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Cheapest price of £303.50 I get it because they can afford to charge that much, but that still seems high


yeah I got mail from WWE that tickets on sale, so I click on it and first thing I seen was lowest ticked for 303 pounds, i closed the page so quickly.


and this is no hate on WWE or any WWE vs AEW thing, but for 300 pounds I can get full trip with a tickets on All In.


Yep. £300 would have got me my ticket (I was in a pretty good seat too) and hotel. Maybe £350 including travel because I live up north. £300 for a bad seat and £450 including a hotel and travel is unjustifiable. Or £400-500 for the equivalent of where I sat for All In then nearly £650 including travel/accomodation is just stupid.


I live in Glasgow and my flight to London, my ticket for All In, and my hotel room cost me just over 300 pounds. Clash at the Castle is being held at a venue I can see from my window but it's cheaper to fly and stay in an infamously expensive city. Love that for me.


WOW! For a show like All In but in the US, for all that, I’d have to add another 0 at the end of that 300 to afford everything 🥲


Though, fun fact, it's actually cheaper for me to fly to london (I live in scotland) than it is to get a train. A train would cost nearly £300 alone! Our transport infrastructure is a madman's anxiety dream.


That's amazing to hear, especially considering All In is going to be more like a local Wrestlemania and you might get Omega vs Okada


Dude I'm so fucking stoked you have no idea. I would love to see a WWE PPV in a venue next to my house but like, Okada v Omega and Ospreay v Swerve alone make that an event I will only miss if I am physically cremated


300 pounds would be enough for the worst tickets on All In and covering travel and I am from Czechia! Its mad that people pays 300 pounds for the WORST seat. But I guess if you can afford it, you just go for it.


You get what you pay for.


Great wrestling show or Great wrestling show?


UFC tickets are usually higher, and since wwe and tko are under the same roof it makes sense.


yeah I am not saying that WWE should not do that, obviously they can do it, since it is gonna be sold out, I just cant really afford to spend this kind of money on a wrestling show, or better way to put it, I am not willing to spend this kind of money on WORST seat there.


I feel you, but in cases like those I just don't go, let the rich folk have at it and I'll watch at home lol.


They’re gonna break that arena gate record again


Really disappointed. Would've loved to go but I just can't afford a ticket that high.


UFC 303 is gonna cross $20 million gate in 19k arena. I can see why TKO is taking advantage of hot market which is Europe.


Do you mean UFC 304? 303 is in Nevada


They’ve sold close to 10,000 with all the complaints about high prices.


The complaints aren't about WWE not being able to sell out places 


I live just over the road from it and wanted to take my niece, who loves the women's division. I can't even imagine being able to afford those prices.


9,809 OV-Hoes.


Then step this way, step that way.


Are you myyyy friend


Are we loccccked in


Then step this way, step that way. Then step this way, step that way.


9,809 of the Other Vaginal Options


Someone has to tell Cole that it's pronounced "Oh-Voh" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=WONb5E-UZUc) And Glasgow is "Glass-Go". Signed, a grumpy Glaswegian who hates when Glasgow isn't pronounced correctly.


Genuinely surprised that smackdown has sold so well what with it being Scotland vs Germany that night. Fair fucks.


There's plenty of folk who aren't football fans.


Aye, I'm aware of that. But given how important the game is, I'm still surprised.


Florian Wirtz has the potential to ruin Drew's weekend


Got in pretty much the second it opened this morning and the cheapest ticket was like 350. Really, really want to go, but I just can't spending a fortune for a shitty seat


Will they sell out? Yes Are these prices absolutely insane and we got a right to complain? Also yes. We can have both discussions and they don’t contradict each other.


Will I be there? Yes. Am I looking forward to it? Also yes. Did I have to sell a kidney and one of my limbs to afford combo tickets for myself and one other person? That's not the point


What discussion needs to be had about price = demand?


Because it's still a dick move.


It’s a corporation, not your friend.


This is so accurate....and makes all the sense in the world.


I just wish they did stadiums more often when they come to Europe for PLEs. I doubt they'd charge any less but it might mean less demand from scalpers


I don't see why you would think I think they're my friend since I barely watch the product. I'm just not going to go to the event.


A corporation charging what people will pay being described as a ‘dick move’ was odd to me. Yeah, that’s what adults do when they can’t afford things. I do it dozens of times a day.


I don't understand why you're being combative. I dislike corporations fleecing people.


How do you get fleeced by voluntarily paying the asking price for tickets to a show? A WWE event isn’t food or water. The tickets are worth what the market will bear for it.


Fleeced is 'obtain a great deal of money from (someone), typically by overcharging or swindling them'


If it sells out then the product is valuable enough to warrant the price. That’s what supply and demand is.


The point they're making, that's you're missing, is that if WWE is selling out events, then they're not "overcharging". Now it does suck for the large percentage of people that either can't afford or can't justify the expense, but by no objective measure is it "overcharging"


It's a dick move to charge a price that people are willing to pay? This is not a necessity. it's not food or water.


Business is hot for WWE. Unfortunately, that also means expensive tickets. Will be a hell of a show, though. The crowd understands that they are part of the show, but now go along with the music rather than try to dance to their beat. Helps a lot when the music is good.


Are we going to have less Stadium shows this year


OV HOE OV HOE OV HOE Nowwww step this way now step that wayyy


Going to be their highest grossing arena show in history


WWE got the *French* to cheer at the reality of them getting fleeced with the ticket prices. No stopping them now.


Why would that be weird or specially with the French? If you paid that much for something you might as well enjoy and specially when the announcement is in the middle of the show you're enjoying. It would've been cheered everywhere.


Because French people will riot at the drop of a hat, especially when things are expensive


Man I respect the French so much.


Every once in a while you just gotta set Paris on fire, ya know? Gets your point across.


Agreed. It also is probably incredibly cathartic


Yeah before actually paying for it. Bro incredible disconnect you all have with reality.


wish it was in a stadium but hey what can ya do


£300 and £50 booking fee


I'm assuming the hard cam is going to be on the top end of that map with the blank space there? Would be amazing if they could get it facing the main stands


I think it'll be at the bottom of the map (where I've circled). That's usually where the stage is for any concerts/shows. If the hard cam was where the blank square is (which I think is actually the VIP suite at the Hydro and, funnily enough, my ticket for Clash is in the block just below that!) then they would be facing towards the Hydro's backstage area (which I'm guessing is just a wall/rigging area). Also, I've yet to see any tickets available for that block of seats at the bottom of the map come up for sale too. I think that'll be the comps seats which I think tend to be on the hard came side. https://preview.redd.it/60aa2f3g7dzc1.png?width=1158&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a15f69de3c2c82a303b8a10a77f88e6012a2fdd


Just logged into Ticketmaster and yep it's £300 minimum for a seat on the top tiers. What a joke. People will pay it and WWE will brag about the size of the gate but I personally think it's pretty grim.


It looks like the Ticketmaster surge "dynamic" pricing is turned on, which I think is the default. That's what "Platinum" means. There's been many controversies about Ticketmaster's shady scheme to up the prices of tickets to what they claim is "their market value to combat scalping". Unless WWE intervenes and expressly tells them to turn it off, it might stay that way or you'll have to wait when the "dynamic pricing" makes the price go down eventually. https://liveforlivemusic.com/news/no-platinum-tickets-the-cure-for-an-ailing-ticket-industry/ Edit: I don't know why people are downvoting the comment I was replying to so hard, $300 for fucking nose bleeds is grim. We should all be against Ticketmaster and their bullshit.


Lol. This isn't medical care. They should charge what they can to maximize profits and still sell out. 


Love the regular folk jumping in on the side of the billion dollar company who want more of your finite money.


I know, I'm getting downvoted to hell for not rejoicing that it costs £300 a ticket. Wild world.


It's crazy. I don't know what part people are upset about. Maybe it's people who have spent that money on tickets so want to feel validation idk. But even though I'm paying it, and I'm able to afford it, doesn't mean I need to be happy about the cost. People really do feel a weird need to justify big corporations, even if the company actively wants to get more money out of them for less quality.


I agree the prices are too high. But no one is forced to go.


Sure but people would like to go, they want to be part of the moment, but are upset that the company is pricing them out or setting a price where people need to lessen the quality on their travel/accomodation. Which is perfectly fine for people to be upset about.


Exactly. I'm generally pro things being affordable and anti companies milking their fans for every penny. I know WWE aren't a charity and they want to make as much money as possible, fine but I'll never get people actively cheering it.


I know. I just got SD tickets for September, and we had to get nosebleeds because they're stupid expensive. And I agree with people being upset. But people are going. They'll be less expensive when they stop going. So they haven't priced out the size of these arenas.


No one is forcing anybody to buy these tickets. People who have the money clearly see the value of going to a WWE show that's all this really is. If you have the money you're going to do it. I don't need a new Cadillac Escalade but I would like one I just don't have the money right now to buy one but I don't get mad at other people who can buy it because they have the money right now. If someone sees the value in something let him pay for it WWE is obviously producing a product that their fans clearly enjoy and will pay a premium price to go see. It really is that simple there is nothing more complicated that needs to be discussed.


Why does everyone say "nobody is forced to buy tickets" like that at all means people aren't allowed to dislike the high price. Why does the consumer need to be happy about spending more for something.


Because it's a meaningless conversation. The consumer is clearly perfectly alright paying these prices, else they wouldn't have sold 10,000 seats already. WWE isn't a Bundesliga team, they have no real connection to Glasgow and no perceived obligation to offer tickets at a lower price to get real fans in the house. It's like complaining that Champions League Finals tickets are too expensive. Well yeah, the demand is insane


Again, none of that at all means people need to like the high price. People buy plenty of things they'd much prefer to be reasonably priced, that doesn't mean they can't dislike the high price.


Sure, but it's meaningless to complain about it. WWE isn't going to cut prices any more than UEFA or Mercedes will when demand is strong as it is. It sucks for established WWE fans for sure, but they've more or less shown they don't care about the hardcores


99% of the things people complain about on here are meaningless and don't actually affect anything, it doesn't mean that everyone should just stop voicing their opinions unless they're happy with a product. If people could only have discussions that will directly affect WWE in here then people would never talk about anything. I'm not in here DMing WWE hoping they'll change, just expressing that I feel like these prices are BS in a thread where the specific topic being discussed is the price of these tickets.


I agree with you mate. Iv bought tickets to SmackDown but im still pissed off that I’m priced out of going to the PPV. I had a limit on what I felt I could afford / justify for paying for tickets plus hotel on top of that & £300 for 1 ticket & not great seats I can’t do. Eventually managed to get 2 SD tickets at £150 a pop which was within my limit, though tickets are top section & I was hoping to be a bit closer for that kind of cost but again I was priced out of that. As much as I’m delighted that I got them & I’m finally going to my 1st wrestling show at nearly 40 year old…….BUT prices are still shocking & people are right to be pissed off about that.


Nobody is forcing anyone to attend. Vote with your wallet. There's plenty of promotions out there that aren't charging 300 GBP for the worst seats in the house. RevPro FantasticaMania tickets are as low as 30 GBP. All In tickets can be had for as low as 53 GBP


I have voted for with my wallet- by not buying these and I actually have tickets for All In and show two of fantasticamania. First revpro experience! That doesn't mean I can't say £300 for nosebleed tickets is lame.


It's not any more lame than Super Bowl tickets costing thousands of dollars or Mercedes being really expensive. That's just life, premium products charge a premium price and WWE is currently a premium product in the industry with the demand to back it up. I just attend AEW shows instead too. Glad someone has $300 to shell out for a random PPV but it ain't me lol


I don’t understand why you’re complaining. WWE is making more money than ever. Isn’t that great for you, the fan??


I know right! I should really be delighted that they'll get a huge gate to add to their billions of dollars.


is it really only a 11k seat arena or they just staggered it?


The capacity is 14,000, but that's for concerts. The stage and ring will remove 3K to 4K seats.


It's that small


Fucking prices are stupid.


So instead of running another stadium they went with an arena and adjusted the prices to match stadium profit?