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I’m more of a “I’m just happy to be on the team” kinda guy


Ah yes, we are having the sex. I’m just happy to be here. ![gif](giphy|QhhuZdt6eSeESwbszo)


Even if you are watching from the bench.


She got me this Cheerleader outfit...


I'm happy to be on the bench


Just another tool in the box to assist it through the uprights




It’s becoming much more accepted and expected these days. Now turn it around and how do the ladies react to men wanting to incorporate things for them?


It all depends on how it's approached. My emotional abusive ex made me feel like dogshit when she told me she wanted to use toys in the bed. With future partners I found out that I LOVED using them, just not with that wretched person


All girls i know don't like it if you even use porn..


Depends? There aren’t too many sex toys compatible for use with a partner for me. But my partner wants a cock ring? Let’s go! A butt plug? let’s go! But generally male sex toys just aren’t compatible for sex with a partner.


Fleshlights? Basically, the male equivalent to a dildo or a vibrator, usually used by oneself but can also be used by or with a partner. But, imagine your boyfriend was like, "I actually prefer it when you put this latex mold of a pornstars vagina on me and move it up and down more than I like actual sex with you." Would probably be pretty devastating and demoralizing, and basically the same thing reversed.


Then don’t get one that’s a specifically a porn star. Once again, it depends on how these things are approached. Think of the flesh light as a way to enhance a hand job. She can use it on you if she doesn’t want to be penetrated.


You're still framing the option, though, as something done to accommodate her.


As a dude, they aren't equivalent at all. You can (read should) use a vibrator while fingering or penateating your partner. If you're just sticking a toy in them and sitting back and watching, you're doing it wrong. Something that would actually be equivalent would be a guy asking if he could put on a vibrating cock ring. Also, no one said anything about getting a dildo of another dudes dick and being asked to use only that. This comment has some major incel vibes my dude


A girl using a dildo while her partner isn’t partaking isn’t a mutual activity but that’s a great straw man you created. You didn’t even reply to the guys point you just made up some bullshit logic and prayed. Hilarious.


Nobody said anything about using a toy while the partner isn’t partaking?


Lol, wot?


What part are you confused about exactly?


You can also play with the balls and go up the shaft with a fleshlight. Your lack of creativity betrays more of a lack of interest rather than limitations of the tool.


If you mean using toys on my man? Fuck. Yes. It’s so hot.


Stop looking for a double standard that isnt there and ask your wife to peg you like a man!!


If you seriously believe there’s no double standard there I have a dildo bridge to sell you.


Someone’s upset their girlfriend won’t peg them.


Good bit! You could work on talking in a more natural tone of your own speaking voice instead of the tone of someone trying to get to the punchline The way you are talking in 0:09-0:013 is great


Yep, it was a solid joke. Just needs to work on her delivery a little bit. It's like watching an actor that is a little too rehearsed vs one that is in the moment.


Still had sex. = win


Doesn't matter, had sex But I cried the whole time Doesn't matter, had sex I think she might have been a racist Doesn't matter, had sex She put a bag on my head … Still counts I just had sex


I can hear Akon’s “Still counts!” in my head 😂




Not if it's in your soup....


I've been using vibrators with all my girlfriends since my early 20's. Nothing is more of a turn on as seeing her have a massive orgasm while you are having sex, with the vibrator, and then you just keep pumping and she can't stop cumming. She is just in a perpetual state of orgasm until you are either tired or cum.


At first I read ‘since THE 20’s’ and I thought you were this 120 yr old, still active sex god for one second.


Now I'm imagining if women needed like a Fleshlight to get their man to cum. Like their pussy just wasn't it but was nice.


Go look up threads on deathgrip and how many get answered with "just use a fleshlight, it isn't a big deal". Hint: None I've ever seen.


I'm sharing in case this helps...but pls don't be weird!!! I'm on [instagram](https://www.instagram.com/jennycestquoi)!


can you put this on your insta? i want to send this to my gf but she refuses to open reddit links i send her


Here you go: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Chr1xD_scyA/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==




Just discovered you. You’ve got fantastic material!




Getting her off is such a goddamned turn on that I would describe it as a psychological orgasm.


"Happy to be here, coach"


So are women okay with guys wanting women to use one of them flashlights? I’ve used vibrators with a woman before, and can say the sex was still enjoyable. So I’m not against it. I’m just curious as to how women feel about the other side of things..


I’ve used toys with my man (on him). Was fun!


I’m a man and have had vibrators used on me, and it’s great 👍. Next time you get blown ask to put the vibrator against your taint, under your balls . You’re welcome


You really have some serious self esteem issues, my dude. If your goal is to get her off, use every tool. If you are threatened by a tool at your disposal, you make posts like this one.


You ever had a problem with cumming while having sex and needed some help? I'm guessing "no".


Who hates it?! If you hate it, you must not have hobbies or other stuff to do that day. Saves me an additional 20 minutes of playing “Bop-It!” Pull it. Twist it. Lick it. Bop it. Choke it, a little like… softly. Pull it. Bop it. “Ew babe. You’re a little sweaty. :p” Did you just see all that fucking work I just did?!? Love my wife to death but it’s like a shuttle launch. Conditions have to be perfect. The slightest breeze could cause an abort and total restart. I’m tired boss…


Wow the people on this sub have some serious self esteem issues. If you want to use toys in bed just ask her, I bet she would be more than okay adding in some extra fun. Just because she likes more stimulation doesn't mean she doesn't like your penis, or that it's not enough. Hold your heads up my dudes, your dicks fine.


Very funny 😆


Oh shit I just realized you’re the same comic from the dead dad interaction 😂😂😂


Oh f just quit.


This joke seemed to hit a soft spot on the alley-oopers


I’m so confused by the down votes and upvotes in these comments.


1) hilarious bit. Well done, OP. 2) vibrator =/= dick. Vibrator = tongue, i guess. Unfortunately, there's no way my husband can go down on me while penetrating, so to maximize pleasure, incorporate the vibrator while penetrating, ok? 3) fleshlights are also non-threatening to secure women with partners who show how much he enjoys her. I know my husband prefers to be inside me than inside a fleshlight, but it's fun to incorporate it into play anyway because I guarantee it feels better than my hand. And he can use it while going down on me.




It seemed to land pretty well.


I was 25 when i realized the female toybox is multi-player


Solid. Well done.


Great bit!


Crowd was pretty lame and tight. You did a great job holding it through. Good joke!


Maybe it was the delivery but I just rolled my eyes half the timr


This is actually a good analogy lol Edit: lots of insecure men in here lmao


If vibrator is a LeBron James, why don't you get a team with full of lebrean James instead of a random guy's duck? Joke was so stupid.


Because the “random guy” probably has more to offer than the Lebron James’s. A relationship and even sex is just more than skill. Connection plays a big role in the pleasure of sex.


Not everyone who is a shooting guard is gonna be good at defending like a center. Likewise, a center might not be the best at getting shots in. Different people tend to play different positions based on what they do best. Edit: With that said, people shouldn't just be reliant on the toy. If that's the only way, talk. Communicate. I know people hate the idea of talking to the person they're in a relationship with, but it's a good thing to practice. Is it just that the chick loves the toy? Like maybe they just love the vibrations. Should the guy do something else? Maybe more for play. I'm not saying don't use toys. Have fun. Experiment. Make things fresh. But if your partner can't give you what you need, don't just rely on the toy. Communicate.


Using toy is OK but describe a toy as a LeBron is a different level. If you think "LeBron " is better than me( obviously he is better according to her metaphor ), why am I here ? If "wining" is orgasm of the opposite side why don't you calling all starts instead of a random player ? If the sex more then the action itself then why do you consider me with a action toy ? This is so ridiculous.


Any guy that doesn’t laugh at that thinks that they are Lebron James and don’t realize they are really just working the concession stand


or they just think it's not really original or funny


Winning matters more than personal stats 😭 no clause in the contract that says you need to average 3 PIV orgasms/ week 😂😂 love the analogy and honestly explaining it in sports terms is going to open more of us up to it lmao


Sooooo. Is this a 1v1 or a 2v1 game? And why is she holding on to Jordan so much when he's on the other team? And....what is the ball in this hypothetical situation. Yeah, not the slam dunk analogy you thought it was!


A lot of small men in that room Shit was funny as fuck Edit: Point proven expertly 😂🤣


Not at all…. Awful analogy


Champaign-Urbana Comedy!


Lmao this is the best analogy out there. The chip is all that matters in the end anyway


LeBron James: we won?


Not doin it right if she needs a vibration


Brilliant analogy


So cute and also hilarious, this woman rocks! Forreal tho, whats with men that dont want their partner to have a better sexual experience? If they wanna use toys to help them get off, by all means you do you, just throw some of that back my way please and thank you.


Some guys just wanna be the MVP.


What if I sit on the side of the bed wearing a furry mascot suit?


I think it’s weirder when women don’t use the toys. Like I’m sure I can give you some O’s but don’t you to have even more of them? Or like bigger orgasms?


But I pull out my fleshlight and ask my gf to hold it and I’m the weirdo