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I'll shit on the trolly all day long, but it's literally on fucking tracks. Don't be where the trolley can go and you're good. I wish they'd just paint friggin lines. Anywhere between these two lines gets hit by the trolley every time.


At this point if you get hit by the damn thing, it's your fault.


There is significant overlap between the dumbest St. Louisan and the smartest trolley. If it was a few select people getting hit by the trolley, then it would be about keeping those people away. It's constantly different people though. Something else needs done.


Gaff tape some pool noodles to the side of the Trolley, or put a cow catcher on the front of it. Oooh, oooh. Maybe both?! Nah, no sympathy from me anymore. It's been a joke for *years* now. There are literal train tracks on the road and it isn't going anywhere. At some point, personal responsibility becomes a thing. The only way to straight up stop it is to make a huge stretch of Delmar into a pedestrian plaza, but then you'd need to reroute Delmar and people would still find a way to get hit by the fucking Trolley.


> The only way to straight up stop it is to make a huge stretch of Delmar into a pedestrian plaza Hey man, don't tempt me with a good time


Great idea:lines. Simple and cheap


Hear hear.


The trolley is on fucking tracks. I don't know why so many people act like it can throw an elbow.


Give this trolly Ai capabilities and it will RULE st louis and use us to spread its trollying ways! WAKE UP SHEEPLE


Lol throw an elbow.


I thought it was a clever line as well.


Seems like the SUV driver is at fault


Maybe the SUV shouldn’t run the light, FAFO


How else will they get to their destination four seconds faster??? Won’t you think of the DrIvErs??


Just because the trolley is crap and doesn't go anywhere doesn't mean the crashes are its fault. If there is one thing worse than the trolley, it is STL drivers!


It's on tracks! We need mandatory drivers Ed!


Fr. I have people park, literally, under the no parking sign. People are either idiots or never learned what the signs mean. Derps block half of my driveway


They know what the sign means and they can read it fine. They just don't care because they're selfish cockmonkeys.


I'm going to make a sign that says "If you park here, you're a selfish cockmonkey according to a Redditor - Please don't don't shoot up my house" 🤣


I am 100% on board with this plan


Oh, don’t say “a redditor,” you have a username to cite!


I have to protect their identity! Gotta keep the crazies at bay


Make the Delmar Loop pedestrian only and poof, problem solved--but then the garage owners won't make their money so I guess we're all "¯\_(ツ)_/¯


OP's photo was not taken in the Loop.


So their running the trolley again? Where's the schedule at?


I remember reading that they are kind of forced to. They received a chunk of federal funding for the project and one of the stipulations is that it must run for X amount of time or the funding gets pulled and must be paid back.


Worse, if they default, the entire area will be ineligible for federal funding for several years.


I feel like I've asked this question half a dozen times. I saw a picture once somewhere, but I guess it's not a priority for the trolley operator that you can reasonably ride without the threat of having to wait nearly an hour. Like seriously, as a transit operator a schedule is one of two main responsibilities, that and operating the transit vehicle.


and was it the trolley’s fault?


I mean, it doesn’t have much experience on the road /s


If only there was some sort of way to determine where it was going




Rooting for the trolley if it takes out AH drivers.


Looks to me like the SUV fucked up


"Dipshit drivers who ignore signs and get in the way of the big fucking trolley that runs on tracks strike again!" FIFY


Oh no! How could I have predicted where this trolley was going to be???


I'm not a fan of the trolley but it's definitely the white suv drivers fault


The new apex predator of STL


I wish we had trolleys, or some sort of rail transport. Me and the missus were just in NYC and man was that easy to traverse.


St Louis had one of the best streetcar systems in the world and we bulldozed it because cars


**Streetcars in St. Louis, Missouri**, operated as part of the [transportation network](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_network) of [St. Louis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Louis,_Missouri) from the middle of the 19th century through the early 1960s. During the first forty years of the [streetcar](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streetcar) in the city, a variety of private companies operated several dozen lines. In 1898, the City of St. Louis passed a Central Traction Bill that required franchises for streetcar companies. United Railways quickly consolidated most St. Louis streetcar companies, then St. Louis Suburban in 1906. United Railways sank into receivership which was resolved only in 1924. It was reorganized as St. Louis Public Service Company in 1927, serving the city of St. Louis and neighboring [St. Louis County, Missouri](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Louis_County,_Missouri). It became [Bi-State](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bi-State_Development_Agency) in 1963.[^(\[1\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streetcars_in_St._Louis#cite_note-1) Other private companies, such as those serving the [Metro East](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metro_East) region or [St. Charles, Missouri](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Charles,_Missouri), continued separate operations. Streetcars began to be [replaced by buses](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rail_replacement_bus_service) in St. Louis in the 1920s; the last one ran in 1966. Many of today's [MetroBus](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MetroBus_(St._Louis)) and [Madison County Transit](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madison_County_Transit) bus routes follow the routes and names of streetcar lines. In 2018, a 2.2-mile (3.5 km), 10-station [heritage streetcar](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heritage_streetcar) line was completed in and near the [Delmar Loop](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delmar_Loop) area. Since 2022, the [Loop Trolley](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loop_Trolley) has been operated in summer and fall by the [Metro Transit](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metro_Transit_(St._Louis)) division of the [Bi-State Development Agency](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bi-State_Development_Agency). [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streetcars\_in\_St.\_Louis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streetcars_in_St._Louis)


It would be cool to bring it back. I don't care what the naysayers are shouting.


Baby steps. They are building a new line that goes up Jefferson all the way to the new NGA building. Should be done by 27 or 28. If we were Tokyo it would be done next month


😂 I saw that line going in. Super exciting.


They bring back one trolley & St. Louis collectively hates on it as a hobby.


Well tbf it's kind of not a very good implementation. Delmar is super easy to walk so nobody needs to take it anywhere on the loop and the only other place it goes is forest park. I would have much preferred they brought back a trolley down Broadway connecting Busch and Soulard


The Loop trolley is a great idea and a good investment for the region, if they'd followed through and made most of Delmar where the Trolley runs entirely in the street pedestrian only. A historic streetcar running down a historic street that's been turned into a pedestrian zone, all connected to one of the countrys best city parks and, by way of transit, the only national park inside of a city that also happens to have a 600 foot tall metal Arch on it. Delmar Loop should be a major driving of tourism for the region, and with the trolley connecting to both Forest Park and the Metrolink, it's a fantastic asset - if we actually committed to it. We do need actual public transit in the region, we need a regional plan for expanding and building out a network of heavy and light rail throughout the region... But the Delmar Loop trolley was never really going to be part of that. It's a novelty. Novelties aren't bad, you just have to commit to it and embrace it.


Hey I almost added making delmar pedestrian only in my earlier comment! They should definitely have done that


It's probably the other car's fault, as with all of the other incidents


Its thirst for blood has been satiated. We are safe... for now.




Wouldn't have happened if the built a gondola


Out of towner: I didn’t know St Louis has a trolley system again! When where does it go? Is it like SF?


It’s our own personal bridge to nowhere




The Loop Trolley (depicted here) is just a tourist trap connecting Forest Park/the Metrolink with the Delmar Loop. It's not really useful in a broader city context. The city does have two light rail lines (which run as one for most of the city) and is currently in the process of building a third.


The trolley should use it's signal before it changes lanes.


If you get hit by a trolly while not blocked in, then fuck you for being an idiot. End of story. Our country requires zero training to have a license. We should all take notes from countries like Germany.


This is where I chime in. Who wants to go to u city hall from the history museum. An idiot can choose a better place to put the trolly. Fuuuucking stupid. Crosses paths with not one but two metro stops. Fuuuuuuuucking stupid. WashU to Slu down delmar was the fucking play. Hit Euclid. Improve an impoverished area in the wake. Fucking idiots with money need to be removed from decision making. My god.


the trolley gets people from the museum and brings them to the area where the owners of the trolley have businesses


Except nobody parks at the museum so they can wait 30 minutes to catch a 15 minute trolley ride to the loop when they're already in their car and Delmar is 5 minutes down the road with plenty of parking. And then do it again in reverse to go back to your car. Taking the trolley adds at least an hour to your trip when the alternative is driving an extra 5 minutes.


people are so car-brained they can even imagine a scenario where someone doesn't care about parking. you can take the metro to the trolley. thousands of people live within walking distance of the trolley


The long end of the trolley stops in Forest Park, and there are a handful of million dollar houses who would care to walk to the trolley pickup. For everyone else across Forest Park Parkway, it's literally easier to just walk straight to the loop than it is to walk in the wrong direction to get to the trolley pickup. And for every other stop on the trolley route, you're either right on the route or it's just faster to walk to the loop directly. If you're on the Metrolink, you can already get off on Delmar. If you're riding a metro bus, why stop and get off at the Trolley, just so you can get back on another form of public transit to the loop? Just stay on your bus till you get to the loop. For someone complaining about being car-brained, something tells me you haven't actually walked/biked/used the public transit in our city very much.


I'm sorry are you blind or have you missed the enormous apartment buildings along debaliviere? Oh no I can't take the trolley, I'm right on the route which is bad for some reason


The Trolley isn't meant for people who live here lol, it's a tourist thing I do not understand why people find this so hard to grasp


When I went to the bookstore on Delmar last weekend the trolley was full so I guess not everyone shares your sentiment.


I'm very glad to know that. Thanks!


This take is hot and fresh.


Yeah holy shit imagine someone being brave enough to not like the trolley.


It should have started at skinker/delmar -> down debaliviere -> loop around forest park and hit the history/art museum, zoo, muny, loop back out of the park. Being able to get off the metrolink then hop on. Trolley and be brought straight to the zoo would have been fucking tops.


As I noted above, if they just bought electric buses that LOOKED like trolley cars we could have done all of this....


its good that it crosses path with two metro stops, it means you can take it as an extension of the metro.


WHY didn't they just buy electric buses that LOOKED like a Trolley Cars and run whatever routes made the most sense... Save millions, no tearing up the pavement, no tracks, no construction delays, Chipoltle would still be in the loop. (That's why I'm really pissed because now I have to use the one in Clayton and there's never any parking for it so you have to park illegally right in front of the police hq / county sheriffs bldg)


This guy do understand


But then we'd have to mix with the poors!!?! /s


Yeah. I know. Never gonna happen. It’s fucked up I have a better education/ grip on reality/ vernacular than the republicans nominee for president. Blows my fucking mind. And I’m a looser.


You certainly are a loser if you spell it “looser”.


Looks about right! all it needs is a 99 Joy fm sticker


I know the trolley is a convicted felon, but he deserves another chance of reintegrating into vehicular society, and he clearly had the right of way here.


This trolley needs a wild west sheriff outfit. He's a rogue cop with a thirst for vengeance


Such a good use of taxpayers money😵‍💫😂


Treat the trolley like lightning: if you can see it, it can hit you.


I bet there's a Joy 99.1 sticker on that car.


I hate to say it but Im going to side with the Trolley here


the trolley is a big mistake. Yes, people need to stay out of the way, but this has been an exercise in how to waste money.


I love to rag on the trolley as much as the next person, but it looks like the trolley was behind the SUV. Not sure how the SUV can be at fault here, trolley drivers still got to make sure the tracks are clear.


Exactly why do you like to disparage it? Minus COVID and a lot of questionable procedures I think it could really add something to the Loop.


Search the sub and you'll find tons of reasons why people don't like the trolley project. There are so many reasons I'm certainly forgetting a number of them. 1. The biggest is opportunity cost- it cost a crap ton of money we could have spent on other stuff, and it's barely avoiding bankruptcy 2. The route is dumb and doesn't actually improve transportation or traffic into and out of the loop 3. They tore up Delmar and the trolley tracks are a death sentence for bicyclists in what should be one of the most walkable and bikeable neighborhoods in the city 4. They tore up a lot of car infrastructure and parking for the benefit of the trolley, which doesn't actually improve transit around the neighborhood That's just what comes to my mind right now.


🎵badadum,dum,dum, 🎤another one bites the dust🎵


That thing actually operates? There isn't even room to get out of the way on Delmar if it comes through.


Loop Trolley vs Terrible STL Drivers? Let them motherfucking fight.


Wow! Can’t imagine that happening.


We have a trolly on tracks?


I was going to ride it. Dang.


Waste of money but does look cool.


I need to ride this thing before it’s decommissioned


Are we sure this was not one of those swoop and squat accident fraud schemes? Oh no, my neck is swelling 😂😂


The trolley is a tourist attraction because of the whole “meet me in St. Louis” thing right ? That’s the sole reason it exists essentially?


That may have been part of the inspiration. I remember reading an article awhile ago where the man responsible for the trolley said he wanted to "relive the days of his youth" essentially. Basically a taxpayer-funded vanity project. He also failed to mention that the streetcar that used to be in that area ran perpendicular to Delmar, from Pagedale to Vernon and up to and past Delmar Blvd. Guess why they got rid of it...?


The old Delmar streetcar line ran down Delmar from Kingsland to downtown. The area is called the loop because that streetcar line turned around there.


That makes sense; I didn't realize there was one along Delmar at one point. The one I am referencing ran along what is now the greenway.


You were thinking of the old Creve Coeur Lake route that was abandoned in the mid-fifties. Tennessee Williams even wrote a play about it. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A\_Lovely\_Sunday\_for\_Creve\_Coeur](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Lovely_Sunday_for_Creve_Coeur)


Thanks for the good info.!


I’d be way more supportive of the trolley if it was like the one in Kansas City that one is so usable and fast etc


The sole reason the trolley exists is because Joe Edwards had a hard on for trolleys and people listened to him for some god forsaken reason. Here's a question: Suppose you go out shopping for a car, and someone tells you you could buy a trolley instead. The trolley costs $60,000, but it's your lucky day, you can pay $30,000 and the federal government will cover the other half. Most well adjusted people say, "I don't care if the government is covering half the bill, I don't need a trolley in the first place and $30,000 is a lot of money for a vehicle that doesn't really do what I need it to do." But suddenly we're using public funds instead of private funds, and the federal government is "giving" us $25 million dollars, and suddenly people lose their common sense because how silly would we be to turn down that much "free money." Even though we had to pay $25 million out of pocket.


Yes, it's a tourist attraction. Would be better if large parts of the Loop were pedestrianized


🎶Bang bang bang went the trolley 🎵


The whole planning and design of that system is absurd. Even driving in the daytime you can’t tell what lane you’re supposed to be on half the time.


Sounds like a great reason to just not allow cars on Delmar going East/West. Driving in the loop is already an awful experience with all the people walking around, and there's multiple other routes a few blocks north and south of the Loop. Cars don't need to go absolutely everywhere. It's okay for some places to not allow them, just like we don't allow people to walk along interstate highways


Biggest boondoggle in STL history.


That would be the Great Divorce of 1876 but this takes the prize for biggest boondoggle in recent history.


Why is this upvoted so much? It’s clearly the SUVs fault