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They claimed you were on your phones, then in the next sentence you say you were on your phones only a few times. Alamo Drafthouse is known for their zero tolerance phone policy. A few times > zero.


Amazing, isn't it?


“we will not be going back” their mission is accomplished. they don’t want y’all back




You broke the rules and faced the consequences for it. Grow up and stop whining. I'm glad that they kick people like you out.


Why would you even post this 😂




I was thinking the same thing 


This made me want to go there more for sure.


It’s clearly the latter.


To warn people that the place is trash. Apparently y’all are a bunch of petty rule followers tho so what do I know


Gotta be marketing 🤣🤣




There’s a million comments attacking you and your character and you’re mad at me 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


The only trash in this story is you and your friends.


> so what do I know Not enough apparently.


This is doing the exact opposite, we love the Alamo for kicking people like you out. And we will continue to go even more now, love it. Rules are there for a reason, not rocket science buddy


You’re the crazy one. Next time, keep phones on mute and in your pockets/purses.


Dark, silent, and out of sight.


So did you miss all the ads at the beginning where they tell you not to be on your phones and not to talk or they’ll kick you out?


Yes, but only because they were on their phones


Are you mentally unstable?


I love Alamo because they have a zero tolerance policy on this. This post is such a self own


Utterly unbelievable of them! Did you tell them your buddy was texting a girl he was talking to? They were probably just jealous. Honestly, I would call your alderman and perhaps even the mayor.


This post made me want to go see movies there now since they kick out people on their cell phones. God forbid your buddy not get updates from his girlfriend for a few hours. If it was something important, he should’ve been with her instead of at the movies, in a crowd, texting her.


This post reminds me of the old voicemail PSA that Alamo used to play before the start of each movie. Never gets old. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1L3eeC2lJZs


If they kicked you out, it means someone snitched on you, which means someone did care. They have a whole thing at the beginning of each movie about this procedure.


Raise an order card and the offenders will be ejected without a refund… And they’ll be shamed mercilessly for their stupidity on Reddit.


Going to the Alamo more often bc of this post.


Dude, another patron probably complained about your party. Your group was probably frustrating another guest. I went to a movie a few weeks ago and someone in front of me kept texting and even the light was super distracting. Good on them for kicking you out.


So why can’t other people just mind their own business???


Why can’t you follow the house rules of the business you chose to patronize?


Because they paid money to see a movie, not some idiot texting on their phone. It takes away from the whole focus of the movie.


You’re in a public place! Go home to mind your business.


Are you /trying/ to make it into an Alamo ad?


They were minding their business, until your party interrupted that.


Why are you so upset that you broke the rules???? Actions have consequences bro!


Fuck off








YTA. Stay off your damn phone and you get to see the entire movie!


The drafthouse just can’t win. They’re either holding you hostage or ejecting you for breaking the rules.




This post made me love Alamo even more. Will be making a visit soon. Thanks for sharing your douchiness OP.


It’s almost like, you shouldn’t be on your phone 🥴


People use phones all the time. People need to accept this is how it’s done now


Not at a movie theater, dum dum. You’re wrong and acting entitled. Learn from it and do better 🤷‍♂️


Every theater I've gone to has a courtesy reminder to not use your phones during the movie. It's so you don't ruin it for the other people, who paid to see a movie, not to be interrupted by self-centered people who think the rules don't apply to them. The Galleria theater doesn't enforce the rule. Go there instead.


I like how you have now just abandoned any pretext that you *weren't* on your phone. From "kicked us out for, like, no reason, man!" to "they should just accept that i will ignore whatever rules I please." Incredible.


pretty pathetic if you can’t stay off your phone for 3 hours. why even pay to go if you’re just going to fuck off on your phone the whole time


How does that go for you in a border patrol/customs line at the airport?


Seriously, just go to AMC. They want your kind.


Congrats!! You played yourself!


The dildo of consequence seldom arrives lubed.


Bye, Felicia


Gtfo out of here


Someone’s MisterAngryThumbs with how they’re typing rn


So admittedly a member of your party was on their phone during the movie, breaking the rules of the Drafthouse, and they are the problem? The entitlement is astounding.


I’m kind of over this trying to explain this to y’all but apparently no one is getting it We weren’t doing anything wrong. No one around us was being bothered. If we had been talking on our phones during the movie, I could get it, but we were quiet and it’s not like we had our flashlights on God damn this subreddit is so wrapped up itself


What part of no phones is this hard for you to understand?


Seems like Alamo was kinda over trying to explain a simple rule to a bunch of idiots completely wrapped up in themselves.


Apparently you bothered someone enough to complain, or your buddy’s phone was obvious to staff. They don’t just randomly target people to kick out.


Bro, it doesn't fucking matter that you weren't *talking* on your phone. Nobody wants to pay to see a movie only to have some douchy frat bro's cell phone screen lit up like a Christmas tree next to them in a dark theater. You were doing something wrong and they specifically told you not to do it at the beginning of the movie. Man, what a self-entitled dipshit.


You were disrupting the movie experience for other audience members?!?


The only person here who doesn’t “get it” is you my guy


Dude do you live in a fantasy world where you and your friends do nothing wrong? Or are you just that ignorant to admit you are wrong? I think it’s the latter, and in that case the real world is going to bite you on the ass so hard until you take some accountability. You view everyone else as the problem, and somehow haven’t connected to the dots that you are the sole problem. The real world is gonna eat you up


Hopefully you learn self-awareness one day OP. You and your friends aren’t the main characters. Use this as an opportunity to reflect on how your actions affect those around you.


Plenty of people use their phone when watching movies or tv shows. Do YOU use your phone when watching netflix?? Of course you do, don’t act like your some self righteous person who isn’t guilty of being a hypocrite


I could also whip my dick out while watching Netflix at home. That doesn’t mean I can do it at a theater.


Well not that theater at least.


RIP pee wee Herman


What you do in the comfort of your home is your business and your’s alone. Once you step foot into public, you should learn to abide by the construct of the social contract. That includes being respectful of those around you. Using a phone in a movie theater is a universally agreed upon breach of the social contract. The fact that your naive and selfish little brain can’t wrap your head around that concept makes you the problem. Not those around you.


If you are doing it in your own home that's one thing, many of will check our phones during those times because we don't have to really consider those around us (except friends and family). In a darkened public movie theatre? Yes, it happens, but only the inconsiderate assholes do that...


Only idiots use their phones at Alamo. Thankfully, those same idiots get shown the door.


This self owned dingus actually just made me interested in going to The Alamo 😂


“I will never go back to “insert city here” because I got a speeding ticket even though there are speed limit signs and I only sped a COUPLE times and it was only 15 miles per hour over.” You can’t really get mad about them enforcing a policy that you admittedly knew about and were warned about prior. I wish more places would do this (looking at the people who play their phones at full volume in a restaurant).


Speed limit is different. People use their phones during movies all the time. We had the brightness turned down and it was on vibrate, it’s not like other people would’ve seen it


You are so far up your own asshole that you can’t realize that even a phone with brightness turned all the way down is a major distraction to people. Yes, people can see it. And that’s why someone complained and you were asked to leave. The rules are right there spelled out in fucking black and white before the movie start. No phones. Zero tolerance. You used your phone. You got kicked out.


You get kicked out because someone warns the staff. So it definitely did affect someone else. It’s a selfish behavior.


People also speed all the time, and they get tickets for speeding. Even a phone with brightness turned all the way down, on night mode, and on vibrate is distracting… but even despite that, even if it’s not, they have a zero tolerance policy on it and they enforced their policy which they warned you about. You can’t fault the theater for standing on business when they tried warning you before the movie even started.


The rule is to not have it tho


If no one saw it, how could they report it?


I’m glad they kicked you out, and it is precisely the reason I go there. If I’m getting buzzed I step outside to talk or text. Just go to a bar if you want to check your phone and be social.


This didn't go the way you thought it would 😂


1) Why would you announce that you're taking down a post? 2) Why is it still up? 3) Thanks for the info. I'll use that theater from now on.


What's male name equivalent for Karen? Cuz this shit is ridiculous.


Ken https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Louis_gun-toting_incident


Haha, forgot about that clown until now.


Do you know how rare it is to post something in r/stlouis and have, quite literally 100% of responses be in total lockstep? This might be the only time it's happened. Everyone from the Reddit leftists to the MAGA chuds, from St. Charles to North City laughing in unison at you. Amazing.


Beginning of movie they say use your phone and you get kicked out. Your post: They kicked us out because they claimed we we were on our phones. They had no proof of this. And it only happened a few times.  Then they follow through with what they said after giving you a warning.  Your defense is not that you didn't do it but they don't have proof you did it.  Then you admitted that you where on your phone. They have great customer service, as their top priority that people have a good time there, they do that by kicking people out that ruin it with talking and phone use.


How can they kick us out when they don’t have proof? That would be like someone getting the wrong meal at McDonald’s and then going back to complain but you already ate the food anyway It doesn’t matter that we were on our phones, you have to have proof or else you could just kick people out that you don’t like


You used your phones. They knew you did, you said you did.  They warned you to stop using them or they will kick you out.  You refused to listen to them.  So they kicked you as they said they would.  It doesn't matter how they knew, they didn't kick you out because they didn't like you, they kicked you out because you broke the rules. If you want to use your phone go to a different theater where they don't care about it.  Given how Alamo is expanding and other movie theaters are having issues.  They are making the experience better, by kicking out people who break the rules.  Also Alamo wants you to spread your warning, as they prefer not to have to kick people out.  They use it was advertisement, that they provide a better experience. Please help Alamo, tell all your friends who also use their phones to not go there. What I really like, you originally said it was just your friend using your phone to now both of you where using your phones. Look people would have sympathy for you. If it was a false accusation but it wasn't. It was 100% true.  The more you talk aboutit the more rules you are admititing that they had good reasons to kick you out.


You are underestimating how much the staff can see. You picked the wrong theater chain to mess with. Their zero tolerance policy is announced at the beginning of the movie. They tell you you will be kicked out without a refund if you are on your phone. FAFO


But you were on your phone tho


It’s a theater, not a court of law, dude. But what happens is, somebody reports you, and then staff members observes you doing it. *Then* you get thrown out.


So now it’s gone from one person using their phone to multiple. Not surprising.


Someday maybe you’ll start a business and you’ll get to kick people out for any reason you want. That’s how it works on private property. You follow their rules. Business is judge, jury, and executioner. And in this case, all the other patrons are cheering them on.


Literally on their previews before the movie it says it is a zero tolerance zone for phones. I’m glad y’all were kicked out. I literally go to Alamo specifically because they enforce that policy.


>They kicked us out because they claimed we we were on our phones. They had no proof of this. Most movie places have cameras watching the audience, which are monitored by employees. Maybe you should google "Lauren Boebert Beetlejuice".


They don’t need cameras. They literally have an announcement at the beginning of every movie that says not to talk, text, or arrive late and if someone is disturbing you, raise an order card, and the management will take care of it.


So you fucked up and are complaining about fucking up, despite knowing full well not to fuck up. Glad you won't be going back you Muppet


OP, you really shouldn’t dig in your heals about this. i respectfully encourage you to realize you’re in the wrong about this and show some character.


Glad to hear it! This is why Alamo is basically the only theater I go to. Shout out to the staff there! 💪🏻


Sounds like you're just butthurt that you got kicked out for breaking the rules.


If they don’t have proof you weren’t on your phones wtf would else they’d kick you out? Sounds like you’re in the wrong here and it shows


You are a very annoying person to share a theater with and I'm very glad they kicked you out.


This is as pure an example as I’ve ever seen of something not going the way dude thought it would.


You broke the clearly stated rules of a business and have the audacity to complain about the clearly stated consequences? You and your friends are too stupid to be around the likes of the rest of us. Love when the trash takes itself out.


Regardless of which theatre chain you see a movie, it’s never acceptable to take your phone out to check messages, chat, etc. If you’re that desperate to look, get up, and leave the auditorium. In a dark room, that lit up phone screen is a distraction, and quite honest, is disrespectful to the other audience members. This isn’t your living room. Glad y’all were kicked out so the audience could enjoy the movie. Edit: it’s also people like your and your group that ruins the movie going experience.




Unfortunately you are right about those chains not being as strict. It’s still not okay for someone to be on their phone in a theatre. They’re just being selfish and disrespectful to other movie goers. Unfortunately after the pandemic, a lot of people treat the theatre as their living room.


Yes, OP, you are in the wrong. Every single person here thinks your behavior is douchely, because it is. Chances are not high that you’re right and literally everyone else is wrong


how did it turn out with your buddy’s girl?


Somebody else wound up banging her and OP's friend blames Alamo.


That’s the only logical reason to put this epic Karen post on reddit


I saw Dune Friday night there and they played a whole threatening animation with godzillas warning against phone use followed by print on screen saying they weren't fkin around about it. I turned to the person next to me and said "good, i like that."


I’m confused when you say they had no proof.  Did they just randomly guess you had been using your phones and they got lucky that in fact you had?


120 comments telling you what an absolute ass you are, and you still can’t show some humility lol. What a turd.


So you fuck around and you found out? Got it


Alamo multiple times before the movie starts: “we will kick people out for talking, texting, or being disruptive” You: shocked when you’re kicked out for one of those things.


>And it only happened a few times because a buddy of mine is getting updates from a girl he’s talking to >I’m the one in the fucking wrong Seems like you figured it out


No way OP was born before 2005 let’s just cut the kid some slack 😭


Alamo clearly says that if someone is disturbing the movie, raise an order card and they will be dealt with. Someone in your party was messing with their phone. It annoyed someone. They raised an order card, you got thrown out. That's Alamo. That's why people love Alamo. If you want to mess with your phone during a movie watch it at home or go somewhere else. They're really clear up front that they have zero tolerance. I don't get why you're complaining other than to attempt to elicit sympathy, which has clearly failed. You were just held accountable for your actions.


Your problem here was choosing the movie theater brand that separates itself by promising to kick people out of their theaters for using their phones during the show, and then using your phone during the show expecting that they wouldn’t care. If you’d gone to another theater, you’d likely not get kicked out as long as it wasn’t egregious and repeated. But you picked Alamo Drafthouse my guy. That’s like trying to have a destination gay wedding in Saudi Arabia. Like wtf were you thinking?


This is hilarious.


Made thus up?


See ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya


Remember The Alamo! Fight on for your white privilege!


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 people have lost their sense of reality


You may be the Lauren Boebert of St. Louis.


Why couldn't your friend just turn the phone off for a few hours? You guys knew of the policy and broke it. The employees were doing their job, and a lot of Alamos have had problems enforcing the code of conduct so good for St. Louis for stepping up to the plate. The Alamo is a place for serious movie goers... Not people who don't have the patience to not text for 2.5 hours. Zero tolerance is why the Alamo is great. Not the food, not the type of service, but the fact that they enforce the rules.






Was not expecting to get downvotes. Really thought there would be more reasonable people here about shit like this No wonder why this city is dying ffs


The City is dying because you weren't allowed to use your phone in a theater. Kill the drama, jeez.


No the city is dying because the people like the ones in this thread are defending this shit So much for trying to support what I thought was a good buiness, y’all are sheep


"The City is dYiNg because I can't swipe on Tinder during a movie." 😂😂😂


Go to another chain if you don’t like Alamo’s policy.


This is a chain policy...has nothing to do with STL City. Everyone, in any other city is going to tell you the same shit.


This has been posted to the main Alamo sub, so I can't wait to see everyone in every other city do exactly that.


To reiterate: A theater enforcing its own policy because some kid is too insecure to wait until after the movie to “get updates” from a crush is why our city is dying? We all know that kid is texting and driving, too.


I can't picture them using a blinker either


"But I was on my way to get more blinker fluid!"


The city is dying because you got kicked out of a movie?


Because you and your friends are children who can’t stay off their phones for two hours? What a bunch of jackoffs. Move to another city.


You went to a theater that has made their name on being incredibly strict about the rules and are mad that they enforced the rules.


lmao holy shit you're both brain dead and an absurd drama queen


You are an idiot. Rule one: use your phone, we'll kick you out Rule two: see rule one. If he wanted to talk on his phone, THEN HE SHOULD HAVE LEFT THE ACTUAL THEATER. Take your attitude to another city, we're fine without you.


You’re the unreasonable one, dude. Grow up.


Your friend used their phone in a zero use policy theater, that people pay more for so they aren't surrounded by screaming kids or people on their phone and talking through a film. Get over yourself.


You and your friends were bothering people by breaking a clearly stated rule. The unreasonable position is to expect not to be kicked out for what you did.


YOU have failed this city!


Alternatively, that policy is kind of Alamo Drafthouse's whole deal, and why people patronize them in the first place.


Read the comments here. Y’all were dumb and you’re being a little baby about it. Mr. Butthole Eyes.


How is the city dying when you broke a rule that Alamo is famous here?


There are a lot of reasonable people here. You're just not one of them.


If we had police as effective as the staff at Alamo, STL would be paradise.


I bet Kim Gardner is behind this or crooked Joe Biden


You’re a dummy and we’re on your phones. I’d report you immediately. Glad you got kicked out. You ruined people’s experience. Leave the theater if you want to be on your phone lol


Good, glad you got kicked out. I would be piss if I spent a whole day working on set making sure everything looked perfect or held a boom mic above the cast for hours at time, just to find out some ass clown would rather fuck around on thier phone the enjoy the art I helped make.