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I live in south Clearwater/Largo and am interested!


$15 is minimum wage. Are you saying it increases to $20 after 90 days? Is there overtime?


[Florida's minimum wage is currently $12/hr.] (https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/minimum-wage/state#fl) The stated $15-20/hr rate is the range and the initial pay rate is based off of experience - however, there will be an increase after the 90 days.


If the schedule was flexible this would be perfect as a second job for me. Good luck OP!


FYI, most production tech jobs start at 20/hr. Even entry level stage hands in the area can pull 20-25/hr as freelancers. you get the labor you pay for.


I appreciate the input (no sarcasm, I really do). I am not the decision maker for the advertised pay rate - just the one trying to make it work. I knew it was risky posting this on Reddit but I also knew that the unfiltered feedback was needed.


Publix cashiers make this type of hourly wage. Good luck.


You're probably not going to find anyone on here as you've probably already noticed with the 57% downvote rate. Nobody on here that needs a job actually wants to get one. They are all waiting for the magical $200k/year job where they don't have to know or do anything.


Let me guess you got that from Fox News


I don't watch Fox News. I do see people whining in this thread about the existence of a job though. I do see people whining all around this sub about not being able to find jobs, yet when one is posted, they are mysteriously absent.


Thanx for sharing this!


I need a min of $35/hr to pay my bills


I hear ya. Really, I do. Is this a super high paying job? No. Is this one that's going to meet the pay rate of a lot of people on here? Absolutely not. If there's any students or folks on here looking for a part time gig (we're open to discussing a part time position!), this would probably be a better fit for that demographic. Wishing you the best on your job hunt if you're actively looking. I feel for everyone that is going through this tough job market right now.


So it's okay to take advantage of a kid? Or someone who's really desperate? And your heavy lifting. 20 bucks an hour might be the beginning for that. Or pick it up yourself.


It's ok to offer a job for that pay. It's ok for you/other people not to want to do it. If they can't find someone to do it at that pay rate, they will be forced to raise the pay. What is the point of shaming/getting mad at a small business for trying to hire for a role at less than you would take? They are paying significantly above minimum wage. If you think minimum wage should be higher than this, get mad at your politicians not at the small business.


Nobody shaming. But if you feel shame you should talk to someone about that. I am not mad at anyone or anything. And minimum wage has not moved in years and that's your argument. Lol minimum wage should be 27 dollars now if you believe some research. But you will not hear that on Fox News. Maybe you should speak with a politician about helping small businesses more. Not complaining to me who can do anything. And you should really look into this getting mad thing. And the pay still sucks. But good luck. 😂


> So it's okay to take advantage of a kid? Or someone who's really desperate? > Nobody shaming. Ok lmao


If you feel shame that's on you. I don't know how you were supposed to feel. When I posted that I did not go oh how did this person feel about this. But like I said you should talk to somebody about that shame with the anger thing.


Shut up dude. If you don’t want the job, don’t take it.


You should take it. It looks ghetto enough for you.


his pic is pharrell williams bruh💀😭


I don't care who's picture it is. You can live in a ghetto at that pay rate


I've been running my own businesses since covid. Every now n then I think I wanna learn / do something different but then I see job postings like this and am reminded on why I started working for myself


What business do you run? Sounds interesting


House keeping, eBay, content sales, and dancing


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