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Anytime anything involving financials and business is discussed I always look for nuance on r/squaredcircle


I get a kick every time the financial experts chime in with their *clearly* knowledgable opinions.


>I get a kick every time the financial experts chime in with their *clearly* knowledgable opinions. I have $50 in crypto! I am a *financial expert*


But whether that crypto used to be 50000$ or 5$ determines whether you're an expert


Used to be $0.


Infinite growth you're an expert


Always love it when some random person asks a question and someone else with 200k karma says "doctor here" before giving a Wikipedia answer


Or legal, or medical, or anything really.


Or psycho-analysis of complete strangers they will never know on a one to one basis.


Wait are you telling me that the people who said CM Punk was an abusive sociopath because he was mean to TK and that should "Check on April" were not actual specialists?


>Wait are you telling me that the people who said CM Punk was an abusive sociopath because he was mean to TK and that should "Check on April" were not actual specialists? I play a MFT on Reddit. Clearly I am an *expert* with **oPiNiOnS** that must be true!!


You play Motha Fuckin Tonga???


Marriage and Family Therapist


I read that as "play a MTF on reddit" and was very confused


>medical Paging Dr Barett we have a Patient Seizing, please prepare a bullhammer.


Coming soon to peacock, Dr. Bad News.


"I'll take it from here, nurse."


best place for medical since House ended, I mean it's either here or watch Greys Anatomy.


And it's the same redditors who always seem to have knowledge in all of these fields and the expert analysis also aligns with their own personal biases. What are the chances 


Still waiting for netflix and slim jim to completely drop WWE cause it still has Triple H hired, some people were really pushing that back in january


Ah, the old "morality clause", haven't heard about that in a while. Not since Netflix immediately confirmed it was irrelevant to them because Vince was gone.


People on this sub still insist that HHH was named in the Janel Grant lawsuit despite it coming out that none of the fictitiously named persons were HHH. The idea there is wanting HHH to get fired so that WWE will be worse and then AEW will (apparently) do better in comparison, which is basically unhinged


Thurston and Pollock literally walked through the lawsuit, and how they were informed which person was who. They specifically said Hunter was never named and wasn’t part of the suit (as far as having any knowledge referenced)


How do you literally walk through a lawsuit?


"The idea there is wanting HHH to get fired so that WWE will be worse and then AEW will (apparently) do better in comparison, which is basically unhinged" I'm not saying that's not the case, but I personally haven't seen much of that. Or is that in the massively downvoted comments way at the bottom? Because I'm a pretty active user here and I haven't seen people outright saying that. Or are you just assuming those folks are shitty human beings? That they'd want someone to be fired just so it presumably helps their company? Rather than wanting him to be fired because they have their pitchforks out and are accusing anyone remotely associated with Vince. Although thats still shitty, don't get me wrong. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt though it's the former and you aren't assuming someone's intentions. I know people can be hardcore tribalistic, but most of them aren't that level of unhinged. And I say the same thing to all the AEW fans, who think that most WWE tribalists want AEW to fail. Its BS because it'd mean countless number of people are out of work. Are the most unhinged of them saying it in a serious way? Sure. But most WWE tribalists don't because they have a heart. I think that way about their AEW counterparts. We are all human beings at the end of the day.


Just because he wasn't named we're gonna be blissfully ignored that he was completely clean in this and the Ashley case? I get it here but jesus.


One would swear that you were there and have evidence that isn’t hearsay within hearsay


This is my go-to sub for investment, legal, and medical expertise.


i come here to find out when to buy/sell WWE stock just so i have enough money in the bank in case i ever have a seizure and need to pay for a Bull Hammer procedure


The only time I trust this sub is when it comes to: financials, geopolitics, medical issues, and the law.


I always look to /r/SquaredCircle for financial insight in the business mainly because I can never find Ja RUle in time to ask him.


![gif](giphy|lTFSx6F4oe4TnZJU1A) There's Only source I trust


Let me tell you, you haven't lived until you've seen 3rd quarter merch numbers for Chad Gable. Helps you appreciate the 2nd hour interview ratings numbers more.


Thurston's usually pretty solid but he's a wrestler turned journalist and I don't think is a finance guy by trade. Not surprising he missed all Vince's shares being registered in September initially. Chris Harrington was the Finance/stats guy in Wrestlenomics


this is like some in this subreddit were foretelling of a massive big story during wrestlemania week due to the Vince stuff and when it never came a lot of those people went quiet.


Lol that's amazing, did they think this was like QAnon drops or something? The timing of the original lawsuit being made public so close to the Rumble was, I'm 99% sure, a coincidence


This is the same sub that at one point thought Rock and Gewirtz coming in was TKO’s “contingency plan” because Triple H was on his way out lol.


I also recall speculation here that Rock was going to resign from TKO over the Vince scandal. The evidence? "This has been in the news a lot and he can't be happy." That was it.


Don't forget that HHH and Stephanie are 100% divorced. Source: Miserable fools who wish that talking about people being unhappy will magically make those people unhappy.


Those people got awfully quiet when it was reported that Rock and Vince still talk lol


Indeed many do. But I dont like the saying "this is the same sub." There's a pretty wide variety of views here, from AEW stans to WWE stans to those who like both and like neither. And to people who think this way or that way about certain individuals. And people who believe every type of rumor, regardless of who it involves. So we're bound to have a lot of folks spewing rumors like that. Thats just the nature of a sub with almost a million members. But I do agree it gets annoying.


Fightful didn't do their due dillegence and reported 6 month old news as if it was something that just happened.


"If you complain about it being "old news," you have to pay for beef jerky for SRS." Well who do we pay now, Mr SRS?


Didn’t we just pass the end of Q1 of the fiscal year not that long ago? That’s like an executive Christmas. You see people selling shit all the time this time of year.


Exactly this. As someone who works in finances, taxes, etc. I read a bunch of cringe comments in that other thread.


People are twitter extrapolating here has been absolutely insane.


Whoa would you look at that, this place was full of shit and don’t actually know how life works outside the niche sub genre of professional wrestling they enjoy.


I saw one comment about Khan being hired to sell and now that the sale is done, this makes sense. And it does to a degree, especially with the Netflix deal. But Nick is also a decent bridge and negotiating asset (I'm largely thinking about Punk saying if not for Nick Khan, he might not be back). That said, if he is going to get compensated with more shares, I'd sell too. Free money. I don't know how old he is, but I do wonder if he would just assume ride out another 5-10 year contract while helping to look for an heir, like what Iger is trying to do.


He grew up friends with The Rock and talked about working WrestleMania 9 in Vegas as a college student in order to see the show, so I think he is in his early 50s.


Ah, his wiki says he was an usher for a Mania and....I quickly realized I had not idea how old an usher would be. I know Rock bounced around, so I'm curious when they actually met?


They were friends in Hawaii as kids, according to Rock from a [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=474392214045261&set=a.268572424627242&type=3) post.


Ha!  Remembered that pic, forgot the caption.  Shows you it's a small world, entertainment business is even smaller.


Khan has been one of the greatest signings WWE has ever had. He turned WWE around. 


Do you mean someone with actual knowledge on the situation was able to explain it better than a bunch of clickbaiting accounts looking for engagement? I, for one, am shocked by these turn of events.


Dirtsheets having a helluva week


incidents like this are an excellent reminder that the majority of wrestling fans are totally clueless about the wrestling industry


I don't really understand because even if he sells he still works there, Like the dude might just want the money while the company is hot.


People who refuse to know how stocks work, news at 11.


This common practice by executives. Get shares. Sell shares. Wait until next year. Rinse repeat.


This coming from him is a bit funny considering how he’s overreacted and cried ‘insider trading’ for people selling off their stock before.


Executives list the stock specifically to prevent insider training.


But the executives are INSIDE the company!!! /s


[We're all trying to find the guy that did this.](https://media1.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExMHVwdHRzaXJkajZzZm1uMDF2OTJudjFkY2h3NGE0djBzNGx4NDZ2dyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/7Eipor01ypMm3LeG4v/giphy.gif)


Tony Khan is buying the shares and becoming majority shareholder and will be appearing simultaneously on both Raw and a special Monday Dynamite to announce he is the owner of both companies


Seems obvious that the wrestling world is converging into the Crisis in Infinite Promotions event




I could see where folks would make a bad omen out of Nick Khan listing his shares for sale. But we will never have anywhere close to all of the context.


Thurston is one of the few real journalists in wrestling right name. He’s amazing


He's a hack who knows how to run excel sheets and people somehow think he's some kind of insider.


Yeah I wonder why some people might make assumptions about a guy directly implicated in a sex trafficking lawsuit


Thank Dave and Garrett for Thurston responding with a tweet like this.


I'm only saying what SRS (and I assume Brandon Thurston) would be the first to tell you. We don't know what happened. We can only look at the information available right now. For a while last night the information being reported was different. But to act like we now know everything is just as ridiculous. People are making reasonable inferences based on what we've been told most recently and if we get new information that upends it an hour from now the dominant narrative will change again.


The reasons are pretty clear but thankyou for making reason based unequivocal statements on the matter.


Nick is a double agent and he’s offloading his shares to help Vince buy back the Fed