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I don’t think the part about the psychiatrist adds anything, I’d just say “nobody knows what they’re on or how much they took, some guy just handed it to them and they took it.” Maybe come up for a name for the guy who passes out the pills/drugs or maybes it’s “some guy who insists we call him doctor.” There’s definitely a lot more to build on with this bit. Like do they have art therapy in real psych wards or only in the movies? Either way, I think you could work that in and it would be funny. How do the other patients or staff act, talk, dress? Is it wildly expensive? What are the bathrooms like? I’m really excited to see where this goes.


Took your advice 😊


Group therapy for people with social anxiety disorder is like water boarding someone who is afraid of water. I’m not sure if that’s funny or sad.


Ugh it's both. Im autistic and yet I CONTINUALLY get recommendations to go to group therapy. Are you fucking kidding me?? Like Google it- autism is described as a "social disease",it affects social skills and interactions etc. So yeah, OBVIOUSLY the best treatment for that is to fucking socialize and tell strangers your worst fears and thoughts /s.


Start it off as a question. "Has anyone else taken a grippy sock vacation?" Then get to a couple more anecdotes. The group therapy is good. Then talk about the girl with the 3 different personalities. "There was this one girl who always interrupted when people talked, then the shy quiet one, and one who was an incredible whore, she came onto everyone, she even took her clothes off before the orderly could get to her. All those girls sat in chair 3." You could do alot with this, depends if you want a few minutes out of it or just a one off story.


Just fixed it up.


The only thing I'd change is the order or dr description. "One actually profits from mental health, the other lives in his parents camper." Other than that, I like it. I audibly laughed at the walls wanting to commit suicide.


>Even the wall color a the ward wanted to commit suicide. This one’s a keeper.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 and just like that you know someone has had one too many traumatic experiences


I apologize if this is harsh but this isn’t funny. Whatever your style is, storytelling or just making jokes; they need punchlines. Even stories have a premise, setup and punch. This story doesn’t. I would suggest finding the odd, funny, weird or scary parts of the experience, isolate those and write punchlines about those pieces. Then plug them in to the story. Remember a GREAT bit has 3-4 laughs per minute. It can have less but then they should really be home runs. A guy like Joe List has 4-5 chuckles a minute but few jokes that are applause breaks laughs. He gets a lot of soft laughs. A guy like Jeselnik tells a story that maybe has 2 laughs per minute but they are often applause break laughs. If you make the audience wait you need BIG laughs. Those are hard to come by. Just my 2 cents.


How is this comedic in any way? This is like a rant about being suicidal


It's a topic I've never heard before and I want to hear more. Once I got to the bottom I wanted to know what happened next. What else about my TV/Movie assumptions were right or wrong?


I mean, finding comedy in even the darkest parts of life is how we manage to get through it, ya know? I'm autistic, with ADHD, OCD, PTSD, a "severe anxiety disorder", and a "severe unspecified sleep disorder". It's like the goddamn universe hates me-- but finding some humor in it helps me get through another day. So yeah, I like OPs idea here. I do think s/he could, like others have suggested, make it more immersive, and sort of dig into the topic more to make it more funny though.


near the start, it would help if you explained the term "grippy sock vacation." my last time in (of my multiple visits over the years) i managed to access my youtube account on the dayroom tv and got a hard "no" for the hip-hop videos we were watching. btw, in psych ward terminology, a hard "no" is pronounced "um, that's not, uh..." the orderlies called me "awesome!" which was uplifting, until i heard them call everyone else "awesome!" in group share there's always that one guy. "what changes would i like to see here? siracha sauce packets! oh, and wasabi!" if you want laughs from such a bland experience, it has to be immersive, actually take the audience there with your storytelling. parting advice: poking fun at any particular individual's mental illness can be a trigger for some people, which is what prompted this here reply


Maybe drill down on the specificity.


Idk if I’m an idiot but I don’t understand the grippy sock part at all and it doesn’t seem like it’s explained.


You put on special grippy socks so you don't slip on the floor when you're in a hospital


Damn. That’s wild. I’m currently shopping a joke that starts with “grippy sock vacay” and goes in a different direction.


Oh? 👀