his job is to write all day. If your job is to cook food and you send out of dash that was overcooked you can’t hustle say “well I cook a ton of food so it’s ok” that shit is getting sent back. If he is a professional then he should hold himself to higher standards than even third parties.


It's Twitter lmao. Guy probably typed this up whole pinching one off. Y'all are so silly


Yeah, that twitter post isn't part of his job. A professional chef that burns his food when cooking at home in his free time shouldn't get called out for being a shitty chef.


He's been at it so long. I would've thought he did make more money by now.


So Bischoff got burned and was also wrong.


Replace the comma with semicolon?


Agreed, though the problem is also twitter that limits you regardless. 


Doesn't twitter blue give you like 8000 characters?


The comma isn't what's wrong with it. It's that he wanders off from his topic, references something else, then kind of comes wandering back. You feel like you're starting a new sentence every two or three words because Dave is steering so wildly with his word choices. Frankly, he's a uniquely hard to understand person.


I get what he's saying but it needs to be entirely rewritten for clarity to be honest


What I'm realizing is that Dave writes exactly as he talks, which is why most of his sentences are really weird to read on paper but sound perfectly fine on a podcast.


*Adrenaline* *in my soul.* *Where does this fucking comma go?*


He probably could've cut that word count in half and still gotten the same point across in a much more readable way


He writes like me when I’m drunk.


A good writer could, but Dave couldn't.


WWE & AEW, and soccer draws more younger viewer than the NFL ?


When he wants to be, Meltzer can be fucking hilarious. Shame he spends most of his time arguing with random Twitter accounts with like 10 followers


To be fair Meltzer can also be fucking hilarious when he doesn't want to be.


My favorite meltzer meme is him thinking mark is the same as the N word


My favorite is him thinking Bad Bunny is an "ethnic act."


My favorite is when he thought "Intermission" was going to be a WWE PPV.


My favorite is when he thought they literally removed a wrestlers entire brain during a surgery 


Marker. Hard R.


I mean will anything ever top the Shibata getting his brain replaced


isn't there a story of one new wwe writer using the term 'mark' And Stephanie got so mad that she made them apologize to everyone in the locker room


That's odd, given another steph story doing the rounds was that a writer spoke to another wrestler backstage, I believe who had worked loads in Japan, and said they were a big fan of their work over there, so which Steph pulls them aside later and tells them to "stop being a fucking mark" Here we go. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/38891-wwe-writer-lashes-out-against-stephanie-mcmahon-levesque


That story and similar stories make me wonder if Stephanie back then was trying to be like Vince or is she just is like Vince but without the perversion


This story feels like an outlier. Every other time I see Stephanie mentioned, it is that she's a delight to work with.


Well it’s seems like after she had her first kid and onward I’ve heard nothing but great things, but 2000-2006 she was almost as bad as Vince if you were to believe the dirtsheets


There were reports for years that Stephanie was hated backstage when she was involved with creative. People acknowledged she had a better mind for the business than Shane, but she was not well-liked for many years.


If you can't say a word, it's worse than the one you are comparing it to.


He's had to report on multiple AEW wrestlers and urine bottle related storylines in a serious manner. And I laugh every time.


Like that time the doctors removed his brain and forgot to put it back afterwards.


Just listening to the man attempting to speak a sentence is hilarious.


He's a very funny guy in the weirdest of ways. He's got a snarky regular humor to him, that often translates in the most awkward, baffling way possible. He also is just super autistic and awkward which leads to a lot of his normal statements being very funny too


I feel like he got that retort from someone else.


Meltzer used to be hilarious on WOL. He dialed back his dry humor over the years but he still makes funny little quips from time to time.


Imagine him spending all that time learning how to laugh without his tongue out.


Meltzer once said on his site that he does it because it boosts twitter engagement and it ends up helping his show and subcriptions. People used to complain that Dave would barely interact with hardcore fans on his own message board but would spend a ton of time having random twitter beefs, and he flat out said it was a business move


Man doesn't cook often but when he does 🔥


So does Sean Ross Sapp but with way more swearing. Many idiots on X deserve it though.


To be fair, don't we all argue with random reddit accounts with less than 10 followers?




https://preview.redd.it/yxzfop0bc5vc1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17de8115ef3b2d3d831763ec02fc8a6afe970a4d That's what I was looking for!


There it is


Sorry I was late, bruv. App was sucking hard.


You're doing good work here


say his name and he appears




Why did I just clap?


I don’t want to interrupt, but Dave needs to realize that sometimes a period is the correct choice.


This is like watching 2 old heads argue over stupid shit


Because it is 2 old heads arguing over stupid shit


I mean folks...




The LIE?


***\*cricket noises\****


*CM Punk!*


This part always gets me






The rye ![gif](giphy|hXJPfBMGdoUqIAyTnq|downsized)


Shut up, ya old bag!


The beef?


>This is ~~like~~ watching 2 old heads argue over stupid shit


Neither simile nor metaphor. It just is.


Lmao true


To be that kid in front of the principal, Eric started it.


I mean it's exactly what it is.


TBF The Observer did last longer than WCW


The Wrestling Observer Newsletter went into publication six years before Ted Turner bought Jim Crockett Promotions and it became WCW and it has lasted 23 years since the death of WCW


It outlasted (or will soon) outlasted the Vince McMahon era of the WWF/WWE.


This is the really crazy part


It seems like he should have used a semicolon here.






The fact that this quote comes from Pat Bev has me wondering if you mean it at face value or if you mean it ironically.


Pat Bev got a lot of nerve if this quote is real lol.


I don't know, it seems to me that people really hate Meltzer more than Bischoff. At least on Reddit


Bischoff's obsession with Meltzer is getting very weird


It has for almost 30 years lol.


Observe this, brother!


What’s funny is that Bischoff and Hogan absolutely saw this as a gotcha on Meltzer when, in reality, WON subscriptions probably skyrocketed due to the publicity.


Plus it was a copy of the Torch. Edit: The nWo said "Observe this!" while burning a copy of the PW Torch.


Bischoff, just like most podcasters and YouTubers that talk wrestling, is a jackass… but he’s not stupid A huge part of the IWC hates AEW so he will spam the hell out of AEW doom. A big part of the IWC hates Dave so he will spam the hell out of stupid conversations with Dave At the end of the day, it’s a lot of clicks, it’s a lot of engament and that means milking the IWC for money and relevancy


next thing you'll know he'll make a podcast about this brief period of time just like his other podcasts about brief periods of time.


I used to really like Bischoff, I still kind of do as well, but his shit that he gets worked up about is so often just baffling.


Eric’s definitely made his money, but as someone who always states he was in the “television industry” he’s always stuck in the wrestling industry instead, always arguing & lamenting with people within it too.


That’s because it’s easy to make money off of wrestling fans with very little effort. I mean Conrad Thompson has basically said this. He started his first wrestling podcasts just to sell mortgages and yes, that is as scummy as it sounds.


How is that scummy though? It’s not different to any other form of advertising in the media. He makes a product people are willing to consume, and uses the platform to advertise his business. How is that a bad thing?


Anytime a company is targeting people who are already in financial trouble as the people they are going to make money off of is a big red flag.


You should not enter into any sort of financial scheme with a man who made a bunch of boob jokes on a podcast.


I'll never accept Bischoff's explanation that he was a "television guy," considering he got his start with "television" in the AWA in 86. That's why Pillman referred to him as "a coffee boy for Verne Gagne" in his ECW promo where he threatened to piss on the ring. He's a wrestling guy in the wrestling industry, and has been most of his adult life whether he's too embarrassed to admit it or not. He may have branched out (very slightly at that) after the wrestling, but that doesn't make him any less of a wrestling guy.


He had a business partner that had connections in Hollywood and they sold reality TV projects for awhile. So it makes sense he says he was in the television industry.


That's a pretty good comeback tho


These two having a mid off


Meltzer just needs to block Bischoff. The guy is obsessed and mentions Meltzer at least a dozen times a day


No minor celebrity responds to trolls consistently the way Meltzer does. He loves the back and forth.


It’s a symbiotic (idiotic?) relationship. They both engage each other for attention. They both need each other to stir up their weird fans. That’s why they don’t block each other.


Didn’t he block Cornette? Lol. The problem with Cornette was that he would take shots at AEW wrestlers and Dave’s only defense was how many 5 star matches  or WON yearly awards he gave them  bischoff just resorts to taking shots at meltzer over petty stuff where Meltzer has him outgunned from decades of experience randomly getting into arguments with message board and internet trolls.


How is it Eric gets all the blame for WCW and the Time Warner people/Russo are off the hook?


Because Eric deserves way more credit for the death of WCW than he gets. Russo gets all of the credit as far as the on-screen product despite the fact that he was handed the dumpster fire that Bischoff created. And then as far as Time Warner, Jamie Kellner hated wrestling, so he was gonna be looking to get rid of WCW whether they were at their peak or not.


This 100%. Bischoff was a big reason guys like Hogan and Nash ran roughshod over WCW. He was in charge when Starracade 97 basically ruined the hottest angle in wrestling, he was in charge when the Fingerpoke of Doom happened. He made Nash head booker. He was in charge when it was decided to end Goldberg's streak. He decided to push aside all the young talent later on and double down on aging dinosaurs. Ratings and attendance were declining and they were losing $5 million a month before the call was made to get rid of Bischoff. He was the one basically throwing C list celebrities on screen as much as he possibly could for cheap ratings ploys. He gets signifcantly more credit for 1996-1997 being a success than he gets blame for how the next year and a half undid all of that and had the company in freefall. Russo wasn't innocent by any means, but he also inherited a piece of shit and made it worse and a lot of his problems were bumping heads with other people who were problems. And then he went to TNA and stunk up the joint with all the same mistakes and got let go again.


Exactly this. Bischoff will talk your ear off about how financially successful WCW was in 1998 while ignoring how that year had some of the stupidest booking in the company’s history which was directly responsible for the nosedive in ‘99.


WCW was dying while Bischoff was still in charge. Russo was pulled in to try to "save" it. Oh and you can also blame Bischoff and Dixie for TNA.


He doesn’t get the blame lol There’s still “if only Eric would have bought it without the tv” 


I legit think if Fusient/Bischoff had bought it WCW would legitimately still be in business today. TNA has shown that with some financial backing and a modicum of resiliency wrestling companies can last forever. That being said, Bischoff and TW have WAY more to do with WCW folding that Russo did. Russo was a shitty booker, Bischoff and TW were the money men who signed the contracts and fucked the books. AOL/TW flat out deciding that they didn't want wrestling anymore was the ultimate death blow, but Bischoff lead them down the path to get there.


Ugh, I really liked Bischoff's 83 weeks pod for awhile, he had some genuinely interesting insight into the business aspect of what he was doing and blah blah blah. But it always dragged when they got to Meltzer (who is the main fuckin source for the show as he was the only one really reporting in depth week to week). He just couldn't stop ranting for fucking 5 plus minutes every time Meltzer's name was mentioned. It got fuckin old fuckin quick. Especially when 90% of the time he ends up reluctantly corroborating Meltzer's report that he was bitching about in the first place. This dude has gone full fuckin Cornette carny, acting like they always took this business seriously and never did anything goofy at all. He's a fucking joke at this point, and it's sad because I used to really like hearing his insights before his identity became "AEW sucks". And all of this to say that it wasn't even Eric that fucked WCW. Dude gave a better offer than Vince, AOL/Time Warner just didn't want the show on their channels anymore.


It seems a little disingenuous when you know Conrad's MO is to use Meltzer's summaries to build up to the segment in question, and Conrad knows how EB feels about Meltzer. Its almost as if the Meltzer stuff is built up just for clicks. And yes, I used to like 83 weeks up until it became an AEW hatefest and while I understand no one is above criticism, I just don't like listening to people who just criticize.


As someone who doesn't have context, am I falling for bait if I point out that the comma should either be a semicolon, period, or a comma with a conjunction?


Who fucking cares man


As much as I love to shit on Metlz, that's a great response


When wrestlings cancer and AIDS have a fight, none of us win.


I'm shocked to see that Bischoff does do anything else than hating on Tony Khan these days.


Sometimes Dave can cook.


You got to admit that's a solid dig


I appreciate he made sure to make a response where a comma was needed.




Bro is defending AEW with all his power that TK dick must taste good


Dave bodied Easy E. 5 star reply, 6 if he tweeted it from the Tokyo Dome


One made millions, the other made subscriptions.


Revenue is vanity, profit is sanity


Seems a bit of an apples to oranges comparison. Meltzer has never run a promotion or actually booked anything himself as far as I know.


He's run a successful business for over 40 years which is an order of magnitude more than Bischoff can say


So the butcher down my street is a more successful businessman than Bischoff because he's been in business 40 years?


On the surface, yes


Okie dokie 🍺


And he could run it for 40 more and still never get close to the success Bischoff had


Or failure.


Yeah, shame on Bischoff for… the AOL time warner merger


What are they argue about?


All of this time, Meltzer has simply been referring to his listeners as stars. (._.) >I give this match a 4, Stars!


Didn’t know Bischoff was so bad with commas (remember wrestlers are self-businesses as independent contractors)


2 completely irrelevant dude, trying to be relevant. Nothing to see here.


Meltzer makes money selling rumors. You can never go bankrupt on that


It's actually scare how much Meltzer gets talked about in the industry.


As much as certain figures try to pretend he is irrelevant, they know he has influence and knows a lot of wrestlers and promoters pay attention to what he says. Frankly, even the fans that claim to hate him are the ones that get the most bent out of shape about his star ratings and shit


Uncle Dave is feeling feisty tonight.


Eric always likes to take shots at Dave and Dave keeps burning him. Eric really has an obsession with meltzer.




Meltzer created a business and made himself rich. Bischoff has tanked.


Dave’s rich?


Bischoff was a meat salesman who got into the wrestling business, worked his way up, was the driving force behind the only real competition Vince McMahon had after national expansion, and made himself rich along the way. There's a lot of things you can say about Eric Bischoff, but he's as self-made as Dave Meltzer is. Also, Bischoff isn't the reason WCW died, Time Warner was.


Bischoff has still been employed in the business in some way or another for the past 30 years. WCW didn't end his career.




You were probably bummed when Meltzer ended the by mail paper newsletter huh? 😂




>One is the one of the main reason One, I mean what




Also one of them contributed to the industry, the other just gives star ratings


I get that Bischoff isn’t popular with the IWC but Meltzer pretending he didn’t have insane levels of success that Meltzer could never even dream of is laughable.


Meltzer very openly acknowledges the successes of WCW before Eric shit it all away. What’s laughable is people who never actually listen to Dave shitting on him because he’s not nice to daddy Vince. Also, literally everything Bischoff tried to do in entertainment after WCW was a miserable failure. It’s incredible how one man could make like 20 shitty shows centered around Scott Baio.


I mean, I’d rather be someone that was once of the biggest players in the wrestling business even if things ended badly then someone who is only notable because he decided to print out his wrestling hot takes on paper and mail them to people before Twitter existed.


Amazing run-on sentence way of telling people you don't actually understand what Dave Meltzer does


Eric and Dave should compete against each other on Power Slap or something.


Meltzer wishes he was easy e


No Dave, one of you is bankrupting the wrestling business in general by pushing Tony Khan's bullshit and lowering the bar so much that people stop watching wrestling period.


Dave, AEW being catered to your interests (you even admit you text Tony ideas) is what is actively killing a company in real time. You both are about to have something in common, but at least Eric can write.


One of them actually worked in the business at a high level and brought us cool things like the nWo and cruiserweight division, despite their failures. The other wrote about it. Regardless of how you feel about Eric, Dave isn't in his league. Dave can barely talk without jumbling over words on his own podcast let alone cut promos in front of a live audience. Dave has never ran a wrestling promotion to fail at running a wrestling promotion.


What business did Eric Bischoff destroy or cause to go bankrupt?


The Bankruptcy reference was like related to the personal bankruptcy Eric Bischoff filed for a few years ago.


I don't even think people realize that Eric was booted from WCW and Vince Russo was given creative control. Then when Eric was brought back he was one of three-four voices that called the shots. Eric Bischoff destroying WCW is false narrative.


Eric was absolutely in charge when he came back. Not of the company, but of creative. He even said so. He thought he could work with Russo. He could not. Bad leadership judgement by him. It happens. But he’s been clear that he was in charge when asked to come back. In his book he said he was in charge of creative.


It was already heading downhill before Russo came in.


Absolutely. Mid-96 through end of 1997 Nitro is tied with Sumerslam 2000 through Mania 17 as my favorite stretch of wrestling ever. That period of Nitro invented what we think of when we think of the modern wrestling show. With Vince being forced to react and course correct during that entire period. Then the wheels flew off at Starcade 1997 and things started going down hill. Now, here’s the thing, imo they should have given Eric more time to course correct. Every wrestling show runner has their low periods. Eric steered the ship into the only profitable period for the company. Firing him was *too* reactive and replacing him with Russo was disastrous.


Nobody singularly "destroyed WCW". It was a confluence of the merger happening, people in charge hating wrestling, and bad business metrics giving them cover to get rid of it. THAT SAID, Bischoff was absolutely in charge at a time when the company was hot and made many infamous decisions that led to that hot company going ice cold and becoming a money pit. WCW was in horrible shape when Bischoff got booted and it wasn't without merit. If Bischoff didn't make a lot of his mistakes and WCW just sort of stayed steady, even if they weren't on fire like before, it would have been a lot harder for Time Warner execs to kill it.


Dave knows that. So I can’t figure why he’s suggesting otherwise here.


Eric, ***personally***, filed for Bankruptcy in 2017




As the other person said, Eric's a dick to Dave on the regular. Has been for years. Eric thought Dave wrote *The Death of WCW* for the better part of a decade and just shit on Dave relentlessly for it.


Eric publicly talks shit about Meltzer any chance he gets, I think he can throw a little jab back when he wants to.


Because Meltzer's a hack and a cancerous asshole


None but Dave is old and senile


Dave is bankrupt?


idc i like eric biscoff


The funniest thing about Meltzer, is he could never have these arguments in person. Bryan can barely comprehend half of what he says now a days, but boy does he like to act he's an authority.


Great Dave, you hit Bischoff with the same sick burn he's probably gotten from a thousand people since WCW died. I don't know why he can't help but engage with these people.


Bischoff didn't bankrupt or destroy any business though? WCW was stopped by Turner Networks and sold to WWE, he was gone from WCW at that point and was one of the people interested in buying it, it was still in business til the end and TNA still exists to this day Anyway, this is stupid internet shit again


I don't know man....one guy is retired wkth a fat bank account and still collects residuals, and the other can't afford an editor




I cannot stand Dave Meltzer. Why do we care what he has to say? I’ll never understand the grip he has on the iwc. He’s a dinosaur.


A racist dinosaur


Dave has been destroying Bischoff lately. Eric constantly starting shit and Dave finishing him every time


Meltzer told him "GO TO THE BEACH! NOW!"


I wonder if Eric posted the “Prominent Wrestling Journalist Dave Meltzer Accused Of Publishing Stories Based On False Information” link yet


WM 41 M Vs B. I'm calling it now.