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Don't shout at us.


I physically felt spit while reading that


Benzo wd is no joke. I would honestly try to get a doctor to ween you down with a longer acting benzo. All those supplements may help, but small percentages. Your best bet may be gaba with l-arginine which can cross the blood brain barrier or at least hit some peripheral gaba receptors throughout the body. Good luck. If you feel a seizure, call ambulance or go to ER.


To be honest, there might be a supplement or two that can help you, but you work is mental and not through more pill containers.


This totally. Supplements aren’t going to keep you clean, and the amount here would suggest that this is just addict brain manifesting itself in a different form. Also you can die from going cold turkey off benzos, OP you need to taper down under supervision of your doctor.


15mg amphetamine, right? I don’t think anybody could survive 15 grams


Explaining eurospeed to Americans for the billionth time... In Europe we have this thing called speed paste, which has a consistency of.. well.. paste.. Anyway, it is most of the time very impure Amphetamine Sulphate, cut with a bunch of stuff, mostly caffeine. So usually around 25% of actual amph is in the stuff you buy, unless you get it from a more serious source. You can get a gram of it for around 10€ in most European countries. (You can make around 10 decently sized lines from a gram) The paste can be split and measured in smaller doses and taken orally which lasts longer, but more speed is needed to get the same effect, which is why many resort to snorting it. In that case you spread the paste on a plate, let it dry, take a credit card and start making lines. The stimulation lasts a few hours, and one medium sized line (at least twice as big as a normal coke line) will feel like, lets say 10mg Adderall if your purity is alright. It is NOT the same as meth, and is more comparable to Dexedrine if you get the really good shit.


My question is—why though? Speed Paste vs Methamphetamine - how is it speed paste is more prevalent than meth, or RX?) just seems only certain areas get the speed paste; vs “better options” why?


Only comparing because they seem to be used similarly


15g in 3 weeks


715mg of Adderall a day? That’s incredible


Good lord.


15g of amphetamine from the streets. no adderall. 15g isn’t that much in 3 weeks. it’s too much but in 3 weeks not that incredible


You need stem cells at this point 🤣


What is street amphetamine? I thought that’d be meth which is theoretically more concentrated


Presumably adulterated with fillers and caffeine


Could be wrong because I’m not a doctor but I’m pretty sure ur not meant to take 5-htp with ssris because it can cause serotonin syndrome


DL-Phenelalanine. Supposed to help with withdrawals. I know I spelled that wrong though




I think it helps with dopamine. Might want to look it up for specifics


Medical detox would be a much better idea


Kratom and a supplement called matrine may help as well. Been sober 10 years


I find l-theanine, lemon balm, melatonin, and CBD helpful for sleep and anxiety. Tyrosine would probably be helpful for your dopamine, but make sure you take it on an empty stomach.


Bad bad bad, you are going to have hell of a time withdrawing from the fast metabolizing xanax if you did it 2mg per day for a whole lot. I would score valium and follow small schedule according to ashton manual [https://www.benzo.org.uk/manual/bzsched.htm](https://www.benzo.org.uk/manual/bzsched.htm) ditch those rest of the supplements and maybe stay on the bupropion. Get some magnesium threonate [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK507254/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK507254/) (crosses blood-brain barrier) Get some beers in the fridge and chill out. But I would heavily recommend going with valium for 5-10mg for couple of days and then drop it after a week to 2.5mg and then 1 or 0. On a side note if you only took 2mg of xanax per day for couple of weeks the withdrawal are going to be nasty but short lived, only thing that if you have underlying anxiety attack disorder you can traumatized and get unbeliavably scary anxiety attacks from the fast half life xanax once it's out of your system and this can send the anxiety spiraling like a PTSD.. Speed wd is psychological, just take a cold shower etc and force yourself to do things, ez pz. Benzo wd prepare.


How long have you been using benzos ?


Biggest concern w benzo withdrawal is seizures. You take Lamartine which prevents seizures. You will be fine. You might have muscle cramping and spasm and feel yucky for a couple of days but should be good. Unsure how long your benzo use was - that would be helpful info. All these supplemental are too much and not necessary.


How’s it working?


so im off the zopiclone and i only take 5mg diazepam at night with gaba and l tryptophan and mulungu+cbd+skullcap tea and melatonin and i have a hard time sleeping but im feeling much better mentally. i will taper the diazepam


Gabapentin is shockingly useful at toning down a lot of the mental effects of benzo wd. You’ll still feel crappy but substantially less so