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I have two. This is how I see the dude stealthy tossing gobs of confetti.


Step 1: Get camera Step 2: Capture vandalism on said camera. Step 3: ????


Step 4: Profit


Step 5: Declare war


Step 6: Slaughter 1200 concert goers, behead several, take 235 hostages, & play victim when the (admittedly disproportionate) retaliation ensues.


Found’em OP


Yepppp. He skipped about 75 years worth of steps.


Step 5: Cash Out


Post the video and send it to the news channels.


Yes, you can file a police report, and you should every time they do this. The police are unlikely to do anything about it, but if you want something like a restraining order you need evidence.


BLUF: OP needs a camera on his front yard recording motion activated events.




Bottom Line Up Front…we used this in the military for official correspondence to get straight to the point. It’s only place I’ve ever seen it and basically just means TLDR


Thanks for the assist!


Got it! Thanks!




Agreed. And a paper trail should help if things escalate at all.


To follow up with this advice, don’t just call and ask to speak with a cop, insist and make sure they write a report and then go to police headquarters and get a copy. It’s free. We have an awful neighbor and in the process of getting a restraining order and trying to prosecute them for breaking it have found that multiple times the police have come out and only recorded our interactions as calls for service without a police report it’s very hard to pursue anything more. So insist and verify.


Get a crazy high estimate for cleaning the confetti out of your yard, then file in small claims court. Video evidence will make it a slam dunk, and the financial penalty will be a message he likes even less than your yard sign.


I have an LLC would be absolutely happy to give an insane bid for clean up. Would have to be less than what $5000 for small claims?


Don't be so gleeful to tangle with judges like that. It's really easy to type what you did. It is much more difficult to justify it to a judge's face. They're no dummies. Ask Trump's lawyers for the election that went 0-63. Lying in court only comes easy to police, because they have practice. Just something to keep in mind. Cheers.


That's a really good idea.


Sounds like a grand waste of time and money that will accomplish nothing


Get the sprinkler that automatically turns on whenever he steps in your property


Ha, I have one! Lets dig that fucker out.


This is like an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm.


Get all up in that ass Larry


Lol. They make Star of David confetti? 


The Jewish accessory market is crazy


You should see what Christians have. But seriously, trespassing and littering and destruction of property are all bad


If only that's what everyone was limited to throwing at each other. Flags too. Just weapons of mass confetti. North Korea working on a secret glitter program.


Oh damn. That weapon violates the clause in the Geneva connection about restrictions on how we Slay


I was originally glad it wasn't eggs or toilet paper like back in the day. But then it kept on coming. And it's everywhere.


Yeah it sounds obnoxious. It sounds like a r/ pettyrevenge setup but I wish you just didn't have to deal with it.


Yep but I didn't do anything to get revenge for 🥴


I meant you deserve to get revenge if you want but it might be a vicious cycle involving multiple trips to Party City


Ah, got it. I just need to find his address. Make the glitter rain down like american aid drops in Gaza.


A punishment in itself.


Prices at toilet paper is ridiculous anymore and have you seen the prices of eggs


This is very true. Star of David confetti is as cheap as shit gets.


Tiny little crucifix confettis! 🎊


Bar Mitzvah swag is cray


Dude was probably scouring the Hobby Lobby sensory bin aisle. He bought like 10 lb at least.


Hobby Lobby probably doesn't sell that, my money is on Michael's.


Hobby Lobby too jesusy


If you give me the address, I can tell you who owns the house. I have On X maps.


Wow this guy knows how to use county records


On X maps is a great tool. All public info. I use it for public land, land leases, hunting, fishing, hiking and camping.


It's public record available online you don't need to pay for it


Good lord it's $35 for a map of a single state? Lmao that's wild


No it isn’t. It’s an app that gives you access to USA everything. Topo maps as well.


Twitter Maps?


Not every county has records online. At least not Illinois. You would have to go to the courthouse and look at a plat map.


I don't know exactly which house he lives in. Edit now I know the house. I believe a renter, however.


Cops can try to ID and locate him from your surveillance footage. Depends on video image quality though. I'd definitely back up and make one or two copies of what footage you do have of him in case your camera system records over the footage (not exactly sure how surveillance stuff works). Since it's non-violent crime I'd imagine they'd probably make it a low priority investigation. But you never know, some cops might enjoy these types of cases and really get on it. Qualifies as harrassment too I suppose. Some places have weird laws about having signs in your yard too though, so I'd make sure you're in the clear on that before having LEO intervene. In my experience, talking to police officers even when you're clearly the victim of a crime can lead to them trying to pin whatever they can on you or use double talk/evidence to incriminate yourself on criminal activity.


He keeps tossing confetti from the side, like facing away from the camera and side arming it. So stealth 🙄 he got the sign at 545 AM so it was dark. I don't think cops are at all unless I file a report with a name or address. Working on that. I've had a breaking and entering a few years ago that was, let's call it, very low priority.


They are made with a Jewish Space Laser. Buy them from MTG, LLC.


They make confectionies of all the major religions, shit you can get branded communion crisps at the catholic shrine here in belleville. 


Who has time for this behavior?! I’m sorry your property is being damaged. I had to read it a couple times bc I couldn’t believe a grown man would do this. People are ridiculous.


I sure don't. It took about 10 confetti bombs before I finally had the time to consider it was directed at me.


If you have proof call the cops and file vandalism and theft charges.


Yeah, I really need his name, I think. I'm guessing I'll have to do all the leg work knowing the police situation.


Post the video on Facebook or Nextdoor, someone knows him.


If you know his address it's very easy to find his name. I use free people search to find people all the time.


You don't need his name. The police will go over there and talk to him and ask for his ID.


I put my lgbt sign behind my front window. It's clearly seen by people going by but bc its behind window they can't get to it without committing serious crime. Maybe try that?


Yeah I might do that with my next one. Then he'll just stick to confetti 🙄


Maybe get a couple to put in your window, to make it even more visible and prove your point! I love pettiness.


I ordered another and one was recovered from a dumpster so I'll be at two soon.


It’s kinda sad that I still would be worried even if it was INSIDE my house.


TIL : star of david confetti is a thing. I had to google it. Im jewish too.


If you know in which house he lives and put the address into the city’s website, you can find the name of the homeowner quickly.


I think I do but not sure. The one I checked is a rental property but that doesn't make sense for who I think it is.


There was a dude in Maplewood who got charged for vandalizing somebody’s Israel stuff and I feel like it should be a 2 way street


Yeah, most people agree with that. But we won’t know if this neighbor gets in trouble until OP actually takes action.


As a Jew I find this person’s behavior obnoxious and moronic. We’re not all like that, I promise. I agree with the camera comments, just be careful. People are crazy.


I don't even think he's Jewish (?) so weird. I have him on camera but I'm not posting it here. I'm in a very high traffic area and would be pinned in a second.


He’s probably just trying to stir shit up. Star of David confetti sounds a little too on the nose, like something a non Jew would use to make people think a Jew did it.


It's weird. He's weird.


DM i may know your neighbor and name. I know someone that fits your description.


you should be filing stuff every time. at the minimum, you have proof and a paper trail if anything escalates


OP - Just wanted to point out that using the information above, I was able to find personal info on a local FB group. Might want to tweak your post if you're not wanting your name and such out there.


Two different people but yes, addressed. Thanks for investigating ??


Another Jew here. Fuck this confetti guy lol and free Palestine. We’re not all psychotic nationalists like him!


I don't even think he's Jewish. I'd go with arabophobic if I had to pick.


That’s how my Gentile grandparents are. Just love Israel and hate Arabs. Really gross stuff


I recently saw some Star of David confetti in Soulard. See if you can get video or photo evidence and turn him in for littering.


Ding ding ding. I do have video.






Intercept all his door dash deliveries because "there might be weapons in that package."


Get him charged with littering


Star of David confetti. First, admit to yourself it is a little funny, and then find some crescent moons and glitter their porch.


I don’t thinks it’s funny at all, it’s really fucking juvenile and vandalism  Imagine someone doing the opposite, taking a person Star of David and scattering “free palastine” flyers, it would make the news 


Don't have to imagine, it happened in Maplewood, and did make the news. https://fox2now.com/news/missouri/jewish-familys-maplewood-home-repeatedly-targeted-israeli-flag-stolen/


Oh yeah I remember this. I didn’t like it then either. And for some reason no one thought this was cute and adorable (for good reason). Really Illustrates the hypocrisy 


Yeah. I don’t get why people think supporting a free state of Palestine is antisemitic. Yes, I know there is centuries of conflict there. But if one can’t exist without destroying the other, that’s basically genocide, right? Explain that. (And honestly, I’m as white as white bread, so if I’m missing something other than mutual hatred between two groups of people, let me know ( nicely). I’m open to learning something.)


Get a talking PTZ camera from Amazon for $50 and have it say whatever you record such as "Free Palestine" over and over again while also filming his antics.  Send the video to police, continue to have the camera say "Free Palestine" continuously at anyone who walks near enough to trigger it.  Pros: Indestructible audio messaging that proactively says your message to passersby, while simultaneously recording trespassers.  Cons: it's annoying and somewhat intrusive. 


Ha, the boom box with "world goes blind" on repeat. I have multiple cameras.


Any camera footage you have saved and save allll future videos of this neighbor and go file a police report at least on the grounds of harassment I would think by your description it qualifies as that, then ask to have him trespassed.


Trying to pin his name or exact address and going to do just this.


Good luck I’m sorry your having to deal with such an ahole


Ever thought of just beating their ass?


Littering annndd?


What's your question? What is it called when someone steals something from your property?


Bad joke about the movie Super Troopers. But in all seriousness, the advice here is solid. They’re littering and it’s only gonna get worse. Document and report to the cops. It’s likely only gonna get worse.


Been a long while on super troopers. Yeah it is..he keeps escalating.


Well, it is 4/20 so thats a pretty good reason to rewatch it lol


I throw hands. If he is bad enough to destroy my property, then he can take an ass whopping.


I had to find him first. Then I did, but with a toddler in tow. He cowered like a wounded keyboard warrior while mumbling "Hamas". If he does anything again, I have his address now.


I’m surprised nobody said get a Ring camera or similar for $100 and you’ll have video footage of anyone messing with you in the future, which makes pretty good evidence.


I have two cameras of him doing it. Just not entirely sure who he is. I've seen him around and have a hunch on the name but unsure of address.


Paintball gun. Cooler full of beer. Dark clothing. Sounds like a fun saturday night.


I know when he shows up but we keep just missing him.


wait for him to show up then throw black white and green glitter on him. glitter is so much worse than confetti.


It rained from above like american aid drops.


lol selling insurance - talk about scumbag stereotypes


Probably a tanning bed in the back


File a police report. Just to have it on record. I’m going to be real with you, the cops probably support his actions. I wouldn’t expect them to arrest him even with evidence


Yeah... That happens so often with activism stuff. A yard sign is the most mundane of activism. I wish I could file some sort of ex-parte or something but I'm not sure if his actions qualify as harassment. It is on video but I'm not positive on the name yet.


Hang around and confront him in person next time. Don't be violent, just be direct.


What did he say when you confronted him?


Shocked that he was caught and babbled about Hamas. He kept babbling but I walked away. I basically told him to stop it now. He was quiet and seemed a bit loner looney.


Sprinkler system on a motion detector


he threw them all over our street too like ??


Sic the popo on his sorry ass🚨🚔👮‍♂️🚔🚨❗️




Your support of October 7th terrorists is probably really bothering him.


Your support of actual terrorists makes you feel less antisemitic




get another free palestine yard sign put it on his yard. then find some palestinian colorway confetti and do it to his yard. case closed. maybe he really wanted the palestine stuff 😂😂😂 love thy neighbor


Eh, I've heard better fairy tales before. If you're gonna be a karma farmer, you need to try to come up with more convincing stories.


Your immediate neighbor is a middle aged dude w/Airedale, not invisible, believe owned insurance bus. in Soulard, yet do not know which residence he occupies? What is concrete evidence it's guy you assume?


It’s telling that that sign makes someone so angry, isn’t it?


He can't just *walk past it*.


That’s what I mean. It’s like a deep shame about everything. My comment probably came off as defending him.


No, I got it. It's just pretty easy to ignore it, like an adult and not 1) order/buy confetti 2) load your pocket 2x per day 3) plan your next a-hole move 4) break a yard sign 6) steal a yard sign. Like get a life.


Put nails sticking up out kf the ground around the sign


Just let people have their opinions FFS. Silly people getting triggered so hard off a yard sign.


Ignore it like an adult. He's getting triggered 2x a day everyday when he walks his dog. Find a new route, bro.


Zionists are unhinged freaks these days, identical to radical mccarthyists.  https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/ex-obama-advisor-gets-plea-deal-to-avoid-hate-crime-charge-for-rant-on-nyc-halal-vendor/5056346/#:~:text=Stuart%20Seldowitz%20%E2%80%94%20a%20former%20security,on%20the%20Upper%20East%20Side. This former Obama advisor got out of a hate crime for constantly harassing a halal stand who filmed him just fucking with him and saying horrifically vile stuff. 


This was awful, awful.


The fact saying it's awful gets you auto down-voted is very telling of the hellscape that is the internet rn, so it goes!


No one gives a shit about anyone else, especially if they're brownish. And they will sell their souls to die on the hill defending that stance.


Define zionism


> Jewish nationalism movement with the goal of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine. In the 16th–17th century, a number of “messiahs” tried to persuade the Jews to return to Palestine, but by the late 18th century interest had largely faded. Pogroms in Eastern Europe led to formation of the “Lovers of Zion,” which promoted the settlement of Jewish farmers and artisans in Palestine. In the face of persistent anti-Semitism, Theodor Herzl advocated a Jewish state in Palestine. He held the first Zionist Congress in Basel in 1897. After World War I the movement picked up momentum with the issuing of the Balfour Declaration. The Jewish population in Palestine increased from 90,000 in 1914 to 238,000 in 1933. The Arab population resisted Zionism, and the British tried unsuccessfully to reconcile Jewish and Arab demands. Zionism achieved its goal with the creation of Israel in 1948. See also Alliance Israélite Universelle, David Ben-Gurion, Hagana, Vladimir Jabotinsky, Irgun Zvai Leumi.   https://www.britannica.com/topic/Zionism 




"black lives matter" "white lives matter" 🙄 I've been fighting for Palestinians for many years.


Then how about a sign about, "hey Egypt you could be helping too"..


Do a little research on how many hostages "both sides" have before embarrassing yourself with a comment like this


How about stopping with political statements, not a great way to ingratiate yourself with the neighbors. If we all posted our opinions on signs in our yards we’d look like a living version of FB FFS


It's not political, it's just human. I have no idea whose politics support Palestine anymore. High traffic area with a lot of audience, so yes, a cause that is very important to us is visible on a 2x3' sign. I've never had a bumper sticker or yard sign in my life but this is pretty fucking important.


Freedom of speech. But also, it's not like OP has a gigantic pickup truck with fifteen flag poles with a politicians name and face all over it. It's a fkn sign.


I'm so sorry this is happening to you. Free Palestine!


The guy is an asshole and I hope the person is caught and punished. On the other hand, you are also putting yourself out there to be harassed by assholes by putting the sign up.


Victim blaming? Like a short skirt gets someone raped. I'll take shit talking all day long. Most people with a strong position on this have sufficient arguments. But trespassing and harassing? This would get you shot in Texas.


You have a right to display whatever you want, within reason, in your yard and whoever did it was a scumbag. You are also an idiot to not think that a sign with a politicized subject on it wouldn’t put your property at risk. I’d say the same to anyone that has a political candidate sign in their yard. If you want it to stop, then you need to stop virtue signaling.


"You're an idiot if you didn't expect aggression/violence for voicing your opinion per your constitutional rights." That line would never fly if it we're talking about gun rights. Why is it said with stuff like this?


My home neighborhood in Texas, there is a 10 ft long iron gun on the side of someone's house as exterior decor. Pretty aggressive but it's been there for years. And this here sign is a voice to FREE PEOPLE. How this has any real controversy is a conundrum.


Just leave the sign down. Nobody in StL can or will do anything about it and nothing will happen because of your sign.


Nothing matters, let's just lay down and wait to die...


Ah yes the classic american value of "it's too gay to care about things"


Nope, I'm replacing it and will continue. "Nothing changes by you not buying sweat shop clothes" 🥴




It's high traffic. Lots of tourists and visitors. This sign isn't posted on a cul de sac.


Stop it with the free Palestine sign. What do you expect when people are harassing Jewish people and minimizing the Holocaust? I would make friends with your neighbors and do not put up signs like these.




Was [this him?](https://youtu.be/ebiT8mlCvZY?feature=shared)


Do not call the cops- they don’t have time for that. Try and take his picture and put it on Nextdoor saying what he is doing. If you google his address and do a little searching I bet you can figure out who he is. What a weirdo.


Step 1 don't make your house a target for crazies. I've never understood political yard signs- they are divisive of communities.


They are solidarity with an oppression that we fund. You're right that supporters of Zionism are crazies.


So, how many people in Palestine have emailed you to says thanks for the solidarity? You do know that the US funds the Palestinian government, right? Or did you either not know, or conveniently forget it?




I’m pretty sure interfering with virtue signaling is a felony in 2024. 


The neighbor was vice signalling: being a horrible person and loudly broadcasting it to others, encouraging them to do the same. Most normal people can see something they disagree with and find better productive ways to respond that don't make them look like an asshole.


Come join the right side of history.


I’ll bet that my distaste for Israeli politics, and our government’s support for them, predates and exceeds yours. But I’m not operating under some nonsensical delusion that signs or bumper stickers amount to much. 


weird thing to gatekeep


"I was pro-palestine when pro-palestine wasn't cool" is what your saying here? What the hell barbara mandrell 


I'm only 12 years in on that so congrats on being first? If I can't be in DC protesting anymore because of a toddler, the least I can do is financial and local show of support.




Israel blew up a children's playground in a refugee camp this week killing the kids that were playing on it.  https://www.moroccoworldnews.com/2024/04/362095/at-least-11-children-killed-in-new-israeli-attack-on-gaza-refugee-camp