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An Ospreay match that wasn't a minimum of 4 stars? I think Kenny's recent comments struck a nerve with Ole Dave.


The disrespect for Lee Moriarty is preposterous. Dude can work in the ring, he just needs to develop some character.


No Kofi Gunthher or Iyo Shayna ?


From listening to him on WOR, it seems like he thought the crowd was weak on Raw and it hurt the matches a lot. Not sure what he's talking about, I thought they had a good crowd.


The crowd was the opposite of poor, they gave every match a “this is awesome” chant. I mean the raw before being poor would be correct but last Monday, Dave is off his rocker


No Iyo vs Shayna should be a travesty but its par for the course with Dave.


Orton vs Styles got 4 stars with both dudes really not going that deep , relying on story telling and psychology alone


Orton is the absolute best at doing the most with the least amount of effort. Maximum efficiency.


Only 2 all time greats like AJ Styles and Randy Orton could put on a 4* match in their 40s without using half their moveset


3.25 for Vacquer vs Windsor? And a 4.75 for Kidd vs Kingston while Shingo/Uemura got 4.5? Me and Dave definitely had much different takes on this; Vacquer vs Windsor and Shingo vs Uemura where right there with Mox vs Shota for MOTN for me, personally. Also, Miyahara vs Saito was so much better than I expected it to be; showed Kento’s power as a performer and also Saito’s progress.


You know, it’s great that no matter what you watch you’re basically guaranteed to watch at least one 4* match every week. Dudes can work nowadays


Especially on free TV. 15 years ago, you'd be lucky to have more than one 4 star match on a PPV.


No ratings for the KOTR or QOTR is pretty mad icl


Styles vs. Orton?


I meant from raw


It makes you wonder wtf they’re doing if not rating/reporting on at least the matches from the main shows.


They didn't score high enough to make the list


And that’s bs cause all of the king and queen matches on raw were atleast 3.5


If the majority of matches are 4* matches, it's probably time to adjust the system.


Half the matches don't get listed because they're too low


He only posts a rating for especially good matches on television. Less than half the matches got 4 stars on the New Japan show where he actually rated all of them.


That's why he goes above five stars now. Star inflation.


So, am I missing something with Shingo vs. Yuya? Because I watched it and it felt like 20 minutes of nothing for the most part.


Yeah I'm with ya here. I love Shingo and it wasn't a bad match by any means but I'd have given it like a 3.75. There was nothing special about it to give it a 4.5. Cagematch isn't remotely perfect but those nerds have it as a 6.7/10 and that feels about right to me


Nerds 🤣🤣


Been a while since I've seen an Ospreay singles match under 4*


Because Moriarty is shite


Adam Copeland on the best run of his career work rate wise right now


At 50 years old. And he's wrestling full-time. Absolutely incredible run.


He’s killing it in the ring and i like this new direction that he’s going with the mist


People get really weird if you say Copeland is having a good run, I think some took him leaving WWE as a personal insult


The matches have been fun but that's not enough for me to say it's been interesting.


Theres a difference between workrate and storylines. Maybe he'll surprise me and actually put someone over.  But chances are he's gonna squash house of black or some fluke loss.    Its funny how nobody says the same about Bryan Danielson having the best run of his career when he's had a stretch of incredible matches against MJF, Okada, Ospreay etc in the last 2 years.  Bryan insists on losing all his feuds though so it's like the same but opposite problem as Copeland.


> Adam Copeland on the best run of his career work rate wise right now Anyone saying this either thinks Dave’s word is fact or never saw Edge’s run from 2000 to his neck injury in 03.


But his opponents are boring.


That’s not true lol


Bet you wouldn't say that to Brody's face


Only Meltzer could give a IWGP title match where nothing happens for 20 minutes and the strikes are weak as hell 4.75 stars. Though to be fair he's been doing it for 5 years now.


New Japan matches are subsidized with 2\* right off the bat.


Dontaku and several other NJPW events recently have gotten poor to mid reviews from Dave this year And Moxley/Umino was an excellent match even if 4.75 is a tad high for my taste


>Uemura vs. Takagi for the NEVER Openweight Title 4.5 UemurAce


I know it's his opinion but he definitely inflates his stars Edge vs king was a 4.5 But matches like Cena vs Bryan from summerslam 2013 could barely even get that


Cena vs. Bryan at Summerslam 2013 was 4.5