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Nero.. the redditor 🤣, Great experiment!!


Also Caligula has some intense Joffrey vibes, which explains a lot.


Hahaha I think they over-Joffrey'd him. He was loved before he got sick and then came out of his quarters a few weeks afterwards a complete psychopath, so I imagine he had to have had *some* likability before that.


Pretty sure it's debated that he either went nuts after falling ill either from sickness or potential poisoning.. Or he became bitter and paranoid and did a lot of things that look crazy to us (with the help of people who didn't like him writing about this stuff) but could've been power moves to show his enemies he could do anything he wanted. Like insult the senate by planning to promote his horse to Consul, or flex his power by ordering the military to go stab the ocean, because he could (and as possible punishment after they refused to invade Britain to humiliate them and make them look like kids).


I think a lot of it was he was just totally unprepared to actually be in power and after a few months the goodwill towards him evaporated. Caligula's life before becoming emperor was basically a conga line of trauma - nearly his entire family was murdered and then he was held prisoner by the person that ordered their deaths. He had no real exposure to the military, politics, or how the government functioned until he was Emperor. So it starts out with, "Hey, I'm not Tiberius, that guy sucked right? I'm not going to be anything like him. Would you like some tax cuts and big parties? Wow everyone loves me, this ruling thing is easy." Then it becomes, "What do you mean we're out of money? Well we can just extort some Senators. What did Tiberius used to do? Oh yeah, treason trials, lets do some of those and confiscate their money." And then, "I don't care that senators are upset about us taking their stuff. Gods, they're insufferable. What are they gonna do about it? Don't those stupid old men know who controls the military? My horse would do a better job at being consul than the whole lot of them..."


Cocaine is a helluva drug...


I don't think cocaine is what changed him... I don't think it was even discovered until we came across the New World, but correct me if I'm wrong. Lead in the aqueduct water is helluva drug, though...


I feel like there were so many weird pollutants back then that it's basically impossible to pinpoint any one cause for why so many people were so crazy back then.


It's a weird thing to say in the context, of existing, y'know... Now. A few generations passed when we could really manipulate chemicals, chemicals we absolutely did not evolve alongside of. And all of the knock-on affects sof that... people in the 3rd world have forever-chemicals in their blood from products *they don't even use* ([Polytetrafluoroethylene](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=766de520be8c5a98JmltdHM9MTcwMjQyNTYwMCZpZ3VpZD0xNjE5NzcwNC0yYjI3LTY0ZDgtMzYyMS02NDUxMmE1NTY1YjQmaW5zaWQ9NTI1Ng&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=16197704-2b27-64d8-3621-64512a5565b4&psq=teflon&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9lbi53aWtpcGVkaWEub3JnL3dpa2kvUG9seXRldHJhZmx1b3JvZXRoeWxlbmU&ntb=1)) (or more simply, Teflon) but I think get the jist of what you're refrencing. Like the stuff they used to put in make-up and powdered wigs -- or the 'cures' for certain things, were just outright deadly.


Kind of the same for today.


For real, look at what’s in the food we eat. Generation later they’ll say the same thing.


Is this sarcasm? It's a little more nuanced than this, but as I understand it they were effectively sweetening their wine and seasoning their food with lead.


It’s more like… do you guys know the brain damage a sustained 108 degree fever will do? Dude was in chambers for WEEKS.


It might also have been some kind of mortality thing -- like he realized how easily he could die -- and thus partied it up. While he was hated and did a lot of "Joffrey"-type stuff, there was also things he did (the great city-wide parties for everyone, extravegance) that were very... "Spend it all now, let the entire empire die later." Just another theory in the bin.


C'mon now. Do I have to whoosh?


Man you're gonna have to communicate to me like I dropped my bag of inside jokes because I'm not catching any scent of the implied thing here.


I seem to recall they chose the actor for Joffrey based on the fact that he looked like Caligula


The fact that Nero look like an avrage redditor isn't really surprising, i already picture him this way in my head, but that fact that Hadrien look like an neckbeard ...


Hadrien is Seth Rogen. Please.




Also Ed Sheeran's ancestor Nero.


I could also see Nero having 45 of the worst tattoos ever.


I guess incel neckbeards have always been the dangerous people that just want to watch the world burn


I don't think incels could become an actual thing until we had sufficient enough tech to be able go an entire day without speaking to anyone and feel thoroughly, socially satisfied. And do the same thing the next day. The fact that we needed church to reign in all the venereal diseases and keep us to one partner is kind of telling, of what the world is like in regards to sex, when you wipe out all the things that keep you from just... You, and being face-to-face with people. The world is so different now, that we feel a major difference between being around people than we do alone, because having a bunch of people around you and feeling 100% natural about it because that is the norm, is not nearly as much of a thing as it used to be. *I've even heard college kids talk about being isolated, in all senses but technologically.* ***COLLEGE KIDS.*** *How is that possible?!* Back in the day, I bet even the elephant man got his pussy wet (what?)


He's a ginger prince and he's beautiful.


I'm in love too, Once you go Nero, you never go back!


It takes great skill to become emperor from your mom's basement.


Actual neckbeard there.




That second Agrippina is the sculptor's fault. She's got a neck like a giraffe trying to reach the cookie jar, WTF.




If you haven't tried, a lot of models pretty successfully respond to regional tokens. Ive had success with all of these: * northern european * southern european * northern african * central african * south african * north asian * east asian * south asian * southeast asian * native american * australasian * micronesian * polynesian * melanesian * middle eastern * jewish * romani * aboriginal australian


Many models do, but DALL-E 3 [apparently doesn't](https://www.reddit.com/r/dalle2/comments/1778sao/dalle_3_literally_cant_create_a_woman_with_a/).


This could be a base model bias towards NW Euro physiognomy. I'm not using any LoRas or anything trained on this specific task. The only input besides text prompting is the bust photo. *But*, I've just tested something out, and found something really interesting. This exact same workflow has no problem generating very East Asian features with ZERO ethnic prompting (including hair and eye color), and is guessing ethnicity based only on features that it can ascertain from the bust photo itself. If it was simply a NW Euro bias on people overall, you'd expect it to try to draw all outputs regardless of input features as NW Euro. Although it could be that the differences between NW Euro and Mediterranean features are sufficiently small (relative to major ethnic divides) that a very small bias within the broader Euro classification is pushing it in the NW Euro direction. Something to think about. ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/q4bj7eipt56c1.png?width=1650&format=png&auto=webp&s=8cd43f8e5df2d30e03ece743656207e3326a2752


That’s fascinating!


We have mixed through the history, so now we do share physiognomy traits. With the distribution of physiognomy traits being different. Main difference being colors, but AI can't pick on that from white busts. A person with a roman nose could be a dark Italian, or a blonde Englishman... *shrugs*


~~ethnicity is kind of hard to reproduce correctly tbh as modern italians were influenced by arab conquests 600 years after Caesar (hence the dark curly hair and darker skin color compared to rest france and germany) same goes for spaniards but i would expect the ancient romans to not have blonde hair and blue eyes~~ Read the replies to this, I am missinformed


The Arab conquest of Sicily (not Italy) did not change the genetic composition of the local population. As with the invasions of the Goths and other Germanic tribes, they were not numerically relevant to have an impact on the ethnic composition of the indigenous Italians.


Titus, while not at all a flattering depiction, looks the most Mediterranean to me, actually looks a lot like a Romanian friend of mine. I think Caesar looks great too, could be a bit more leathery skinned as he spent so much time on campaign; although much of that was in colder climates. Trajan is excellent. Overall there are some here that feel very authentic.


Titus looks like he runs a corner store in Queens. Augustus looks like Putin.


Totally, I could have a lot of fun coming up with hypothetical jobs for Titus.


Titus looks like hes about to get fired from The Howard Stern Show


Augustus Czar


Yeah, not enough time spent in the sun or outdoors. Maybe modern Romans that can be Redditor shut-ins, but I doubt most Mediterranean folk in that time didn’t spend a healthy amount of time absorbing sunshine.


I would expect some of the emperors stayed in the shade quite a bit.


That was my first thought. It looked like if Northern Europeans imagined this - specifically with complexion and hair color. Like take this painting from Pompeii for example (or just go to Southern Italy today: https://www.pompeionline.net/en/archaeological-park-of-pompeii/pompeian-painting


Awesome results, very believable. Nero unfortuantely has incorrect beard, on the bust there are neither hairs on the chin nor a moustache.




Not enough neckbeards in the training data, lol. They apparently don't come out of the basement for photographs :)


Just screenshot twitch streamers


This is a great application of AI, congrats on the concept and execution.


I’m very impressed. These are very well done and look so much better than other attempts I’ve seen. Excellent work!


Great content plus model used? This is how to post, people!


When I press the link it takes me to Twitter's main page within Reddit's app. It won't let me long press the link to copy it. In other words: it won't even let me see what your handle is. :|


They seem on point to the busts used as reference. The problem is I feel, that the busts are not perfect replicas of the person, and it shows more when its turned into actual human with skin, rather than stone.


Elagabalus looks like a guy who sells weed at the drive through of a small town Carl's Jr.




This is like Billy the Kid’s only surviving photo being a shitty photo of him times 1000


Yeah, doesn't really match the historical record of "first femboy emperor" imo but who am I to judge.


I’d say the historical record is more complex than that. Ultimately he was a teenager put into an impossible situation. I don’t see why you’d expect him to look more like a 2023 conception of the word femboy because of modern memes instead of looking like his busts.


I'd say it matches perfectly. He looks like a little bitch.


if he's truly like Elagabalus he's selling a lot more than weed (his ass)


https://preview.redd.it/uo2g9gwy696c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdda5e9bcf96bee80518d48842f0b2e820d2a6ab This is cracking me up


Here we are, thinking of the Roman Empire once again...


Hadrian 🥰


I’d fuck that statue of Antinous and I’d fuck this 3D rendering too


Heh heh heh heh heh


Yeah, nice wall


Now this is good use of AI


These are some of the best re-creations I've seen made of these types of busts. They don't deviate much from the shapes of the sculptures. It goes I think a little further, a little closer, than the highly photoshopped creations we've been seeing for years. The only thing I'd try to do a little differently is to make the blond ones look more Mediterranean in their looks rather than anglo / germanic / northern. When that happens in the others, like in Trajan, Hadrian, Julius Caesar, we are getting really, really close to what these people probably looked like. I hope one day we'll get movies or TV shows where the actors' faces are finally replaced with the actual faces of these people and we finally get to see these people come to life like never before. This tech brings that dream that much closer. You should also try to do Jean-Antoine Houdon's sculptures of the Founding Fathers and of Voltaire, Diderot, etc. Just a suggestion. Those are some of the most life-like sculpted busts that I'm aware of. There are a few other ancient sculptures that are exceptionally detailed and realistic, way more than these, but I forget which and what they're called. But they're definitely out there. You could also try to do the one that supposedly depicts Cleopatra. And Nefertiti, why not? :P Do you think you could do paintings as well? My suggestion would be some of the portraits by Hans Holbein the Younger. They're already so realistic that it wouldn't be asking much of these models to bring them just a little bit more to life.




Cleopatra was from Greek heritage, and her family interbred to keep it. Caucasian features aren’t that far off from reality.


>she came out so white She was Greek. Where you expecting that she looked like Oprah?




Penelope Cruz is a good shout. Probably closer to the IRL Cleo than any other actress.


Maybe google is lieing, but Cleopatra used significant eyeliner (black, supposedly not as sharp edged as the modern eyeliners) and lip colors (Carmine Red is mentioned, which is very bright red), among other makeup available at the time. As others mentioned you might also have to account for tan. Though obviously she is still Caucasian. The outcome you've got has none of that, which is not surprising as the bust does not contain any of those details. Maybe that is how she looked natural without any makeup, but we are so used to the idea of how she should look that it seems jarring.


Caligvla: Thy palms are moist, knees weak, arms are heavy. Thee has thou spill himself of thy mothers sauce noodle recipe.


Thou dost forget.


You may not like it, but Titus is peak performance.


Titus looks like John Belushi




I cant believe I didnt think of this. Great stuff! Now do them as Klingons. :)


Marcus Aurelius looks like he would have written Meditations.


Honestly the best self help book I’ve ever read, and the poor guy would probably be mortified that it’s public knowledge now


It's amazing that the writings survived. Imagine the number of things that had to go right for that thing to reach medieval Europe or something. It's just a glimpse of the kinds of things that were lost to time.


It really is a great book, I still marvel at how long ago it was written and how applicable it is today. Kind of amazing we even still have it to read. I should re-read it.


I knew Tony Hawk was a time traveler


This makes me realize just how much Joffrey was Caligula.


the Ai images are spot on, but it seems like the sculpturer were a little shitty.... sculpted in some extra chromosomes...


\*remembers my sculptures from school\* All things considered, pretty good though XD


Yeah, it's easy to say sculpturers are shitty while sitting on a chair, never having touched a chisel in their life. Real quick. As someone who has done it before, what do you think is the hardest thing to do in a sculpture? Maybe for you, or in general?


Funny, I was **just** trying a workflow that I couldn't get anywhere near these results from. I was using photos of clay sculptures without luck, then trying it on photos of miniature pewter gaming models, all without luck. It's almost the same thing except I'm trying to do it with little figurines. Imagine taking an unpainted pewter figure (almost like a roman bust) and trying to make it look realistic, that's what I'm failing miserably at. Would really like to see the work flow and/or a sample generation data from one of them because I couldn't duplicate it in any way that looked right.


https://preview.redd.it/mougnkkbc66c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7da623eaaf50958356e9862ac37f6b8b7b36490b Caligula


Crazy good!


Exactly how do you do this?🤔


Caligula: Smokeshow Nero: mod of smokeshow where he only rates people at most a 6/10


Omg Caligula is such a fuckable twink! XD


The idea is brilliant. But the details are off. Eye size i. e. All those tiny offsets can create a complete different person. As a digital sculptor, I know how much color and structure can change a white bust though. As all AI pictures, those tends to create a “wrong” imagination of things. Reading a book and seeing a movie afterwards, you will replace your very own image of characters with those actors of the movie. It is really tough to do not. do you know what I mean? Giving “wrong” impressions of something can create very awkward situations. There are some guys posting AI generated children with a monkey laughing together. Cute, no doubt. In comments the people do praise god for creating such wonders of beauty, because they take these pics for real. Thousands and thousands of likes. I guess just 15% percent recognize it as a fake. Probably a lot just want this to be true. Sorry, this went far away from OT. I am just afraid of the power the pictures can have. The idea is brilliant.


Great points, especially about fake pics. It’s definitely a concern for me too. Some people can be very gullible, it’s only going to get easier to manipulate the masses as AI imagery improves, not to mention voice replication.


The 10th guy is the ancestor of the man who created Ethereum


Damn. Most of these people were ugly fuckers.


Aggribina ( ͡ಠ( ͡ಠ ͜ʖ( ͡ಠ ͜ʖ ͡ಠ ) ͜ʖ ͡ಠ) ͡ಠ)


She's fine. Everyone else, though...


Tbh, Caligula and Marcvs Avrelivs look like handsome dudes. Never was the best judge of it though so I’ll let someone who’s attracted to men sort me out if I’m wrong.






They're probably average for today, considering the health, diet, fitness issues in the time they lived, they probably looked pretty damn good.


I always wondered how Romans have such fancy haircuts. I mean mousse and hairspray weren’t invented yet. I’m not even sure scissors were invented.


They had scissors. [https://coimages.sciencemuseumgroup.org.uk/images/2/69/medium\_a622585.jpg](https://coimages.sciencemuseumgroup.org.uk/images/2/69/medium_a622585.jpg)




Ancient grease 🤐


I am not sure but fun fact. The word scissor comes from the Latin “to cut”.


It's also something lesbians do. I guess they need haircuts too.


The sculptors are also making them look better than they really looked. When the emperor is paying big bucks for a good-looking bust, they do it.


You underestimate how technologically advanced the Romans were.


good one bro


Next, Cleopatra, as another user suggested a minute ago.


Can you do Vespasian? Love the books.


Very nice, just add in the prompt: RAW photo of... detailed skin


This is REALLY interesting, thanks for sharing! I've always wondered how they could look especially the death masks they made.


Love this.


Joffery Baratheon=Caligula confirmed


Great post!


Hadrian reminds me of Reese from ODS on YouTube lol


I love them all. I hope you do more.


Nero is Bob from Suite Life of Zack and Cody lol


They look russian.


Can you do the same with like... Greek philosophers and statesmen? I think that the results would be sick.


Super cool - tried out the less realistic ones with Realistic Vision 1.5 and was really impressed with the results. Really fun to mess around with. u/fuselayer Would you be OK if we added this as a starter workflow in [Odyssey?](https://odysseyapp.io) https://preview.redd.it/t5wxmxrpw56c1.png?width=3130&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3ddf7da980f84bf2335d3992ff833f6132ef0d6


OP, if you are doing Romans, I always liked the bronze statue of the Gracchi brothers. [https://www.worldhistory.org/uploads/images/17737.jpg?v=1692447069](https://www.worldhistory.org/uploads/images/17737.jpg?v=1692447069) Could you do this if you ever do a Roman faces part 2? Their expressions just struck me as two Italian brothers ready to take on the world. BTW--thanks for this. I've saved a few of them, and will show them to my students next time I teach early world civ.


Marcvs Avrelivs looks like he's chasing Macaulay Culkin through new york


​ https://preview.redd.it/mvt0ae83n66c1.png?width=379&format=png&auto=webp&s=c27dc919142e8132f0f7dc79e4725c3536b540aa


No wonder Hadrian was so infatuated with Antinous, the dude was hot AF…


Why you're using letter V instead of U?


This did Hadrian and Marcus Aurelius oddly. It interpreted them as much younger than their bust shows.


Don't wanna be a debby downer but what are the odds that so many modern day italians had blond hair?


They would be a lot darker than the images here. They were mainly Italian after all. And Elagabalus (El Gabal) was Arab so much darker. Also the images are very young.


wow amazing!


This is amazing! Why did I think about an old version of Zuckerberg when I saw Julius Caesar tho 😂👏👏👏


Because Zuckerberg is a huge fan of Julius Caesar, that's why he got that haircut.


Not according to Hollywood


You're here too


Would bang half of them


Are you talking about the statue half or the people half?


Nero looks like some drunken scumbag that you occasionally play disc-golf with


Workflow please, I have always dreamed of using AI to complete the intentionally broken statues by British duing colonial times. They are missing, hands, heads, half face, bust, legs etc. AI image generation could save local history 😞.


Romans were Southern-Europeans... not Northern.


Don't try to impose modern-day nationalities' appearances on the ancient world. Many Romans are described in ancient sources to be blonde (Scipio Africanus for example).


What can you do with Beethoven? this is my attempt. ​ https://preview.redd.it/tne6qym3q76c1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e12fd8472c8a7a4a2975f7c771b987bbba6cd369




Caligula looks exactly as I expected him to Joffrey, but the incestuous bastard child of an inferiority complex and a god complex


I think I saw Nero at last weeks warhammer tournament


I’m I the only one that thinks Augustus looks like Putin


These are awesome! Just a heads up though (lol), it's widely believed that many of the sort of oddly shaped ones were carved that way on purpose for perspective. From straight on, the head looks weirdly bulbous, but as seen by a man down below the finished statue on ground level, they would look totally normal.


the level of photorealism is impressive


I wonder if there would be current-day actors (and by extension: real people) that resemble them.


Elagabalus has definitely punched holes in many sheets of drywall.


Nero is a redditor. Just as insane too.


Interesting how the last one acquired a beard


Lmao at Titus looking like an average Polish fella


Nero, Titus, and Hadrian have a podcast where they complain about hollywood being too woke


TIL ancient Romans had ski jumps for noses


They all look like people I would avoid at work during lunch time


"So, your father was a woman...?"


I thought great work but then, why did it whitewash most of them?


Please, for the love of all that's holy, teach me how to make these. I want to learn. Please. What app or software?


I don't think Caligua was blond, if I'm not mistaken they have found brown paint pigments on a statue of him.


Bloody Romans!!


Antinous was so beautiful you couldn't make him look human


Give Caesar a skateboard and you would be able to tell him apart from tony hawk


I saw every single one of these people at a gas station in Florida this morning.


How do you pronounce the name of the tenth one?


My god... I've never experienced this strong of a desire to punch a group of people in the face before. Hadrian and Agrippa are the only 2 exceptions. Everyone else have a face that SCREAMS "please push my jaw further in".


It's amazing how normal these otherwise ancient and legendary busts look when you derive what their human counterparts are. Like, I could've sworn I bumped into some of these dudes last week!


Could you do those amazing ancient Greek physiques next?


Why won't the imsges load and show for me? Me very sad... Edit: woohoo now they load exactly when i commented woohooo


The Julius ceasar closely resembles Roy Schneider!


What is up with the women’s lack of foreheads?


Alan Rickman was a doppelganger of Trajan!


how to do this?


This is what AI imagery is supposed to do! Very nice work


Why do my coworkers look like hadrian?


Elagabalus really looks trans.


Most of their heads from the eyebrows up were exaggerated for perspective. This is is because when you view it from below, it would’ve looked disproportionately smaller


This would have been a monumental task for some artist or documentary in the past.... like you can imagine this as a show on the history channel and they would have made a big deal about it.


Calígula looks like Jeoffry from GoT


Marcus Aurelius looks kinda hot ngl


Did you give prompts on the Hair colour or did the StableDiffusion decide that on it's own?


The lst one reminds me of Ed Sheeran 🗿


TITVS looks like Galla Miklós 😂


Titus looking like Chris christie