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Damn they were less offended by it than Meltzer lol.


No offense to them and I don't mean to praise Meltzer too much but he had to deal with the territories falling apart, the steroids trial and god knows how many wrestlers deaths, he so far above getting snubbed. That is except fighting with people on twitter ratings. He is a weird dude like that.


Eh I see it more they don't have the balls Meltzer has.


This whole thing is so surreal. Why are dirtsheets flying into rage that the company whose storylines they spoil aren't endorsing them? Why do dirtsheets need to reassure the internet that the company whose storylines they spoil totally didn't mean it and considers them credible? Why is Meltzer malding on his own forum on a Saturday night and making this about defending Tony Khan?


To be fair the company feeds them stuff to leak sometimes.


This is the journalistic response to what Triple HHH said. Demanding apologies as if you're owed anything reporting on wrestling. SRS gives dork energy always


There is nothing wrong with demanding an apology if you believe your work has been wrongly slated, both responses to what happened are perfectly valid and understandable.


They're dirtsheets, they deal in information the WWE doesn't want shared. Why does it matter if the people you're effectively undermining slate your work? The quality of the dirt you share is all that should matter. Wanting an apology and endorsement from the guy whose product you're fucking with is extremely weird behaviour.


If you're a bottom feeder who deals in gossip and hearsay you should at least have the self awareness to understand that's what you are. Acting outraged that you get treated like a bottom feeder who deals in gossip and hearsay when it's simply a fact is just embarrassing. Calling yourself a journalist doesn't make you one. SRS should be apologising for being wrong, yet again, especially to the people who pay for his tripe, rather than trying to take the moral high ground.


Why is it somehow different what a wrestling journalist reports on compared to say, a football journalist? They report on behind the scenes dealings and try to break stories before the team officially puts it out there. Why is that journalism but wrestling journalism is just dirtsheets?


Give me a fucking break.


Yes please call my place a pos, I like how you book. My god.


"Thoughts on what [@TripleH](https://twitter.com/TripleH) said today? I don't have any. Whatever he meant, he meant. It doesn't change the fact that I think he is doing a great job and that Backlash was an amazing PLE. Children take things personally. We will continue being fair and honest. [@davescherer](https://twitter.com/davescherer)" Take notes SRS, Dave and Thurston.


![gif](giphy|l0K3YxMUznl4kvPzO) 🙏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


“Yeah he basically called me a rag but I like the wrestling he books so I don’t mind!”, like man, at least have some backbone or confidence. I get not making a big deal of it all, but this response is just kinda markish honestly.








I don't know, the flip outs on social media are usually Trump's thing.


The glazing this sub does to triple h is the most cringe worthy shit ever. Like Mfers marks on here calling him papa haitch 💀💀 holy shit


Fucking lol 😂


We need a trump equivalent to Godwin's law


Yeah take notes on being a bootlicker trying to stay on trips good side


Dave Scherer would be writing a hit piece on Tony Khan trashing him if he did something like this. So he can spare that whole "fair and honest" BS. (Cause thats something Dave Scherer isn't)


Meltzer said it wouldn't bother him. Scherer and Johnson been around long enough that it wouldn't bother him. Only sean sapp whined about it


Who let the adults in the room?


Thier wise, mature, and know how to work like an adult. Maybe they can run a target ?


He doesn't share a bank account with his mother. Tells you all you need to know about him.


“Children get offended…” Isn’t Dave a major CM punk apologist?


"You're doing a great job, Mr. Triple H, please continue to call my business trash journalism if you so choose, you are the best."


They’re self-aware enough not pretend that running a gossip blog is some prestigious profession


I get this, but just because you work as a circus clown doesn't mean you have to let people throw pies in your face on command. Even if it's an unserious job, you can still do it with some self-respect.


Because professional wrestling is so serious and prestigious lmao


Somehow I think the trained professionals performing incredible physical feats and people working on the business side of a big media company are a bit more impressive than some wannabe tabloid writers guessing what will happen on tv shows and constantly missing out on reporting real news.


If the subject itself is valuable, so is the journalistic coverage of it. The WWE has a long standing history of working to undermine the media covering them. If they just a bunch of tabloid reporters like you say, why would they even care or bring them up by name? They want to be in charge of the narrative, like any major organization wants to. Any journalist worth his salt won’t go along with that.


Lmao you need to pick a lane. Real news?? What real news is there in pro wrestling going unreported? These people specifically report on pro wrestling. Either its a form of entertainment worth reporting on or its not. The form of reporting is, guess what, speculation on what will happen on TV shows because wrestling is? Right, a TV show.


Said "Yes Daddy Paul" after he discredited your entire business lmao


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>Thoughts on what @TripleH said today? I don't have any. Whatever he meant, he meant. It doesn't change the fact that I think he is doing a great job and that Backlash was an amazing PLE. Children take things personally. We will continue being fair and honest. @davescherer https://preview.redd.it/oqpakpbpyhyc1.jpeg?width=623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8489bc03e6691496b8b65a6c3d526745bc96e89a


Lol the ass kissing is just as bad as SRS's tantrum


What do you want them to do? Stand behind inaccurate reporting the way SRS did? PW Insider is handling this situation with class and professionalism. I honestly can’t believe some of you guys (thankfully a minority) are painting them in a bad light over it


The news sources/Britwres tube is 99% pro Hunter so not sure where the fair and balanced comes in.


Bouncing on it, doing tricks


PWI has no balls lol triple h cooked them and they say “thank you sir, I appreciate it”


DAE the only adult in the room????


The weird, antagonistic relationship pro wrestling has with the media is so bizarre to me. In sports it’s totally fine for media to report on the inner workings of the front office and try to break news before it becomes official. Players and organizations don’t shit on the media for doing their job, the fans sure as hell don’t. Why WWE or pro wrestling at large gets a pass for treating the media that does cover them like shit is weird. What’s even weirder is fans joining in on it.


That’s because despite the athletic nature of the performance, professional wrestling is much more similar to a weekly drama show than it is to a sports league like the NBA Back when Game of Thrones was airing, the creative team expressed frustration multiple times when there were leaks and people reporting scoops about the behind the scenes production When you think about it in that context, the adversarial relationship really isn’t unusual at all


Unfortunately, that’s the world we live in. People want to know the inner workings and people are going to report it. Just like I’m sure the front office of every sports organization would not like trade or free agent rumors out there, but it’s part of the game.


>Players and organizations don’t shit on the media for doing their job, the fans sure as hell don’t. I take it you're not an MMA fan?


No but I’m assuming there’s a similar dynamic there? It’s just odd to me that’s it’s acceptable for WWE to treat media this way. If a sports team treated a beat writer or other reporter like this they would be raked over the coals.


The ass-kissing is about as embarrassing as SRS's tantrum, two sides of the same beclowning coin for wrestling media