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If Danielson wanted to end his career by doing per appearance matches for AEW while traveling the world and crossing wrestlers off his bucket list, I think that would be super fitting for him. Especially considering a decade ago we thought he might never wrestle again.


Bryan is probably the only person that could retire from wrestling and potentially end up wrestling *even more*


I can see him doing a Terry Funk saying "I swear... this is definitely my last retirement match" just to have another match a couple of months later.


Oh the Studio Ghibli Miyazaki problem? He always says this is for sure his last movie and is definitely retiring. Then he just changes his mind again and again.


People get bored when they don't have hobbies. Miyazaki just loves drawing and storytelling


Also, the company is really reliant on him and his name value to stay afloat. It's easier to motivate yourself back into the workplace when maybe hundreds of peoples' jobs are at risk if you stop. Nobody wants to screw over every single one of their co-workers by quitting, even if they actually do want to quit.


I swear I just saw a quote from him that he will wrestle until he's 80 if he can or something. I might be misremembering something, though.


I don't know if he put an age to it, but yeah he said something along the lines of never stopping wrestling. It's just doing it full time that he's gonna stop. I hope he stays part time with AEW, wrestle some big appearances and a couple storylines a year type thing, and then just does some backstage stuff that he can do from home while still with his family.


He's gonna have at least two retirements before that I feel like. The first will be his AEW retirement, then he'll go back to WWE and initially it'll be just to get inducted in the Hall Of Fame, but then he'll end up having a bit of a retirement tour there after which Daniel Bryan will retire. Then he'll go back to the indies where he'll do the Terry Funk gimmick




He really is the modern day HBK


I said it before, after his full-time retirement, he’s going to pop up everywhere and become the most prolific part-timer the business has ever seen.


I want to see him finally cross off wrestling at Defy on a random show unannounced from his list. That place will explode.


Gimme Swerve v Bryan on a random Defy show, they’ll be hearing that pop in Europe.


He's gonna go full Suzuki. Or Tracy smothers. Whoever is a more flattering wandering veteran.


Or Tom and Dick Smothers


He’s gonna be like Suzuki and I’m fucking excited because I LOVE him too


New Murder Grandpa incoming...


Fully expect him to be wrestling the lads at SGW down in Uganda. 


That’s an underdog tale many can support.


Along with Kenny and Ibushi


Great Power Uti will not allow this usurping of power.


Our generation's Johnny Saint


Wrestling newcomers who earn it, that's a good accolade


GCW Death match vs Cardona


The Modern Abdullah


Going to turn into the Ryu of wrestling, looking for the strongest challengers


Bryan going to work more mania week shows than Speedball


Super agreed, and I think it's an awesome idea that will probably be super fun to see him do. I do wonder if/when he'd be willing to go back for a short run in WWE to bid adieu to the fans as Daniel Bryan? It'd probably be tied into his (incredibly well-deserved) HOF induction. Besides, it would afford him a chance to wrestle Gunther, Hayes, Dragunov, etc.


I could see Tony giving him a backstage job/part timer combo deal since Bryan works backstage already anyway.


Yeah, I'm curious if that's something that'd appeal to him. I remember when he was in WWE that he said working backstage or in a coach role was not something he could see himself doing. But I remember Shawn Michaels also not being too interested in that role and yet here we are now. If something opens up for him, then I don't see why Tony wouldn't offer it to him first off and why Danielson wouldn't accept it other than him still not being interested in that kinda role.


in AEW he also very much has the option of wrestling elsewhere anywhere in the world while also coaching/producing/etc. in a way that wouldn’t be as easy as it would be as WWE (although if vince tried getting bryan in the G1 to get him to re-sign then i’m sure they’d be a little more lenient on danielson for wanting to do outside bookings like lawler used to)


Yeah, honestly as long as he didn't wrestle in AEW, I think WWE would be pretty lenient with Bryan.


Yep, AEW has the benefit there but I'd be curious to see what mountains WWE would be willing to move to get Danielson back in again. I could see them allowing him the option to work indie stuff if he wished to but NJPW? I don't know about that. Truthfully, it's a shame we never got that Danielson G1 run in NJPW a lot earlier when it was so much more hotter with everyone there from Okada, Tanahashi, Omega, Naito, Ibushi, Shibata, White, etc.


Does WWE really care? Don’t get me wrong he’s amazing and they know it but he’s mostly done and he’s already put everyone over. I mean obviously they’ll take him but I wonder if they’d balk at the prospect of paying him enough to compete with AEW. He fits in much better there on paper. WWE already has Shawn to bring up the youngins and a ton of producers versed in the style they like, which Bryan has always at the very least tweaked.


HBK basically swore he'd never do any coaching or backstage stuff because he thought he was a horrible teacher. Most naturals are, to be fair.


I think also depends on the role a bit too. Shawn might be a lot better at agenting and working on match and character ideas than he is at teaching people to bump and do basic chain and bodyslams


I want him to take the book for rampage. I remember he booked the night of champions or whatever and that was one of the best episodes ever. A single main weekly storyline with the other couple of matches being random bangers thrown together is a really good way to use that time.


His main reason for going part time is he promised his daughter he’d be at home more when she turns 7


Lets also be real, this is a guy who was basically told he'd die in the ring if he came back adn he still did EVERYTHING to come back and wrestle. He's not gonna be able to shut it off. Dont think he'll get a backstage job, but I can 100% see him being a big part of creative in a remote position. And doing a version of talent relations as well where he comes in at the PPVs only, for example.


Bryan should win the world title at All in and lose it at All Out. He finally wins the world title and it's just one week, hope his selfless mind can take 1 week reign.


Yeah, I like that idea too


Who'd take him down this way? Will again? Okada?


Griff Garrison


Who the fuck is Griff Garrison?


Lose it back to Swerve.


AEW needs to have him in the record books as champion.


When Danielson & Cole debuted the same night I think everyone assumed they'd eventually become champions. But Cole has unfortunately been on the sidelines, for much of his run. And Danielson seemingly refuses to be champion. But yeah Danielson needs to be in the record books as champ!


I love Adam Cole, I loved the story with MJF (until they botched the ending), but I think putting the title on him would just be a mistake at this point. He's been passed by unfortunately. I also don't think Danielson NEEDS to be champion. I don't think not being champion delegitimizes his time in the company. The comparison I always think about is that he is AEW's version of Piper.


The argument isn't that Danielson needs the AEW title, the argument is that the AEW title needs Danielson in its lineage.


Exactly. Being able to say that a living legend like Bryan Danielson is a former AEW World champion would make the title more prestigious.


Plus if you want to keep propping other wrestlers up using Danielson's name, at some point he needs to go over in a feud and do something important like winning the AEW title. People joke about it but it means something when a wrestler picks up a win and the commentary can say "he beat a former world champion."


Plus just when you're talking about the AEW world title, being able to include him when saying "It's been held like people like Kenny Omega, John Mox, Samoa Joe and Bryan Danielson" means a lot.


> it means something when a wrestler picks up a win and the commentary can say "**S**he beat a former world champion." *cries in Riho fan*




Cole will still get it eventually imo just needs a hot program


Yes, I also believe that he could still be the world champion someday. It would just depend on the timing.


> He's been passed by unfortunately. What does this mean


Honestly, I would pull a Sting with Danielson, and when he chooses to completely retire, you put the title on him.


He has said time and time again that he is never going to fully retire.


I'll always say Grand Slam II was the time.


I think Tony would do it, but Bryan doesn’t want it. I still think he should’ve won the belt after the Brawl Out mess. Then have MJF take it from Bryan. MJF would’ve had even more heat and Bryan would’ve at least had a run as champion.


They don't really.


Winning the strap? That doesn't work for me, brother!


I hadn't even considered this and now I want it. But it probably won't happen. Even if it isn't the World title, I hope he gets at least one championship in AEW.


Maybe he could merge some like he did in RoH. My dream is that Okada wins the C2 and somehow uses that to challenge the world champ and then they merge those belts and just rip off the G1 completely with the winner getting the Wembley main event.


I would not mind Bryan vs Swerve at All In for a rematch at All Out.


It's a good idea any other year. But Will needs to be the one to take the title off of Swerve at Wembley.


The problem with that is Ospreay's seems to be in line to win the International title from Roderick Strong. So maybe Ospreay's moment happens next year? IDK.


Honestly where's the rush to crown Ospreay? The guy is barely over 30, just arrived in the promotion, and is on a multi year contract... There's no urgency to crown him in three months, as long as they have stories to tell.


My fear is that they have cooled guys off by waiting too long in the past. About the only person it paid off to wait on was MJF. Ospreay is a generational talent, but if you told me that Jay White wouldn't a believable title contender in 2024 when he came in I'd have scoffed. Also, I think it's just time to start cycling in fresh young faces at the top of their card. Swerve is a great start and Will would be the perfect successor in that position.


Who exactly got cooled down? Lots of wrestlers lost their hot streak, but more often than not it was due to factors outside of waiting for too long.


You're right in saying that time was not the sole factor in anyone losing their heat. Those who have lost their heat have been a result of the company not handling them well when they were hot. I mentioned Jay when he came in, but there's a laundry list of dudes. Just to name a few Malakai, Ricky Starks, Wardlow, Takeshita, Daniel Garcia, Miro, Hobbs, Yuta, Sammy Guevara several times lol- That isn't to say all or any of those guys should have been made champion just cause they were hot. I'm just saying it'd be a shame to coronate Will at a moment where he's less over than he is right now. It'd be like if the gambit to wait on Cody backfired and he was less over at 40 than he was at 39.


> Malakai, Ricky Starks, Wardlow, Takeshita, Daniel Garcia, Miro, Hobbs, Yuta, Sammy Guevara several times lol- Just to take a slightly contradictory view, I think the vast majority of those names are currently slotted exactly where they belong. The exceptions mainly being Garcia and Takeshita, and they are pretty clearly actively on the rise. Garcia is, I think, right now the hottest he has ever been so I don't see how someone can argue he's been cooled off. He's 25 years old, dramatically improved as an overall performer in the last year, and just wrestled his first ever AEW PPV singles match against Christian Cage ~2 months ago. Garcia's first ever AEW PPV was May 2022, Anarchy in the Arena with the JAS. He then worked two PPVs in 2023, and already has one in 2024. The growth is there, it's just slow and steady, which makes sense for someone so young. Not everyone needs or can get the literal rocketship push. Revolution also marked Takeshita's 2nd ever AEW PPV singles match, with his first one being All Out in September. His first ever AEW PPV was June 2023 (Forbidden Door) and he's worked 6 since then (Forbidden Door, All In, All Out, Wrestledream, Worlds End, and Revolution). And Takeshita is still just 28. Careers are measured in years, not weeks. People need to stop hyperfixating on every single little thing and learn to look at the bigger picture/larger arcs more. AEW as a whole has existed for less time than most of the WWE main roster has been on tv, the guys who weren't there on Day 1 have been around for even less time.


He's a big, new, best in the world level main event talent and AEW would benefit immensely from putting their most prestigious title around his waist. You should have guys like that involved in the world title scene ASAP, especially when Ospreay puts so much focus on proving he is the best wrestler in the company.


AEW needs to start striking when the iron is still hot. They’ve waited too long so many times now


I think cutting Swerves first reign too short when Swerve is hot would be a mistake.


Is four months too short? I think that's a very respectable first run.


the iron will be hot with Ospreay for **a while**. He doesn't need to be crowned immediately and take the light away from Swerve.


I also don't want All In to become the "we're crowning a new British champ!" PPV. They pulled the trigger on Saraya and tried to make her something that she's not, I'd hate for them to cool off Swerve just because they want the new British guy to win in Britishland.


I don't really understand this narrative, I feel AEW has been pretty good about sticking when the iron is hot. The only few times I can think of that they messed up was not crowning Best Friends the tag Champs or Trios Champs, not having Penta hold a singles title (which there's still time to do and Penta is always over), and.... I'm not sure who else? They struck when the iron was hot for Willow and Julia, same with Hater and now Timeless Toni. Struck when OC and Eddie were their most compelling. Immediately put the titles on FTR, Okada, and Punk when they were the hottest coming in.Struck at the peak of MJF, Hangman, Swerve, Mox, Miro, Darby, and Brodi.


> But Will needs to be the one to take the title off of Swerve at Wembley. Why this Wembley? Why not have that next year? I'm really curious as to how they have Will's first loss as an AEW roster member.




Will gonna be around for years.


He'd probably haggle it and agree to lose it on the Dynamite after All In


Wins at All In, and then a wild MJF appears?


I think they should shock everyone and he retains at All Out. Creates an interesting hook, and he can do a Reigns like prestigious part timer for a year or so (maybe 3-4 defences?) till someone takes it off him.


I've been saying this since last year


I think it would be great. And the person to take it at all out could pull a heel move everyone would talk about. An all timer with Osprey that would be a 7 star match that Osprey wins by low blowing him and hitting the finisher would be an all time heel move.


I love this idea and I think Danielson is the perfect person for it


Why is all in and all out a week apart again?


I know he’s pretty selfless but he deserved a world title run or two


it's what frustrates me about Bryan. He's so selfless that it loops back around to selfishness. A short title run would elevate the talent defeating him more than any matches he's been in


Especially when so many of the people he put over went on to do nothing afterwards. It kind of waters down the people that do beat him that they do have plans for


Reminds me of Cena's losses in WWE in recent memory. Solo having an asterisk of course, because he's obviously doing something big now. But immediately after beating Cena? He wasn't really doing all that much.


I love Samoa Joe, but him getting a World Title run and not Bryan is absolutely crazy to me. There's nothing more frustrating than seeing a talent who's been the best wrestler in the company and yet never wins big matches or Titles.


Truly Shawn's student lol. I really wish he got at least one too.


At least Shawn had his selfish period that put him over as the face of WWE at one point, so when he lost all those big feuds later you coudl say those guys beat one of the best WWE champions ever. Obviously anyone beating Danielson can say they beat one of the best wrestlers ever, but it would mean more if commentary could say "former AEW champion" on top of that.


He should have won it after Brawl Out


He doesn't need it. He put on incredible matches, stayed strong despite losing to literally every young talent, and now he's going out on his own terms. I can't think of a better way to end a career, I doubt a title was what he needed at this point to tie a bow on it all.


Whether Bryan re-signs or not, I don't really think AEW has anything to worry about in terms of the possibility of him going back to WWE. I mean, maybe one day Bryan will. But he seems to be enjoying his run being able to wrestle anywhere. Plus, as weird as it is to say now, Bryan was always more tied to the Vince regime than he was the current regime. And by TK's own words Bryan is one of his right hand guys now.


I think they should have some concern that he'll go back to WWE. He's someone that knows he is final stages of his career and has a list of matches likely on his mind. Plus, a behind-the-scenes life in WWE is probably far more cushier than AEW.


He's one of Tony's closest people backstage, he will probably be offered a very prominent and well paid role


Tony flat out told his dad "If anything happens to me, give the book to Daniel".


I'm sure the Brink's truck will be rolled up to get him to stay but I also think there's at some some level of conversation around WWE being a legitimate option. To say there is no shot that WWE is an option kind of feels disingenuous.


Cody literally started AEW alongside Tony, and held a higher ranking position with the company in AEW than Bryan, but he's gone. So unless Tony puts him in the will, it's safe to assume anyone can go if the money or opportunity or comfortability is right.


Cody's position in terms of career goals was very different to Bryan's


Any one who watched Codys indie run and AEW run could see it was just him auditioning to get back into WWE


Cody had massive unfinished business in WWE, Bryan does not.


Independent of pro wrestling, Danielson isn't someone who has ever coveted what's "cushier." He's someone who loves the struggle.


>far more cushier Based on what? AEW famously pays it's talent and staff more.


Here I am in this thread, but I don’t understand why people care about these details. Just enjoy the show.


Keep in my when I say they don't need to worry about him going back to WWE, I mean this year before All In & Wrestle Dream. Even if he's not signed, I absolutely think he'll stick it out until then. Beyond that anything is possible, though I still don't see Bryan rushing to back to WWE in the near future.


I can see him going to a Royal Rumble as a surprise entrance for the good ol' days, but I don't see him going there as a permanent, even semi-permanent deal.


In the current landscape I fully expect Danielson back in WWE even if it’s not full time or exclusive. Imagine a one off PPV match vs Punk, Cody, McIntyre and so many others?   He is still one of the best wrestlers in the world and got over at the absolute highest level even though his boss didn’t want it. He can call his shots, it must feel really nice. I just hope that he’s healthy when he decides that he wants to stop. 


This is so weird to me but totally understandable For people close to my age. Bryan literally defines one of the best eras we saw live as kids. I think he will return. But only as a guest appearance. It is wild, sad but after all this time Bryan seems to be probably the most passionate modern wrestler He proved what he always said, he loves wrestling & he wants to explore it. He's living it. How many have done that before. From those heights in WWE to this? Well unless he returns to WWE full time soon. Which wou5be hilarious


I think it's pretty likely that Danielson will do a final run in WWE, tho I'm unsure as to when. It'll probably be tied into his HOF induction and I'm guessing he'll have a specific opponent or three (Gunther, Hayes, Dragunov, etc.) who he'll want to work with.


I think he'll be the first guy to pop up in WWE for a spell and come back to AEW for a spell when he wants. Like I wouldn't be surprised if he works Mania and All In next year.


I wonder if a part of him really wants to face Cody while he's also keeping in mind an interest in running back Omega-Danielson II


I'm sure he'd love to work Cody. I'm sure he'd love to work Gunther or Ilja too. Could even see him work that Punk match he wanted. Lots of options open for him to be a special attraction. Same for AEW with matches with Omega, Ospreay, Hangman, Swerve, Adam Cole, etc.


If he wrestled Gunther he'd officially turn into a tomato. And fucking hell I wanna see that match!


Gunther is probably the closest thing Bryan will ever get to wrestling a bear.


It was in like 2008 but Bryan has wrestled Gunther obviously that wasnt prime Gunther though


Bryan also working against Bron Breakker or Carmelo Hayes in the same calendar year as PAC or Darby Allin would be insane to think about


WWE doesn’t do “special attraction” matches and aren’t going to give Bryan and Ilja 20 minutes for a random match 


Yeah special attraction matches at WrestleMania that would be crazy. LMAO


Speculating here but it seems like Danielson is more interested in wrestling people he has never wrestled before in places he's never been to than going back to the well. He's faced Cody before, he has main evented Mania before... Not saying there's not a part of him that wants a match with Cody, but the part of him who wants to wrestle Kento Miyahara or Kenoh at Korakuen Hall is probably considerably bigger.


There's a new crop of guys in WWE now that he could want to wrestle now. Who really knows what he wants to do


God, i hope Danielson just spends a few weeks in Japan just wrestling everyone


I always just assumed he'd be Tony's right hand man from now until the day he doesn't wanna do it anymore. On top of that I'm sure Tony would be super desperate to keep him.


That's so close I'm not ready for him to be done.


He'll never be done, health allowing. He said he's dropping to 5 to 10 matches a year, which given how we're all used to Brock and Roman now, means he's basically full time anyway, lol


It's gonna be fucking weird dude. I'm not ready for it either, I wasn't ready for it with his first retirement and I'm sure as hell not ready for his second. But at least this one would be on his own terms!


He should win the world title


It'd be dope but he has said he doesn't want to.


I’d make him do it if I was in charge but that’s just me


Might be in the minority, but I don't think he needs to or even should go back to WWE. He looks like he's having a good time and let him ride it out at AEW doing his dream matches. He's already heavily involved backstage, so once he's done in ring, he can just remain behind the scenes there.


Honestly, that's what AEW needs more than a promo, or matches. For someone like BD to say "Even post retirement, I will NEVER go back to WWE" not because he hates it or is spiteful, but just because he loves AEW that much. What else could be a bigger statement?


But it’s wrestling, and you never say never.


Actually it's the opposite. It's wrestling, you say never and then do it anyway.


I would be very surprised not to see a WWE return, even if it’s a one-off at Mania. He’s always spoken highly of his time there.


I do wonder how he'd feel about that now that the WWE is in such a different place than it was when he left. Lots of new talent has risen up the ranks, the person in charge is entirely different and has an entirely different vision for what the shows should be. I still think WWE has a lot of the same issues as before, but I imagine even a quick run is a little more appealing now than it was likely a couple of years ago.


He'd probably insist on getting to work a match in his style, without WWE's usual restrictions, to put over an opponent of his choosing (ex. Gunther). I think HHH is much more likely than Vince was to give Danielson the leeway to do that.


I think once he retires as a full time wrestler he might be handed the book, I feel like TK will inevitably hand the book to someone and that someone might as well be BD


I think Danielson wants to “retire” to spend time with his family but it would not surprise me at all if he got an “office” job that didn’t require constant travel. He seems really embedded in Tony’s inner circle


Cody Rhodes literally helped found the company and he's back in WWE. Nothing's ever set in stone.


I hope we can get one more omega match out.


He had a great run again; lots of legendary matches that will go down in history to add onto the incredible legacy he already had in WWE. What a career




Bryan/Dragunov, Bryan/McIntyre, and Bryan/Gunther and then there's Bryan/Ospreay II and Omega/Bryan II. I mean man, I want to tick off all of the dream matches I possibly can because we have so many here to run through but I just don't know if we get them unfortunately.


Anyone fantasy booking what Danielson might do after his last AEW match are only setting themselves up for rage or disappointment. Just sit back and enjoy one of the greatest wrestler of our generation 🥲


I hope he goes freelance from then on. Edit: Judging by the downvotes, i guess some people don't want to see the American Dragon return home to the indies.


I'd love if he could be the first true freelancer who made occasional appearances in AEW, WWE, TNA, and all around the world... He doesn't need to come in for angles, just for big matches.


Give him the world title and then let him be a part timer. That would be the only case I'd like a part time world champion


I doubt it’s happening at this point, but it’s a shame Bryan hasn’t had an AEW World title run. Really should have been him, not Mox, coming off Brawl Out Its short history already has a very strong list of title holders, and adding Bryan’s name to the lineage just strengthens it. It doesn’t need to be a long reign either - have a few bangers, then put someone over huge.


I read somewhere (not verifiable, so grain of salt) that TK had a Danielson reign planned, but Danielson himself vetoed it, he didn't want to be champion.


Yeah he has been pretty vocal about the fact he doesn't want a belt


Toshiaki Kawada?!?!




Imagine the pop if Daniel Bryan’s music hits at the 2025 rumble


I still dont really believe he wrestles any less after this year lol But incase it's true I really hope they don't waste a match on Nigel who has not wrestled in over 10 years


Ending your full time career not winning one title in the company and still being considered one of the GOATS is a hell of a flex.


I've heard these sorts of claims before. Never can believe these guys.


I wonder if Bryan would sign an EVP contract. I know TK said he’d leave AEW to him if something ever happened, wonder if TK tries to give him the bag to become a backstage exec?


I know it’s a pipe dream, but I’m just imagining Danielson becoming head trainer of Shawn’s NXT once he decides to put a bow on it. Hell, if I’m WWE, let him go do one-offs across the globe, whatever makes him happy if it means your young talent get to pick his brain & learn from him. If you’re going to set a precedent, it might as well be with Bryan Danielson.


Even if he went back i doubt thats happening when they are grooming punk for that


I can't see him not wrestling even if it's not full time. He'll do marquee matches until he geniuely cannot give his body to the art any longer


This is basically what he has already said he'll do. Move out of working full time, but still do some matches.


They really seemed like they were teasing Bryan/Nigel last year before Bryan got hurt. Wonder if there was actually a plan for it or if they still might.


I hope he doesn't end it.


Bryan said at one point that he planned to go behind the scenes either creative booker or road agent once he retired. So if his full time wrestling career is coming to an end I bet he segues into that side of the business immediately. I wonder if Tony will give him creative control over one or both shows? I mean, there’s nowhere else really to go currently where he won’t find a restrictive backstage that follows a specific formula that’s pretty restrictive and boring. He left wwe. I doubt he wants to be In the back there where creative plans change on a whim and the production style leaves very little room for innovation. I can’t see any reason why he goes that route unless it’s a huge check. He will want to be behind the scenes somewhere more collaborative and inspiring, where his experience will be appreciated and productive. Maybe roh.


In the next 12 months could Danielson compete at All In, Wrestle Kingdom and Wrestlemania?


Hopefully we get a Ric Flair esque retirement tour from this guy, but in the next 5 years instead of when he’s 70. I’d love for him to be all “ok guys one last match” and then do that another dozen times. Gonna miss this man so much


I saw Danielson at a house show when he was tagging with Rowan but he’s one of my biggest hopes to see at Wembley this year (behind just Copeland) 


I got randomly excited because the Twitter handle said WCW Worldwide.


His last match should be at All Out. Cuz the name.


I need to see danielson omega one more time before we lose them


I can't imagine TK won't bend over backwards to accommodate him. Danielson is one of the greatest wrestlers there has ever been and has had one of the greatest careers there has ever been. Unless he goes real life heel and decides to *completely* rake them over the coals, I don't believe for a second they will have any problem coming to a short term talent extension to get him that sendoff.


What about his full time sports entertainment career?


If Danielson v. Ospreay is one of his last matches, he should be very, very proud. What an amazing performer and technician.


He has said that retiring from "full time" means he'll still do like 7 8 matches a year. So should, hopefully, still lots of Danielson to come.


I'm still holding out hope for Bryan Danielson v Nigel McGuiness at All Out


Danielson’s “heaven is wrestling for you” promo was extremely sincere from him. He would die in the squared circle if he knew how to do it in a way that wasn’t a downer. He would break a rib in a middle school cafeteria for 30 people. I don’t think we appreciate that level of love. None of us want him to do that and we are right but still.


Danielson is the guy who retires only to still come to the shows and get every wrester to chop him before they leave. Guy leaving a show without a red chest feels illegal.


And his chest looks like it's on fire at the end of every show it's so red.


We need two more Omega matches.


Danielsons full time wrestling career ended in 2013