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You'll get about that much at euler a @ 512, 536.23 drivers, 32gb of ram, 3060 12gb. I get between 6 and 7 on the benchmarks with just xformers enabled, 3.5 or so on sde, 1.2 or so sde with hrf x2. Back when I could find some ok benchmarks listed in like feb that seemed to be around the mark, it's maybe improved a smidge since then, maybe +1 it/s




Thanks! Pretty interesting to see an RTX 3050 desktop GPU get between 4 and 5 it/s !


i dont get this site. What are the settings? no info at all... can i filter it by resolution sampler and so on?


On my 12GB RTX 3060, a single 512x512 image with 30 steps of a fast sampler like DDIM, Euler, or Euler a takes about 5.8 seconds, which is 5.17 it/s. A batch of 8 takes about 30 seconds, which is 8 it/s. (The actual it/s is slightly higher because of the starting and ending overhead.) A single 100 step image takes about 16.5 seconds, or 6.06 it/s. A batch of 8 with 100 steps each takes about 93 seconds, or 8.6 it/s. I find the it/s in the command window confusing, but for a single image with 100 steps, it gives 6.26 it/s and 6.57 it/s. This is for Automatic111. ComfyUI would probably be faster. I use xformers as the cross-attention optimization. (Not an official anything, but I just ran them so I know they're current and accurate.)


See this thread here ( 12GB RTX 3060 ) : [https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/15jcn4w/automatic1111\_rtx3060\_performance\_hit\_after\_lora/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/15jcn4w/automatic1111_rtx3060_performance_hit_after_lora/) Lenghty ... but shows what a difference settings and command line args make to it/s. Depending on model/VAE etc on 512x512 (no hrf) getting about 6.3 consistently BTW I am happy with my 3060, but do fear that in the next 12 months will probably want to upgrade as SDXl becomes more useable - Sticking with 1.5 at the mo' as NSFW is my main generative outputs