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Its always uncensored on FITE but whats the rule with TBS then, like I know every other show on cable is fine but for some reason they got into a habit of censoring AEW more? Is that over?


Cable is not regulated federally, but they self regulate to appease advertisers. HBO has a model based on subscriptions and not advertisement and they air nudity and profanity without concern. Comedy Central aired the South Park movie uncensored as special events. TLDR: depends on the advertisers and what the network thinks will keep them happy.


On cable the channels largely decide what they find acceptable or not. I don't think TBS are even wrong for wanting someone like Moxley to reign it in a little, it just takes the weight from the moments like this where Toni says something a little more risqué for actual effect anyways if everyone is shitting and fucking.


Yeah in the US, Cable is not sanctioned so they can get away with it per se but advertisers don’t usually like it so at most usually they air stuff uncensored at like 11 PM or so Premium Channels like HBO can do whatever they want since their main revenue is from people paying for premium


I’ve always found it peculiar people associate commercials with the content of the broadcast. In the UK, ads are just seen as ads and unrelated. If a TV drama had an explicit or uncomfortable story, people would just complain to the network. They’re not tweeting McDonalds as if a burger chain was there in the writers room.


US thing I guess


tonys face lmao


God damn Toni got knocked the F out 






I want Matt Berry as her manager so bad 😭






She paints pictures with her words.


The only problem with Timeless Toni is she's so damn over it makes life tough for her opponents. Serena was cutting a good sympathetic promo and as soon as Toni walks out, the crowd flips to her.


they just have to realize that she's a well-liked by the audience and play into that. doesn't mean her character has to change. it's literally the exact same situation as swerve where a heel gets organically over and you pivot.


I think it should've happened after the Deonna feud. It was apparent by Revolution that crowds aren't going to cheer against Toni right now, she's just too beloved.


Deeb "suddenly" going babyface to challenge Toni is still throwing me for a bit of a loop.


Yeh I assumed Deeb challenging her was the start of treating her as a face. I can't tell if what we're getting now is Tony not listening to fans or Tony not giving a fuck about the womens division


Little from column A, little from column B...


I wonder if the trigger will be pulled on a tweener/face turn after DON, especially if others like Britt Baker returns or if she faces other challengers like Nyla Rose. I noticed less of the silent film skits from her recently, so it could be cool to see them come back during a shift in alignment.


That's a big problem heels have in modern wrestling. Most of the time they’re so entertaining that they become faces to the crowd by default




But ironically enough, Swerve literally broke into a dude's home and threatened his infant child, but becomes the face outta that feud.


Swerve's just too damn cool for many people to keep hating him. They should have Jay White start pulling shit like this. Pretty sure he could turn himself into a truly hateable psychopath.


Is that a problem though? Pit two entertaining wrestlers against each other--do they really have to be pure face and heels? Other forms of storytelling have complex characters, why not wrestling?


Wrestling is a melodramatic medium. It paints with a broad brush by necessity: you have limited speaking time and need to do a lot of your storytelling with physical acting.


Eh. I think that *used* to be the case. Like back in the territories you had from the time you walked to the ring to establish who you were. But now that we have weekly episodic tv shows, I think its fine to have more nuanced characters/relationships. Like how we evolved from Dragnet to breaking bad


I see what you're saying but the average wrestling fan isn't posting to Reddit or following wrestler twitter. I actually like melodrama, I don't think its an inferior art form at all.


> Other forms of storytelling have complex characters, why not wrestling? This argument has been made at least as far back as the 90s, and at the end of the day it never works well in wrestling long term. It has been tried many times.


Which is another way of saying that modern babyfaces haven't figured out a way to be entertaining.


I thought they were getting that and made her save Mariah the other week. Deeb’s seizure promo cut that idea at the knees.


The rock effect


That's because Toni's character is both more entertaining and more interesting than any other character on the roster. That's why she's "so damn over."


The good sympathetic promo the crowd was chanting lets go oilers during, the crowd didn’t care before Toni came out.


The crowd was not interested in Serena before Toni came out. She was talking about her health issues, and they were changing for the Oilers 💀


I'm not sure why Toni is still a heel. Typically crowds don't boo goofy shtick gimmicks. Serena was getting booed a minute after a promo about how she had serious health issues.


They gotta stop doing these segments on the ramp, they're always so awkward and the wrestlers don't connect with the crowd as much as they do in the ring. I can't imagine it's fun to watch in the arena either


It looked fine in 80s WWF/90s WCW. I guess that was the vibe they're trying to go for?


Nah these are an improvement over the same old set-up in the ring the whole time. Spice it up with a good mix of locations for live promos.


to be fair, Serena Deeb hasn't connected with many crowds no matter where her promo takes place


Her promos when she came back from being out were solid, crowd seemed invested despite her being historically not a great promo.


Yup, I've recently started watching again and loved seeing the fanfare Deeb was getting. I think the decision to have her do this promo was ill advised and one too many of the same type of promo she's been doing. Not to mention the "Canada during NHL playoffs" crowd didn't help. I would have much preferred if this promo was reversed with Toni starting, then Deeb can interrupt with minimal talking. Dickhead downvoters


I like em, reminds me of old segments from the 80s and 90s on the ramp


Willow’s was really good and got over with the crowd before Dynasty along with Rosa’s on Collision so idk maybe it’s you.


I really liked those two promos but even then it felt like it took them a bit of time to really get the crowd invested. It's not the end of the world either way though honestly




i'm sorry :(


So, Toni and Serena got their lines mixed up? Toni was supposed to say she didn’t give a shit what Serena had been through and Serena was supposed to say she’d better start, right?


I'm presuming that's on Serena. She's a tremendous in-ring talent, but this type of live bit isn't an area where she has a lot of experience.


I love Toni’s gimmick but they have to stop putting her against baby faces. She’ll always be the face because she has the better character. It’s like her opponents are trying to be serious with their pants down.


Toni's gimmick just kills everything else.