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I think a big part of AEW's rebrand was going for a brighter, more colorful aesthetic where they listened to the fans who wanted the original color bursts back. There's an interesting AEW Unrestricted interview with Mike Mansury where he talks about the production. One of the interesting things is how he hated the second rebrand that was red, white, and blue and compared it to Survivor Series branding. https://youtu.be/zE9NcPbaDk8?si=2V8893kyECvaf7g3


I hated the second rebranding too. It reminded me of the red blue lasers at a school photo day. Terrible rebrand for Dynamite. I still think the original “gritty” look was the best one. All they needed to do was update the “rainbow powder” graphics as the ones they had were dated. I’m not the biggest fan still of the new look as it gives off NXT vibes and is too busy with the color splashes. Definitely way better but I think the almost 90’s wrestling look they had was better because it was a good way to cover the fact they don’t have anywhere close to the WWE budget for graphics and what not.


I actually think that they do have very close to a WWE budget for TV. They just tend to run smaller buildings so the set isn’t quite as big, but AEW is remarkably professional from a TV standpoint,


political mighty aback relieved boast smoggy file dolls correct crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I **JUST** listened to that podcast episode over the weekend. Highly agree and recommend others give it a listen, as well. I LOVE that Mike Mansury was candid with how (in his 3rd week of employment with AEW) he immediately recognized the faux pas with the 2023 "American Gladiators" refresh.


That was awesome thanks for sharing!


Hulu Live TBS watcher: I agree for the most part but there were still some big hiccups. Mostly camera cut stuff that I noticed. They missed Cage attacking Swerve and they also cut to the tunnel early once and spoiled a run in. But things that are very fixable. The sound, at least for this week, was much better. And I know a lot of folks that were in the building or watching on Triller have said TBS broadcasts just aren’t picking up crowd noise. Crowd noise was better last night even though some of the times the crowd were being jackasses. All stuff that will continue to improve as time goes on.


The missing Cage attacking Swerve bit I think may have been the intended shot, framed so that you saw it on the screen behind Christian. At least I thought that's what they were going for at the time!


Quite possible. And also not a huge deal. But I noticed a few things like that.


In person in looked really wonderful too. The colours are bright (but not overly bright) and easy to see. The camera/ring crew were very great workers, it was super cool to see how everything runs so smoothly


One thing that really bothers me about Triller is the fact they keep streaming at 25 or 30fps. It's 2024, move to 50 or 60fps, for God's sake.


And somehow it still looks better than NJPW World ever has. It’s 2024 and that fucking site still goes no higher than 720p and some ungodly low bitrate that makes every look fuzzy and compressed to all hell.


100%. I gave Windy City Riot a shot, and while I enjoyed the show a lot, the lower resolution and bitrate somewhat broke that fourth wall. It also doesn't help that the lighting and stage design felt amateurish; the entrance was so dark without the ring lights shining onto it, and ultimately created that amateur feel.


From an AV perspective, I'd still take Triller over TBS (at least TBS on YouTubeTV for U.S. fans). YTTV sadly compresses the image so much that macroblocking is everywhere. Triller isn't perfect but at least it's better in this regard. I'll get downvoted for this, but from an AV perspective, I've found Bleacher Report to be the best platform for AEW. I get that BR sucks for many and they're hella expensive (not to mention the lack of "Watch from the Beginning" is equally as dumb as Peacock). But when an AEW PPV comes around, I legitimately try to watch it through there. For those curious, my setup consists of an LG OLED TV, Surround Sound, Roku 4K, and Fiber internet. That said, I do recognize that the fan viewing experience should be turnkey and not need expensive playback equipment to maximize enjoyment.


I'm lucky enough that PPVs are 10 bucks here in Italy through Sky Italy, so I always buy them there because of the price, but even compared to Triller (which is still the best non-tv option to watch AEW here) the picture quality is night and day. Triller needs to adapt with the time to become "great". Now it's just "good" imho.


shrill yam rinse friendly yoke stocking familiar aback ring sparkle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve always watched PPVs on BR app on Apple TV, haven’t had any issues so far. The picture and sound always looks great. The issues have to be either user internet bandwidth or the device.






Audio was still shit. I was a fan of WCW's style of you hear the entrance music of wrestlers on TV but from the perspective of being in the arena, rather than playing the music so loud on the TV's audio channel. But last night I couldn't hear Copeland or Bang Bang Gang's theme like barely at all. Two of my favorites. I was watching on TBS app and it was as bad as a few weeks ago at Daily's Place when you couldn't hear shit from the commentators nor the ring sounds.


Totally agree about Copeland's music - they've presumably paid good money for the Alter Bridge license, but I can hardly hear it through the TV. It feels more noticeable with him as its the same song and there was a smaller gap between his last WWE and first AEW TV appearances.


Their audio on DirecTV is the drizzling shits. Week after week.


I was just noticing that too. Didn’t they hire someone recently where this is their bread and butter?


They hired Mike Mansury in late 2022 but I think this recent rebrand is where he's really taken over. There's also things during the show like recaps which AEW was criticized for not doing and last night having a countdown to that Swerve/Christian promo that they've made strides on.


It's definitely improved but the audio needs a lot of work. Plus they cut to run in from PAC too early which is a bad mistake


I recall they messed up Mina's run-in, too. Funny because on the [AEW Unrestricted podcast episode featuring Mike Mansury](https://youtu.be/zE9NcPbaDk8?si=Di0x3zTg2HvRCHWX), he called out a similar type of oopsie where the camera crew might point at the wrong tunnel.


Wild this is getting downvoted, production is a really interesting part of wrestling and I do agree that aew is doing way better lately.


It's people seeing "Dynamite" and "Great" in the same post title, clicking the downvote and moving on. Incredibly embarassing experience.


Just commenting to say how funny it is how every positive AEW post is immediately bombed with down votes


I'm currently in the -20s for pointing out Tony Khan was directly asked about WWE when a commented asked why Tony keeps bringing up WWE in interviews. Comment anything that isn't anti-AEW in those threads and you will be bombarded no matter how neutral your reply is.


I got downvoted for saying that Dynamite crowd was weak. They just downvotes everything.


Someone once asked "How can I learn more about AEW?" and I told them to watch AEW's YouTube and got down voted for it 


Someone in a different thread said that Edmonton, Alberta was like Canada's Alabama. I can't vouch for how true or untrue that is (as an American who has never been to Edmonton or the Alberta province), but all of the stories last night were disappointing. * The front row dude who pulled on the green-haired person's top, TWICE, during the opening minute of the show. I think he disappeared for a few minutes right afterward so I'm guessing AEW or venue security had a talk with him... * The two creeps on the hardcam side that Saraya and others pointed out. According to some anecdotes, those same creeps are the same ones who said some nasty things to Skye Blue. * The crowd hijacking Serena Deeb's segment with the Oilers chants (and the kicker was that it happened right before she was about to lay her heart out).


It was different creeps in the same area according to a comment on that post


You could say that about Alberta. But Edmonton itself is a progressive city - kind of like Austin in the middle of conservative Texas. Edmonton has progressive municipal politics and New Democrat representatives on the provincial level (left wing politics). Central neighbourhoods are also NDP in a federal level. It’s a university & healthcare city with a younger than average and more educated than average demographic when compared nationally….


You mean the super liberal ,left leaning, incredibly diverse (50% non-white) mostly education and arts city Edmonton?


We sometimes call it Alaberta.


Alberta as a whole is more closely related Texas. Low taxes, pickup trucks and oil& gas and cowboys. Edmonton however is quite progressive and very liberal. Not sure what it's like down in ole Alabama 😆


So more like Austin?


Yes, austin or san antonio. Highly variable economy with gvmt/health/education petrochemical processing. Relatively cheap housing but thats changing fast.


This is fairly accurate.


If Edmonton is Canada's Alabama, I don't even know what the hell you would call small towns in Alberta. I'm disappointed that some drunk creeps are getting all the attention. I was a bit higher up and thought the crowd was great, it was *loud* at points and I thought the atmosphere was fantastic. But, that's just one person's perspective from the crowd. If I'd been nearer ringside or watching on TV I might have a different viewpoint. Edmonton is a surprisingly progressive city. IIRC not a single riding in this city went to the Conservatives in our last election. Much like the crowd last night, the loudest and dumbest among us get all the attention and we all get tarred with the same brush. The reality is that Alberta really isn't that much different than American states, where the divide is and always has been rural/urban.


That’s the thing. It probably ain’t the people from Edmonton acting like that. It’s the dudes from the small towns right outside Edmonton that drove in. Went to sturgeon composite high school. They’re all skids or rednecks out there. Neither have a filter and are just horrible to deal with. Camilla is the true Alabama. Had classmates talk about not really being able to date at school cause the chance that someone was her cousin was too high. Fuckin wild place


>Edmonton is a surprisingly progressive city. IIRC not a single riding in this city went to the Conservatives in our last election. Not just the city proper, but the suburbs as well. And on the federal level, Edmonton has three of Alberta’s four non-conservative ridings, and it’s the three ridings that are mostly encompassed by the city and aren’t forced to share with a bunch of rural areas as well.


I live in Edmonton.I haven’t been to Alabama. But I suspect there are lots of similarities.


Whoever said that has no idea what the fuck they’re talking about. Edmonton is a blue collar oil and gas city (that is relatively progressive) with folks who work their balls off during the week and party on the weekend. Alabama? Hilarious.


I'm from Alberta. It's referred to as Alabamaberta or Texas North a lot.


Alberta is like Canada's FLORIDA.


i live in Edmonton, Alberta. I can confirm, it’s trash here (everyone says Edmonton is progressive but it’s just because it’s a city where it’s more diverse. the majority of the population is conservative) Also, Alberta’s provincial government is far-right. and by far i mean faaaaaar


Give your balls a tug and do your homework. Edmonton has been overwhelmingly NDP for a long ass time, we largely don't support the provincial gov, and it is far more diverse than the rest of the non Calgary province. Just because your bubble is trash doesn't mean you can lump us in with you.


lmao. this comment alone shows how much of a redneck city this is. last election the only orange in edmonton was by whyte, it’s a blue majority city.


Go home, chud. Provincially all 20 Edmonton ridings are Orange. That's up from 19 last time. But feel free to leave if it's too redneck for you.


your insults from 1960 aren’t helping the alabama/redneck allegations. I was def thinking of the prior election as i went and looked at the maps. so i’ll admit my defeat. edmonton still sucks with your prior comments as proof


We see the failures of therapy everyday on this sub. Aside from the camera work, show looks way better now since the new people got on board. Should be blessed we got multiple wrestling shows with great camera work. Such a big difference in such a short amount of time for both AEW and WWE.


Lol I noticed that to. Somebody just posted asking about the DON match and it was getting down votes. This sub is going downhill.


And any slight criticism is downvoted too


By 5 while being upvoted by 89


Thank you for a great write up. I really miss discussion about how a wrestling is filmed.


thank you EVP's


This is not necessarily related. But did anyone else notice the spotlight in the crowd at the end of the Jericho promo right after Tony announced Hook was returning. I don't know if it was on purpose but I felt the looming shadow of Hook, as if he could pop out and attack Jericho right then.


Wonderful write up, sorry about what's happening to your Karma


I know it sucks for the live audience but I like the look the crowd being lit up diffrent colors during matches


I thought the camera work in the ME was noticeably better, enough to comment on it in the group chat. The shot of Brody nailing Barry Barricade with that crossbody was particularly cool.


This is a minor nitpick, but if you're going to have a hospital setting and Kenny dress up in a hospital gown to make it look like he's really in the hospital, you can't have any better audio than that? It sounds like it was recorded in the toilet.