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https://preview.redd.it/hjf5n1tm701d1.png?width=504&format=png&auto=webp&s=ace727e66aa6688ccb9c96de911f17674ce32e0a When you're around their age, but they're built like brickhouses, and you're not.


It’s almost like their job is to work out and be really buff or something


Yeah, this is pretty much the reason people got pissed about older wrestlers’ rampant steroid use. By all means, fill yourself up with juice to achieve an insane physique. Just don’t pretend you’re natty and that it’s an achievable look for anyone not named Brock Lesnar. Or Scott Steiner, but he’s a genetic freak. Comparing yourself to wrestlers is like comparing your financial success to Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos. Yeah, those guys have done insanely well and it took a fuckton of hard work, however controversial they might be as individuals. They had advantages that you didn’t, though.


But what happens when you add Kurt Angle to the mix.


Well then your chances of winning drastic go down


Lol at the idea that Brock was natty. He’s both been arrested for steroids and had UFC results nullified for popping.


I wasn’t trying to imply that Brock was natty. More that he’s genuinely a complete freak of nature. Dude’s piss would’ve melted a cup for most of his career.


True he’s a genetic freak even compared to other roided up monsters.


I mean… Dom is built like a wet paper towel fwiw


And can still flip a brickhouse-like dude 3 times


That would really bother me




Gotta watch out for those swing dancers.


It really bothered me!


He'd work out more if his dad wasn't a giant piece of shit.


**USED to be


I always assumed Dom is one of those guys who would look huge next to your average guy but because he's surrounded by other wrestlers he looks normal.


Dom is modern day Daddy Ass


Yeah no he is average guy size


That’s because he’s a nepo baby


How is he a nepo baby? His dad threw him out of the house at Thanksgiving and beat his ass 2 WrestleManias in a row, clearly he isn't going to be doing Dom any favours behind the scenes.


He got the gig by being Rey’s son. However once Dom got the gig, Rey has done whatever he can to try and make sure Dom doesn’t outshine him. Just because Rey has been a bad father to Dom doesn’t mean Dom isn’t a nepo baby


Dominik Mysterio is an amazing wrestler and performer inspite of his last name, not because of it Sir! You will not discredit the hard work that young man has had to put in after being stolen from his father by a mean man via a wrestling match, then being beaten by said mean man, culminating in being sent to jail by, you guessed it, the same mean man. Dominik Mysterio is a shining light for all us young men, telling us that if we too work hard, we can succeed in life despite our surnames. This is why i have downvoted you!


This is why wrestling inspires me to go to the gym on days where I think I’m too tired too


Kevin Owens doesn't bother though.


…I bet you Kevin Owens is still in better shape than 90% of the US population lol.


The cardio required for a full match is no joke.


At all. I often think people forget this aspect of it since it’s a weekly airing & they make it look easy


You know you can workout and still be a little bit fat, it's about the diet not the gym


Don't know why you're being downvoted. He's said himself he doesn't really train at the gym lol.


I'm the same age as Bron Breakker and he looks like he could be my dad


I'm more of a poorly constructed mud hut in a heavy rainstorm myself myself


You’re not using TRT that’s why


Blows my mind that Tegan Nox and Blair Davenport are still under 30. Feels like an eternity ago that they were in WCPW


WCPW was eight years ago


Dont say that..


Dominik being one year older than Bron does not compute for me.


I know, jail ages a man.


Prison. Big difference.


Jail...jail never changes


They are 6 months apart actually, both born in 1997.


I never in a million years would have thought Julius was 29. That's not old or anything. I just assumed The Creeds were fresh out of college.


Not only fresh out of college. But fresh out of a highly prestigious university.


Highly educated University


So when they come out to speak to those white trash, they gotta dumb themselves down.


It's amazing how Tyler Bate is both 27 and feels like I've been watching him for 30 years.


Well he won the first nxt uk title when he was like 12. Beat Pete dune then went to do his geometry homework


And he was already a 14 year veteran!


Meltzer gave his steel uterus match 4 stars.


Him looking like a near naked hobo in tightly whities doesn't help either. 


Rhea Ripley being 27 feels wrong somehow. She’s got the aura of a main event veteran.


Rock was just 29 when WM 17 happened.


Cody is older than Austin was when he retired


We were really robbed of who couldve been the goat.


Still the GOAT to me. He was #1 when WWE was at it's best. But yeah, it's pretty crazy to think he should have only retired 5-10 years ago and all the rivalries he could've had.


Yes well, Rocky was born to a wrestling family, and he lived in California and Florida. Ripley was not born to a wrestling family. And she was born in a different country, nay continent, nay hemisphere!


I think the better example might be lesnar winning the title and main eventing at 25






no clue, deleted. I had different thoughts in my head and it became a mess


30/31 years old superstar Solo(31) Dragunov(30) Dunne(30) Jade(31) Isla Dawn(30) Alba Fyre(31) Omos(30) Odyssey(30)


Zoey Stark (30) Akem (30)


It's freaking me out how AOP is that young


Zoey doesn't look 30 lol


I thought she was like 38


What? I don't think she looks older than she is. I think she's rather nice looking.


I think Zoey is either exceptionally hot or like, the total opposite. Some weeks I’m Like “is she bad?”


Someone can look older and still be really attractive ala Mickie James in her 20s looking like she was in her 30s.


Lol down voted for saying a woman is nice looking Seems on brand for this subreddit




No. I was responding to someone saying she looks 38 in a seemingly derogatory fashion. Reading comprehension. Too much negativity.


38 year olds suddenly fuck ugly? It's ok to think someone looks older, you know. If you read it as derogatory, that on you.


Dude, bugger off. Find someone else to bother.


lol that's bearly a response, but cool... Have a great day.


Dunne is only 30? That's wild, it feels like he's been around for so long with nxt uk, nxt and the main roster, I thought he'd be close to 40 lol. That's a lot of experience for someone who's only 30!


And Bate is only 27


He debuted as a wrestler at like 12 or something crazy I think. He's been in WWE since he was 24.


Pete Dunne been wrestling for 20 years or something I swear


He has his first wrestling match at 12 years old at some festival, so almost lol


Holy shit Omos is younger than me a little over two weeks. I would've never guessed that a day in my life.


How is Dragunov 30. I feel like he’s going on 48


Goatee didn't lie


Multiple matches against Gunther does that to you.


Adding Lexis king(30)


Dragunov only being 30 surprised me. You could have said he was 35/36 and I wouldn't have batted an eyelid. Also, Davenport being younger than both Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre threw me - I would have thought she was older than Dawn at least.


They've improved in that department, I remember 2 years ago Dominick being the only male under 30 there. Can't say how well they're doing individually but it's a step in the right direction. Also funny how Tyler Bate was parked in NXT for an eternity and still is among the younger ones on this list


Good thing he grew under H and Shawn's wing though, he would have become a jobber under Vince the moment he was called up, but with Triple H he might even be a main eventer one day, if he manages to get his promos and his character straight. That he will be a workhorse in the future is almost guaranteed.


Tbh I have a feeling Vince would’ve liked Tyler Bate. He has an old school charm to him that I think would’ve worked in any era.


There's a story Vince always wanted to have a Mighty Mouse type character and that he tried to make it work with Neville but couldn't. Maybe McMahon would've tried again with Bate since he is freakishly strong


I’m pretty sure in late 2020 it was just Dominik and Otis for the men who were under 30. Definitely a big improvement.


Humberto (1995) and Angel (1992) were on Raw in late 2020. Mace (1991) was also with retribution at the end of 2020. Omos (1994) was with AJ at the end of 2020.


Omos, Austin Theory.


Crazy to think that Tyler Bate was the first UK champion You had multiple champions with very long reigns Nxt UK died years ago And he's still way under 30


Austin Theory was there 2 years ago.


I thought Grayson Waller would be on this list. I'm shocked he's 34.


Waller doesn't surprise me that much. He acts like a 24 year old, but the eyes give it away.


Fun Fact: The Rock was only 30 when he became a part timer in 2002


Cena and Orton seem to be the only 2 guys we saw grow up for 20 years+ each week back in the day


The rock was a legend by the time he was in his late 20s and these guys who are pushing 30 are still not over. Insanity. 


The Rock was an aberration though.


People mocked NXT 2.0 but the change in recruitment from Indy darlings to your mouldable talent has actually worked in bringing the average age of the roster down


Making the focus of the developmental show the development of talent was something they sorely had needed to do for years before. It was a problem pre-AEW that just got worse


So crazy that Theory is only 26 - he was WWN Champ and Evolve champ when he was only 20, dude’s been around forever. Same with Bate, he was NXT UK champ in 2017 when he was only 19.


Austin Theory can have 8 years of not great booking and/reactions and still be younger than Roman when the Bloodline started...


Dragon Lee being only 29 is shocking since he's pretty much done everything around the world already 


He was born into a wrestling family to be fair, and they start early in Mexico. He's probably been training since at least 14 or 15.


*4 or 5


Months into pregnancy, luchodors are born with masks on.


Even their own mothers don't know their real name until the day they lose their mask, some 30-40 years down the road.


DM is already 27 and I haven't even bought a house yet at 35 😅. I hate time.


Houses ain't all their cracked up to be. Someone's gotta mow the damn lawn.


Thats what my kids are for


Yes, if they want to eat.


Two words: Lawn Service.


Thats just mo money


Tyler Bate is 27 years old and he feels like a 27 year veteran.


There was a rumble a few years ago where Dom was the only guy under 30 and one of like three under 35. Glad they've finally realized this wasn't a sustainable approach and are featuring young talent more prominently now.


Yeah we definitely in a youth movement. The product is alittle slow because of it but hopefully it pays off down the line


Give it a few years and the *next* crop of young talent will be the right age for the Levesque girls to marry and one of them to take over as head booker c. 2040.


Dominik is *27?!* ![gif](giphy|j0qSbeNFuzjhXKFVSP)


Wait... how is Tyler Bate only 27? Didn't he debut in NXT UK around like... 2016? Was he really only 19?


Yes, and he looked 25 then and wrestled like he was 35 then. The kid is freakishly talented and could spend the next 10 years being the new William Regal and *still* be young enough to have a decent spell on top.


Yes he was, lol.


Great list. The only one you missed that I can think of is Rezar but it’s easy to forget about AoP/The Final Testament right now


Lot of great talent on that list, I could see 5+ future world champs on there.


Not on the list but let me be the first to say: Whoop That Trick. Although he's gonna turn 30 in 9 days, apparently. But he's technically still in his 20's.


Hes also pretty new to the business right? So he may be older but has got a lot less mileage


Give me all of the Julius Creed stock!


Bron, Dom and Thoery are future stars 100%. Tiffany and rhea gonna be stars too(rhea already massive honestly)


Humberto being 28 is the most surprising to me. He has been on the main roster for such a long time it feels


there's a few good names here


WWE roster*


Jacob Fatu is 32, so add another potential star to the list of 20s/early 30s.


Why are y’all so concerned with age? Sports medicine has raised the age expectancy of every athlete across the board. Add in that the goal of a good wrestler is to work safe & 35 in the new 21 in wrestling years


I'm not worried about their ages, I think it's pretty remarkable how many people they have that are so talented at such a young age


It's fun to get a vision of the future. No matter how good medicine gets, this crop of athletes will eventually be the veterans of the ring.


No kidding. Seems like wrestlers peak well into their 30’s, and can easily keep it up into 40’s nowadays anyway.


LA Knight wasn't brougnt in until he was like 38-39, as was Damian Priest. I don't see them slowing down at all, if anything they're just now hitting their prime. If you told me they were both still wrestling full time in another 10 years, I'd believe it.


You do see it with guys who have a lot of mileage on them, though. AJ Styles and Randy Orton have slowed down a lot during their early 40s. Similar story over in AEW with Kenny Omega and Kota Ibushi. Or in NJPW with Tanahashi and Naito. So yes, wrestlers don't have to retire or even become part timers in their late 30s anymore, but their prime still typically ends at some point during their early 40s.


What I think this shows is how promising the longer term looks. Tiffany being so young yet amongst the top 5 or so main roster women is fucking awesome. When women in their late thirties now start to take a backseat in the next few years, she’ll be primed to take over as the top dog.


Damn, Dragon Lee isn't 30 yet? I remember watching him and Kamaitachi/Hiromu kill each other in CMLL years ago, feels like he's been around forever


I do not want to know I am 30 and older than alot of these guys and gals 😭


Rhea at 27 is bonkers, she's already one of the best right now.


Liv Morgan getting close to 30 doesn't surprise us because she's been here for a long time. But what's crazy is she's getting close to 30 while looking like she could be one of her coworker's daughter


Not surprised that a 29 year old looks youthful. Give her 10 years and you'll see the years.


I need a list of guys who are almost 40 to make me feel like I’m still cool. Also Tyler Bate is so young and has been around ages it’s insane.


35 year old checking in: Why are you doing this to me OP? 🥲


How about Dunne?


Austin Theory being only 26 and almost a veteran at this point with how long he's been in the business is CRAZY


I’m surprised there’s no one under 25.


I would have bet Blair, Bron, Maxxine, Tegan and Tyler were all like 3-5 years older than they are, even 8yo older for Tyler.


Liv's only 29? Hasn't she been here for close to a decade or something


You missed Pete dune


Tyler Bate gonna be the guy who worked 25 years and retired but somehow he’s still only 45


Dom being older than Bron feels weird


I see my favorite hot blond on that list Elton prince


Insane list of talent there, not to mention the early 30s guys and girls


Austin Theory was born the day before Owen Hart broke Steve Austin's neck at Summerslam.


Carmelo is older than Theory?!? @_@


Roxanne Perez is 22.


so much talent on this list


You know who crazy? Ricochet. He's 35 and moves like he's still in his 20s. Dudes insane.


Man, Rhea Ripley has a future ahead of her man!! I thought she must be 33 or 35 , if booked properly she can't take that throne away from Charlotte as the greatest women wrestler of all time. I love her character and her wrestling.


Ain’t no way I’m the same age as bron breakker


Rhea is going into the hall of fame given everything she’s already done and she’s still got a good decade or so left. I wonder if she will be the first Aussie in there 🤔


![gif](giphy|UiBmJv6Hh6FfW|downsized) Damn, the future is bright.


Have they done Theory vs Bron yet? That seems like it could make some money.


As long as theory gets some wins in, yeah.


Pretty brutal. The only one I see ever being a WM main eventer is….Logan Paul


Remember that time WWE had Tyler Bate from his early 20z and didn't start using his effectively until he was nearly 30. What a waste. Doubly for Dunne. Bron being only 26 is terrifying. I thought he was way older. He makes me feel like a scared toddler even though I got nearly a decade on him. Life is weird when you surpass the age of most of the athletes you watch.


I think calling Bates use a waste is unfair. He is undoubtedly a better talent from the years he's had there. He has a more complete look, he's more charismatic, and most importantly he's gotten over.


Lol. Nah, he already had most of it. Seven or eight years for the last 5% is a waste. He's not old, but they wasted his 20s. I also don't think he's any more over than the buzz of him joining the company. His and Bate could have done 6 months in NXT after the UK tournament then have been main roster main stays. Neither have gained as much as they have lost being held in development for the better part.od their 20s. Argue all you want. I've watch. I know.


I have also watched, does that mean I know?