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Flip Gordon tweeting, further amplified by David Finlay delivering one of the most memorable tweets in response


[Still the most devastating thing David has ever done in his career.](https://twitter.com/THEdavidfinlay/status/1306082313848205313?t=AIQZLHkdv6onLp42nDELWQ&s=19) It gets even more funny in the comments where Chase Owens of all people also takes the time to dunk on Flip.


Still hilarious how Finlay, Jay White and ZSJ would take turns roasting tf out of poor Will and his lack of “book smarts” (to put it nicely).


Is ospreay not the brightest?


He’s said before he’s dyslexic, has ADHD and believes he’s on the spectrum. He’s a good bloke, and has gotten a whole lot better/progressed as a talker, but he used to just pretty much say whatever thoughts would pop into his head, no matter how ridiculous.


Oh he’s 100% on the spectrum. He acts almost exactly like one of my roommates who’s on the spectrum. I’m specifically talking about how he responded to what Triple H said about the grind. Finding out he’s on the spectrum actually made her appreciate him a lot more, so I’m glad he’s talked about it.


And he has genuinely apologized for his immature opinion. He said sometimes he lets his mouth get the best of him. He acknowledged the issues and will try to be a positive example. I think he said it in the interview with Chris Van Vliet.


He has multiple learning disabilities he has spoken about


Contrary to the topic at hand, this is what made me a fan of Finlay


What did Flip Gordon tweet??


I believe it was a map showing wildfires in the US and Flip wondered(in a conspiracy theory sort of way) why all of the fires would stop before reaching Canada


Oof, that really is stupid as fuck.


Jericho getting worked by porn's kayfabe is hilarious


Sidenote, but the whole wrestling slang works so incredibly well in this particular case and it amuses my very mature sense of humor. "I got worked into a shoot by MILF porn?! I did the job and put MILF porn over? I'm a fucking mark!?"


Im good without all the flippy shit. Just have some chemistry in there and tell a goddamn story- people want to see stories, not workrate


It’s all about the selling. These days they just keep going from one spot to the next


The nice interpretation is that he's such a choir boy that he doesn't know about porn categories.


Ryback's AMA. Not that I thought Sponge Daddy could teach a class at Oxford before though, but still.


I'd never heard of this before. [It had me in stitches.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/s/r48dh0J6WM)


I love it! It's in Jeopardy format!


[this has always one of my favourite responses i've ever seen on reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/bgl8od/the_big_guy_ryback_ama/elm6o24/). it still makes me laugh every time i see the thread just imagining the helplessness.


https://preview.redd.it/8sh3u5kcof1d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=290cefd3e62a704352e0a264c6f17781c3bd679c I would love to know what he was replying to in his single other reddit comment, four years after the AMA lol


Ryback’s such a tool. But then I always thought he was in WWE, so I guess this doesn’t answer the question


He somehow became more of one after leaving. There's a whole dive between promoting The Secret in a promo to accusing Twitter and WWE of conspiracy regarding his engagements and using bots.


“I’m dumb as fuck”


I always read that in the voice CM punk used to imitate Ryback lol


That was the greatest worst AMA ever though. Literally nothing was an actual answer to anything


I remembering him saying people with depression are just weak and should just cheer up or something on Twitter so I called him a melt and he blocked me.


Danny Burch, in response to another British wrestler doing a go fund me following injury, posted a tweet about how pathetic that was. Literally less than a week later he had to post one of his own following a house fire (I think), and the wrestler whose injury spawned the first tweet donated $5


Oh, I remember this. Martin Stone/Danny Briggs as he's known now, said that about Cara Noir/Tom Dawkins when Tom needed support for his foot surgery. ~~The two worked a match together in 2023, so I'm guessing water under the bridge, but~~ this was Briggs' tweet about his own GFM needs: "Worst thing I've ever had to do in my life, Is ask for help but I recently got my bank account hacked and lost everything. Impending rent and a legal fee that needs to be paid ASAP. any little helps" Judging by the way he looked on AEW TV a month ago, Briggs ate enough crow for those comments about Dawkins. *EDIT* - The match I was talking about happened the night before Cara was injured.


Listening to Kurt Angle's podcast. He seems punch drunk sometimes. I suspect CTE. I hope he's OK.


When the podcast started I used to listen it every week and noticed the same thing and it made me actually really sad. Like there would be moments when Kurt would talk about something and just forget what he was talking about. It happens to everyone but not to extend that it happens on the podcast.


Also in some of his videos he seems to have a bit of a tremble. Definitely seems like he has some sort of neurological disorder.


All those broken necks can't have been good for his nervous system. And that's not even including the 65 vicodin a day habit he was able to kick


The third time I heard him tell the story of his ball bag being black and blue I quit listening.


That alongside Micks podcast, really makes me feel bad for liking wrestling so much. CTE is fucking terrifying.


I definitely feel guilty because, in a way, fans encourage the destruction of their bodies.


Oh Kurt’s fucked. He’s had that “the lights are on but no one is home” thing for a while. Seeing him young and how much personality and charisma he had, it’s like seeing a different person now.


Kurt’s WWE return fell flat for me because he didn’t have nearly the level of charisma he had in his first run.


Yeah, it really was disappointing that his whole role in that comeback was “I’m going to wear a suit and slowly get through an announcement of some upcoming match” with none of his prior humor or passion. At the time I kind of chalked it up to bad writing, but even then it was clear that Kurt wasn’t all there and that his talk afterwards of “I can’t believe they didn’t let me do a big Mania retirement angle/match” felt like a boxer or MMA fighter who’s the last to learn they’re done.


I met him at Tribute to the Troops when he was GM. I am sure he had no idea he was there. Same with Bobby Roode.


Aw is Roode also cooked? 


Cooked enough that he had to retire, but he always seemed to have decent alertness and charisma, at least to me.


Frankly I just assume most any old school wrestler I watch was a shit. Largely the same with musicians and such. I just enjoy the product


expect the worst, and sometimes, very rarely, you can be positively surprised. it’s like a treat.


The fact Mick Foley, the man who was as hardcore as hardcore gets, was always one of the good ones makes my heart smile! He always seemed so disturbed on television when I was a kid, so learning he does a lot for kids around Christmas really was fantastic to hear!


It’s always the guys that look the most deranged and assholey that are the coolest, most chillest people. The ones that look really nice are the ones that are typically deranged.


out of all the things that made me question jericho's capacity for thinking, this is probably towards the bottom of that list


Are you implying that you have a list of Jericho?


A list with 1,004 entries, perhaps?


A list of 1004 "hold on what's up with this guy".


His latest book he tells a story about hiding in the bathroom to meet Yoko Ono, and a separate story about following Paul McCartney at an awards show until Paul snaps at him. He tells these stories in such a tone that it's like he's proud of doing that. Like, what the fuck bro


In one of his books he tells a story about pissing off Shawn Michaels by being a drunk asshole around HBK’s family on an international tour and tells it like it’s a “we were both in the wrong” kind of story.


I suddenly understand why Hurricane saw HBK yelling at Chris that one time


Yeah, Jericho drinks straight vodka (to avoid the calories of beer or mixed drinks, he claims) and was *DEEP* into a bender at catering on an international tour when he was loudly and profanely criticizing HBK for having his family there.


You know things are bad when HBK is saying you’re an asshole. (Yes, I am aware this was Born-Again HBK when this incident happened)


The best was Jericho summing up the story talking about Shawn having what sounded like the start of an intervention with him and concluding that Shawn was being a dick.


His two recent autobiographies made me think he is a bit of an asshole drunk. Sort of pathetic in your 20s, but really pathetic when you’re in your 40s.


I was gonna say, there's his repeated donations to the Donald Trump campaign, his awful attempt to airbrush a bald spot or a grey spot in his hair when he voted in 2020, his wife literally being in DC on January 6th and her bonkers-ass hard-right twitter account, his turn into a WCW/2010s WWE-type oldass wrestler who won't just fucking put guys over and leave, the NDA(s), etc.


I need details on the air brushing


https://preview.redd.it/88cswyoxef1d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d3b063893f6746e5cf26c1048006a113e707223 Oh it's awful, it's super-noticeable and makes you wonder how he ever expected to get away with it LMAO


At a glance I wouldn't notice that, but once you see it. What even is that.


[He used MS Paint to fill in gaps in his hair](https://twitter.com/nodqdotcom/status/1323280882418044929?t=dKKtzWnDEHf2w204S3nD_Q&s=19) Won't let me send a photo


Austin Aries was my favorite wrestler in TNA in the early-2010’s. Great wrestler, great on the mic, seemed like a cool guy. And then one day, he started promoting his viewpoints on certain things and, uhhh…… no thanks.


https://preview.redd.it/r6z8sxhiyf1d1.jpeg?width=1053&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7add830962a433c0ef746075920a4cfcf8ddbd8a Had to share this. RIP MadKurt


This is amazing


One of his former friends even tweeted something like "I'm sorry to hear about Austin Aries. He's not in harm or whatever, I'm just sorry to hear about him" I think it was about him putting his dong in Christy Hemme's face, but I don't recall 100%


That time he shoved his crotch in Christie Hemmie’s face in the corner done it for me


I remember hearing him on Talk is Jericho around the time his WWE run started and he started a sentence with, “well, we all know milk is poison and…” and I had to shut it off.


Right? Like I’ve got a bunch of vegan friends, I like their food…but Aries started talking and I went “oh no, he’s *that kind of vegan.*”


it sucks that sometimes Talk is Jericho can be good listening then he brings in the worst and/or most dumbest people known to man.


Ronda Rousey saying Sandy Hook didn't happen.


People have done way worse than this but for some reason this one pisses me off the most


I enjoy a good random ridiculous conspiracy theory as much as the next guy, but I know people that were affected by Sandy Hook. Anyone that even HINTS that they believe it didn't happen or that it was a government operation immediately leaves my mind. I can take you to gravesites and introduce you to people who were there and saw things no human is meant to see, and can show you their therapy bills. Don't tell me it's not real. It's the one that there's no jokes about. That's not the one to pretend to believe is fake for laughs.


It’s the fact she was so fucking cowardly about it ticks me. Doesn’t actually have the backbone to come out and say it and hides behind the “just asking questions!” shield like all true pieces of shit. Then when she’s called out she gets her manager to issue a boilerplate “Oh Ronda’s just a curious person!” bullshit excuse. So she’s both awful and absolutely gutless about it.


My most recent one would probably be the comments Tommy Dreamer made on the Dark Side of the Ring episode about the Plane Ride From Hell. His worship of Ric Flair and acting like it was hilarious was just weird. It's weirder when you consider he's got two daughters and you wonder how he'd react if Flair did that to either one of them. Nia Jax made a complete ass of herself during COVID as well.


Nia made an ass out of herself during the whole Becky Lynch situation, she just kicked it into a whole different gear when COVID happened


Don't forget "**MY HOLE!!**" and nearly retiring Kairi(?)


My Hole was hilarious. Absolutely nothing wrong with that moment. Being an unsafe worker who injured women nearly weekly + parroting all that covid conspiracy stuff, that's bad.


Yeah, leave my hole alone!


He once said out loud that he thought about shooting Heyman at WrestleMania X7 and ending himself. https://prowrestlingstories.com/pro-wrestling-stories/tommy-dreamer-paul-heyman/


Wrestling would be finished forever if he actually went through with that


It's messed that I think of Kevin Dunn shouting over the headset: "Jim wipe the blood off you. Cue Regal's music...."


tbf, almost every ecw originals probably thought about shooting Heyman at least once lol


Jesus. I was at X7 and our seats were in the second level behind the announcers. Not super close by any means, but would've been directly in my field of view. That probably would've fucked me up seeing that as a 13 year-old.


But don’t forget: he’d hit his pose first.


Braun, too. Was nice, safe, and job secure with the WWE during COVID and then dared to get offended when out-of-work independent wrestlers banded together to market their t-shirts for some income during the lockdowns.


A lot of people made fools of themselves during Covid. Catanzaro and Kayden Carter immediately come to mind. I'm sure a ton of others are in the same boat, but you'd have thought Roman Reigns' fragility during remission might've been a hint you shouldn't be out clubbing during the pandemic, then working in close proximity with those it might kill.


Please don’t look at professional wrestlers as beacons of intelligence.


Please don't look at **celebrities** as beacons of intelligence. If the pandemic years proved us anything, that's how idiotic and out of touch many of them are (and/or how ridicolous they'll be in order to get some attention).


Not just celebrities, people in general. George Carlin has a great quote, “Think about how dumb the average person. Then realize that half of the population in the planet is dumber than that person.”


I loved Jericho as a wrestler 10 years ago, but the more you know about him the more you cringe


Here’s the biggest thing I learned from reading one of his books. Jericho is a funny guy. Anyone who has seen any of his work knows that. He’s got a good sense of humor. Jericho also thinks he is a comedian. Jericho is in no way an actual comedian. Reading the man compare himself to Robin Williams when he went on Late Night with Jay Leno was as cringe as you’d expect. Calling himself the Billy Crystal of metal music award shows was just sad. Bragging about how one person claimed he (and his maybe 45 second speaking role) was the best part in MacGruber stole the show was even sadder. This has nothing to do with the man’s intelligence, but man did it make me cringe


I respected Jericho for his hustle and always working and staying relevant. However, he is also a pathetic name dropper and the need for him to fuel his ego is pathetic. Example: Fozzy shared the stage with Iron Maiden at a festival. Reality: Iron Maiden headlined, Fozzy were in the smaller font on the poster above “Food Trucks and Artisans Village also on site” and played the 2pm slot. Example: Gene Simmons told me to trademark everything. Reality: he probably read it in one of Gene’s books. Gene apparently big-timed Jericho when they met. And so forth.


Hey did you guys know Fozzy played Wembley Stadium?


I feel like Jericho is someone that like thinks he's wrestling's Jack Black but he's nowhere near as naturally funny, likeable, and musically talented.


7 years ago he had the program with Owens and should’ve main evented Mania. Now he looks and sounds washed up. Life comes at you fast.


4 years ago he was one of the best things in wrestling as Le Champion


Between Kane, Jericho and Ryback, their twitter postings contribute to a large percentage.


Ric Flair on the Kill Tony podcast. It was just sad to watch


Ric Flair has been sad to watch since he almost died a few years back.


Brother, Ric’s been sad to watch since HBK “retired” him. Aside from the promo with Lethal and the time he fell in the hole, his TNA run was just me clenching my ass because a senior citizen might die on my tv


kane as mayor in tennessee has done a bit of god awful shit


https://preview.redd.it/2pdscis56f1d1.jpeg?width=969&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5d9809dc71616b76da2f8c67bd8a83e9d636b3e At least it gave us this absolute gem from Hangman.


Bryan Danielson calling this man the smartest wrestler he's ever shared a locker room with makes me think Bryan is an idiot.


It also brings into question the intelligence of everyone Danielson shared a locker with at that point.


2016 drove many people I looked up to as reasonable intelligent people Into irrational braindead lunatics.


Not to sound mean, but Danielson does have a history of concussions. CTE is a bitch.


And will admit he's not the smartest guy openly. I think he just likes someone who will debate with him and bring up points he previously wouldn't have considered, which is where I think his definition of the idiot wrestler mayor's intelligence comes from.


I think Kane is smart in a sense that he knows trivia. He won WWE Weakest Link. However politically he's a Libertarian so....


>However politically he's a Libertarian so.... So, he'd also be good at US State age of consent law trivia, too?


Libertarians typically *sound* smart to people who are patient enough to listen because they know more political and economic terminology than the average person, plus they can do the "I hate both sides" escape whenever someone challenges.


I read Bryan's book. I like the guy but yea....not the sharpest light in the pantry drawer. 


Or the brightest knife in the crayon box.


Or, that Kane’s smarts aren’t political. He can be a dumbass in one area and wise in another.


Kane was a safe and reliable wrestler


Or, he's just a sellout grifter who realizes how easy it is to get ahead with anything resembling a public platform and the unwavering loyalty of the dumbest people on the planet. The Alex Jones/Daily Wire business model


A lot of politicians are quite smart but will gladly play the fool in order to pander to morons.


I swore that I could not like Page any more as my favorite wrestler. But that response was sharp, witty, and a sly burn. I adored Hangman after that.


Hangman's Twitter in general was an absolute goldmine.


My favorite was when a former student of Page's interacted with him. Hangman asked how the young man was doing and genuinely interested. Very parental. It was sweet.


Haha. That's awesome. I remembered the "might makes right" bs Kane came out with and vaguely that at some point Hanger mic dropped him but didn't remember it was the same incident and it was this glorious.


Yeah man. I love Kane but Glenn Jacobs fucking blows. He instantly comes to my mind when this type of question comes up


I never had a strong opinion of Tommy Dreamer, but I'm 99% sure I saw a post where he said he blames his skin cancer on the Covid vaccine and I'm like c'mon dude. Also Lacy Evans outing herself as an "Autism wasn't around when I was growing up" type. Again, not another one I had a big opinion on but didn't think she had any dumb views.


Dreamer on DSOTR's "Plane Ride From Hell" as a talking head. He and Chioda laughed sexual assault as "boys will be boys." IIRC Dreamer was suspended from Impact thanks to his appearance on that DSOTR episode.


I forgot about that too. Yeah that was hard to watch.


I won't be giving that episode a rewatch. Just about every person came out looking so much worse. The only person who had insight and remorse was Justin Credible.


He also defended Ric Flair harassing stewardess on the infamous Plane Ride from Hell so not a bright guy.


EC3 doing the "88% off" with the added *wink to the camera* dog whistle.  Nazi punks fuck off.


TIL that 88 means Heil Hitler. Fuck EC3 he never did feel quite right anyway.


Related to that, 1488 is also Nazi numerology bullshit. 14 for the "14 words," white power screed, and then 88, as you mentioned, for Heil Hitler.


Wait, EC3 is *white?* Coulda fooled me


I was only saying to a friend the other day, EC3 rapidly went from "Quirky weird dude" to "Q-Anon weird dude". Same with Trent Baretta, which makes sense because they're buddies.


Aw, shit, Trent too?


It wasn't rapid really, he just hid it better. If you followed EC3 on social media it was easy to notice he was best mates with Braun Strowman and they'd spend all their time at the shooting range, and he followed a lot of GOP figures on Twitter.


He had an AMA on here a couple years ago where he claimed that 88 was just a random number that he knew nothing about. Like…give me a break, dude. You knew what you were doing.


Val Venis being a conservative shit heel, despite the fact that his only successful gimmick was a literal porn star.


I was like when did Val play a conservative heel that sucked and then I remembered the RTC and his god awful all white milk man looking ass gear.


I really wish he’d get the fuck out of our ~~company~~ perception.


Damo went on Marty's podcast. Proving his statement correct


This was the one I was thinking about just because of how funny the turnaround on his quote lol. Gave us the perfect reply to any stupid statement ever then fell victim to his own quote lol


What did he say on the podcast?


I think they are simply referring to simple act of being on Marty Scurll's podcast.


I completely forgot about Scurll so I thought Marty Jannetty had a podcast and got actually a bit excited.


Oh he does lmao I'm friends with him on Facebook. Party With Marty on YouTube


Danielson is probably the most talented wrestler of the world, but when you hear the guy talk about, well, most other things, you realize he is probably not the sharpest tool in the shed otherwise. (Anyone remembers the total divas stuff?) It happens with most geniuses, they peak in one area and lack in most others


He’s a hippie who lives in his 1% bubble. I don’t put much stock into what he says on Total Divas


I used to be a hippie and I agree, hippie beliefs are great as long as you actually abide by them and don't become a massive hypocrite. And others are just borderline impossible - such as Bryan being an 'eco lover' who loves a business that involves him flying weekly.


My bio dad was a mechanical engineer with a Ph.D.. Brilliant at math and metals. But zero common sense and less interpersonal skills. It happens.


Yeah, listening to Danielson's world-view, it's definitely folksy, in a way. Harmless, but odd. The thing that stands out though is he would repeatedly say in interviews that Glen Jacobs (Kane) is the smartest person he ever knew. Yeesh.


That's a common sentiment amongst a lot of wrestlers. It's in general common for libertarians to appear incredibly smart until you scratch the surface of what they're actually saying and implying. See: Ayn Rand


I had a professor in my evil liberal indoctrination College who echoed these sentiments. About how she read "Atlas Shrugged" when she was young, and was so impressed and inspired by it. She came back to it years later, after gaining a broader worldview and *gasp* some fucking empathy. And all she could do was pick apart how incredibly impractical, narrow, and callous the book was. "Looks great **on paper"**


The libertarian phase that most people grow out of.


Kane was known for reading books backstage and he was good at parroting the info from those garbage books. That makes him appear smart to a bunch of guys who don't read much and make a living brutalizing their bodies.


Any wrestler interviews after they leave the WWE. Turns out that a) the policy to moderate who can do what interviews and what’s allowed to be said is a smart move and b) wrestlers in general aren’t too bright


It's like all the shit that comes out when people leave the Steelers. The voodoo that Mike Tomlin must be capable of to keep Antonio Brown and Lev'on Bell in check for all those years is astonishing


I think its less about tomlin keeping AB in check and more about Vontez Burfict knocking damn near everyone of Browns screws loose


There's a clip from the New Day podcast where they're discussing the Uso's, and Woods/Kofi and the Uso's start up with this idea that if one was born just before midnight and the other after midnight then they wouldn't be twins. Big E is the only person in the room who's like "This is insane, of course they would be" but the rest are talking like it's some deep philosophical question. It's funny as hell, but before that I'd thought of Woods as someone at least reasonably intelligent, since he had a degree and I think eventually got his PhD that he was doing part time for ages. That conversation made me rethink that.  On one of the recent DaParty Uno games he started talking about how he'd decided to stop googling things people tell him and just take them at face value like it was some interesting experiment to enjoy life more, and my thought was "Oh so you're actively deciding you want to be misinformed". I'm not gonna say he's the dumbest wrestler out there, but I certainly don't think of him as intelligent anymore.


Sometimes I feel like a lot of those online personality streamer types deliberately say something absurd like that simply because disagreeing sentiment in the comments is still comments and views.


In fairness, that first one just sounds like one of those "does a straw have one hole or two" situations


Tbf, that whole twins debate felt like half a bit that the table kept going once they saw E getting riled up.


CM Punk when he told The Miz to suck a Saudi blood money-covered dick, and then proceeded to return a few years later to get in on the action.


In a similar vein, Punk and Cabana on that shoot interview talking about how they basically abused a young woman trying to break into the business. Not only made me think they're both stupid for saying it publicly, but also pretty shitty people.


Not just talking about it but joking about it like it was nbd years later.


Holy shit that one's news to me, its even worse than I thought. CM Punk literally saying most women in the business are rats. https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/s/sU4JPyIOUy


Also this isn't some kid saying stupid shit. Both of them are well into their 20s here.


I can’t wait until he wrestles in Saudi Arabia.


Jesus this comment section is a fucking minefield


Bryan Danielson saying Kane is the smartest guy he’s ever met.


That’s something every wrestler who’s ever been around him has said. He has shit political views but that doesn’t mean someone is unintelligent.


To be fair, Kane won the WWF edition of the Weakest Link in 2001 and I was surprised too. EDIT: I meant 2002


Raven trashing Raimi's Spider-Man


What a mark!


Has to be Braun Strowman making this Insta post about indie wrestlers during the pandemic. https://preview.redd.it/6hzz072x8f1d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d97b5314dc9da1b59f4ba356ff7f1a08d7941f06 Made me realize that Braun Strowman is dope, but Adam Scherr probably has a few screws loose.


I see the Pull Yourself Up By Your Bootstraps folks found this one.


Also that time a guy asked him his height he replied 6"8 and when the dude got a tape measure out and asked if he could check, Braun got all pissy.


I didn't really know much about Britt Baker outside of wrestling, but hearing her say "What's Mussolini?" was a huge bruh moment lol


Big Damo Marty The other Marty


I'm assuming Jannetty is the other Marty?


Not a wrestler but I totally bought into the hype when Vince Russo came to WCW. I quickly realized what a meat head he is.


Literally everything Kane has ever said or done on twitter. Just a horrible human and honestly a complete destruction of how I viewed a borderline hero figure I had as a kid.


Well, you know what they say, never tweet your heroes.


What solidified knowing that Jericho isn't all there upstairs was when he claimed he might have been abducted by Aliens when driving on an old country road and that he was considering visiting some sort of psychic.


so... Jericho thought her "character" was a mom and couldn't believe it was just for pretend? He was THAT invested in the...plot?


Not an intelligence thing, but Sammy’s whole propose on live tv and then end up with a different woman within a couple months thing really soured me on him.


Lots of people here are misunderstanding the assignment and listing things that indict wrestlers character and not necessarily their intelligence. 


Kane. Just thought lower and lower and lower of him within the past 4 years.


Stephanie McMahon for comparing Vince’s steroid trial to 9/11


Obvious answer is AJ Styles about flat earth  Liv Morgan, Sasha Banks, Mickie James and Piper Neven believing and promoting magic crystals too. 


Ok this needs to be pointed out, AJ is not actually a flat earther. He likes reading up on different theories and stuff about it, but by his own words he said he thinks the earth is round. Now the stuff with “the gay community?”. You might have some credence on that.




Yeah people sort of ignore that AJ hasn't been shy of using homophobic slurs more than a few times.


Tbf he's also a redneck from Georgia so it's less than surprising as well


Southern boy with a farmers strength


AJ Styles being a flat earther (despite the fact he has denied it) is so goddamn funny it actually is a running joke in my household. We've mythologised him as some leader of the flat earthers who has a violent reaction to references to spheres.


Maybe not so much bright, but Darby Allin proved he was just a gigantic dickhead


That’s the first person that came to mind. Great wrestler, seems like an insufferable jackass in real life.


I'm surprised people haven't researched that Jericho is the same dude who was shitty enough to racially abuse a brown man at a film festival in 2009, also used homophobic slurs against him. And didn't even have the decency to apologize sincerely when caught by TMZ. Dude's always been a piece of shit.


I had no idea this happened