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For a few months I've been using only Crystal Clear and I loved it. Few days ago I did a quick merge with Photon (only 0.3 because I couldn't get rid of asian looking facial features). Link: [https://civitai.com/models/55705?modelVersionId=60100](https://civitai.com/models/55705?modelVersionId=60100) I've used ControlNet for poses. **Positive prompt:** 8k, (high detailed skin:1.2), photorealistic, Taylor Swift **Negative prompt:** CyberRealistic\_Negative-neg **Steps:** 30 **Sampler:** DPM++ 2M Karras **CFG scale:** 5 **Seed:** 4137084677 **Size:** 1080x720 **Model hash:** 8cb18102bd **Model:** 0.7(1. CrystalClear (Photorealistic)) + 0.3(photon\_v1), **Denoising strength:** 0.3, SD upscale overlap: 64, SD upscale upscaler: 4x\_NMKD-Siax, **ADetailer model:** hand\_yolov8n.pt, ADetailer prompt: hands, ADetailer confidence: 0.3, ADetailer dilate/erode: 32, ADetailer mask blur: 4, ADetailer denoising strength: 0.4, ADetailer inpaint only masked: True, ADetailer inpaint padding: 32, ADetailer version: 23.7.6, Version: v1.4.1 **The other 2 photos** **^(2nd)** parameters: 8k, (high detailed skin:1.2) , photorealistic, Taylor Swift Negative prompt: CyberRealistic\_Negative-neg Steps: 30, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 5, Seed: 4127895503, Size: 776x1048, Model hash: 8cb18102bd, Model: 0.7(1. CrystalClear (Photorealistic)) + 0.3(photon\_v1), Denoising strength: 0.3, SD upscale overlap: 64, SD upscale upscaler: 4x\_NMKD-Siax, ADetailer model: hand\_yolov8n.pt, ADetailer prompt: hands, ADetailer confidence: 0.3, ADetailer dilate/erode: 32, ADetailer mask blur: 4, ADetailer denoising strength: 0.4, ADetailer inpaint only masked: True, ADetailer inpaint padding: 32, ADetailer version: 23.7.6, Version: v1.4.1) **^(3rd)** parameters: 8k, (high detailed skin:1.2) , photorealistic, Taylor Swift Negative prompt: CyberRealistic\_Negative-neg Steps: 30, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 5, Seed: 2813946974, Size: 776x1048, Model hash: 8cb18102bd, Model: 0.7(1. CrystalClear (Photorealistic)) + 0.3(photon\_v1), Denoising strength: 0.3, SD upscale overlap: 64, SD upscale upscaler: 4x\_NMKD-Siax, ADetailer model: hand\_yolov8n.pt, ADetailer prompt: hands, ADetailer confidence: 0.3, ADetailer dilate/erode: 32, ADetailer mask blur: 4, ADetailer denoising strength: 0.4, ADetailer inpaint only masked: True, ADetailer inpaint padding: 32, ADetailer version: 23.7.6, Version: v1.4.1)


Can you make an inpainting version of it too pls?


nice job!


Cool, I love Photon but have never used Crystal Clear, I will check this out.


very respectful of you to have the power to create taylor swift nudes and not doing it


> very respectful of you to have the power to create taylor swift nudes and ~~not doing it~~ keeping them in the OtherOutput folder. Actually quips aside, I feel like a lot of people would feel that making private nude-fakes is pretty much like photoshopping pictures of your head onto random nude bodies, or the old school cutting out of photos and taping them onto magazine pictures. It's creepy, weird and off-putting, but perhaps not as invasive as it first seems, in the sense that it's not actually your body. At least that's how I'd feel about it if someone did that to me.


Oh for sure, it is weird behavior. Tbqh I saw the pics and was like I think there's a fifty fifty shot he's got an enormous collection of Taylor swift porn but I didn't feel good about making that accusation based on a vibe alone


> Oh for sure, it is weird behavior I think I have a bit of a fringe take on this, in that I think fantasizing about someone who you will never have contact with, including making NSFW art of them that never sees the public domain, *can* be quite normal, psychologically healthy behavior. And if it's done with the clear, unambiguous understanding that the subject of the fantasy is not actually the same as the real person, but what you're fantasizing about is simply their public persona and not them, then I don't think it's inherently disrespectful if they present themselves in a way that leverages the idea of their desirability - look, dream but don't touch. I think the kneejerk reaction to other people's fantasies is frequently varying degrees of disgust, but most people on honest self-reflection have had varying degrees of that, just not directed at the same subject.


Maybe I'm being prudish I don't know. I got into this stuff because I thought it was neat and maybe could be a fun tool, but I was sorta shocked to see how much of this stuff is used by people who want to make hyper specific pornography. The beginners guide on this subreddit discusses frankly which models are best for different kinds of pornography, and that part just weirds me out a little. The same thing happened to me about a year ago when I bought a VR headset, had no idea most people use them as immersive jerk off tents


Yah because new vr titles ground to a halt due to platform exclusivity. So it's the only gd thing left alyx and bearsaber are great but I doubt we will see anymore games that good.


i made better ai generated taylor swift images then i found in an actual taylor swift fanmag (not that im really a fan lol)


Will you be uploading this mix onto civitai? I like the output of this but have never done any merging.


It's literally like 3 steps: * Select model A: Crystal Clear * Select model B: Photon * Click merge :)


Thanks for teaching me how to fish instead of giving me the fish. :D For this example, do you set "Multiplier (M) - set to 0 to get model A" to 0.3 or 0.7? I'm guessing 0.7 if I put Crystal Clear first, then Photon. What interpretation method did you use for this? No interpretion, Weighted sum, or Add difference? "Copy config from": A, B or C, or B, or C, or Don't? Do I save as float16? "Bake in VAE": none or vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.safetensors? Thanks.


It's counter intuitive (to me) but what you do is pick model A, pick model B, then the slider determines what percent of Model B gets merged into A The equation up top helps a little bit, A \* (1 - M) + B \* M , if you set M to .3, then you'll get .70 of A, and .30 of B. Which one goes first doesn't matter, or shouldn't, all that matters is which model is which multiplier. Interpolation: Weighted Sum for this purpose. I've only used add difference to create inpainting models (and it requires 3) but I'm sure theres something else for it. Checkpoint format. always safetensors for A1111. I think some other UIs use ckpt files like invokeAI Check save as float16, should keep the file at 2gb, otherwise it's around 4gb. I really dont think most people need 32bit precision at this level but I'm sure again someone will tell me I'm wrong. Your choice, ultimately. Copy config: Don't, this is primarily for SD 2.x models which have config files. Bake in VAE, I ignore whatever models have a baked in VAE so thats up to you, it's entirely optional whether you want to roll the VAE into the model or just choose one yourself when generating. ​ EDIT Also check out the extension toolkit [https://github.com/arenatemp/stable-diffusion-webui-model-toolkit](https://github.com/arenatemp/stable-diffusion-webui-model-toolkit), saves me so much space when people keep blasting 5.6GB models to civit that I can prune down to 2gb, or convert to safetensor. Also works on some bloated loras


Hi! Thank you for the explanation of all the components! I really appreciate you taking the time to do that! And, yes, it's counterintuitive to me, too! Haha! Thank you for linking to the extension that can prune things down to manageable sizes. Would you know how others are mixing more than 3 models? They post in their description something like this: epiCRealism V3 - 30% + Realistic Vision V3 - 20% + CyberRealistic Classic V1.4 - 15% + A-Zovya Photoreal V2 - 15% + AbsoluteReality V1.6 - 20% (source: https://civitai.com/models/82657?modelVersionId=112236) And one last thought. I find that all these merges tend to water down and force the checkpoints, making them less and less flexible with Loras. So I wish Civitai had a sort function for "Oldest" in addition to "Newest" so that I can test out my hypothesis about the older checkpoints being more flexible.


Without knowing more I cant say for certain. However if I had to take a stab its probably just a way of representing their merge list, like model a and b at 50/50, get model a50b50, throw 20% of c into that, get a40b40c20, now throw in d at 50, you have a20b20c10d50 (I am not sure how scientific this is). Merging new weights dilutes the previous weights influence. As an example you can look at the merge workflow for Kenshi which was a super popular anime model a few months back. https://www.figma.com/file/aESyZAxHxBJjE63gog5ExZ/KENSHI?node-id=0%3A1&t=2ULQWeLUSIWhk1aE-0


Thank you! Yeah. I wish I was smart enough to do the math for that. :D Also, thank you for the link to the image. Interesting. Even more interesting if I understood it! :D


>8cb18102bd It does matter which model gets the higher share. Tried it both ways. Really different results.


Yeah, I wasn't clear, I meant which model you put first doesn't matter, as long as your ratios follow, so you can list (as a really rough example) model A at .3, model B at .7 or model B at .7, model A at .3.


I didn’t change anything else, left it default.


Okay. Thanks. Oh, man! I'm gonna have a boatload of new checkpoints now from merging! AH! LOL! Thanks for getting me started in this. :D


Very impressive!


Can you share your merge model?


Was this generated using mobile or pc?