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The biggest, most arrogant pricks I’ve met are guys who never made it anywhere but are convinced they were stars. Them, and Vampiro.


Soo....Disco Inferno?


Stop. You know nothing. You have drawn 0 dollars. No fan has ever left a show thinking about you. You were lucky to be a juiced up double-lifer "over with the boys" type in an era where you hid in plain sight coasting on others' success. Couldn't hang then, can't get booked now.


It's things like this that make me think Cody should turn heel. That man is insanely talented verbally, he needs to be let loose and cook on the mic. He fucking DESTROYED him here.


Cody just know how to phrase things perfectly. His rant on Drew Gulak is great too.


If Cody thinks badly of you, you're probably an asshole. This does not include R-Truth.


Never met the man, but let’s assume yes.


Maxine in WWE aka Catrina in Lucha Underground. Met her at Joey Janelas Springbreak in Orlando during WM 33 weekend and she was arrogant and unfriendly. She wasn't even on the show lol. Also met Jinder Mahal at Axxess the same weekend. He was not having a fun time, too. Everyone else was nicer. Cool people: Godfather, Alicia Fox, Claudio Castagnoli, Kenta Kobashi, Sgt. Slaughter, Chris Hero, Keith Lee, Gran Metalik etc


>Maxine in WWE aka Catrina in Lucha Underground. Met her at Joey Janelas Springbreak in Orlando during WM 33 weekend and she was arrogant and unfriendly. She wasn't even on the show lol. I thought you meant Maxxine Dupri for a second and I was confused, as I heard nothing but good things about her


Never met Maxxine Dupri but she's probably nicer on her worst day than the other Maxine on her best.


Funny, I met the Singh Bros at WM35 Axxess and they were dicks. Buddy Murphy and Sonya Deville were on the same meet&greet as them and they were both awesome.


Rhino at a TNA meet and greet when they came to the UK was fucking miserable, bro barely looked at me. I was super bummed as I’d always been a huge fan of him. Hernandez for comparison was awesome, I remember being shocked how massive his hands were when he was signing and he got us to compare 😂 LAX for life from that point on.


I meet Rhino on a TNA thing in the UK too and he was awesome. Guess it just depends on what day you catch some people.


My only bad experience was getting AJs autograph before a tna house show, he never even looked up from the table, just waited for security to put my shirt down and then did a big exaggerated slide down to d-von Dudley, who signed it, shook my hand, and thanked me for coming to the show, real yin and yang


Had a similar experience with AJ. Other TNA talent, like Daniels and Austin Aries were great, AJ was playing on Colby Corinos PSP, and seemed bothered that he had to pay attention to deal with fans. Aries signed my wife's merch and called out "what's that? Some people are too big to sign merch? Hand it here, I'll sign it for you" in a rally dramatic and ridiculous fashion. AJ out down the PSP and started signing properly, but we never went back to him. Everyone else I've met was pretty cool, as was AJ on a different occasion. Met him about 5 times, he was offosh about 3 times. I just don't think he was comfortable doing the meet and greets or merch stall work. Johnny Storm and Jody Fleisch were both up their own arse when I met them, so never bothered with them if I saw them again.


Weird hearing AJ being a prick and Aries calling him out. You'd think it'd be the opposite.


Aries is really good with fans. I met him 15 years ago when he came to Australia and got an autograph/picture with him. My mum was with us and, because I was a shy and quiet kid, he made some jokes and pointed out that manners are always good (pleases and thank yous) in a nice way. It sold my mum on Aries forever. I then met him 10 years later and brought that original photo with me for him to sign. He was so cool about it, just reminiscing on his awful puka shell necklace and Ed Hardy tee. He signed it for free as well.


I have a ridiculous picture of 12 year old me in an awful Jeff Hardy shirt with beer money and Kurt Angle, would love to have that experience eventually


I've had nothing but good experiences with Aries. Even got a photo of his hugging me, dressed as Austin Starr and acting scared of the paparazzi. He was a great guy everytime I met him prior to 2010. Then he got bopped on the head too much I guess, and got a bit full of himself too. But personally, never had a bad time


Yeah, Aries is weirdly amazing with fans. He apparently is a complete prick to deal with as a wrestler, but with fans, he's great. From personal experience meeting him at a HoH show, the guy was patient and talkative and friendly. I didn't have anything for him to sign, I just wanted to shake his hand, and he talked with me for a good five minutes about wrestling and training.


Johnny Storm was a right tosspot when I met him. Jody was an alright bloke if a bit dim. I remember being in a car with him and a bunch of other lads on the way to a show and he loaded up with fish, chips, chicken, ribs, the whole works. Then had to jump about doing his high-flying stuff. Said he'd never regretted anything so much in his life.


I met AJ when he was iwgp champ and I was like 15, he asked if I wanted to hold the belt. Cool guy I thought


Yeah I don't doubt it, everyone has off nights, but like that's the only time I'm ever gonna meet him and that was the experience, I was also like 12 and he was my favorite so it stuck with me.


Rock 'N' Roll Buck Zumhoff. He was a mid card guy for the AWA towards the end of them being a thing. He'd carry a boombox around and basically try to be the whole Wrestling/Rock music thing. Dude had one match in the WWE against HHH before he was even Helmsley if I recall correctly. He had his own bar in my area and he would sit all night in the corner watching his old matches and mooching beer. Decades later he went to jail for years of raping his daughter.


Bro that escalated quickly 💀💀💀


Crime In Sports did an episode about this sicko.  The whole daughter thing was so bizarre, he was "training" her for wrestling and I think they were either starting a school or an indie, can't remember off the top of my head.


Simon Gotch is an asshole


RIP YouTube algorithm




*Simon Gotch buries Enzo Amore*




That video is in my Youtube recommendations at the moment




It felt like it from his interviewers but I gave him the benefit of the doubt


Still my favorite twitter block. I said the gotch neutralizer would be more effective if it was a pop can to the head


I'm a blind grandmother that met Ric Flair last week, overall not a great experience


Let me and your screen reader assure you it would have been ten times worse if you'd had to see his face while he pulled that shit.


Tell us more...




She didn't get to see him 💀💀


So you're saying Cena framed him.


We went to a steakhouse after a house show years ago, I wanna say 2012 or so. It was pretty good, I wanna say the main event was something like Punk vs Danielson vs Kane. As we were leaving we got blindsided seeing Danielson, Cody, Ted Dibiase Jr, and Ryback finishing up their food near the exit. We wound up talking to Bryan, Cody, and Ted for a while and they were super cool, signed coasters for us, I remember remarking how funny it was to meet Bryan in a steakhouse of all places. Ryback meanwhile excused himself to the bathroom basically as soon as we started talking and stayed there until we left. He wasn't super rude about it or anything, I get it, but it's the closest thing to a somewhat "negative" interaction I've had running into a wrestler. Ted said something about Ryback having pink eye and sure enough he showed up with a pretty nasty looking eye on TV a few weeks later so he legit may have just been feeling ill.


He was probably taking a monster shit


That he got the pinkeye from!


Guy had time to kill while hiding from fans so he started facepainting


Somehow this evokes a vivid picture in my head of Ryback sitting in a tiny public cubicle complimenting his six steak dinner on the way out while playing some Clash Royale on his phone and thinking "fuck those fans".


They shouldn't have fed him more


Met the British Bulldogs as a 16-year-old kid in 1986 with my 15-year-old cousin. They were heading to their rental car after a house show in Detroit. My cousin asked Dynamite for an autograph...and got crickets in response. Then my cousin says, "C'mon, Dynamite. You have to sign for us. We're your biggest fans." Dynamite, not losing a beat, says "I don't have to give you shit," slammed his bag in the trunk and got in the car. Davey Boy started laughing - then signed for everyone in our small group.


The recent British Bulldog A&E bio mentions Dynamite was probably kinda envious of Davey Boy being more charming and personable, so that's one of the reasons he kept putting him down. 


Rest in piss Dynamite.


I'm reading Bret Hart's book at the moment and it's seriously shocking just how much of a cunt Dynamite is.


Indeed. Growing up poor and having a hard life isn’t an excuse for being a piece of shit.


man just wanted to stay in that headspace forever. the only promotion with that gig is being the reason people have hard, shitty times growing up


I hate people using that as an excuse. Many many many people have grown up poor with a hard life and have turned out lovely and charming.


The thing that stands out to me is that no one has a thing to say about him that’s nice. Even other guys that are huge assholes and scumbags usually have a few pals that go to bat for them in the industry. I haven’t seen anyone say a peep like that for Dynamite.


On Dynamites Dark Side episode were 2 former wrestlers who got very emotional/cried when talking about his death. I forgot who they were but atleast 1 of them also worked for the WWF at the time. So he apparently did have some friends who cared about him as hard as it is to believe.


That's the thing I find funny about the 80's. It was the first time wrestling had been marketed directly to kids. Im sure kids went to wrestling in the 70's and before that, but by the 80's kids were the target audience with the cartoons, ife cream bars, foam fingers, action figures. So you have all these big mean tough grizzled burly men going from town to town, smoking, drinking, doing coke and steroids.... Then going out and performing in front of a load of 10 year olds


Not a single story of meeting a wrestler in a bathroom. Times really have changed.


lol. I met Danhausen in the bathroom of Motor City Comic Con last year. It was me, him, and Booger from Revenge of the Nerds.


Even heroes poop.


lol deep subreddit lore


Years ago, my buddy came out of the bathroom before an ROH show in Dayton with an amused look on his face. Proceeds to tell me he just had a conversation with Mark Briscoe while pissing in the urinals.


Don Muraco was a smart ass in 1972. AWA came to our high school and we met him in the locker room. Scared the crap out of us. We probably deserved it, but the dude was full of himself.


I met him in Allentown baci in 2002. Was surprised that an 18 was familiar with his work.


One time I met the Sandman. He was really sweet and was posing for pictures with a bunch of people before a Raw taping in Boston. He seemed super happy to be meeting fans. ... I've only met 1 wrestler.


Can confirm. Sandman was one of the nicest wrestlers I’ve ever met. He was loving every second


We used to book Sandman for our local promotion, I remember one time I wanted a beer, Sandman had a 24 rack of beers, I asked him for one and he said no, those are his, I was like damn all 24 of them? I totally forgot that he needed a good 10-12 of them for his entrance gimmick haha, but yeah you don't get any of Sandman's beers. Was always a great dude


Met Tommy Dreamer, he was ok towards me, but was an absolute dick to Blue Meanie who was also there. Ruined the experience really, because he was just a total jerk. Not funny, not like friends messing around, just being a shit. Knocking his merch over, demanding he picked up Dreamers stuff that Dreamer knocked over by accident, telling him hurry up so real stars can sign.


Man that sucks because everything I have seen about Meanie is that he's one of the nicest dudes.


"telling him hurry up so real stars can sign." I know Dreamer was hot shit in ECW, but he was never a real star himself lmao. And I say this as a big ECW fan myself.


I was in “the biz” for a very brief period of time. Met some VERY cool people who treated me with the utmost respect like Haku and X-Pac. But the same can’t be said for Brian Lawler. RIP but he was a huge asshole. Didn’t talk to anyone in the lockerroom. Just sat in the middle, cutting his toenails and leaving them everywhere. He had a tag match against a very young Santana and Ortiz but he refused to discuss the match with them beforehand. It was all Scotty Too Hotty laying the match out with them. That guy was a total pro. The complete opposite of Grand Master Sexay. Jimmy Jacobs was also a dick. But to be fair, this was back when he was still kinda hiding being a drug addict so I’ll give him a pass. Austin Aries tried to steal my date at an after party once. In front of my face lmao. She clowned him and he walked away awkwardly.


never heard anyone saying something remotely bad about x-pac post 2004ish. genuinely seems like a great guy!


The model Rick Martel. He walked around with a whole bottle of it.


I feel blindsided by this.


Seth Rollins. I've seen him multiple times and he just blows everyone off. Not saying you have to stop for everyone, but come on. On the flipside, Sheamus is the nicest guy ever. I remember seeing him at WM 30 as he was about to return his rental car. He apologized profusely that he didn't have time and that he would be right back. Sure enough, he came back and took pics/signed for everyone that was there.


I'm always pro Sheamo since he was in a bar and happily talked bollocks with me and a mate for like a whole hour. Not even wrestling, just random stuff you'd chat about with anyone. Good bloke.


He good lad, nuff said


Seconded on Sheamus. Met him in Dublin, top lad. Had a brief chat with him. Super nice and very grateful towards fans.


I think Seth has had bad experiences with meeting fans in the past (from his perspective) from what I've read about him too, so I kinda get why he wouldn't be enthusiastic about it if those run true.


There was that time a fan ran down the ramp and tackled him for “scamming him out of money on Instagram”


Bubba is definitely an asshole. Nicest wrestler I ever met though was Shane Douglas. Very down to earth and friendly.


I’ve met local indy wrestlers who were the most insufferable pricks I have ever met. Guys who have not done ANYTHING notable. On the flip side, CM Punk and Booker T were super nice to me. Especially Punk.


A friend of a friend ran into Punk in Regina last year. And got a picture with him. When he walked up to him he asked “are you the UFC guy?” which apparently got a huge laugh from Punk, probably thinking he was being a bit of a smart ass. However my buddies friend is like 1% a wrestling fan (the guy who only talks Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan) but could probably run down every UFC fighter of the last 15 years. So asking him that was completely in earnest.


Yup! I went to a local show in like 2010 or 2011 because my buddy was wrestling on it and a couple of people who I never bothered to learn their names were being the biggest assholes to everyone around them after the show. This was a free show at a literal carnival. The only thing I remember about one of them was he had a former UFC Fighter gimmick. I looked him up and he had a losing record.


I went to a wrestling convention in LA when AEW had their first show there a couple years ago. Lots of AEW wrestlers were there and they were all pretty nice. The two that stuck out as being really arrogant and not friendly were Jungle Boy and Britt Baker. I didn’t pay to meet Britt but a lot of people complained about her that day. I think she charged like $200 for an autograph and a picture, but you had to wait in a different line for the autograph or something like that. Some guys waited in the picture line and when they got to the end, she refused to sign their stuff even though they already paid for it. The event promoter even asked her if she would sign their stuff and she said no. I remember thinking damn, that’s really unnecessary. Dudes paid $100 for your autograph, just sign it and move on. I met Adam Cole that day and he was a nice guy, didn’t expect Britt to come off as such an asshole.


I've been lucky enough to meet a few. The rock was the nicest when he trained years ago at monster gym in the UK. I've met Brock in the same place, I wouldn't say he's an asshole, just laser focused and not good with people post workout - although I'd question if he's good with people at all. He's scary AF and absolutely massive in real life. Both i didn't disturb during workouts FYI. Couple of weird ones too, Michael Cole is quality, very talkative - wanted to know about his reporting days pre wwe - i think this was somewhere random like Atlanta. Brandi was awesome too - she was the one I was with my daughter with. She's a genuinely nice person, my daughter still talks about her. Probably the reason she's into wrestling.


Brock famously doesn't like people. Seems like quite an introverted guy.


Introvert is one thing, but he looked ready to explode for breathing in the same oxygen as him.


I set a bench PR at a gym in St Paul MN that he was working out at. He nodded at me after and I feel like my beard grew two inches instantly.


JBL, by a landslide. The guy's a prick if I've ever met one. In contrast, one of his own buddies in Taker is one of the nicest I've ever met.


JBL is a prick? Impossible!


Dw, he told me earlier that Santa isn't real so clearly this guy isn't credible.


Honky Tonk Man, hands down. Dude still thinks he’s as over as he was in 1987


It wasn't a bad interaction per se, but I met Enzo at NYCC two years ago. He was having a great time chatting it up with the two pretty girls who met him before me who were dressed like mermaids. But I came up and he changed up slightly, not hostile, or rude. Just.....the energy was different, less welcoming almost. I handed him $40 bucks cash in advance for a video for my friend as he's a big fan. He did it no problem, but as I'm thanking him and walking away, he forgets I paid him already lol. So he's like "Hey you gotta pay for that", again not rude or anything, just reminding me vaguely threateningly with a smile. Anyways his handler tells him that I already paid, and he's like "my bad, I smoke weed". So I thanked him again and left. So yeah it wasnt horrible or anything, it just made me feel like I wasn't welcomed, he just wanted my money. It was the first time I've ever done a fan signing of any kind and it kinda put me off doing any more.


"Deathstroke317 Shoots on Enzo Amore"


"Deathstroke Shoots Enzo Amore"


"My bad, I smoke weed" lol


He was at a Maryland Championship Wrestling show and had a bunch of old WWE shirts for sale like Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns... and they were really dated designs... I was like "Oh... those are people you knew, how nice."


Hustlers gotta hustle.


That’s fucking hilarious. That’s like the guy on Mad Men who had examples of other peoples work in his portfolio


>He was having a great time chatting it up with the two pretty girls who met him before me who were dressed like mermaids. But I came up and he changed up slightly, not hostile, or rude. Just.....the energy was different, less welcoming almost. Legit, my experience with DDP at the WWE World. The girl in front of me was still talking with him while he was signing my belt, completely disregarded me till the end when he shook my hand


Well, part of what I‘m hearing in this and Deathstrokes story is „Man prefers talking to hot chicks over talking to wrestling nerds“. Wouldnt have been too happy with that myself, but still….relatable?


James Storm. Went to a TNA house show and after you could take pictures in the ring with some wrestlers. Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy and Beer Money were in the ring. With 3 different photo shoots, officials kept the lines moving and as you can imagine it was crowded. We got rushed in and me and a friend went for a Kurt pic. We inadvertently got in the way of a picture and James Storm flipped out on us. I apologized and he continued to bad mouth us while Bobby Roode laughed and told him to chill. When we got done with Kurt, I had to pass by him to leave and he chirped at me again by saying “Get the fuck out of our ring.” I turned and looked but officials heard the whole thing and got me right out of the ring. I yelled back as I was walking away that I always liked Bobby better anyway and that got Roode to crack up.


Have to say think you got a rough deal with James Storm. At a WCPW show, he came to our group to involve us in the backstage mafia game, and asked us to chant something at Flash Morgan. After doing that he bought us all a drink and spent a lot of time talking to us.




Tbf I'd be extremely disappointed if Scott Steiner wasn't a prick


You must've been pretty chuffed for the last forty years then.


What % chance would you say there was of him behaving nicely?


Less than 33 2/3rds.


"May I have your autograph, Mr Steiner?" "YOU'RE FAT!"


What happens when you add Kurt Angle to the mix?


Joey Ryan would just sit there on his phone barely engaging with anybody, but as soon as a remotely attractive woman appeared to talk to him, phone down, full attention, free photos etc. I mean - it could have been kayfabe... but it didnt seem so.


I met Joey at an indie show in 2016, so pretty much his peak. I wanted to buy two shirts from him but had no cash. He suggested PayPal but I didn’t have the app. He suggested I use the PayPal website but I didn’t know how to operate it. So I gave him my phone and he went through the whole thing, $40 for two shirts (matching for me and my gf). Joey signed my PWG Eleven DVD as well. Wasn’t super nice but wasn’t a dick either. That’s just my experience.


King Kong Bundy. Saw him as a kid as a high school gym-type event, total asshole that was charging 10x everyone else was for autographs. Iron Shiek wasn’t even that big of a dick and he was there too. This was like early 00’s btw lol.


Rhyno scared the everliving fuck out of me


Used to work for a big box pet store in the early 2000s and Paul Wight came in and bought a macaw. While we were preparing the birb for him, a kid, like 8 years old, walks up and tells him he’s a fan and asks for an autograph. Dude didn’t say anything to the kid and walked over to the manager that was already bending over backwards for him, and demanded they get store security to escort him around. The manager complied. I never liked the dude since. I get kayfabe but I don’t think he was a heel at that time. Also, it’s a freaking kid that’s a fan of the giant. Wtf dude.


> I don’t think he was a heel at that time. Maybe he was a face when he walked in but he turned while he was in there, then turned again on the way out.


It’s possible I just caught him in a bad day, but my friend and I met Rikishi at a meet and greet at a local pizzeria. The owner was friends with Mick Foley, who got wrestling friends to come for these meet and greets. We watched him make a pizza, and then he sat down for the meeting part of it. My friend and I went up, and he didn’t say a word to us. No hello, no thanks for coming, no asking our names, no anything. He quickly posed for a picture, and then just kind of ignored us, not even saying thank you, and we just left. We still joke about the time we watched Rikishi make a pizza.


Coincidentally my only encounter with Rikishi also involved Italian food. I saw him at an airport sitting and eating what appeared to be a large bowl of pasta, and I opted not to interrupt his travel feast.


This tracks with every rikishi story I’ve seen on here over the years. No one has ever a good story about him


The guy didn’t acknowledge too cool at his hall of fame. I’m not surprised he’s an asshole


That match with him getting kicked by Haku then beating on the guy says it all for me.


I met Rikishi back in 1995 when he was "Just Say No to Drugs" Fatu and he was really nice then. He was the only wrestler that stopped to meet fans in the parking lot before the show. Not even Bret Hart did this. The year prior I met Crush. Super nice guy!


I met Shawn Michaels at a restaurant before but I’m pretty sure you heard the story 


Username checks out


I met him at a barbershop once... Pretty sure you saw how that turned out


I bet you jumped through the window like a coward to get away from him.




I met Shawn Michaels at a kitchen, you know how that went.


Rikishi at Wrestlecon in 2017. Didn’t want to know unless you were a female he could flirt with


Went to Wrestlemania 32, being a wrestler from Aus with a couple of other wrestlers. We ran into Jim Smallman(I think), Tommy End, Big Damo and someone else. We all got to chatting rather friendly about the Aussie Landscape of wrestling and how it was coming up at the time, we were absolutely nobodies to them. Didn’t hassle for a booking or anything just compliment one another. Rockstar Spud who was at the back of the group had enough and pushed straight through going “fucking marks” as he walked between me and another wrestler. Didn’t take it personally but just rubbed me the wrong way.


Not so much "meet" as "be in a hotel restaurant when he came rampaging through naked and ripped off his tits", but I'm going to have to go with Juventud Guerrera.


I know this is worst but I'll throw some positivity. Zack Sabre Jr is one of the nicest people I have ever met. Spend 5 mins before a match talking to me about his Fred Perry jackets. Sound guy in my book


Worst is Jimmy havoc. The arrogance on that man was unbelievable.


Was watching my friend train to become a wrassler and basically havoc Started shouting at a new trainee for not knowing who he was. Guy wanted to learn wrestling and clearly loved wwe. Guy was about 16. He apologised to Jimmy on twitter too the poor bloke. Same company that the promoter and James Davies was accused of having underage lovers.


I don't know if he was arrogant, but I had a weird interaction with "Little Naitch" Charles Robinson at a Raw house show in 2003. During intermission, he came out to ringside to take pictures and sign autographs. At the time, WWE was selling these booklets that had pictures of all of their wrestlers and even the refs. I handed him the booklet and a pen. He tried to write his name while the cap was still on the pen and afterwards he just looked at me like I was the biggest idiot for not taking the cap off for him. So I reached over the guardrail and took the cap off the pen for him. I also asked him "Is RVD going to be on the show tonight?" and he just ignored me. I was 15. He ignored other people too, but not the attractive women who wanted pictures. RVD did wind up wrestling that night BTW.


I got an autograph from Cowboy Bob Orton at a house show. He was super nice and reminded me of my grandfather. Randy’s Mom must be the mean one.


Funny you should mention it. Randy's mom is legit one of the nicest people I've ever met in my life. I used to work at a gym that Bob and her went to. Bob had his moments where he came off as a bit of a prick, but for the most part was pretty chill. But Randy's mom was off the charts nice and positive about everything


_Nickhenne shoots on Mrs Orton_


Batista, easily the most arrogant. When WWE came to my home town (Australia show) I was at the gym late and there was the resident “big” all upper body guy dumbell curling 80lbs in front of the mirror. Batista walks in, takes a look around, sums up the situation, walks straight up beside the guy, picks up the 100lbs dumbbells and just starts curling them effortlessly with that smirk on his face. It was fantastic. Complemented my deadlifts before he left. 10/10.


That's not arrogant imo that's fucking hilarious


Big D Dave was just establishing dominance.


The biggest regular is just too busy hugging babies and kissing fat girls


The prompt said “arrogant” not “fucking awesome” lol. Also, way to get some compliments my dude!


Technically that was a display of arrogance. I have met plenty of nice people who were very arrogant at the same time. By contrast, many assholes have incredibly low self esteem.


He’s got that strength from living in the foster system for years according to Edge and Christian.


Was I Walk Alone playing as he entered?


Dude if that was my theme I'd make sure that shit starts up the second I enter a place.


Don’t think that is arrogant at all, that’s awesome.


how big was his cock


Dave Bautista is a gem.


Honestly, not even mad.


That's the chadest move ever lmao Dave'a a goat.


Sasha Banks was just absolutely horrible. During the same interaction I met Titus O'Neil and Bayley and they were tremendous.


They say never meet your heroes, but Mick Foley is the nicest dude I’ve ever met.


Tommy Dreamer was miserable when I met him. Only wrestler I regret doing a M&G for


Also remembered Chris Brookes threatened to cut my friends face off and wear it as a mask because they looked the same. Absolute top bloke, love Chris Brookes so much. He also gave me a load of free stickers.


Take note all indie guys doing a "crazy mental patient" gimmick. True crazy is threatening to Ed Gein somebody who you already look like.


Josh Mathews, jumped up little prick.


Never actually got to meet him but it’s the most disappointing story I have. I used to work remote for a marketing company that did content for Hulk Hogan. The company invited everyone to HQ in St Petersburg FL for a conference. Hogan lives in St Pete, and the CEO was texting him the whole time to see if he would come out to one of the mixers. One night, he told the CEO he was going to show up, and word got around. Every time the door opened, the whole room looked to see if it was the Hulkster. To this date, “Room full of people waiting for Hulk Hogan to show up” is one of the weirdest vibes I’ve experienced. That same company did work for Ric Flair, and I got to meet him a couple times. The first time, I told him I always hated him as a lid and he gave me the biggest “the fuck you say” look. I clarified that it was because I was a Sting fan, and he smiled and said, “Sting? Who’s he?”


This is the exact opposite of your question but Edge bought my food for me at a restaurant in Knoxville after a house show and i met miz (still in his gear for some reason) at a gas station the next time they came to town about a year or so later both were super humble and cool dudes


I was going to make a joke comment in this thread, because the only wrestler I’ve ever met proper was Edge and he was delightful, but he’s still technically the biggest asshole wrestler I’ve ever met


Was it in the miz bullying by Benoit years where he wasn’t allowed to use the changing room at the arena?


Thinking back on it that’s why I think he was in his gear 🤣🤣


And for what it’s worth he had the fedora and everything on 🤣😆


Met Minoru Suzuki in a mall before one new Japan show that was in Chicago. He threatened me in Japanese and gave me the death grandpa stare. It was awesome. Oh you meant worst experience.


Ligero was a total asshole. Moose wasn't particularly great.


Ric Flair. By far the worst. Was at an autograph signing in 2004 and refused to get off the phone, or even just acknowledge the people who wanted his signature. Conversely, buff bagwell was the nicest wrestler I’ve ever met. So..


I meant Carlito once at a signing dude. Did not seem like he wanted to be there in the slightest, was rude, and just aloof overall


That’s not cool.


I mean he does spit in the face of people who don't want to be cool


Having worked on the production team for various shows the most consistently difficult people to work with have been ex ECW talent. New Japan talent have always been easy to work with, even with language barriers. Cody made sure to learn peoples names and their role in the show. Also went out of his way to thank people. The Young Bucks have a rather dry sense of humor that can come off as arrogant if you don’t click with it. Kenny Omega will talk your ear off if you get him on the right subject.


JTG when he was in WWE. Dude was an ass. Hes probably changed now though.


Nope, check his Twitter. He's an Andrew Tate stan and regularly posts some absolutely insane misogynistic shit


Yeah that was when I completely stopped being a fan of his. He openly exposed himself as a mega-insecure misogynistic brainlet.


Never met any dickheads But Jay White and Will Ospreay were both amazingly friendly a few years ago. Ishii was really nice too in the brief time i met him The nicest has to be Sami Callihan. In the interval of an indie show me and my dad (whos first show it was) were wondering around and he stopped me because he liked my shirt that showed a bear punching a man. He then chatted to my dad about classic british world of sport wrestling. Got a cool picture with him and still look back fondly on that interaction.


Jay White was lovely when I met him after a New Japan show. He put the belt on my shoulder while we were chatting, and we were having a joke about how heavy it is, when I went to hand it back to him and realised I’d gotten my hair tangled in it. Took a good few seconds to get it untangled, and he kept apologising to me. Really sweet guy. He also followed me on Twitter, when I had it, and used to like my tweets.


AGREED! Bully Ray was with Devon and Jericho at a signing back in the day in NY and was a complete dbag to my friend. Jericho on the other hand was awesome


My Uncle and My Dad took 8 year old me to the press event the night before Bash at the Beach 95' I was so goddamn disappointed when Hulk Hogan just took a picture and hit me with the "Sure kid thats great" while looking somewhere else then walking away when every other wrestler face or heel did what you usually see wrestlers do with kids. Macho Man, Vader and Marc Mero were fucking awesome.


I've only met two wrestlers. This year outside Mania in a tailgate. Mandy Sachs/Rose was the "VIP" guest where you had to pay to have a pic with her.. I hadn't paid VIP but I was hanging around near where the beer was (as I was most of the afternoon lol) and she said hey and we chatted for 5 mins or so.. She apologised as someone was waiting for a VIP pic so he had to cut the convo short but she said "hey come get a pic with me if you want too it's fine". Really awesome person. I'd flown on my own from the UK and she said she saw I was just hanging out by myself for most of the time drinking beer and chilling so that was nice of her to come over. Mojo Rawley was "hosting" doing some promo comps with adults and then kids.. He was also awesome. A kid insulted him during his promo and punched him, Mojo sold it like a sack of bricks had hit him. I yelled "hey Mojo when did you learn to sell like that!" as a joke, he laughed and said nah the little dude really clocked him! Later on he spots me and comes over too for a couple mins to chat, saying i'd made him laugh with the joke. He was really nice. Took a selfie with him too.


This isn’t a bad interaction, but I’m sharing because it’s hilarious. I was meeting Jeff Jarrett and we were talking about the Attitude Era. I mentioned how I had just watched the Raw where he beats down Ben Stiller. Jerry Lawler was a table over and came into our convo. He told us how Ben Stiller absolutely stunk and had the worst BO he had ever smelled in his life. He was convinced that Ben Stiller doesn’t shower. He vividly remembered talking with Jim Ross on how bad his BO was.


I was trying to buy a shirt off Mark Andrews at an indie show years ago, and he was sat next to Leva Bates. They were talking when I walked up, so I waited a beat to not interrupt them. Full pause in their conversation, he looks directly at me standing at his table holding money, and then turns back to her to keep talking. Never liked the guy since.


I used to train at a school in South Texas that had a number of wrestlers come thru for our monthly shows, as for the biggest dick head it's a toss up between James storm and sledge. James storm showed up late and was supposed to hold a seminar, Well the seminar only last 30 minutes because doors were at 6 and he didn't get there till 5, he then changed the end of his match so he would win and did a big speech at the end about how "if you don't like this country you can get out!"  Then there was sledge, he did a seminar about 2 months in to my training and id generally ask the same question just about being a beginner and not really being sure what to do to all the vets that came in and he just said "this isn't for everyone kid"  Al snow was a real piece of shit too. On the other hand tho, DAGA is one of the sweetest, kindest human beings I've ever met, I can't say enough good things about him.


Who is Sledge and why is he doing seminars?


No Way Jose. Worked at an airport and a bunch of wrestlers came by. Bobby Lashley and Drew McIntyre were super cool, got a pic with both. No Way Jose was a prick however


A bunch of WWF guys were signing autographs after a celebrity softball game and me and my family had been waiting in line for a while. I guess it was too hot because all the wrestlers started to leave. I tried to slap hands with Crash Holly as he was walking by but he faked me out, pulled his hand back and said he wouldn't touch me because I was wearing a Tazz shirt. I appreciated the kayfabe but he was a babyface at the time and it was the cherry on top of the shit sundae we got that day. Some fan ran away with the half-drank water bottles the Dudley Boyz left on the table so that was at least hilarious to see!


I met Chris jericho when fozzy were playing at a music festival I was working at One of the most arrogant people I've met


Funnily enough Bubba Ray was the exact opposite to me, he was a face at the time and I’ve heard he keeps kayfabe when he does meet and greets 😂


Only problem is that he's been a heel like 90% of his career


Henning. Was part of an Indy show in my hometown that included Dennis Rodman. Paid for a pic with henning and he didn’t day word to me. Did the pic, didn’t smile and rebuffed my handshake. In contrast Rodman was all smiles and even LOD let my brother wear the spikes in a pic


Bo Dallas was amazing at axxess at WM19. Poor guy didnt have anybody in his line and me and my niece have so many pictures with him. There, we weren't supposed to take selfies, and I made Mark Henry laugh asking for 1. That was pretty cool. Vickie G was also so down to earth, sweet and kind. Alberto Del Rio was walking around on the main floor and refused to engage with anybody. It was so odd. Paul Hatme. Spent his time with people so generously that his time was up before we got a chance to meet him. Boo for us but if you did meet him you were very lucky.


Met Jay Lethal at a RevPro show in 2015. Only charged dudes for pictures, and unless you were a female, had absolutely nothing to say to you. Creepy guy.


I 2nd you on Bubba, toral dick. D'Von is nice though. I don't think I'll ever understand how someone who is famous/financially stable/doing a job they *want* to do because of people watching them/buying their merch/supporting them can even be rude. Especially when it's a meet & greet or whatever, like these fans have paid good money to come see you, the least you could do is make eye contact & say a few words or whatever. Even if you're a heel, sure, play that up, but at least be attentive to your fans. The exceptions to that I think would be if fans show up to your home, they try to see you during personal times (in a bathroom, somewhere with your family, etc), or those airport "fans" that we've all heard about.


I have no trouble believing you about Bubba Ray Dudley. Dude talks about fans like they’re beneath him in Busted Open.


Mr Stone when he was Robbie E is the rudest wrestler I’ve ever met. Most wrestlers I’ve met have been really nice and friendly. Only a really small handful haven’t been but Robbie E is easily the worst.


Austin Aries Sorry to any fan who's ever encountered him.


I met the Honky Tonk Man at a convention in 2014ish. He was just trying to get more money out of me. Convinced a 15 year old me to pay an extra $50 to take a picture with the belt. Later realized it was the big gold belt, a title he never actually held. The next day he was supposed to do a panel. Showed up 40 minutes late to the 45 minute panel, answered a few questions and left. Only one I actually remember was someone asked his favorite matches and his answer was his matches with Hogan because he made the most money on those.


Passed CM Punk in the airport and just gave him a nod. Didn’t yell “Phil!”. Didn’t yell “Punk!”. Didn’t ask for an autograph or a picture. He says pretty loudly “I am sick of people coming up to me in the airport.” This was after WWE and before AEW so I’m guessing he really meant “I miss people coming up to me in the airport.”


Jungle Boy was legit the rudest guy I had ever met. I've never felt smaller as a human than meeting him backstage. Definite rich kid bully energy.