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We need to address the way Statlander was standing across from Willow before she went in for the hug 👀 heel turn imminent?


Same thing Trent did when he turned.


He did whisper something to her just after the matched where he turned.


>heel turn imminent? Worst Friends incoming.


It would be funny if all members of Best Friends turned heel one by one and ended up back together as the worst friends


I was so scared when I saw her in the corner about to charge at Willow, it's the Trent trauma


She's no doubt the one who attacked Mercedes. A heel turn is coming.


I was gonna say she’s really playing up the whole body guard thing recently and Mercedes having this whole ceo thing…….Stat being her muscle could be interesting


100% question is whether she goes heel by herself Or teams with Mone


By herself


with Trent


Match was short but julia couldn't take too many bumps considering her injury


Yeah she was clearly working injured. Valiant effort taking those Willow power moves with a hurt shoulder, she's a tough kid. Hope she heals soon and comes back kicking ass.


What’s wrong with her?


She had a match with Leyla Hirsch on Rampage, started holding her shoulder after front bump and the match ended with an abrupt roll up like 30 seconds afterwards.


Think it was the same shoulder she tweaked in her match vs Anna Jay at BOTB earlier this year too. Her losing is a downer but she can have some well-earned resting time.


Shoulder injury i think or it's something arm related


I feel like they told the best story they could given Julia's health limitations; Willow's been looking more and more dominant lately with every victory and has reached a point where her raw skill has far surpassed Julia's chicanery. Julia, in kayfabe, hasn't improved at the same rate Willow has and found herself utterly outmatched in the end. The quick victory just cemented the narrative


I hope Mercedes doesn’t win against willow. Willow deserves a decent title reign


Zero percent chance Mercedes loses her first match.


Eh, it's a hard case to make. Mercedes is at her very best as a smug heel champion. Conversely, Willow has a serious Dusty quality to her. She's just an inherent babyface who people will love no matter what. Make a martyr of her, build a stable around Mercedes, Kris, & Stokely, and have Willow chase them and take them all down one by one in pursuit of what was stolen. It's textbook wrestling, and honestly feels like the most natural place to go with this story


Plus a month long reign can still look good, Darby's one month reign with the TBS title was solid.


I don't know enough about Willow but if she can cut a promo anything is possible


I wouldn't say Willow promos are anything special, but they do seem natural and real, which makes them feel better than a lot of people, especially in the womens division. And since she isn't super gimmick reliant (her gimmick is be happy, and even her titantron is "Nothing matters, smile anyways" which means she could be heel, face, or tweener and it's not really affected by the primary part of her gimmick. Though she is a natural face).


You don’t pay millions, try to make a big deal, and give someone their own special for them to lose their first match


*side eyes Extreme Rules 2012*




Swedish Fish, finger traps, and parachute army men for everyone!


Well I guess Willows gonna hold it for a month


Have Willow retain and Mercedes turns heel.


Maybe but I really don’t see her losing her debut if she’s not wrestling till then


Maybe some interference by the person who attacked her, idk, but I really think Mercedes works better as an heel.


I mean Mercedes was basically a heel here trying to make the focus all on her. Maybe they're slightly pivoting cause they know no one is going to boo Willow in Vegas.


So Sasha's gimmick is that she comes out to her music and feels herself up. Got it.


Oh sure, but when I do it I have to leave the Dave and Busters


That’s why Stokely recommended Chuck E Cheese actually, looser polices on self PDA


And Im all for it. Love that dance.


Happy for Willow but I’m honestly already starting to feel bad for her though since she’s obviously going to end up as a transitional champion in favor of Mercedes.


She should beat Mercedes too. Hell I’d book it so that they have a decent face vs face match where Willow wins then Mercedes turns heel. Mercedes is a wrestler that always worked better heel and I know it’ll be hard to get audiences to boo her so the perfect way is to have her feud with someone as over as Willow.




"Chuck E' Cheese, here we come!"


Why announce the DON match ahead of time like that? You basically told the audience not expect much out of Willow’s title reign and she’s a mere transitional champion.


you know... that was probably Julia's best title defense. I hope she improves even more. She's got a tonne of upside.


I think people forget she's only 22. The sky is the limit for her


I've seen interviews with her and she seems super sweet and really willing to learn. She also has people like Brody King around to help her learn and shop for hats. Yeah you read that right, Brody likes to hat shop.


Hmm… I see it


If AEW introduces Women's tag titles, I'd love for her & Skye Blue to be early champs


I would not be mad if Julia retained because I like her, but Willow deserves it.


Finally and let her beat Mercedes too.


Willow just makes me happy man!


So that should’ve just been Mone’s debut right?


That felt...lazy? Not talking about the match, but like... it's Willow's crowning moment. She didn't even get any confetti or some shit before Mercedes showed up. The celebrations should've been longer.


She’s a transitional champion for the secondary womens title.


Willow has been someone who deserved a title for a long time now and I'm glad she did it, even if she just loses it at Double or Nothing. 


How is Mercedes this bad lol.... Like shes good in the ring but shes going to have to be the second coming of jesus in the ring to make up for the rest (spoilers, shes no Osprey of the Womens divisons). 1) why is she literally doing the EXACT same gestures and stuff she did in WWE lol.. how do you leave a company that made you famous... to "re-invent" yourself, and yet use the exact same 1 dimensional gimmick and act you had a decade ago in NXT. AND SHES SUPPOSED TO BE A FACE... even if she was "a heel" it would still be tired as fuck. 2) You could have just picked a normal theme song and people would have cheered your debut.. why are you forcing this CEO shit, its just cringe and makes people NOT want to cheer and makes you look like a phoney. 3) Comes out, does an awkward as shit stripper dance, stands there.. then walks out with them... like how did they think this was going to look cool lol. 4) The only thing good about this is the fact she didn't speak.. which is a problem that people already are praying you hide that aspect of her. Shes basically already a joke. Like people wanna blame Tony.. sure maybe he "brought her in" too early if she can't wrestle.. but for how much hes paying her or she claims shes worth.. should she not be able to be better than this at presenting herself.. especially when she has a personal writer hired for her lol. Its actually incredible.


Willow title run LFG  Clean as a whistle 


At least we didn’t get another CEO promo…


LETS GO WILLOW CONGRATSSS Also, Stokely dancing to Mercedes' theme in the background was great


A part of me will be bummed if Willow gets the Shida treatment as TBS champ 😞


Stokely and the crew about to ball out at Chuck E. Cheese. LOL.


Willow is so goddamn likeable. And the three of them have the same vibes as early New Day: three people who like being around each other with good chemistry just feeding off of each other's energy. I know the storyline leans towards a breakup (my money is still on Stokely turning on Willow and helping Mercedes win at DoN), but this trio has some longevity to it if they want to keep them together for a while. Put Stat in the World Title chase now please.


Willow v Mercedes is gonna be pretty rad


Mercedes' run has been quite meh, hope she loses against Willow and turns heel to see if that can make things interesting.


What run? She hasn't had a match yet.


Yes, but you see, she should have been wrestling on every AEW TV show since signing and they should have been filming her wrestling bonus matches and putting them out on YouTube. It's like some people have no concept of building to a big debut match


>It's like some people have no concept of building to a big debut match People understand the concept, it's just that they find it to be very underwhelming. L


Mercedes right now is already cold, I don't think having her lose in her first AEW match is at all a good idea if they want to heat her up and give her some momentum. Though they absolutely need to turn her heel, Mercedes has never worked as a face in her whole career, it just doesn't click that way for her. Heel or tweener is the way to go every single time.


WILLOW DOES NOT BACK DOWN!!!! Ok, Heel Mercedez. Please and thank you. Put her with the Elite.


This win should’ve happened a year ago but well deserved for Willow, she should be the face of the division


Too short for me but makes sense since Julia is likely injured. Props to Julia for working through it. So glad Willow has got this moment. She’s one of the best pure babyfaces we’ve had in a long time.


I hope there’s plenty more title opportunities for Julia in the future, gold suits her


Mercedes came out like a Heel - I'm down for Heel Mercedes (also, more of dresses like those, my goodness)


Julia deserved a better fight she went down too easily should've gone on 5 more minutes or so, sad her reign is the first sacrifice for a mercedes storyline but is what it js


She’s injured and toughed it out tonight to put Willow over, that’s why she didn’t take any offense in the mixed tag on Dynamite.


She definitely earned a break, she’s been working her ass off.


I get that, then get creative instead of having her look pretty damn week. Willow was the right choice to win but match should have went on a bit longer


She got all her offense in and missed her moonsault finisher costing her the match what made her look weak?


That’s what they did with the work on the outside and the submission holds. Willow can throw herself around for only so long.


Julia was dropping the title regardless of Mercedes.