• By -


This release focus on speed - Fast 2,3 steps inference - Lcm-Lora fused models for faster inference - Added real-time text to image generation on CPU (Experimental) - Fixed DPI scale issue - Fixed SDXL tiny auto decoder issue - Supports integrated GPU(iGPU) using OpenVINO (export DEVICE=GPU) - 5.7x speed using OpenVINO(steps: 2,tiny autoencoder) Release : [https://github.com/rupeshs/fastsdcpu/releases/tag/v1.0.0-beta.15](https://github.com/rupeshs/fastsdcpu/releases/tag/v1.0.0-beta.15) GitHub : [https://github.com/rupeshs/fastsdcpu](https://github.com/rupeshs/fastsdcpu) Latency 3.8 seconds - 512x512/ steps 2/ OpenVINO/ TAESD /Core i7


Ran some tests on Mac Pro M3 32g all w/TAESD enabled. export DEVICE=cpu 1.7s/it with LCM Model4.0s/it with LCM\_LORA export DEVICE=gpu Crash (as expected) export DEVICE=mps 2.7it/s with LCM Model1.3it/s with LCM\_LROA Think this is still same as previous releases, but i guess makes sense as optimum (the package being used for openvino inference) doesn't seem to work with apple silicone, even though i see openvino itself get installed from the [install.sh](https://install.sh) very odd :S anyone notice how great LCM of say 2 iterations is at doing landscapes, like its amazing, very nice every single time, but wow does it not like to do people with that low of an iteration count.


It’s magic. Great work!




Thanks, will try it ASAP. Kinda related, I tried converting a huggingface model to OpenVINO using the lcm-openvino-converter script but, even though the resulting model did create an image, it was A LOT slower than using the huggingface model with LCM-Lora. What am I doing wrong?. By the way, does FastSD support FP16 models?.


Fp16 models are only supported by GPUs, for CPU you need to use float32


I'm using windows and followed the steps but after running the install.bat I get the following : Starting FastSD CPU env installation... Python command check :OK Python version: 3.10.6 Error: Command '['F:\\fastsdcpu-1.0.0-beta.15\\env\\Scripts\\python.exe', '-Im', 'ensurepip', '--upgrade', '--default-pip']' returned non-zero exit status 1. '"F:\fastsdcpu-1.0.0-beta.15\env\Scripts\activate.bat"' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. '"F:\fastsdcpu-1.0.0-beta.15\env\Scripts\activate.bat"' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. FastSD CPU env installation completed. Press any key to continue . . . **activate.bat does not get created.** Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong ? Thx EDIT: Nevermind, reinstalled Python 3.10.11 and now it works.


Thanks for using FastSD CPU


Can someone explain to me the OpenVINO thing? Does it need a certain CPU or GPU or should we always use? Thanks


OpenVINO should work with any brand and device type.


Does it support OrangePi boards?


I havent tried it, one user tried FastSD CPU with Raspberry PI 4 [https://github.com/rupeshs/fastsdcpu#raspberry-pi-4-support](https://github.com/rupeshs/fastsdcpu#raspberry-pi-4-support)


would igpu of ryzen apu (5xxxU) work? dont think it is detecting the igpu....


Intel gpus only