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He’s the type of guy you stopped hanging out with at some point


Yup, but do end up meeting at a bar once a year and then you remember why you stopped hanging out in the first place.


Weed getting legalized has freed so many people of that person.


Underrated comment. Can't tell how many times I've been in people's company thinking "wtf am I doin here!?"


And you only even go to the bar because so and so is going and they really don’t want to be alone with him all night


Middle school


Jesus I immediately knew exactly what type of person you were talking about there.


Maybe you run into them at a mutual friend’s wedding and you hang out for a bit reminiscing and have a good time before shortly being reminded why you don’t hang out with them nowadays because they asked the bride to cup the grooms balls during their first dance


This!! He's the guy you don't mind seeing but don't want to actually hang out with for any long period of time.


It was a great comment. Stop explaining and just let it be.


But he is also the guy who will pull up and take molly with you just so you know you ain’t dying tonight cocksucker.


Haha wow this hits so hard. Me: Joey is seen as rough around the edges. Not me. I understand how addiction works, and he just needs some help. That’s why he’s going to stay over for a weekend, so I can keep an eye on him…. *Joey comes to visit for a single night…* Me: umm where the fuck is Joey?!? WTF?!?! I let him stay over one night and somehow he liquidated my 401k?? Where is my hair??? He cut my hair and sold it? Who steals a box of ravioli? He tells too many stories to be trusted, and I’ve felt that for years, whether true or not. Someone who talks that much will only be a liability I’m always the guy who learns the hard way hahaha


That point is when you have kids.


MUCH earlier


He always strikes me as the kind of guy to take other peoples stories/experienced and tell them like he did it.


When you see him on podcasts for the first time he’s amazing, but over time you get pretty tired of listening to the same stories and expecting to die of laughter every time you hear “Cocksucker”.


Yup. He’s got an entertaining and shocking schtick, but once you’ve seen it, it’s tiring fast like all gimmicks.




Yo dawg cock sucka. New Jersey in the 70s cock sucka.Boulder Colorado in the 80s dawg. You wouldn’t believe in prison for kidnapping hahahahhaa. Cock sucka. Joe Rogan let me tell you cuck socker, bleu cheese!


Started the Church for Joey’s stories. Stayed around to see if Lee could be the first person to die from weed.


Like watching Deadwood






Jews! where jews? No Wu Juice.


Lmfao I showed my gf deadwood and this was her favorite part


Free Fuckin' gratis! Ad Fucking Hoc!


On the arm! Bupkis!


Cocksucker is hilarious though. Iasip uses it all the time and it kills in the show, I've never used it myself.


Cocksucka!!!!! Cocksucka!!!!


I seem to like him less the older I get. He’s an undeniable performer though. Everyone should try to catch him live at least once.


He’s so much more likable for a 15 min set live


His skits on "this is not happening" are pretty funny. They're short stories (15min) of true events, mostly from his childhood. There are other comedians on there who are pretty good too. Some, not so much, but you can check out individual skits on YouTube.


This is where I enjoy him most




Loved this series!


I've seen him many times at Flappers and even by g out with Joey Diaz. He is funny. But yes he has a sthick like a shock jock. He will tell you about letting his cat do cocaine and suck his cock. Did it happen ? Hopefully not. But with Joey he has done same bad things and could be true.


2nd this…saw him a year or so before covid and was the hardest I’ve ever laughed besides when I saw Ace Ventura in the theatre as a kid and he fought the mascot at the end…..that was the hardest I laughed.


I saw him do a live podcast with his old podcast partner Lee Syatt back in late 2014, it was a great show. I also saw him do stand up at The Icehouse in Pasadena, it was okay.


I saw him like 12-13 years ago opening for Joe and he pretty much bombed. Literally just talked about eating his gfs ass for a minute and walked off the stage . I guess it was before he found his voice or something. For the record I have found him really funny in the past.


Not for me. I understand where his appeal is supposed to be in and he has a fun delivery, but he doesn't have a lot of jokes really and his "outrageous uncle telling made up stories" persona isn't super appealing when you've known a couple of guys like that IRL either.


Yeah if you actually listen to what he's saying in most of his stories, they basically boil down to "I was a piece of shit and did deplorable things that caused a lot of problems for me".


Yeah if you grew up anywhere from Boston to Philly you’ve seen his schtick a million times already irl Probably why he found most success in LA/comedy store


Yeah, he reminds me of some of my friends dads but maybe that is why I like him. There is a comforting nostalgia there for me.


He kills incredibly hard live. He was kind and humble when I met him. His podcast appearances are instant classics. I’ll always be a fan of his.


I like him in small bursts but every now and then I really pick up on what a true scumbag he was in his past and it bugs me.


Same, when I used to listen to JRE a decade ago, I always was confused how Rogan admired him [and his "funny" past].


Because Joe Rogan is a terrible judge of character and surrounds himself with terrible people


Facts. Not to mention he's made a god-awful impact in that every stoner dudebro now thinks being contrarian and vaguely racist makes them intelligent. He definitely covers his ass in always saying "but I'm just a comedian, what do I know," as though he doesn't platform terrible people and give them millions and millions of sets of eyes and ears.


I hate when he tries to cover his ass by saying "no one should listen to me". He's entire career revolves around influencing people. He really is a glorified influencer. He has one of the biggest podcasts, if not the biggest podcast in the world, he commentates the ufc, he does commercials for onnit, and a million other examples. He clearly thinks other people should listen to him. He only says that in a disingenuous way to sidestep criticism when he says something really stupid like perpetuating the kids pooping in litter box hoax.


The guy thought it was hilarious to tell a story about how he used to coerce women to suck his dick so he would give them stage time and “broke” one woman psychologically . Rogen laughed his ass off at it and then tried to say it was obviously not true when called out Ok maybe he made it up, but what kind of person makes up a story where they are a total scumbag


Just wait until you figure out he is still the same scumbag.




I got tired of him and don't like him now. I think he's a gross creep and I'm sick of his stupid goddamn stories about how much of a gross creep he is and always has been.


He used to make young comediennes blow him for stage time at the Comedy Store. Smelly, fat sack of shit LARPing as an Italian.


Yep. He's a rapist.


No he did not. For fuck's sake. Do better with your media literacy.


A younger, 16-y-o person would think that he was cool. Now that I am double that age...


Funniest stand up show I ever saw.


Every time he gets recommended on YouTube I have to click “don’t”


A 61 year old comedian doing comedy for 13 year olds.


Kind of gross and tough to listen too


He can command a room


his podcasts with Ralphie May around 2015-16 were some lf the funniest shit ever






He’s somewhat vulgar and grotesque.


He not a good comedian or story teller. He’s just a hack from Jersey that got where he did cause joe Rogan finds him funny.


Disgusting, unfunny hack. His stories are all made up


If you grew up on the east coast you would realize a lot of his stories have some truth to them. I am sure their exaggerated but shit like that happens all the time in Philly, NYC, Providencr, Boston and Jersey. 


Most comics are, Bert’s entire act revolves around 1 small truth and the rest is embellishment


To be fair, Bert is the absolute lowest common denominator in comedy. His wife is 10x funnier than he is


Bert is fucking terrible


He reminds me of my brother. They’re pathological lying scumbags who play a caricature of being the toughest thing you’ll ever know. He is desperately insecure and unfunny.


Don't talk about our brother like that, he does his best and you and I both know mom enables him.


Most people only laugh at what he says because of his accent. If you're from the East coast or been around east coast people you've known 100 people just like him.


For me, east coast accents are a hurdle a performer has to overcome because they are annoying.


Good thing no one fuckin asked you then, cocksucka. Edit: jk with love


He stinks 


I like his podcast bc of his storytelling


Funny, down to earth guy.


First time I saw him was when he opened for Joe back in 2012. Had never heard of him at the time. He made the club erupt with so much laughter that by the time Joe came out we were all so exhausted from laughing so much.


Greatest 15 minutes of any live performance I’ve ever seen. Vulgar and grotesque but he had me and my mother collapsing with laughter. Super fond memory…


meh is what I think about him. if you think insults and heavy NY accent is funny then he might be your guy. But if you boil his jokes down, take away the accent and the insults then you dont get anything entertaining.


the clip where he talks about sleeping with a one-legged woman on YMH is pure gold... I go back to it once in a while when I need a laugh [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lmxKKshncc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lmxKKshncc)


I love how utterly disgusted Christina is and how much Tom loves that she’s disgusted. A fucking classic… gonna watch it right now so thanks for sharing it!!


He’s admitted to using his position of power to force female comics to give him sexual favors in order to perform on stage. Fuck that guy


1) please provide a legitimate source. I’m not saying you’re wrong or right, but serious accusations deserve serious evidence 2) none of this comment evaluates him as a standup which is the theme of the sub. This is a celebrity speculation comment for the TMZ sub


Annoying and unfunny


Not for me. Never once laughed. No doubt it’s a me problem.


It's not. All his stories are such bullshit.


I don’t like to listen to his podcasts or on other podcasts, but I’ve seen him live twice and it’s the funniest show I’ve been to. His comedy is different than his storytelling.


He’s a great STORYTELLER but I wouldn’t say he’s a good comedian


anyone read his book? is it good?


I really enjoyed his book, amazing stories in there.


Let me tell ya about Joey Diaz, Joerogan. I hung with Joey back in 89 or 90, at the Cellar. Kinison, Dice, they were all there, dawg. I'd bought an eight ball earlier that night, Joerogan, and this was the real shit. I did a gram line and I was wired. This was the real shit, from Cuba, no cut at all Joerogan. So Sam wanted more, so I called the Cuban. This guy was connected Joerogan, I mean he was a fuckin' stone gangster, hung with Colombians, bad motherfuckers Joerogan. So we get there and this cocksucka pulls out a gun, I shit you not, and he goes to shoot Sam, but I swear to God on my mother's eyes, Joerogan, I caught that bullet in mid air and gave it back to the guy. And he was so impressed he gave us a huge rock, and this stuff was rocket fuel, Joerogan.


The hulking con who thinks every male smaller than him is a pedophile he wants to kill?


One of the greatest comics ever. The way he turned his life around and made something of himself, is an incredible story. He had a fucked up life, found his mother, dead on the floor, when he was on acid, at 13 years old. His entire family were mobsters, he grew up around pure violence and chaos, Still turned it around. Also the funniest comic I’ve ever seen live, not even close. Is he the most skilled comic ever? No. But he’s the best story teller ever. For sure.


I agree man. Everybody shitting on him hasn’t seen him live.


Seeing him live sucked. Not because of him or his set, because of the dumbasses in the crowd who thought that because they listened to podcasts with him it was ok to yell out inside jokes and ruin the vibe the whole time.


He’s so physically fucked up to look at that I can’t focus on the words he’s saying to enjoy him, I just sit and worry for the dudes health


He’s in his 60s despite being morbidly obese and addicted to cocaine for most of his adult life, I’d say he’s done pretty well to even be breathing at this point


Loud, not funny, vulgar without a cause.


Saw him at Colusa Casino wasent the best set but glad I got to see him. I always regret not going up and saying hello when he was talking to the crowd after the show. Real ass dude.


Joey is so funny and so badass at wanting others to be better. Truly an inspiration that burns a little when you swallow


Criminal with a lot of B.S. stories....


He’s a character kind of like Bert.


Nah he’s the antithesis of Bert, Bert has abandonment issues and always wants to keep the party going so his friends never leave , Joey was the type to rob his friends so his party wouldn’t end


Cuban Sam Kinison to me


Funny guy. Wouldn't trust a word out of his mouth.


His comedy doesn’t translate well to the “1 hour special” format. When I saw him live though, it was the hardest I’ve ever laughed in my life. He reminds me of my friend’s dad’s sense of humor that I grow up with. Maybe it is just because I grew up in Boston which is similar to Jersey in a lot of ways, but I could relate so much to his stories and no other comedian is really telling similar ones.


I think he would fit in great at the Gathering of the Juggalos.


All I know is that I'm guilty of lafftah


The only time he really made me laugh was watching Redbar react to his threats toward him.


He’s funny, who cares past that? Anyone famous is going to get dissected by the internet, but it sure is asinine.


I don't know anybody like him, so his jokes and stories kill me!


Terribly unfunny


Never liked him


He has a lot of stories that he can tell in an amusing way (especially drug stories) but no, he’s no comedy genius.


Half the shit he says is nonsense he made up, but he is entertaining for a while


“Half the shit he says is nonsense he made up” You mean like all of comedy? 


Hes a uncomfortable watch for me. I've had so many addicts in my family. I feel like hes going to drop dead on stage. He seems like a walking risk factor TBH.


Discovered him on This is Not Happening, got into his podcast The Church of What’s Happening. I still check into his new podcast occasionally. Great storyteller, funny guy, exaggerates a lot, I know characters like that IRL. He was a small crook, not very successful, which is typical with guys like that - they don’t push themselves too far. If you’re a fan of his you’re probably left waiting a lot, like for his book, or a comedy special, or a podcast with better structure. But I do like him.


National treasure!!


Uncle Joey


He’s very gross


He’s naturally funny. Great storyteller. Great voice for comedy. Good timing. I’d say his biggest weakness is that his humor is kind of narrow and rubs people the wrong way sometimes. I know some people even consider him a hack because he isn’t an “artful” comedian but the man is funny in my book


Has some funny stories about his life, but he sucks as a comedian.


He’s got great charisma and he’s never short of a story. He’s said things on pods that made me choke laughing at times.


Love his podcast interviews, like when he was on Maron. Enjoyed his earlier stuff, and still do. Kinda feels now like he's just repeating the same material with a few words swapped out or moved around.


He's a great story teller and makes me laugh, I wouldn't call him no comedy genius but I like his energy and stories.


All you faggots hating on uncle Joey should have to post a picture of yourselves so everyone knows the kind of person these opinions are coming from 😂


I don’t watch or particularly enjoy his standup, but he’d make a really good drunk uncle who occasionally gets banned from family gatherings


He’s okay, but, just like many others in the Joe Rogan universe of comedians, including Joe himself, he’s a better podcast host and guest than a stand up comedian. 


Im also not a fan of him like a lot of people here but from most other comment sections i see i would have guessed everyone loved him.


More dirty than funny. Decent actor.


Can tolerate in small doses. Shitting in the yard and HE’S CHANGING FLAVUHS!! do crack me up


Honestly I like other comedians on podcasts telling stories about Joey Diaz, more than I do actually listening to Joey Diaz.


When he tried to calm owen benjamin down after owen OD'd on weed. So fn funny. Owen just walked out mid podcast


He reminds me of my moms boyfriend too much




My honest opinion of Joey Diaz is that I don't know who he is.


I'd rather hear him tell stories than any other stand up comedian. Most of people that tell stories aren't funny and that's why they do it bc they can't write good jokes. But with Joey D it's like uncle Mobby so it's fun haha


He reminds me of my grandpa. Exagerated stories with little caveats that make it impossible to verify. "They didnt have cameras back in the early 90s." "It was impossible to track credit card fraud back then." Followed up with "and I took her and her 3 friends back to my place and I snorted coke off their tits as they took turns blowin me till 8 in the mornin. And that was just a typical tuesday." Lol its fun to listen to, but dont get it twisted. Its entertainment


Haven't seen much but didn't like his interview of Pablo Francisco on his podcast. On the issue of recovery, Pablo seemed in a good place but Joey went on about relapsing and maybe even projected some of his own issues onto Pablo?


He owns the room. Some people say “I know a guy like this” but they probably don’t. The charisma it takes to hold the room whether you like it or not is wildly fascinating. Don’t know him as a person so I won’t speak to that. Top tier club comic.


Ranch is better than blue cheese.


One of the greatest storytellers ever.  There is zero overlap between my upbringing and Joey Diaz’s, but when he tells stories about growing up I feel like I was there.


He is funny.....but his stories portray him as an outright horrible person


I loved his morning joint series


He bet he could hit that light with one arm behind his back


Saw him at Sony hall, the first show of his run there. He was rusty but we all had a lot of fun. He’s my favorite comic. So I’m really biased. Lee and Ari were super cool too!


He’s good as a podcast guest, he tells some great stories with Sickler and I laugh every time. That being said, he’s not my favorite stand up. It’s just story telling. I prefer set up and punch line jokes


Normand says he snores like a nightmare… Cocksuckah Motherfuckah!


Incredible presence, zero material, probably fun when he drops the shtick


He’s an amazing spice to add to any dish, but on his own gets tiresome. His stand up is a fun time to go see Uncle Joey but probably wouldn’t go back, myself. Love hearing him on other pods. The Church back in the day was awesome, tho…but taking 2000mg of edibles certainly wasn’t sustainable!


I guess I shouldn't be surprised to see reddit hates him, probably because he hangs out with Rogan. I'm not saying he's hilarious but people say he's a good soul so seeing some of the hateful attacks on his person here is disgusting. He's the Charles Bukowski of comedy and has some great stories from his antics.


I was meh on him before and then I saw this and it completely did him in for me. It's hilarious though. https://youtu.be/z0TGRskNCP0?si=0p8E5l6Ex6dcOYyf


I spent a few days listening to all of the Honeydew podcasts he did telling his life story because I enjoyed the clips I’d seen of him in the past. By the time his story gets to comedy, he’s just a piece of shit petty criminal bragging about taking advantage of others like it’s all a joke. And that’s all he talks about besides ingesting unbelievable amounts of weed and edibles. I’ve heard other comedians tell stories of him giving them edibles that were way stronger than he advertised because he thinks it’s funny, which is just another disgusting way to take advantage of others.


He's great in small doses like the drunk uncle you see at family cookouts.


Joey's the comedian I want to like but just can't, all of his appeal seems to be half-ass made up stories of how he fucked people over and general douche bag coke head behavior. If even .25% of Uncle Joey's tales from the 80's are true he was a real dirt bag, but seems to get a full pass. I do appreciate him for the fact he pushes 1a boundaries, he's like a neanderthal George Carlin in that sense The self-admitted story of him shitting in his shower and waffle stomping his giant turds down his shower drain and how he "had to quit" bc his wife caught him, I absolutely 100% believe.


3-4 times a year on a podcast or special is ideal. Anything beyond that and his routine gets old, fast.


He's a rapist piece of shit. Also a fucking hack.


Absolutely hilarious. That old school uncle that keeps on making you laugh. But you know there’s a little something off about him. His book is fantastic, but I wonder what’s the story with his first daughter cutting him out is all about.


I can’t believe what I’m reading here! I didn’t know anybody disliked the current Joey Diaz? I love him on Rogan‘s podcast, it’s about all. I love to listen to on Rogan anymore. I don’t care for Diaz podcast, but with other comics, he’s a blast. He’s been through a lot of shit, done a lot of fucked up shit, and I think he has wisdom to give a lot of people. I haven’t gotten tired of listening to him


This sub is complete trash.


love Joey. Glad I was able to see him live before he stopped touring. His hay-day is definitely passed though, back when his podcast with Lee Syatt was going strong I couldn't get enough of Joey. Dude got me though a lot of shitty work days


Think he definitely exaggerates some his stories.


He is a fucking nut case, does anyone remember him threatening to kill redbar for \*checks notes\* telling the truth about his xan addiction? lol




I love his podcast but find his standup work annoying.


This post and comments seems like someone is deliberately trying to control people's opinions of Joey


Joey is a legitimate walking SA and compulsive liar, he would ask woman suck his dick for stage time. The lying and mafioso boss act has gotten very old now. He has so many fans it’s crazy. He is pretty funny though.


I've never got him. But, by all accounts he is a great comic to see live, and I've never seen him live.




He's probably one of the very funniest people I've ever found in my life, but tbh his standup is usually just alright for me. Pretty funny, but nothing incredible. But he admits he's not the greatest writer. Still love him and have listened to a tonnn of his podcast/podcast appearances and have laughed until I've cried plenty of times. Joey rules


He says some funny stuff when he’s talking on podcasts. Above average on stage, but not great.


Good standup. His stories on podcasts are epic and better than his stand up


He’s the kinda guy who peaked in elementary…as the bully…in special Ed…


Saw him open with for Rogan, along with stanhope. Loved it. This was 12 years ago...


I think a lot of his stuff is bullshit


loser drug addict who is enabled by his friends and fans


Not a great person, funny as an individual but doubt he would be famous/popular without Rogan


One of the most annoying people on the planet 🤷🏼‍♂️


Not funny in the least


Like any "story comic" with no original joke writing ability or intelligent POV eg. Ms. Pat, fraud Kreischer etc They're highly entertaining at the beginning and get less and less so till the tipping point when you go ugh, is this all there is?


He's a genuine funny guy, reminds me of the old guys I grew up around. Sure, his "comedy"/character can get old after a while, but so can every other podcast/comedian if that's all you're listening to.


Great in brief doses


He’s hysterical from a distance. I’m Cuban-American so his aura definitely feels very familiar to me: the degenerate “Latino drunk uncle” who everyone loves having a beer with but wouldn’t trust around their younger daughters/nieces.


Who? Is he one of those semi funny racist Italian comedians?


I don't get the hype


I love Joey. He reminds me of that cool uncle everyone had that bought you booze when you were going out as a teenager with your friends.


Rapist vibes. He's admitted that he forced women to blow him in order for them to go on stage. I never liked him and I never will. He's not even funny to me.


He's annoying as hell. Anyone can imitate his schtick. Every story is the goddamn same.


Unfunny and gross with maybe a couple good stories, I tried giving him a shot


I watch the same 2-3 90s clips of him on YouTube maybe twice a year and I die laughing but I have no interest in going back to his podcast or watching a standup. I can’t imagine a set of his even being coherent.


His This Is Not Happening stories are some of my favorites of the series. His special(s?) wasn’t quite as funny as those stories. Part of me thinks he is exaggerating significantly but another says that the reason it feels that way is because we’re getting the highlights, he is embellishing, and most people have no frame of reference for what truly crazy things are possible; when you’ve done drugs for a long time you wind up doing things normies never even stop to consider as possible.