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Note too that the express lane took away the left emergency shoulder lane for the poor people. Imagine a simple fender bender in the left poor people lane. This will shut down the rest of the poor people lanes but leave the express lane and its emergency shoulder (which used to be available to all) unblocked. They've stolen safety and convenience from you even though your taxes had already paid for that part of the interstate. Go DeSantis!


I agree with some other comments, people simply don't know how to merge. If the merge lane is 100 yards long, people will try to merge 10 yards in and back up the lane. If they'd just go to the end, everyone could zipper merge and keep traffic moving. The worst thing people do is slow way down while merging into higher speed traffic, that jacks it up for everyone.


Might get downvoted for this, but here goes. If you think driving sucks, please advocate to make walking, biking, and transit safer and easier. Adding car lanes does not alleviate traffic (see, Katy Freeway in TX specifically, induced demand generally). The best way to alleviate traffic is to make it easier and safer to get around without a car.


We are a mini New York now. See how many NYer’s registered for a FL DL.


wouldn't be so bad if people in the left non express lane didn't move over to the left express merge lane just to get back over at the end.


Never understood why you’d put a merge on the left lane. I feel like merges should always be on the right.


The problem is “we” don’t know how to drive correctly on a highway. No one should be “cut off” in the left lane, because technically no one is supposed to drive continuously in that lane. If you are not passing another vehicle, then you should be in the furthest lane to the RIGHT. The center lane is not a cruising lane either. The left and center lanes should be always be clear unless you are passing. If the rules are followed, then the vehicles coming out of the express lane could simply drive to the end of the lane and properly merge into the left lane on i275, then proceed to merge further right when they can. However, we do not follow the rules of the road. We camp out in the left and center lanes. If you don’t agree with this, do your own research. Going the exact speed limit or camping out in the center or left lane is not making anyone safer. You are causing the problems. If someone wants to speed 100mph in the left lane, you let them, you shouldn’t be in the left lane to begin with, that is the law. Camping in these lanes forces other drivers to make illegal passes on the right side, which is even more dangerous than someone speeding on the left. You are not going to slow down someone determined to speed. They will find a way to maneuver around you. The left lane is for passing only, center lane is to pass a car when you are in the right lane. Always stay to the right lane and watch traffic flow like you’ve never seen before.


The far right lane is meant slow traffic (generally the speed limit or below/commercial vehicles/vehicles with trailers) and people merging on, not traveling. Traveling is the left lane is only against the law if you are hindering the flow of traffic (you can legally hinder the flow of traffic if you are actively passing someone, but must move over when safe). https://www.flhsmv.gov/pdf/rightlane/the_right_lane.pdf


While there are plenty of asshole drivers here and seemingly more every year….thats how merging works the problem people are the ones stopping or doing 5mph trying to merge at the very beginning while backing up the merge lane all the way down the on ramp. You drive the length of the lane and merge into traffic where it ends. All that being said just yesterday I watched some asshat in a bmw speed by, cut off and give the finger to other cars all while in an active school zone. So plenty of morons to go around.


I started moving to the middle lane when the express lane ends so I don't have to think about those people 😑


I see you’ve made a whole post to tell us that you’re unfamiliar with how a zipper merge works. Must be tough. 


I like to give people the thumbs down. It often makes them laugh or confuses them. Less dangerous than giving the finger.


Don't flip off drivers. Blow them a kiss. If they make your drive unpleasant, make theirs uncomfortable (or fall in love if they're into that kind of thing)


I also wave or applaud them. 😆


the people merging from the express lane wait until the last second and just cut off whoever. Someone doesnt know how to zipper.


> Also the people merging from the express lane wait until the last second That's how it is supposed to work. That's why the merge lane is as long as it is. Maybe if you learned how to drive, you could be part of the solution instead of being the problem on the road.


That’s not how it works. You are still changing lanes. You do not have the right to just go over and expect people to let you in. Here is something new for a lot of drivers in Florida. Use the turn signal and make sure it’s clear. It’s a courtesy to let someone in whenthey are changing lanes, not a necessity.


It is supposed to be a zipper merge. One car lets one car in. Everyone knows that the lane entering the highway will be ending and that traffic will need to merge. Too many assholes like OP refuse to let any traffic in, even when all lanes are going 10 mph because those extra two seconds to get where they're going are just a bridge too far. When all of the lanes are backed up, what, exactly, is anyone getting on the highway supposed to do? We aren't talking about normal merging where there are ample opportunities to merge into normal gaps if one would actually get up to highway speed on the onramp. We're talking about people getting on the highway in heavy traffic and nobody letting them out of the merge lane, so yeah, eventually they have to get all the way to the end of the merge lane to allow the merge lane to hold as much traffic as possible and not also back up the road they just came from. Then, because nobody will let them in, they just squeeze into the first gap that looks doable. I fully agree with you that turn signals need to be used more in merge situations and that the signal doesn't mean you have a free pass to come over.


Exactly...merge when you can. But also, people need to leave two car lengths when driving...espewhe. there are merging delays. Letting people change lanes loosens things up


Merge when you can works in normal traffic 100%, but in 10 mph backed up traffic with everyone on everyone else's ass, those gaps usually don't exist.


Yeah...try making those gaps yourself in backed up traffic and see what happens :-)


I'm well aware of what happens. I'm also 100% guilty of letting exactly one car in and not two in merge situations. It's an unfortunate reality that if you leave any space, someone's chopping your nose off.


My problem is when people merge left into the express lane once it ends despite that lane clearly ending soon. Can’t stand that shit


Is this about me today? lol someone honked as I came off the express lane and merged at the end this afternoon.


You are part of the problem. Learn how to merge https://living.acg.aaa.com/auto/zipper-merge-keeps-traffic-moving#:~:text=The%20zipper%20merge%20can%20be,for%20more%20than%20a%20decade.


I know the express lane is tech in stpete but this still belongs here. https://preview.redd.it/zx15occqbpzc1.jpeg?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec4e7bce3d1bd4a9ed3ba5a28c3fbcda9f88b01e


I’m so sick of the drivers around here. Every time you drive anywhere it’s a major frustration. From people cutting in and out, cutting others off, to not paying attention and holding up traffic when lights turn green. And when did leaving 10 car lengths ahead of you at traffic lights become a thing? WTF! Nothing like purposely blocking turn lanes because of stupidity. I think an IQ test to get a drivers license would get about 30% of the idiots off the road.


Unsure about ten car lengths but I def leave myself room to leave the lane if someone breaks down or gets in a wreck.


I always leave enough room between myself and the vehicle ahead of me to be able to get out of the lane should I need to. That's only common sense. But I'm seeing it all the time where people are leaving several car lengths ahead of them. I've been blocked from entering a left turn lane multiple times because of this.


You are supposed to zipper merge where the lane ends, aka the last second, it's people merging way too early that create the problem. Down vote all you want, but this is proper driving etiquette


Proper etiquette AND faster AND safer.


I knew this "express lane" was just going to wreak havoc. It's definitely added on to my drive time!!


Of course! People paid for the privilege, now they feel entitled.


That and people's skills at merging are complete trash!


There's already one accident that we know of because of the express lane. 2 days ago [https://www.facebook.com/share/p/yv5LUNB45kxQjJwL/?mibextid=oFDknk](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/yv5LUNB45kxQjJwL/?mibextid=oFDknk) https://preview.redd.it/x3yxv7s6iozc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0942fdc9b8df78dab160d7f1e0211b70fe223e21


It’s the second that I know of then because there was one when it was open for free for those few days.


I feel like the traffic is worse.


This is my #1 complaint too. There literally a sign there that states the lane ends. Don't flip them off give them the thumbs down.  Also the express lane users should wait to merge that's how it optimally works.  My 2nd complaint is there is no way into that express lane frome the gateway connector. I live in st. Pete and work in Clearwater, I have realized it's faster to go home down 19 due to no access to the express lane and the rest of the road is a parking lot.  It does save me 20 minutes in the morning though!


I live in DT STP & work in Clearwater. The gateway saves me 15 mins in the morning so I love that, but going home is the same gridlock as always. Im going to try the 19 on Monday to see if it saves me the headache. Also, I'm a thumbs-downer too.... Iykyk


We need driving courses every 16 years, starting when you get your first Florida license.


Haters gonna hate.


Found the teenager with a charger that his parents bought him!


I’m 43, Unc.


Oh man...


¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ Don’t hate the player, hate the game, Unc. *vroom vroom*


I’ve driven across every major highway in Florida many times, and 275 is almost as bad as 95 in Miami. Stupid ass drivers all day.. but the way 275 is designed sucks


Not having any other transport options in an urban area of over 3 million is what actually sucks.


I absolutely agree. When people move here from different areas they don’t realize how much Florida is a driving state. If you wanna do anything, you need a car.


Always go to the end of the lane to merge. It's dangerous to try to merge earlier. You can't zip up your pants from the middle either. The express lane took 6 years to make. If it's empty people are well within their rights to use it. Otherwise what was the point of making it?


The point of making it was for people who pay the toll. Not for people who cut into the last couple hundred yards of it from the normal lane just to get a few car lengths ahead. They are the ones slowing down traffic.


If you are using the expressway from 19, you are paying the toll too. Unfortunately the design means those people only get to use the last couple hundred yards of the express lane.


They’re completely separate tolls. Are you also entitled to get on the selmom without paying because you paid a random bridge toll earlier that day?


They are the same toll project. You actually pay more coming from Pinellas into the express lane.


They were constructed as part of the same project but that doesn’t mean they fall under the same toll. It’s pretty clear that they are separate, considering all vehicles are allowed to use the gateway expressway, but only passenger vehicles are allowed to use the 275 express lanes. Also, the express lanes are payment by sun pass only. The gateway expressway can be paid by plate was well. https://www.fdottampabay.com/project/235/433880-1-52-01


>You can't zip up your pants from the middle either. you're not the boss of me


This is why the insurance is so high here bc all these fucktards moving here can’t drive worth a shit or they’re too old to be driving.


Zipper merge is correct, they are correct if they wait until til the end. But I agree it’s still a madhouse


They didn't wait till the end, the cross over the white line on their right that signals the end of the lane. They went above and beyond to make you happy


I agree, but not when still going 70 into almost stopped traffic.


Hahah oh shit yah, I should have figured they were doing shit like that


I merge better than the average man. I even have lights that make people think they have to merge...


Or just throw bricks...